So while we're busy defending Ukraine, Americans are being kidnapped right across the southern border

Is this really a problem? I mean our illustrious President has been told about this, but his press secretary has declined to answer questions. Maybe President Joe will trade them some drug cartel members we have in exchange for those kidnapped Americans?

"The four Americans kidnapped in Mexico had crossed over the border to get medicine, the Mexican president revealed Monday, as new details emerged about the moment they were taken.

The US citizens came from Texas before they got caught in the crossfire and were abducted, officials said. At least one Mexican citizen was killed in the broad daylight shooting...

...The four were riding in a white minivan with North Carolina license before getting shot on Friday shortly after they entered the dangerous city of Matamoros in Tamaulipas from Brownsville, Texas, the FBI San Antonio Division office said Sunday...

..The identities of the four kidnapped victims were not revealed as of Monday afternoon, but a Mexican official told Reuters that three men and one woman were taken..."

Kidnapped Americans crossed border to buy medicine: Mexican president

We should send Operators in and wipe out the Cartel leaders and continue to do so every time another steps up until they get the message.
We should send Operators in and wipe out the Cartel leaders and continue to do so every time another steps up until they get the message.

Hellfire missile their asses first!
We know where they are.
Put Creech AFB on speed dial and drone their barbarian asses!!
Too bad American corporations with manufacturing in Mexico say no.
Fascism needs American martyrs. Mexican tummy tuck anyone??
They didn't. They crossed the border so the woman could get a tummy tuck at a discounted rate, but like usual, you run your mouth without having all the facts, end up looking like an ass, and do it all over again because you incapable of learning.

So instead of looking to buy medicines they were looking to buy surgery... my original point still stands, actually. Why is our system so awful that ANYONE would to into gang infested lawless places to get treatment?
FOX News has been covering the story all morning, but I haven't heard MSNBC touch on it yet. They're just hammering Trump non-stop. CNN is covering it.
The only reason they are covering it, is try to and make Biden look bad. We know damn well FOX news doesn't give F about 4 black folks being kidnapped in Mexico and your racist ass doesn't either.
Is this really a problem? I mean our illustrious President has been told about this, but his press secretary has declined to answer questions. Maybe President Joe will trade them some drug cartel members we have in exchange for those kidnapped Americans?

"The four Americans kidnapped in Mexico had crossed over the border to get medicine, the Mexican president revealed Monday, as new details emerged about the moment they were taken.

The US citizens came from Texas before they got caught in the crossfire and were abducted, officials said. At least one Mexican citizen was killed in the broad daylight shooting...

...The four were riding in a white minivan with North Carolina license before getting shot on Friday shortly after they entered the dangerous city of Matamoros in Tamaulipas from Brownsville, Texas, the FBI San Antonio Division office said Sunday...

..The identities of the four kidnapped victims were not revealed as of Monday afternoon, but a Mexican official told Reuters that three men and one woman were taken..."

Kidnapped Americans crossed border to buy medicine: Mexican president

And the reprehensible right attempts to exploit this for some perceived partisan gain.
So instead of looking to buy medicines they were looking to buy surgery... my original point still stands, actually. Why is our system so awful that ANYONE would to into gang infested lawless places to get treatment?
The majority of Elective surgeries has nothing to do with health. Do you think the US tax payer should have to fund someones tit job or liposuction ?
he majority of Elective surgeries has nothing to do with health. Do you think the US tax payer should have to fund someones tit job or liposuction ?

Well, this was a tummy tuck, and apparently she couldn't afford it here, so she went there.

So, um, yeah, even elective treatments are too expensive in this country.
Well, this was a tummy tuck, and apparently she couldn't afford it here, so she went there.

So, um, yeah, even elective treatments are too expensive in this country.
So you want to pay more taxes, to pay for it?
What good is medication people can not afford?
You do realize the manufacturer's of the medicine pays millions on research, before the medicine is available? Anyway, aren't you good with big pharma making billions off of the covid vaccine?
Is this really a problem? I mean our illustrious President has been told about this, but his press secretary has declined to answer questions. Maybe President Joe will trade them some drug cartel members we have in exchange for those kidnapped Americans?

"The four Americans kidnapped in Mexico had crossed over the border to get medicine, the Mexican president revealed Monday, as new details emerged about the moment they were taken.

The US citizens came from Texas before they got caught in the crossfire and were abducted, officials said. At least one Mexican citizen was killed in the broad daylight shooting...

...The four were riding in a white minivan with North Carolina license before getting shot on Friday shortly after they entered the dangerous city of Matamoros in Tamaulipas from Brownsville, Texas, the FBI San Antonio Division office said Sunday...

..The identities of the four kidnapped victims were not revealed as of Monday afternoon, but a Mexican official told Reuters that three men and one woman were taken..."

Kidnapped Americans crossed border to buy medicine: Mexican president


2 Americans murdered and POTUS and Congress can't give a fuck because there's no money to be made from it
You do realize the manufacturer's of the medicine pays millions on research, before the medicine is available? Anyway, aren't you good with big pharma making billions off of the covid vaccine?

Not at all but that's the way you have been trained to think.
Cosmetic surgery is not going to be covered by any kind of universal care. It isn't anywhere in the world.

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