So, where do Republicans fit on the intelligence scale?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009

Their leading candidate is a birther
Their second leading candidate is a creationist
Looks like Trump will choose a woman as his running mate after all

People become more conservative with age. As we get older we grow in knowledge, so...
Where do Republicans fit on the intelligence scale?

The poll by the Democratic-leaning firm found that 49 percent of Republicans said they do not believe in evolution while 37 percent said they do believe in evolution. Another 13 percent said they were not sure.
I was curious about the specific wording of the question, which turned out to be
quite straightforward: “Do you believe in evolution or not?” A 49% plurality of Republicans said they do not.
This is obviously only one survey, though the results are roughly in line with what we’ve seen
from other pollsters. Indeed, the evidence suggests support for evolutionary biology among Republicans has actually dropped in recent years.

63% of Republicans do not believe in evolution
Paul Krugman had a good piece on this last year.

The point … is that Republicans are being driven to identify in all ways with their tribe – and the tribal belief system is dominated by anti-science fundamentalists. For some time now it has been impossible to be a good Republicans while believing in the reality of climate change; now it’s impossible to be a good Republican while believing in evolution.
:lol: Ted Cruz is a Foreigner! :lol:
:lol: Ben Carson is Black & can't do math! :lol:
:lol: Carly Fiorina ia a Woman that failed at business! :lol:
:lol: Donald Trump is a Birther that got smacked down by Obama! :lol:
:lol: Big Spending Foreigner loving Marco Rubio can't balance a budget! :lol:

:lol: Repubtard Apes are flinging all their feces at the wall to see if something will stick! :lol:
The leading Republican candidate for President


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