So Who is The Surest loser vrs Trump in the General Election?

who is the most certain to lose against Trump in the general election?

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Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
If you could select one of the top four candidates top drop out because they would have the highest certainty of losing to Trump this fall, who would it be (of the four I am listing?)

I dont include Warren or Biden because I think it is over for them and they would get all the votes if I did include them, I suspect.
If you could select one of the top four candidates top drop out because they would have the highest certainty of losing to Trump this fall, who would it be (of the four I am listing?)

I dont include Warren or Biden because I think it is over for them and they would get all the votes if I did include them, I suspect.
I went with Amy, mostly because she's probably the least known of the four.
I chose Bloomberg.

But they all get a participation trophy.
Bloomberg would lose the Bernie Bros. Sanders would lose moderate Democrats. Both would lose minority voters.

Buttigieg would be a disaster.

Klobuchar might have a chance.
It would be hilarious if Crazy Sanders won the dem primary (again). But he would lose against President Trump. And my guess he would refuse to debate President Trump citing the same insane approach as Donkey Face Cortez did in not attending the SOTU. Amy Klobuchar obviously has no chance. Nobody knows who the hell she is. Alfred E. Neuman lookalike Pete Bootygig obviously has no chance. Mini Mike would be the most entertaining since Mini Mike is familiar with NYC and President Trump would beat the hell out of him on specific NYC issues in addition to highlighting the Trump administration's successes.
If you could select one of the top four candidates top drop out because they would have the highest certainty of losing to Trump this fall, who would it be (of the four I am listing?)

I dont include Warren or Biden because I think it is over for them and they would get all the votes if I did include them, I suspect.

Trump tipped his hand when he commented on he rather run against Bloomberg than Sanders which mean Trump knows he can beat Sanders...

Trump is bluffing the Democrats with that comment about Sanders with the hope they are insane enough to vote for Sanders as their nominee for President.

So my vote is Sanders would lose badly and Trump would eat him alive.

Bloomberg is a harder opponent for Trump because no matter what you think of Bloomberg policies he ( Bloomberg ) was a successful Mayor of New York City and would give Trump a tough time in the General Election...
Bloomberg buys DNC/Democrats/Fake Media, Bernie gets screwed over... Trump wins... :party:
Bloomberg buys DNC/Democrats/Fake Media, Bernie gets screwed over... Trump wins... :party:
That is the danger the DNC runs if they let their deck stacking get too obvious. The Sanders people either stay home or vote for Trump out of spite.

The DNC needs to use a light finger on the scales, Sanderlistas are watching like hawks for any hint of bias, and unfortunately for the Dems, it is in plain site.

The Dems just cant help themselves. And they dont understand that the whole system of politics is what the Sanderlistas are rejecting.

But they do not understand as well, is that our system is the best going because we can coerce the Oligarchs to let us prosper most of the time.
You didn't give an option for all of the above
Because I am looking for the candidate that is understood to be their absolutely WORST pick.

I figured most would view it as being Sanders, and like Iowa, the Democrats in the DNC have really only one challenge, get someone to beat Sanders in the primaries, especially Super Tuesday, and they are fucking it all up.
so let me get this straight: Bernie got more votes in Iowa and more votes in NH, but Buttgeek has more delegates?

democracy my ass!
I don't think anyone appreciates just how in the dark most liberals are.
And it is not their fault.
Generally speaking Americans are in the dark. We do not have a uncompromised news outlet. Not one.
But the left media simply hides the truth. Simply doesn't report on it if it doesn't go with the narrative.

Take Biden. He is supposed to be the front runner and the left media STILL says so.
And they do not show any footage of his "rallies" because he can't get 100 people to show up!! In a major city like Des Moines all he git was a small gathering. And the left media is still trying to cling to him.
ButtKeggar... minorities are not going to vote for a white gay man. Not happening.
Bloomberg... SJWs and minorities are not going to vote for a man who staunchly supports race based policing. Not happening.
Amy.. No recognition and no one is backing her.
Sanders... He is a socialist. Hard core socialist. He would get eaten alive across mainstream America.
If you could select one of the top four candidates top drop out because they would have the highest certainty of losing to Trump this fall, who would it be (of the four I am listing?)

I dont include Warren or Biden because I think it is over for them and they would get all the votes if I did include them, I suspect.

Donald Trump will be the loser regardless of who runs against him.

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