So, Who Blew Up the Nord Stream Pipelines?

Another catastrophe planned to coincide with US elections; last time a Fauxi ordered ChiCom bioweapon, this time WWIII with Russia
With the dem's all or nothing mindset I'd not put it past them.

The really sad part about it all is that before the Halfrican took office I would have discounted your post and my response as shear Alex Jones type lunacy.....I was gravely mistaken as to the lengths the dems would go to get their way.

Those dems out there—They can’t be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are subjugated or dead!

Yeah, it's just a play on The Terminator quote but these days it has the ring of truth.....The dems are a clear and present danger to everything I (and most others I know) hold dear.
Two video clips make a good case for it.

I know you hate on Tucker and I take him with big grains of salt also. But he lays out a case that the administration openly threatened an end to the pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraine. His evidence is video of members of the Biden administration, starting with Biden himself, saying that. The phrase used was "one way or another."

In this recent one one, Ted Cruz is grilling a member of the Biden Administration about why it isn't tougher on Iran and their role in the invasion of Ukraine, when he suddenly asks point blank if the U.S. sabotaged the pipeline. (5:14) A classic refusal to answer word salad follows.

Yeah, Biden decked himself out in a frogman suite and swam out to the pipeline and put c-4 on the pipeline then swam away with a clock detonator counting down, he made home just in time for dinner with Jilly and then old man sex.
I thunk the retaliation will be harsh!

Cutting financial communications between the USA and europe would be devastating!

And that's just one possibility!
Who did it?

This vegetable and his puppeteers most likely.

I thunk the retaliation will be harsh!

Cutting financial communications between the USA and europe would be devastating!

And that's just one possibility!

They'd have to take out satellites, wouldn't they?
No doubt the militaries of the region identified every single vessel in the area when this happened. Militaries do this kind of thing. Cartoons! Sponge Bob is on…
Doubtful they were able to "identify every single vessel in the area" The Pipeline is over 700 Miles long., The Baltic Sea is 145,000 square miles. Good luck covering that area.

Even if you have a satellite cloud cover or darkness of night would easily defeat that, and even if spotted by a satellite by the time you could get a ship to the area, the fishing boat is long gone, and so were the people who stole it.
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Did Biden have the Nord Stream pipeline blown up? Who would have the means to blow up a pipeline in over two feet of water? Who would benefit? Who promised they would do it? Of course if you ask a liberal, I'm sure they would blame Russia, Russia, Russia.

This is escalating the war outside of the war zone and into international territory which is scary.

So, Who Blew Up the Nord Stream Pipelines?​

The Russian owned Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines are leaking in two places, blowing tons of natural gas into the Baltic Sea. NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg is calling the situation sabotage, as is EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell.

“All available information indicates those leaks are the result of a deliberate act. We will support any investigation aimed at getting full clarity on what happened and why, and will take further steps to increase our resilience in energy security,” Borrell released in a statement Wednesday. “Any deliberate disruption of European energy infrastructure is utterly unacceptable and will be met with a robust and united response.”

This of course raises questions about who did the sabotaging. There's plenty of speculation and little confirmation about who is behind explosions which led to the leaks. The United States is a suspect after President Joe Biden said earlier this year that if Russia invaded Ukraine, the pipeline would be no more. Russia is also a suspect, but is dimissing claims the Kremlin sabotaged their own pipeline.

Russia has a history of this sort of shit.
Doubtful they were able to "identify every single vessel in the area" The Pipeline is over 700 Miles long., The Baltic Sea is 145,000 square miles. Good luck covering that area.

Even if you have a satellite cloud cover or darkness of night would easily defeat that, and even if spotted by a satellite by the time you could get a ship to the area, the fishing boat is long gone, and so were the people who stole it.
Any doofus that believes Pootie would sabotage his own pipeline, also believes that someone who needs a blood transfusion, will slash their own wrists!!

USMB, turning into a refuge for the UNHINGED!!!
Any doofus that believes Pootie would sabotage his own pipeline, also believes that someone who needs a blood transfusion, will slash their own wrists!!

USMB, turning into a refuge for the UNHINGED!!!
A false flag operation is quite possible, dumbass!
It helps the US. Europe cannot make any side deals with Russia, they must suffer US prices on US delivery schedules. Of course moron liberals are probably thinking they can get dirty brown people to produce more natural gas for Europe, because we all know America won't be under Biden. All in all, a brand new energy disaster brought to you by Biden and his liberal masters.
Yes, it does seem to make sense that the US could have done it to make sure that Germany and all other European states do not make deals with Russia. Europe is being hit hard financially and many of the countries are getting fed up with this war which let's face it was expected to last 2 months max.
The Russians lied when the Ukrainians sank the Moskva, didn't they? They said it was an "accident". Sure it was!

The cruise missiles housed in containers on the deck just happened to catch fire and explode!

True but no way related to cutting off their nose to spite their face as your dreampipe theory.
The more you post, the :lame2: - er you are.
Go back to the VFW post and hustle more beers with your BS!!
The Blame America First Crowd is embarrassing. It's a bunch of deluded right-wing natcons and the typical leftist anti-Americans.
True but no way related to cutting off their nose to spite their face as your dreampipe theory.
The more you post, the :lame2: - er you are.
Go back to the VFW post and hustle more beers with your BS!!

Dreampipe? Is English a second language for you?

I do not belong to the VFW and I would rather drink horse piss than beer! Do you have John Deere stenciled on your side because you are definitely a top of the line manure spreader?
Just hearing people discussing this on youtube. They are assuming it is Russia. Then this guy starts saying 'this is an attack on a Nato country'. without even knowing. They also believed that Russia was trying to tell us that they are willing to go a very destructive way. I don't know why they haven't found out who it was yet, given it apparently is all filmed.
Just hearing people discussing this on youtube. They are assuming it is Russia. Then this guy starts saying 'this is an attack on a Nato country'. without even knowing. They also believed that Russia was trying to tell us that they are willing to go a very destructive way. I don't know why they haven't found out who it was yet, given it apparently is all filmed.
Filmed? WTF are you yapping about?

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