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So...white jury isn't fair to black defendant; But Hispanic is fair to Trump???

1. I just reviewed the first couple of pages, and at no point did you argue that Trump was not being racist....


Quick! Come Quick!

There is a foolish lefty calling Trump a racist for wanting to ban muslims!!

Like he doesn't know that Muslim is a RELIGIOUS group and not a RACIAL group!!!

What a buffoon!

Hurry! Rush right over then and explain it to him. Because that is sooooo important to you..

Trump supporters: How are you punishing the Establishment?

Oh, and btw.



Quick! Come Quick!

There is a foolish lefty calling Trump a racist for wanting to ban muslims!!

Like he doesn't know that Muslim is a RELIGIOUS group and not a RACIAL group!!!

What a buffoon!

Hurry! Rush right over then and explain it to him. Because that is sooooo important to you..

Trump supporters: How are you punishing the Establishment?

Oh, and btw.

1. Nope. You were all about denying the contradiction between past lefty behavior and current lefty behavior. YOu were trying to say it was not a double standard because of whatever.

I do not post on "lefty behaviour", past, present or future. In fact I do not post on blanket labels at all -- that's for losers.

Prove me wrong, Loser.

2. People are often sloppy with ethnic/racial terms. These are distinctions without a difference. YOu are just trying to distract from the fact that you lefties are trying to operate a double standard here.

Ah, soon as YOU'RE proven wrong, it devolves to "semantics" again. "Oh I was being sloppy".
No, you were being WRONG, Loser. And you're too much a wimp to admit to it.

3. Nope. You are here carrying water for the Left, trying to have it both ways, so that current Race Card play can continue for the moment, till the next one.

I've demonstrated over and over and over, there is no "race card" here. BOTH the OP AND Mac tried to bring one in, and I shot them down. Bang bang. And I don't see them getting up.

Prove me wrong.

4. Cute the way you pretended to misunderstand and think that I was talking about you specifically instead of the hypocritical left in general. (with regard to Zimmerman trial)

Once again, proven wrong you wanna devolve into "being sloppy". "Oh silly me, I was employing a double fallacy of Composition and Hasty Generalization". And you're too much of a wimp to admit it.

So you CAN'T prove me wrong. You lose.

And by "cute" I mean dishonest.

And by "liar" I mean "liar". QED.
1. Nope. You were all about denying the contradiction between past lefty behavior and current lefty behavior. YOu were trying to say it was not a double standard because of whatever.

I do not post on "lefty behaviour", past, present or future. In fact I do not post on blanket labels at all -- that's for losers.

Prove me wrong, Loser.

2. People are often sloppy with ethnic/racial terms. These are distinctions without a difference. YOu are just trying to distract from the fact that you lefties are trying to operate a double standard here.

Ah, soon as YOU'RE proven wrong, it devolves to "semantics" again. "Oh I was being sloppy".
No, you were being WRONG, Loser. And you're too much a wimp to admit to it.

3. Nope. You are here carrying water for the Left, trying to have it both ways, so that current Race Card play can continue for the moment, till the next one.

I've demonstrated over and over and over, there is no "race card" here. BOTH the OP AND Mac tried to bring one in, and I shot them down. Bang bang. And I don't see them getting up.

Prove me wrong.

4. Cute the way you pretended to misunderstand and think that I was talking about you specifically instead of the hypocritical left in general. (with regard to Zimmerman trial)

Once again, proven wrong you wanna devolve into "being sloppy". "Oh silly me, I was employing a double fallacy of Composition and Hasty Generalization". And you're too much of a wimp to admit it.

So you CAN'T prove me wrong. You lose.

And by "cute" I mean dishonest.

And by "liar" I mean "liar". QED.

All you are doing it trying to defuse the obviously true accusation of blatant hypocrisy on the part of the Left for calling Trump racist over his comment about the Judge.

It is not me being sloppy about the terminology. It is just about everyone. INcluding the lefty who just called Trump a racist over the Muslim ban.

I provided a link.

I imagine you'll be jonny on the spot to ridicule him.

Since this is not about partisan advantage to you....


Now it's even worse!!

Now he tried to say that he was referring to Trump's MEXICAN comments when he said Trump was a racist.






Trump supporters: How are you punishing the Establishment?


All you are doing it trying to defuse the obviously true accusation of blatant hypocrisy on the part of the Left for calling Trump racist over his comment about the Judge.

Quote me where I "called Trump racist over his comment about the Judge".
---- Not some fake-label entity you make up because your mind is too juvenile to grasp the concept of "one" --- ME. Quote ME.

Is that beyond your comprehension?

It is not me being sloppy about the terminology. It is just about everyone. INcluding the lefty who just called Trump a racist over the Muslim ban.

:dunno: got nothing to do with me. Oh sorry, that's the concept of "one" again. Which is apparently over your head.

I provided a link.

Yay you. You're a whiner winner. We'll get a gold star right out to you.
Unfortunately it's got jack shit to do with anything here. Which you can't back out of so you're desperately trying to shunt off somewhere else. Ain't gonna happen.

I imagine you'll be jonny on the spot to ridicule him.

I don't have to do shit. How much you paying me? Exactly. Get this straight Goober -- *I* decide what threads I visit. Not you.
A) Are you serious? How many links do you want on the unfairness of white juries to black defendants? You want Washington Post, NY Times, SCOTUS or college professors???

B) If it doesn't matter....then why the fuck would a juror or judges white skin matter on whether Jerome murdered someone or not?

Congratulations....you've stumbled upon liberal hypocrisy.

So I was right --- "countless" does mean "zero".

Pogo....so sad.....there's hundreds. I'll start with CNN and Washington Post

Supreme Court's ruling on excluding blacks from juries fixes a racial wrong - CNN.com

How big of a difference does an all-white jury make? A leading expert explains.

You actually think that "Mexican" is a race?

From you own first link:

>> It ruled that prosecutors purposefully kept African-Americans off an all-white jury that sentenced a black man to death. <<​

--- you actually don't know the difference between a federal judge and a "jury of one's peers"?

From your own second link:

>> With the Supreme Court's Monday decision to make way for a new trial in a case involving a black man on death row for killing an elderly white woman, heard by an all-white Georgia jury which prosecutors intentionally formed.. <<​

What do you think "Hispanic" refers to when grouped with white and black on an application form? ... or are you suggesting that Trump's use of the word Mexican in describing the judge is in fact NOT racist at all, and therefore all this attempt to try label Trump as racist is inaccurate as nothing more than political spin?

"Mexican" isn't a race. It's a political term.
Rump may be a racist but this isn't evidence of it. It's more evidence of being a bigot, and much more to the point, evidence of being a demagogue asshole who traffics in emotional blusterfluff in lieu of intellect, since the dimmest wits can see that whether one's parents came from Mexico (or came out of their wherever) has no bearing whatsoever on whether a particular fraud case has a legal standing.

-- Which is not to say that he doesn't have intellect, but to say he doesn't think the people he's talking to do, and that they'll be intellectually shallow enough to buy it. And that's supreme arrogance.

As for those forms, I don't know or care where they're going. I have always refused to check those boxes anyway. I don't believe in labels.

Referring to someone as being Mexican is not the sign of someone being racist or a bigot, any more than it is to refer to a black individual as African American. Perhaps to those who believe in this political correctness crap looking to "create" an issue.. However, if he were to choose the use of a vulgar term that is demeaning to the person's heritage or background, you would have a point. That being said, I have yet to see Trump accurately quoted as using an ethnic slir in hatred condescending manner directly associated that individual's heritage. Rather, it appears Christians have more of a thicker skin to be more "tolerant" in handling all the associated ridicules that are thrown at them... maybe the rest of society can learn a thing or two from them.
I can provide countless links of liberals saying this....that white judges and jurors aren't fair to black defendants. Overwhelming evidence of this being claimed.

And libs....well....they believe it.

So....how can they then blame Trump for thinking his judge might be racially biased towards him???

Is this epic hypocrisy on the left? Or....are ONLY white judges and jurors capable of being biased??? One of the two must be true.

And the judge is a member of a la Raza associated legal group, and la Raza is a racist Hispanic movement based on the writings of Jose Vasconcelos

CDZ - The Hidden History of the La Raza or Chicano Movement
Bucs, I thought the exact same thing when a judge threw out a conviction because the jurors were white and yet a Latino can't be biased. Silent majority calls bullshit. Press 1 for English.
Trump 2016 ~ because a judge certainly can be biased.

Once again, since the OP ran away from this question -- what the fuck does the ethnicity of a judge's parents have to do with whether or not he has a valid case of fraud?? Is the definition of "fraud" different when your parents have vowels in their names or what?

The same as if the judge were a member of the KKK or just a Southern white conservative in the minds of liberals meaning he is a racist.

But la Raza is a racist organization and obvious reason to question the judges impartiality.
Uh, here in America, Hispanic/Latino skin color is usually referred to as "brown".

Much of my family would qualify, for example.

So are you being transparently obtuse, or do you really not know that?

Are you being transparently illiterate? The question was, and I quote myself, "WHERE did anyone even MENTION skin color?"
Where exactly do you see "brown" except in your own strawman? Far as I know not even Rump said "brown".

We sit, and we wait.....

Btw are you suggesting all Hispanics/Latinos are "brown"?

So you were being obtuse.

You didn't like my point, so you went obtuse.

No problem. I get that from wingers on both ends pretty consistently.


So you don't have the ko-honies to admit you created a strawman and got called on it.
Look at the title of the thread. Go ahead, look at it.

"white" "black" "Hispanic" -- those terms refer to race.

The term I used, and about which you're so offended -- "skin color" -- refers to race.

I can't make it any simpler or more obvious than that, regardless of how obtuse you are (or try to be).

:lol: Now you're trying to rewrite your own post?

Roll tape.

PC is a one-way street, only.

Skin color only matters when the Regressive Left can leverage it, only.

Always. Period.

Are you saying the OP is the "regressive left"? Is that it?



You is busted. Own it.

Btw you never answered about the idea that "all Hispanic/Latinos are brown".

Again ---- "Hispanic" is not a race:

adjective: Hispanic
  1. 1.
    of or relating to Spain or to Spanish-speaking countries, especially those of Latin America.
    • of or relating to Spanish-speaking people or their culture, especially in the US.
noun: Hispanic; plural noun: Hispanics
  1. 1.
    a Spanish-speaking person living in the US, especially one of Latin American descent.
"Latino" could include Portuguese, French and arguably, Papiamento.

But the fact remains, Rump didn't use the word "Hispanic" or "Latino" --- he said "Mexican".

The title of the OP is fucked up in myriad ways, as is the OP itself. I already blew that up. Taking "Mexican" to "Hispanic" is an illogical leap, as is taking either one to "brown". Unless someone is going to try to advance the theory that Rump wants the judge removed because he's "brown"? I look forward to that.

You might be surprised if you ever take the time to fully complete a job application form.

African Anerican

What question often is specifically asked before you check the appropriate box? It's used to describe an individual's what Pogo? The vast majority on this board I'm sure has already picked up on the association here, move on.
Why would Trump expect anything better from the La Raza judge, than he got from the La Raza Police Chief in San Jose:

According to the The San Jose Mercury News, San Jose Police Chief Eddie Garcia told reporters that it was more important to hold what he called their “skirmish line” than to stop the attacks on individual Donald Trump supporters during last Thursday’s “protests” (read: riot) outside the San Jose Convention Center.

Video showed protesters throwing traffic cones, water bottles and punches at Trump supporters. In one case, a protester’s Trump shirt was ripped off his back by a rioter, and in another, multiple rioters surrounded a car and kicked in its taillights.
“We are not an ‘occupying force’ and cannot reflect the chaotic tactics of the protesters,” Chief Garcia told reporters.

He said that unless the riot was “spiraling out of control,” he preferred to keep the skirmish line.

However, the chief’s impartiality was called into question when it was revealed he had been involved with the National Council of La Raza, a far left Hispanic organization whose supporters have frequently clashed with Trump.

BREAKING: Police Chief’s Real ID Found Out After Allowing Trump Fans to Be Beaten - World News Politics

Apparently Chief Garcia is more of a riot monitor.....

You actually think that "Mexican" is a race?

From you own first link:

>> It ruled that prosecutors purposefully kept African-Americans off an all-white jury that sentenced a black man to death. <<​

--- you actually don't know the difference between a federal judge and a "jury of one's peers"?

From your own second link:

>> With the Supreme Court's Monday decision to make way for a new trial in a case involving a black man on death row for killing an elderly white woman, heard by an all-white Georgia jury which prosecutors intentionally formed.. <<​

What do you think "Hispanic" refers to when grouped with white and black on an application form? ... or are you suggesting that Trump's use of the word Mexican in describing the judge is in fact NOT racist at all, and therefore all this attempt to try label Trump as racist is inaccurate as nothing more than political spin?

"Mexican" isn't a race. It's a political term.
Rump may be a racist but this isn't evidence of it. It's more evidence of being a bigot, and much more to the point, evidence of being a demagogue asshole who traffics in emotional blusterfluff in lieu of intellect, since the dimmest wits can see that whether one's parents came from Mexico (or came out of their wherever) has no bearing whatsoever on whether a particular fraud case has a legal standing.

-- Which is not to say that he doesn't have intellect, but to say he doesn't think the people he's talking to do, and that they'll be intellectually shallow enough to buy it. And that's supreme arrogance.

As for those forms, I don't know or care where they're going. I have always refused to check those boxes anyway. I don't believe in labels.

Referring to someone as being Mexican is not the sign of someone being racist or a bigot, any more than it is to refer to a black individual as African American. Perhaps to those who believe in this political correctness crap looking to "create" an issue.. However, if he were to choose the use of a vulgar term that is demeaning to the person's heritage or background, you would have a point.

Yeah that's nice little Johnny, now shut up and sit down, because that's not what I posted at all. Good luck trying to stuff words in other people's mouths, until they call you on it.

Once again for the slow readers, and for the 18th time, "Mexican" is not a race, nor is the term itself a slur. What's his reason then for bringing up an ethnicity --- historic nationality of his parents -- on a judge from fucking Indiana? Is it because he's too stupid to know the difference between Indiana and Mexico? Is it because he's too stupid to know that Mexicans can't be American judges? Is it because he's too stupid to know that being of Mexican heritage has no bearing on whether a fraud case can proceed or not?

None of the above. The heritage of a judge born in Indiana is irrelevant, and he knows it. It doesn't necessarily demonstrate HE (Rump) is a bigot --- it demonstrates that he's TAPPING that sentiment in his zombie followers who are, he suspects, too dim to figure out those "none of the above"s above. And judging by the blind Doublethink exhibited in this forum, he's right about that.

In other words, it's not "Mexicans" he's treating with contempt here --- it's his own sycophants. You remember --- the same ones he snarked that would still be zombifically following him even if he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue? The ones that keep droning "yes master, may I have another" regardless how stupid he makes them look?

---- GET IT YET? You're being played, like a three dollar banjo.

That being said, I have yet to see Trump accurately quoted as using an ethnic slir in hatred condescending manner directly associated that individual's heritage. Rather, it appears Christians have more of a thicker skin to be more "tolerant" in handling all the associated ridicules that are thrown at them... maybe the rest of society can learn a thing or two from them.

There isn't anything in any of this about "Christians". The point continues to sail way over your head.
Bucs, I thought the exact same thing when a judge threw out a conviction because the jurors were white and yet a Latino can't be biased. Silent majority calls bullshit. Press 1 for English.
Trump 2016 ~ because a judge certainly can be biased.

Once again, since the OP ran away from this question -- what the fuck does the ethnicity of a judge's parents have to do with whether or not he has a valid case of fraud?? Is the definition of "fraud" different when your parents have vowels in their names or what?

The same as if the judge were a member of the KKK or just a Southern white conservative in the minds of liberals meaning he is a racist.

But la Raza is a racist organization and obvious reason to question the judges impartiality.

I doubt that, especially considering the source, but that's not what Rump said --- he didn't say "Raza" ---- he said "Mexican"

"Mexican" is not analogous to the KKK on any planet, anywhere. This spin doesn't hunt.
Are you being transparently illiterate? The question was, and I quote myself, "WHERE did anyone even MENTION skin color?"
Where exactly do you see "brown" except in your own strawman? Far as I know not even Rump said "brown".

We sit, and we wait.....

Btw are you suggesting all Hispanics/Latinos are "brown"?

So you were being obtuse.

You didn't like my point, so you went obtuse.

No problem. I get that from wingers on both ends pretty consistently.


So you don't have the ko-honies to admit you created a strawman and got called on it.
Look at the title of the thread. Go ahead, look at it.

"white" "black" "Hispanic" -- those terms refer to race.

The term I used, and about which you're so offended -- "skin color" -- refers to race.

I can't make it any simpler or more obvious than that, regardless of how obtuse you are (or try to be).

:lol: Now you're trying to rewrite your own post?

Roll tape.

PC is a one-way street, only.

Skin color only matters when the Regressive Left can leverage it, only.

Always. Period.

Are you saying the OP is the "regressive left"? Is that it?



You is busted. Own it.

Btw you never answered about the idea that "all Hispanic/Latinos are brown".

Again ---- "Hispanic" is not a race:

adjective: Hispanic
  1. 1.
    of or relating to Spain or to Spanish-speaking countries, especially those of Latin America.
    • of or relating to Spanish-speaking people or their culture, especially in the US.
noun: Hispanic; plural noun: Hispanics
  1. 1.
    a Spanish-speaking person living in the US, especially one of Latin American descent.
"Latino" could include Portuguese, French and arguably, Papiamento.

But the fact remains, Rump didn't use the word "Hispanic" or "Latino" --- he said "Mexican".

The title of the OP is fucked up in myriad ways, as is the OP itself. I already blew that up. Taking "Mexican" to "Hispanic" is an illogical leap, as is taking either one to "brown". Unless someone is going to try to advance the theory that Rump wants the judge removed because he's "brown"? I look forward to that.

You might be surprised if you ever take the time to fully complete a job application form.

African Anerican

What question often is specifically asked before you check the appropriate box? It's used to describe an individual's what Pogo? The vast majority on this board I'm sure has already picked up on the association here, move on.

I don't know what question that is, because as noted before I've always refused to check those demographic questions. You forgot to note that the last choice on that list is always "Refused", and that's where I go, because I don't believe in that shit.

And NONE of the categories you list above is a nationality. Not one. So you're trying to deflect, and it won't work.

You actually think that "Mexican" is a race?

From you own first link:

>> It ruled that prosecutors purposefully kept African-Americans off an all-white jury that sentenced a black man to death. <<​

--- you actually don't know the difference between a federal judge and a "jury of one's peers"?

From your own second link:

>> With the Supreme Court's Monday decision to make way for a new trial in a case involving a black man on death row for killing an elderly white woman, heard by an all-white Georgia jury which prosecutors intentionally formed.. <<​

What do you think "Hispanic" refers to when grouped with white and black on an application form? ... or are you suggesting that Trump's use of the word Mexican in describing the judge is in fact NOT racist at all, and therefore all this attempt to try label Trump as racist is inaccurate as nothing more than political spin?

"Mexican" isn't a race. It's a political term.
Rump may be a racist but this isn't evidence of it. It's more evidence of being a bigot, and much more to the point, evidence of being a demagogue asshole who traffics in emotional blusterfluff in lieu of intellect, since the dimmest wits can see that whether one's parents came from Mexico (or came out of their wherever) has no bearing whatsoever on whether a particular fraud case has a legal standing.

-- Which is not to say that he doesn't have intellect, but to say he doesn't think the people he's talking to do, and that they'll be intellectually shallow enough to buy it. And that's supreme arrogance.

As for those forms, I don't know or care where they're going. I have always refused to check those boxes anyway. I don't believe in labels.

Referring to someone as being Mexican is not the sign of someone being racist or a bigot, any more than it is to refer to a black individual as African American. Perhaps to those who believe in this political correctness crap looking to "create" an issue.. However, if he were to choose the use of a vulgar term that is demeaning to the person's heritage or background, you would have a point.

Yeah that's nice little Johnny, now shut up and sit down, because that's not what I posted at all. Good luck trying to stuff words in other people's mouths, until they call you on it.

Once again for the slow readers, and for the 18th time, "Mexican" is not a race, nor is the term itself a slur. What's his reason then for bringing up an ethnicity --- historic nationality of his parents -- on a judge from fucking Indiana? Is it because he's too stupid to know the difference between Indiana and Mexico? Is it because he's too stupid to know that Mexicans can't be American judges? Is it because he's too stupid to know that being of Mexican heritage has no bearing on whether a fraud case can proceed or not?

None of the above. The heritage of a judge born in Indiana is irrelevant, and he knows it. It doesn't necessarily demonstrate HE (Rump) is a bigot --- it demonstrates that he's TAPPING that sentiment in his zombie followers who are, he suspects, too dim to figure out those "none of the above"s above. And judging by the blind Doublethink exhibited in this forum, he's right about that.

In other words, it's not "Mexicans" he's treating with contempt here --- it's his own sycophants. You remember --- the same ones he snarked that would still be zombifically following him even if he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue? The ones that keep droning "yes master, may I have another" regardless how stupid he makes them look?

---- GET IT YET? You're being played, like a three dollar banjo.

That being said, I have yet to see Trump accurately quoted as using an ethnic slir in hatred condescending manner directly associated that individual's heritage. Rather, it appears Christians have more of a thicker skin to be more "tolerant" in handling all the associated ridicules that are thrown at them... maybe the rest of society can learn a thing or two from them.

There isn't anything in any of this about "Christians". The point continues to sail way over your head.

Your response stated
" Rump may be a racist but this isn't evidence of it. It's more evidence of being a bigot"

Referring to an individual from that region as Mexican is neither racist NOR does it make the individual a bigot, any more than referring to a individual who is black as African American. My previous response stands, as you are now in over your head.
You actually think that "Mexican" is a race?

From you own first link:

>> It ruled that prosecutors purposefully kept African-Americans off an all-white jury that sentenced a black man to death. <<​

--- you actually don't know the difference between a federal judge and a "jury of one's peers"?

From your own second link:

>> With the Supreme Court's Monday decision to make way for a new trial in a case involving a black man on death row for killing an elderly white woman, heard by an all-white Georgia jury which prosecutors intentionally formed.. <<​

What do you think "Hispanic" refers to when grouped with white and black on an application form? ... or are you suggesting that Trump's use of the word Mexican in describing the judge is in fact NOT racist at all, and therefore all this attempt to try label Trump as racist is inaccurate as nothing more than political spin?

"Mexican" isn't a race. It's a political term.
Rump may be a racist but this isn't evidence of it. It's more evidence of being a bigot, and much more to the point, evidence of being a demagogue asshole who traffics in emotional blusterfluff in lieu of intellect, since the dimmest wits can see that whether one's parents came from Mexico (or came out of their wherever) has no bearing whatsoever on whether a particular fraud case has a legal standing.

-- Which is not to say that he doesn't have intellect, but to say he doesn't think the people he's talking to do, and that they'll be intellectually shallow enough to buy it. And that's supreme arrogance.

As for those forms, I don't know or care where they're going. I have always refused to check those boxes anyway. I don't believe in labels.

Referring to someone as being Mexican is not the sign of someone being racist or a bigot, any more than it is to refer to a black individual as African American. Perhaps to those who believe in this political correctness crap looking to "create" an issue.. However, if he were to choose the use of a vulgar term that is demeaning to the person's heritage or background, you would have a point.

Yeah that's nice little Johnny, now shut up and sit down, because that's not what I posted at all. Good luck trying to stuff words in other people's mouths, until they call you on it.

Once again for the slow readers, and for the 18th time, "Mexican" is not a race, nor is the term itself a slur. What's his reason then for bringing up an ethnicity --- historic nationality of his parents -- on a judge from fucking Indiana? Is it because he's too stupid to know the difference between Indiana and Mexico? Is it because he's too stupid to know that Mexicans can't be American judges? Is it because he's too stupid to know that being of Mexican heritage has no bearing on whether a fraud case can proceed or not?

None of the above. The heritage of a judge born in Indiana is irrelevant, and he knows it. It doesn't necessarily demonstrate HE (Rump) is a bigot --- it demonstrates that he's TAPPING that sentiment in his zombie followers who are, he suspects, too dim to figure out those "none of the above"s above. And judging by the blind Doublethink exhibited in this forum, he's right about that.

In other words, it's not "Mexicans" he's treating with contempt here --- it's his own sycophants. You remember --- the same ones he snarked that would still be zombifically following him even if he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue? The ones that keep droning "yes master, may I have another" regardless how stupid he makes them look?

---- GET IT YET? You're being played, like a three dollar banjo.

That being said, I have yet to see Trump accurately quoted as using an ethnic slir in hatred condescending manner directly associated that individual's heritage. Rather, it appears Christians have more of a thicker skin to be more "tolerant" in handling all the associated ridicules that are thrown at them... maybe the rest of society can learn a thing or two from them.

There isn't anything in any of this about "Christians". The point continues to sail way over your head.

Your response stated
" Rump may be a racist but this isn't evidence of it. It's more evidence of being a bigot"

Referring to an individual from that region as Mexican is neither racist NOR does it make the individual a bigot, any more than referring to a individual who is black as African American. My previous response stands, as you are now in over your head.

Individuals from the region of Indiana are not generally referred to as "Mexicans".

Need a life preserver?

What do you think "Hispanic" refers to when grouped with white and black on an application form? ... or are you suggesting that Trump's use of the word Mexican in describing the judge is in fact NOT racist at all, and therefore all this attempt to try label Trump as racist is inaccurate as nothing more than political spin?

"Mexican" isn't a race. It's a political term.
Rump may be a racist but this isn't evidence of it. It's more evidence of being a bigot, and much more to the point, evidence of being a demagogue asshole who traffics in emotional blusterfluff in lieu of intellect, since the dimmest wits can see that whether one's parents came from Mexico (or came out of their wherever) has no bearing whatsoever on whether a particular fraud case has a legal standing.

-- Which is not to say that he doesn't have intellect, but to say he doesn't think the people he's talking to do, and that they'll be intellectually shallow enough to buy it. And that's supreme arrogance.

As for those forms, I don't know or care where they're going. I have always refused to check those boxes anyway. I don't believe in labels.

Referring to someone as being Mexican is not the sign of someone being racist or a bigot, any more than it is to refer to a black individual as African American. Perhaps to those who believe in this political correctness crap looking to "create" an issue.. However, if he were to choose the use of a vulgar term that is demeaning to the person's heritage or background, you would have a point.

Yeah that's nice little Johnny, now shut up and sit down, because that's not what I posted at all. Good luck trying to stuff words in other people's mouths, until they call you on it.

Once again for the slow readers, and for the 18th time, "Mexican" is not a race, nor is the term itself a slur. What's his reason then for bringing up an ethnicity --- historic nationality of his parents -- on a judge from fucking Indiana? Is it because he's too stupid to know the difference between Indiana and Mexico? Is it because he's too stupid to know that Mexicans can't be American judges? Is it because he's too stupid to know that being of Mexican heritage has no bearing on whether a fraud case can proceed or not?

None of the above. The heritage of a judge born in Indiana is irrelevant, and he knows it. It doesn't necessarily demonstrate HE (Rump) is a bigot --- it demonstrates that he's TAPPING that sentiment in his zombie followers who are, he suspects, too dim to figure out those "none of the above"s above. And judging by the blind Doublethink exhibited in this forum, he's right about that.

In other words, it's not "Mexicans" he's treating with contempt here --- it's his own sycophants. You remember --- the same ones he snarked that would still be zombifically following him even if he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue? The ones that keep droning "yes master, may I have another" regardless how stupid he makes them look?

---- GET IT YET? You're being played, like a three dollar banjo.

That being said, I have yet to see Trump accurately quoted as using an ethnic slir in hatred condescending manner directly associated that individual's heritage. Rather, it appears Christians have more of a thicker skin to be more "tolerant" in handling all the associated ridicules that are thrown at them... maybe the rest of society can learn a thing or two from them.

There isn't anything in any of this about "Christians". The point continues to sail way over your head.

Your response stated
" Rump may be a racist but this isn't evidence of it. It's more evidence of being a bigot"

Referring to an individual from that region as Mexican is neither racist NOR does it make the individual a bigot, any more than referring to a individual who is black as African American. My previous response stands, as you are now in over your head.

Individuals from the region of Indiana are not generally referred to as "Mexicans".

Need a life preserver?


We DO find black Americans who are referred to as African Americans in this country.

You're simply not smart enough to dig yourself out of this Pogo. Just do everyone here a favor and move on.
"Mexican" isn't a race. It's a political term.
Rump may be a racist but this isn't evidence of it. It's more evidence of being a bigot, and much more to the point, evidence of being a demagogue asshole who traffics in emotional blusterfluff in lieu of intellect, since the dimmest wits can see that whether one's parents came from Mexico (or came out of their wherever) has no bearing whatsoever on whether a particular fraud case has a legal standing.

-- Which is not to say that he doesn't have intellect, but to say he doesn't think the people he's talking to do, and that they'll be intellectually shallow enough to buy it. And that's supreme arrogance.

As for those forms, I don't know or care where they're going. I have always refused to check those boxes anyway. I don't believe in labels.

Referring to someone as being Mexican is not the sign of someone being racist or a bigot, any more than it is to refer to a black individual as African American. Perhaps to those who believe in this political correctness crap looking to "create" an issue.. However, if he were to choose the use of a vulgar term that is demeaning to the person's heritage or background, you would have a point.

Yeah that's nice little Johnny, now shut up and sit down, because that's not what I posted at all. Good luck trying to stuff words in other people's mouths, until they call you on it.

Once again for the slow readers, and for the 18th time, "Mexican" is not a race, nor is the term itself a slur. What's his reason then for bringing up an ethnicity --- historic nationality of his parents -- on a judge from fucking Indiana? Is it because he's too stupid to know the difference between Indiana and Mexico? Is it because he's too stupid to know that Mexicans can't be American judges? Is it because he's too stupid to know that being of Mexican heritage has no bearing on whether a fraud case can proceed or not?

None of the above. The heritage of a judge born in Indiana is irrelevant, and he knows it. It doesn't necessarily demonstrate HE (Rump) is a bigot --- it demonstrates that he's TAPPING that sentiment in his zombie followers who are, he suspects, too dim to figure out those "none of the above"s above. And judging by the blind Doublethink exhibited in this forum, he's right about that.

In other words, it's not "Mexicans" he's treating with contempt here --- it's his own sycophants. You remember --- the same ones he snarked that would still be zombifically following him even if he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue? The ones that keep droning "yes master, may I have another" regardless how stupid he makes them look?

---- GET IT YET? You're being played, like a three dollar banjo.

That being said, I have yet to see Trump accurately quoted as using an ethnic slir in hatred condescending manner directly associated that individual's heritage. Rather, it appears Christians have more of a thicker skin to be more "tolerant" in handling all the associated ridicules that are thrown at them... maybe the rest of society can learn a thing or two from them.

There isn't anything in any of this about "Christians". The point continues to sail way over your head.

Your response stated
" Rump may be a racist but this isn't evidence of it. It's more evidence of being a bigot"

Referring to an individual from that region as Mexican is neither racist NOR does it make the individual a bigot, any more than referring to a individual who is black as African American. My previous response stands, as you are now in over your head.

Individuals from the region of Indiana are not generally referred to as "Mexicans".

Need a life preserver?


We DO find black Americans who are referred to as African Americans in this country.

You're simply not smart enough to dig yourself out of this Pogo. Just do everyone here a favor and move on.

Aaaaaaand right back to race again. All righty then....
You actually think that "Mexican" is a race?

From you own first link:

>> It ruled that prosecutors purposefully kept African-Americans off an all-white jury that sentenced a black man to death. <<​

--- you actually don't know the difference between a federal judge and a "jury of one's peers"?

From your own second link:

>> With the Supreme Court's Monday decision to make way for a new trial in a case involving a black man on death row for killing an elderly white woman, heard by an all-white Georgia jury which prosecutors intentionally formed.. <<​

What do you think "Hispanic" refers to when grouped with white and black on an application form? ... or are you suggesting that Trump's use of the word Mexican in describing the judge is in fact NOT racist at all, and therefore all this attempt to try label Trump as racist is inaccurate as nothing more than political spin?

"Mexican" isn't a race. It's a political term.
Rump may be a racist but this isn't evidence of it. It's more evidence of being a bigot, and much more to the point, evidence of being a demagogue asshole who traffics in emotional blusterfluff in lieu of intellect, since the dimmest wits can see that whether one's parents came from Mexico (or came out of their wherever) has no bearing whatsoever on whether a particular fraud case has a legal standing.

-- Which is not to say that he doesn't have intellect, but to say he doesn't think the people he's talking to do, and that they'll be intellectually shallow enough to buy it. And that's supreme arrogance.

As for those forms, I don't know or care where they're going. I have always refused to check those boxes anyway. I don't believe in labels.

Referring to someone as being Mexican is not the sign of someone being racist or a bigot, any more than it is to refer to a black individual as African American. Perhaps to those who believe in this political correctness crap looking to "create" an issue.. However, if he were to choose the use of a vulgar term that is demeaning to the person's heritage or background, you would have a point.

Yeah that's nice little Johnny, now shut up and sit down, because that's not what I posted at all. Good luck trying to stuff words in other people's mouths, until they call you on it.

Once again for the slow readers, and for the 18th time, "Mexican" is not a race, nor is the term itself a slur. What's his reason then for bringing up an ethnicity --- historic nationality of his parents -- on a judge from fucking Indiana? Is it because he's too stupid to know the difference between Indiana and Mexico? Is it because he's too stupid to know that Mexicans can't be American judges? Is it because he's too stupid to know that being of Mexican heritage has no bearing on whether a fraud case can proceed or not?

None of the above. The heritage of a judge born in Indiana is irrelevant, and he knows it. It doesn't necessarily demonstrate HE (Rump) is a bigot --- it demonstrates that he's TAPPING that sentiment in his zombie followers who are, he suspects, too dim to figure out those "none of the above"s above. And judging by the blind Doublethink exhibited in this forum, he's right about that.

In other words, it's not "Mexicans" he's treating with contempt here --- it's his own sycophants. You remember --- the same ones he snarked that would still be zombifically following him even if he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue? The ones that keep droning "yes master, may I have another" regardless how stupid he makes them look?

---- GET IT YET? You're being played, like a three dollar banjo.

That being said, I have yet to see Trump accurately quoted as using an ethnic slir in hatred condescending manner directly associated that individual's heritage. Rather, it appears Christians have more of a thicker skin to be more "tolerant" in handling all the associated ridicules that are thrown at them... maybe the rest of society can learn a thing or two from them.

There isn't anything in any of this about "Christians". The point continues to sail way over your head.

Your response stated
" Rump may be a racist but this isn't evidence of it. It's more evidence of being a bigot"

Referring to an individual from that region as Mexican is neither racist NOR does it make the individual a bigot, any more than referring to a individual who is black as African American. My previous response stands, as you are now in over your head.

What region? Indiana?
What do you think "Hispanic" refers to when grouped with white and black on an application form? ... or are you suggesting that Trump's use of the word Mexican in describing the judge is in fact NOT racist at all, and therefore all this attempt to try label Trump as racist is inaccurate as nothing more than political spin?

"Mexican" isn't a race. It's a political term.
Rump may be a racist but this isn't evidence of it. It's more evidence of being a bigot, and much more to the point, evidence of being a demagogue asshole who traffics in emotional blusterfluff in lieu of intellect, since the dimmest wits can see that whether one's parents came from Mexico (or came out of their wherever) has no bearing whatsoever on whether a particular fraud case has a legal standing.

-- Which is not to say that he doesn't have intellect, but to say he doesn't think the people he's talking to do, and that they'll be intellectually shallow enough to buy it. And that's supreme arrogance.

As for those forms, I don't know or care where they're going. I have always refused to check those boxes anyway. I don't believe in labels.

Referring to someone as being Mexican is not the sign of someone being racist or a bigot, any more than it is to refer to a black individual as African American. Perhaps to those who believe in this political correctness crap looking to "create" an issue.. However, if he were to choose the use of a vulgar term that is demeaning to the person's heritage or background, you would have a point.

Yeah that's nice little Johnny, now shut up and sit down, because that's not what I posted at all. Good luck trying to stuff words in other people's mouths, until they call you on it.

Once again for the slow readers, and for the 18th time, "Mexican" is not a race, nor is the term itself a slur. What's his reason then for bringing up an ethnicity --- historic nationality of his parents -- on a judge from fucking Indiana? Is it because he's too stupid to know the difference between Indiana and Mexico? Is it because he's too stupid to know that Mexicans can't be American judges? Is it because he's too stupid to know that being of Mexican heritage has no bearing on whether a fraud case can proceed or not?

None of the above. The heritage of a judge born in Indiana is irrelevant, and he knows it. It doesn't necessarily demonstrate HE (Rump) is a bigot --- it demonstrates that he's TAPPING that sentiment in his zombie followers who are, he suspects, too dim to figure out those "none of the above"s above. And judging by the blind Doublethink exhibited in this forum, he's right about that.

In other words, it's not "Mexicans" he's treating with contempt here --- it's his own sycophants. You remember --- the same ones he snarked that would still be zombifically following him even if he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue? The ones that keep droning "yes master, may I have another" regardless how stupid he makes them look?

---- GET IT YET? You're being played, like a three dollar banjo.

That being said, I have yet to see Trump accurately quoted as using an ethnic slir in hatred condescending manner directly associated that individual's heritage. Rather, it appears Christians have more of a thicker skin to be more "tolerant" in handling all the associated ridicules that are thrown at them... maybe the rest of society can learn a thing or two from them.

There isn't anything in any of this about "Christians". The point continues to sail way over your head.

Your response stated
" Rump may be a racist but this isn't evidence of it. It's more evidence of being a bigot"

Referring to an individual from that region as Mexican is neither racist NOR does it make the individual a bigot, any more than referring to a individual who is black as African American. My previous response stands, as you are now in over your head.

What region? Indiana?

Zackly. Apparently the judge is an Indian.

Hey --- who would know MORE about fraud than an Indian??
I can provide countless links of liberals saying this....that white judges and jurors aren't fair to black defendants. Overwhelming evidence of this being claimed.

And libs....well....they believe it.

So....how can they then blame Trump for thinking his judge might be racially biased towards him???

Is this epic hypocrisy on the left? Or....are ONLY white judges and jurors capable of being biased??? One of the two must be true.
In case you missed it...Trump is being pointed to as being racist against Hispanics...Hispanics aren't being pointed towards as being racist against Trump. In fact, I seem to remember Trump telling us repeated how much hispanics love him...until one just happens to do something he doesn't like.

I'm not sure if you are willfully being as stupid as you seem or if it is unintentional...either way you look ridiculous with this post.

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