So, who's more accurate, a bunch of gloabal warming advocates or the Farmers Almanac?


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Obviously the Farmers Almanac which accurately predicted the extreme cold weather that was enjoyed by the eastern US. The warmists on the other hand.....well, let's just say they scored better than throwing darts at a board...but only just...

"CPC grades its prediction accuracy on a Heidke skill score, which ranges from 100 (perfect accuracy) to -50 (no better than playing pin the tail on the donkey while blindfolded).

CPC’s score for October’s weather predictions for November through January was -22 and the September weather prediction for October through December was at -23.

“Not one of our better forecasts,” Mike Halpert, the Climate Prediction Center’s acting director, told Bloomberg Businessweek.

Report: Farmers? Almanac more accurate than government climate scientists | The Daily Caller
Historically, the FA stinks at predictions, doing no better than chance.

Make enough predictions, of course, and a few will be correct. Denialists admire the way the FA cherrypicks only the guesses it got right to point to, being that such cherrypicking is their favorite tactic.
Government climate "scientists" have a political agenda. They've already been told what the conclusion is. It's their job to cherry pick the data to aid in proving their conclusion while dismissing that which does not.
Government climate "scientists" have a political agenda. They've already been told what the conclusion is. It's their job to cherry pick the data to aid in proving their conclusion while dismissing that which does not.

Pity the poor denialists. These sorts of conspiracy theories stacked on more conspiracy theories are all they have left. Since reality says they're full of it, they have to declare reality is a great socialist conspiracy.

That would be why the whole planet is laughing at them. But don't worry denialists, you just keep on ruling those message boards! That'll teach 'em to laugh at you!
So called climate scientists are mum on the carbolic acid cycle and how it switches back and forth to CO2 and H2O depending on available energy. They are mum because adjusted for the carbolic acid cycle the available data would then show quite clearly that the pollution of the developing world overwhelms any and all action taken by the developed world.
"gloabal warming"?

Damn! First there's Global Warming, now there's "gloabal warming"?
When will these Lefties give up?!
So called climate scientists are mum on the carbolic acid cycle and how it switches back and forth to CO2 and H2O depending on available energy. They are mum because adjusted for the carbolic acid cycle the available data would then show quite clearly that the pollution of the developing world overwhelms any and all action taken by the developed world.

Oh, do tell in more detail. Exactly how does the carbolic acid cycle relate to the difference in emissions between the USA and China?
Revisiting this thread ...


When they weren't so vague as to be pointless, like saying "chilly" for the southeast in winter, the FA was mostly wrong. They completely missed the warmer than normal winter over the western USA. The midwest has seen normal temps and low snow this year, so they called that all wrong. The only thing they kind of hit was snowy in northeast, but they missed the abnormal cold temps there.

Flipping a coin would have done much better than the FA this year. That's because FA is astrology. But it's denier-cult approved astrology, so they'll all keep swearing it's perfect and scientific, no matter how badly it fails.
As my old Papa said, you gotta go by the signs, when I ask him what that was, he told me I'd have to find out for myself...So I tried using the farmers Almanac for planting,,,ehhh,,I found it was a hit or miss scenario..I threw it away and got a subscription to Organic Gardening....
Revisiting this thread ...


When they weren't so vague as to be pointless, like saying "chilly" for the southeast in winter, the FA was mostly wrong. They completely missed the warmer than normal winter over the western USA. The midwest has seen normal temps and low snow this year, so they called that all wrong. The only thing they kind of hit was snowy in northeast, but they missed the abnormal cold temps there.

Flipping a coin would have done much better than the FA this year. That's because FA is astrology. But it's denier-cult approved astrology, so they'll all keep swearing it's perfect and scientific, no matter how badly it fails.
And for you, science is a colored picture?
AGW models are ghey.:gay:

Why do the AGW proponents continue to publicize predictions that end up being laughable?:eusa_dance::disbelief::eusa_dance:

Because they trust most wont check the record and continue to put their faith in "computer" models!!:gay:

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