So Which Was More Embarrassing?,Rubio's Water Break Or Hillary's "Pee Pee Break"?

And remember how they ridiculed Marco Rubio for taking a sip of water? Oh yah, that was the end of his career according to NBC/ABC/CNN and the rest. So how will leftist media outlets judge Hillary taking a pee break and coming back a little too late? But can you imagine if any of the GOP went for a bathroom break during their debates and returned about 1 or 2 minutes after the commercial break?
Cruz man, eh? Why remind us of an incident that nearly sank Rubio's career? You Republicans seem to really love eating your own! I guess eating all those RINOs gets the blood lust up. :death:
And remember how they ridiculed Marco Rubio for taking a sip of water? Oh yah, that was the end of his career according to NBC/ABC/CNN and the rest. So how will leftist media outlets judge Hillary taking a pee break and coming back a little too late? But can you imagine if any of the GOP went for a bathroom break during their debates and returned about 1 or 2 minutes after the commercial break?
Cruz man, eh? Why remind us of an incident that nearly sank Rubio's career? You Republicans seem to really love eating your own! I guess eating all those RINOs gets the blood lust up. :death:
i would love to see Christie grab his 32 oz of Diet Dr.Pepper when hes off camera, and then hes back on camera sucking on the straw.
:oops-28::piss2: And remember how they ridiculed Marco Rubio for taking a sip of water?
{was that two years ago?}. Oh yah, that was the end of his career according to NBC/ABC/CNN and the rest. So how will leftist media outlets judge Hillary taking a pee break and coming back a little too late? But can you imagine if any of the GOP went for a bathroom break during their debates and returned about 1 or 2 minutes after the commercial break?
So who gets the last laugh this time? Hillary fans or Rubio fans? :poke:
That we give career politicians time of day, embarrassing
Obviously Hillary. It shattered her fake-accent 'I'm just like you / I'm one of you' propaganda and exposed her as an elitist who is too good to share a bathroom. Too bad all they had for bathrooms wasn't a transgendered / multi-sex bathroom....then her and Bernie could have had / used side-by-side urinals... :p

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