So. Who Is Bleeding Whom Dry..?

Yeah… No potential desire for payback of losses at the hands of Western aid, and support. Could never happen…
If you’re so scared, hide out until it’s all over, but don’t suggest we have to submit to Putin’s desires in any way.
Yeah… No potential desire for payback of losses at the hands of Western aid, and support. Could never happen…
Russia may have the desire but they don’t have the capability.

Russia doesn’t even have the capability to capture Ukraine. You think they’re a threat to a modern industrial NATO country? Get real.
Russia may have the desire but they don’t have the capability.

Russia doesn’t even have the capability to capture Ukraine. You think they’re a threat to a modern industrial NATO country? Get real.
I love the one comment I heard a while back that Russia used to have the second best army in the world, but now they just have the second best army in Ukraine!
I love the one comment I heard a while back that Russia used to have the second best army in the world, but now they just have the second best army in Ukraine!
That’s a good one.

The number one arms supplier to Ukraine is Russia.
If you’re so scared, hide out until it’s all over, but don’t suggest we have to submit to Putin’s desires in any way.
I’m not in Europe,and I’m well armed. Who is this “we” you refer to? Are you letting slip that greater Europe is in fact at war with Russia? Hmmm… maybe you should be worried. Especially when Germany is telling the world they only have two days worth of ammo left. Lol!
If the Russian performance in Ukraine is any indication, the west has little to worry about.
this didn't age well....Russia has nukes.....nukes are something we should very much fear. Xiden's poor leadership has us on the edge of a nuclear holocaust (according to Xiden himself).
The US is on the other side of the planet. And Europe is fighting this war at their mailbox. Besides... It's no small secret that the US doesn't have the production capacity it once had.
Lol, Russia doesn't have the production capacity of California let alone the rest of the states. Lol, what a retard. Hilarious 😂

The Wests battle cry has long been "to the last Ukranian!". But the West may run out of ammo, before they run out of Ukranians. While this could spell disaster for Ukraine; it also presents a very real danger for Europe in general if Russia decides to push Westward, past Ukraine. And into a Europe who has blown it load, and warfighting supplies in Ukraine...
The germans had a near commie head of government for over a decade

So I’m not surprised

Ask her what she did with the defense budget
Lol, Russia doesn't have the production capacity of California let alone the rest of the states. Lol, what a retard. Hilarious 😂
Yet neither will Europe without Russian gas. And who can even guess as to the enormity of their stockpiles… As it is, Germany mainland Europes strongest military power, doesn’t even have enough ammo to meet its NATO-membership requirement of 30 days.
I’m not in Europe,and I’m well armed. Who is this “we” you refer to? Are you letting slip that greater Europe is in fact at war with Russia? Hmmm… maybe you should be worried. Especially when Germany is telling the world they only have two days worth of ammo left. Lol!
I don’t believe what you’re saying about Germany. You’re falling for Russian propaganda.
Unless someone else goes after Russia directly they won't go beyond Ukraine. That isn't the goal for them. They have no interest in attacking other countries.
Yet neither will Europe without Russian gas. And who can even guess as to the enormity of their stockpiles… As it is, Germany mainland Europes strongest military power, doesn’t even have enough ammo to meet its NATO-membership requirement of 30 days.
Lol, we are not going to stop supplying Ukraine. Keep attacking civilian areas we will give Ukraine longer range weapons. Get smart pull the hell out of Ukraine or suffer the consequences. Lol, your desperation shows more every day. Ukraine took back thousands of square miles in the past few weeks and eliminated a key support and supply route. Lol, your retarded assessment have done nothing to break our support. In fact bombing of civilian areas strengthen it. Lol, if things were going well Putler would not be Sabre rattling nukes. Your desperation is on display to the world. You are a week lover country. You bend the will of no one.
Lol, we are not going to stop supplying Ukraine. Keep attacking civilian areas we will give Ukraine longer range weapons. Get smart pull the hell out of Ukraine or suffer the consequences. Lol, your desperation shows more every day. Ukraine took back thousands of square miles in the past few weeks and eliminated a key support and supply route. Lol, your retarded assessment have done nothing to break our support. In fact bombing of civilian areas strengthen it. Lol, if things were going well Putler would not be Sabre rattling nukes. Your desperation is on display to the world. You are a week lover country. You bend the will of no one.
Hilarious! I didn’t realize the SouthEast US invaded Ukraine…
Unless someone else goes after Russia directly they won't go beyond Ukraine. That isn't the goal for them. They have no interest in attacking other countries.
I don’t agree. If Putin succeeds in Ukraine, I feel the Baltic states are next on the list.
I don’t agree. If Putin succeeds in Ukraine, I feel the Baltic states are next on the list.

Stupid 'Domino Theory's' like this only support losing military efforts, like Vietnam; where it never occurred after we lost!!

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