So Where Are The Limits of the Scope of the Federal Judiciary's Power?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Trump did something that is expressly given to the President of the USA to control exclusively and that is the right to control diplomacy and deny anyone from entering our country. This is expressly given to the President by law as well.

The courts have the authority to review laws, not diplomacy and is part of the balance of power among the three branches.

But here is the 9th circuit courts decision to deny Trumps DOJ appeal on the travel ban stay and no where in it does it address the Constitutional power of the the President to do this, nor does it explain why it feels it has the authority to review this EO in the first place. The refused to reverse the lower court because they believe that the Trump EO is without merit, i.e it is a bad policy/decision, something the court is not given the authority to even consider.

So where is the limit then on the courts power? We have had federal judges raise taxes on citizens, issue sweeping orders on school districts and how states conduct their every move, and now they have control and review of foreign policy too?

The Constitution gives the Executive branch and the Congressional branch the ability to reign in these little Nazi dictators and that is through impeachment and re-ordering the courts.

It is long past time for the rest of the Federal government outside of the Judicial Branch to start prune that branch back down to the lesser of the three federal branches it was always intended to be.
So what is to prevent a federal judge from say ordering taxes to be raised?
No one seems to be able to show ANY limits whatsoever to Judicial Reign.

The Constitution gives the Judiciary LAST PLACE among the three branches of our federali government.

So how did it get to being the OVER-RIDING BRANCH of our federali government?

More importantly, how the hell do we roll it back?

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