So Which Party is Moving Farther from Mainstream America?

Flyover states don't matter?!
That is correct.
Brilliant strategy there. I've little doubt you're a Democrat in good standing. Jesus, are you guys in trouble.
No, we aren't. Learn politics, and demographics.
Learn math: Repubicans will hold more seats at the federal and state level in living memory. 31 - 18 governorships, 54 - 44 Senate, and 247 - 188 House.

Politically, demographically and mathematically, Democrats got trounced across-the-board.
Who cares? The defeat was expected dummy. Your defeat in 2016 is also expected. Learn why.
Who cares? The defeat was expected dummy. Your defeat in 2016 is also expected. Learn why.
Very few expected the degree of Republican victory. Somehow, I don't think you or Chris Matthews' legs are going to tingle at the thought of Hillary, Reid or Pelosi. Democrats have yet to hit bottom.
Which of the two major political parties is moving farther away from the concerns of mainstream America?

Stupid question.

As more and more Americans are "educated" at government schools , mainstream America is represented by government dependent parasites . Those parasites control BOTH parties.

No politician can be elected to power who does not pledge to support and defend the welfare/warfare police state.

Twice as many people voted in 2012 as did in 2014

Obama received more votes than all the Republlican Congressmen combined. If Conservatives think that somehow gives them a mandate over Obama they are sadly mistaken

Worse for Republicans is if they think they will carry over the margins they had in 2014 in to 2016

And in your book, of course, all of them really want Democrats.

Obviously Obama would have received more than Congressional combined...if not he would have lost.

In the house they might, depends on who runs for President. If the next President is republican, they will carry the margin. If not, they won't.
Which of the two major political parties is moving farther away from the concerns of mainstream America?
The party that has nothing but contempt for mainstream America; the democrat party.
Americans are as dumb as dog shit, contempt is therefore an accurate emotion.

That applies only to you, so reserve your contempt for yourself, dog shit.

Sorry shitboy, you'll have to up your game should you wish to play.
Which of the two major political parties is moving farther away from the concerns of mainstream America?

The party that has nothing but contempt for mainstream America; the democrat party.

I am a "Democrat", I belong to the "Democratic" Party

The democrat party is worthy of contempt, if for no other reason than for being a magnet for asswipes like Pretentiousdouchehouse.
Magnet? No, I just prefer my bastards to yours, mine are better but still major fuckups.
Which of the two major political parties is moving farther away from the concerns of mainstream America?
The party that has nothing but contempt for mainstream America; the democrat party.
Americans are as dumb as dog shit, contempt is therefore an accurate emotion.

That applies only to you, so reserve your contempt for yourself, dog shit.

Sorry shitboy, you'll have to up your game should you wish to play.

No one is "playing" with you, dog shit, just treating you with the disdain you deserve. Now, don't you have a fucking yourself to go to?
Which of the two major political parties is moving farther away from the concerns of mainstream America?
The party that has nothing but contempt for mainstream America; the democrat party.
Americans are as dumb as dog shit, contempt is therefore an accurate emotion.

That applies only to you, so reserve your contempt for yourself, dog shit.

Sorry shitboy, you'll have to up your game should you wish to play.

No one is "playing" with you, dog shit, just treating you with the disdain you deserve. Now, don't you have a fucking yourself to go to?
What you hold is your own poo shitboy. Carry on.
The party that has nothing but contempt for mainstream America; the democrat party.
Americans are as dumb as dog shit, contempt is therefore an accurate emotion.

That applies only to you, so reserve your contempt for yourself, dog shit.

Sorry shitboy, you'll have to up your game should you wish to play.

No one is "playing" with you, dog shit, just treating you with the disdain you deserve. Now, don't you have a fucking yourself to go to?
What you hold is your own poo shitboy. Carry on.

Keep playing with yourself, dog shit.
Americans are as dumb as dog shit, contempt is therefore an accurate emotion.

That applies only to you, so reserve your contempt for yourself, dog shit.

Sorry shitboy, you'll have to up your game should you wish to play.

No one is "playing" with you, dog shit, just treating you with the disdain you deserve. Now, don't you have a fucking yourself to go to?
What you hold is your own poo shitboy. Carry on.
Keep playing with yourself, dog shit.
I plan to. I enjoy quality time with myself, and have for decades now. After bantering with you morons it's nice to actually do something of value, with Mr. Happy.
That applies only to you, so reserve your contempt for yourself, dog shit.

Sorry shitboy, you'll have to up your game should you wish to play.

No one is "playing" with you, dog shit, just treating you with the disdain you deserve. Now, don't you have a fucking yourself to go to?
What you hold is your own poo shitboy. Carry on.
Keep playing with yourself, dog shit.
I plan to. ...

It's all you're good for, dog shit.
It's a well known fact that the GOP has been drifing more and more right for the past couple decades now. The Democrats don't have any Teabaggers.

no, they just have the Black Panthers, the OWS, Answer commies, oh hell I could go on but why bother you're so brainwashed it's a waste of time
Which of the two major political parties is moving farther away from the concerns of mainstream America? Let's view the evidence:
Democratic Party
FDR...Truman...JFK...LBJ...Carter...Clinton's...Obama...Sharpton/ Holder/ Lee / Jackson / Warren
Republican Party
Trend line tells me Democrat's are left wing extremist who cannot gain confidence of hard working middle-class voters on the center of spectrum. They have steered blue ship too far left and made a deal with the devil after Ferguson and NYPD assassinations in order to pander to Black vote. Stick a fork in em...they done.

The DW nominate scale is a pretty well respected and commonly used measure of political polarization. It assigns a score to a given legislator based on their voting record, ranging from 1 to -1. One is extreme right wing, -1 is extreme left with 0 being an explicitly centrist view. And I think this image does a very good job of showing us the state of polarization:


The brown line at the top, the one that goes off the chart? That's Republican House political polarization toward the right wing extreme.
A three to one advantage in state legislatures is important data so why point this out to the oblivious?
It does not matter. They cannot change their extremist platform and views. They will become more radicalized and alienate more people. No fear. They know, but like true leftist they would rather go down in a ball of flames as an extremist element, rather than adjust views. These are "cause" people. It's about THEM, not the COUNTRY. They must feel good about themselves. Liberal narcissism and ego mania.

Republicans have been saying that for 20 years, yet they have lost 4 of the past 6 Presidential elections, and 5 of the last six Presidential popular votes.
A three to one advantage in state legislatures is important data so why point this out to the oblivious?
It does not matter. They cannot change their extremist platform and views. They will become more radicalized and alienate more people. No fear. They know, but like true leftist they would rather go down in a ball of flames as an extremist element, rather than adjust views. These are "cause" people. It's about THEM, not the COUNTRY. They must feel good about themselves. Liberal narcissism and ego mania.

Republicans have been saying that for 20 years, yet they have lost 4 of the past 6 Presidential elections, and 5 of the last six Presidential popular votes.
Not about state legislatures because that hasn't been true since the 1920s. As a fellow Floridian I am sure you share my shock that the local Ds are so screwed up they couldn't defeat Scott in two attempts. It would be hard to find an unindicted, unconvicted candidate of either party with even half as much baggage as Scott winning even in a wave election like 2010 and 2014. That is as severe a degree of disarray as has been seen since the 1930s.

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