So Why Has The US Economy Not Sunk Yet? Because The Fed Is Doing A Whole Lot Of Bailing

I'm afraid the question is becoming whether McConnell will see fit to deal with deficits and entitlements in Trump's second term as he'd said he'd deal with them in Hillary's first term.

Don't hold your breath
Russia Hoax-failure
Quid pro quo/extortion/bribery-failure
Talking down the economy-
Keep watching faux, false, fake...I mean fox news.
Okay... so it was OK for Obama to handout $70,000,000,000 - PER MONTH - into the system all the way to 2015 despite the fact that Wall Street firms/investment banks were basking in record profits.... but it is NOT OK for Trump to be doing it?

Is that what you are saying OP?
He hasn't the vaguest notion what he's saying or posting....He wouldn't know quantitative easing from a punch in the nose...He gets the daily spam blast from his paymasters, then passes it around like a good little agitprop toady.
The issue is QE continues despite Trump's robust economy because deficits need to be financed, and btw that's why rates can't be lowered. And why we'll be in deeper shit than we were in 2008 when the next recession hits. And both parties are to blame, but Trump explicitly decided to not address deficits in his first term, and McConnell said "ok"

What Democrat candidate is addressing deficits???
Obviously none. They are wanting to expand costs
you may want to read my prior post that the dems are toast in 20.
Okay... so it was OK for Obama to handout $70,000,000,000 - PER MONTH - into the system all the way to 2015 despite the fact that Wall Street firms/investment banks were basking in record profits.... but it is NOT OK for Trump to be doing it?

Is that what you are saying OP?
He hasn't the vaguest notion what he's saying or posting....He wouldn't know quantitative easing from a punch in the nose...He gets the daily spam blast from his paymasters, then passes it around like a good little agitprop toady.
The issue is QE continues despite Trump's robust economy because deficits need to be financed, and btw that's why rates can't be lowered. And why we'll be in deeper shit than we were in 2008 when the next recession hits. And both parties are to blame, but Trump explicitly decided to not address deficits in his first term, and McConnell said "ok"
It was Turtle and Eddie Munster that refused to address spending and the deficit......They rolled Trump with the old "you don't wanna shut down the gubmint" bit....Peloski is now too tied up with the impechment Vaudeville act to even get the current FYs spending bills through, which Trump will be forced to sign again for the same reason.....Mind you, my understanding of the situation in no way signals my approval of it....Given my druthers, I'd be good with him shutting the whole mess down and start shuttering bureaucracies and firing bureaucrats.
The Great Trump Economy is all an illusion, financed by debt from insufficient taxes, and now, from quantitative easing. Sooner or later, the chickens will come home to roost. Unfortunately for us, that means that when the economy finally does crash, Republicans will insist that Democrats must not spend the money needed to fix the economy because “The debt is already too high!”—and in this case, they will be referring to all of the debt that their tax cut policies and brain-dead tariffs created in the first place. What we currently have is not the Trump Administration. What we have now is the Trump Idiocracy.

So, Why Has The U.S. Economy Not Sunk Yet? It Is Because The Fed Is Doing A Whole Lot Of Bailing.

So the Fed is doing the same thing it did for Obama and now suddenly you have a problem with it? Some of us were opposed to this from day one, those of us who aren't partisan hacks like you, anyway. By the way, I thought this was Obama's economy. That's what you tards have been parroting.

Do you even understand what's in your article?

Furthermore, do you really expect to be taken seriously when quoting the Daily Kos? They are the left wing version of InfoWars
I'm afraid the question is becoming whether McConnell will see fit to deal with deficits and entitlements in Trump's second term as he'd said he'd deal with them in Hillary's first term.

Don't hold your breath
Trump isn't a conservative. Never was.
I don't think its a matter of ideology but rather a grasp of macroeconomics, and I'm not at all sure Trump is better than Warren or Bernie on that issue. Now they are both nuts on ideology because we're just not a society that hates people who are successful. And I don't consider Trump a biz success, so much as a guy born rich who has been smart enough not to lose it. But he's not preaching class warfare.
Okay... so it was OK for Obama to handout $70,000,000,000 - PER MONTH - into the system all the way to 2015 despite the fact that Wall Street firms/investment banks were basking in record profits.... but it is NOT OK for Trump to be doing it?

Is that what you are saying OP?
He hasn't the vaguest notion what he's saying or posting....He wouldn't know quantitative easing from a punch in the nose...He gets the daily spam blast from his paymasters, then passes it around like a good little agitprop toady.
The issue is QE continues despite Trump's robust economy because deficits need to be financed, and btw that's why rates can't be lowered. And why we'll be in deeper shit than we were in 2008 when the next recession hits. And both parties are to blame, but Trump explicitly decided to not address deficits in his first term, and McConnell said "ok"
It was Turtle and Eddie Munster that refused to address spending and the deficit......They rolled Trump with the old "you don't wanna shut down the gubmint" bit....Peloski is now too tied up with the impechment Vaudeville act to even get the current FYs spending bills through, which Trump will be forced to sign again for the same reason.....Mind you, my understanding of the situation in no way signals my approval of it....Given my druthers, I'd be good with him shutting the whole mess down and start shuttering bureaucracies and firing bureaucrats.
Trump explicitly said he wouldn't touch social security, so don't bitch about the results.
I'm afraid the question is becoming whether McConnell will see fit to deal with deficits and entitlements in Trump's second term as he'd said he'd deal with them in Hillary's first term.

Don't hold your breath
Trump isn't a conservative. Never was.

Apparently, neither is 95% of the Republican Party given the excuses you tards keep coming up with to dismiss their fuckery.
When Democrats start reducing the deficit let me know.
I'm afraid the question is becoming whether McConnell will see fit to deal with deficits and entitlements in Trump's second term as he'd said he'd deal with them in Hillary's first term.

Don't hold your breath
Trump isn't a conservative. Never was.

Apparently, neither is 95% of the Republican Party given the excuses you tards keep coming up with to dismiss their fuckery.
Imo fiscal conservatives have been driven out of both parties, and the election may just be about which party is less toxic to them. IF the dems are preaching wealth taxes and Medicare for all, I think it'll be the Party of Rump without a doubt.
The Great Trump Economy is all an illusion, financed by debt from insufficient taxes, and now, from quantitative easing. Sooner or later, the chickens will come home to roost. Unfortunately for us, that means that when the economy finally does crash, Republicans will insist that Democrats must not spend the money needed to fix the economy because “The debt is already too high!”—and in this case, they will be referring to all of the debt that their tax cut policies and brain-dead tariffs created in the first place. What we currently have is not the Trump Administration. What we have now is the Trump Idiocracy.

So, Why Has The U.S. Economy Not Sunk Yet? It Is Because The Fed Is Doing A Whole Lot Of Bailing.
You're damn right, chickens will come home to roost!

The great economy is not an illusion, it is great
The great illusion is that choices don't have consequences
The great illusion is that we have had leaders running the country
not corrupt individuals running our country into the ground

This boat was sinking before Trump
They kept slapping band aids on the same wound
they were pulling them off of

People are in for a rude awakening
I'm afraid the question is becoming whether McConnell will see fit to deal with deficits and entitlements in Trump's second term as he'd said he'd deal with them in Hillary's first term.

Don't hold your breath
Trump isn't a conservative. Never was.

Apparently, neither is 95% of the Republican Party given the excuses you tards keep coming up with to dismiss their fuckery.
When Democrats start reducing the deficit let me know.
Well, the last two dem potuses did that, so now you know. LOL
The Great Trump Economy is all an illusion, financed by debt from insufficient taxes, and now, from quantitative easing. Sooner or later, the chickens will come home to roost. Unfortunately for us, that means that when the economy finally does crash, Republicans will insist that Democrats must not spend the money needed to fix the economy because “The debt is already too high!”—and in this case, they will be referring to all of the debt that their tax cut policies and brain-dead tariffs created in the first place. What we currently have is not the Trump Administration. What we have now is the Trump Idiocracy.

So, Why Has The U.S. Economy Not Sunk Yet? It Is Because The Fed Is Doing A Whole Lot Of Bailing.

Actually, the Trump economy is sinking. It's down to 1.9 percent growth, which when that happened under Obama, Trump said, "The economy is in deep trouble."

Trump once said, "You can always print the money" to pay off our debt. A more idiotic statement can not be made. It speaks volumes about his lack of business acumen. Even more than all his bankruptcies and the thousands of lawsuits against him.

But the real reason Trump spends record amounts of money is because he promised the rube herd 6 percent GDP growth.

GDP = C + I + G + (X – M)


GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports).

There's the secret sauce of the pseudocon's huckster messiah.
When Democrats start reducing the deficit let me know.

When Republicans start reducing the deficit let me know. Since the Reagan administration, they are responsible for the bulk of the national debt.
I'm afraid the question is becoming whether McConnell will see fit to deal with deficits and entitlements in Trump's second term as he'd said he'd deal with them in Hillary's first term.

Don't hold your breath
Trump isn't a conservative. Never was.

Apparently, neither is 95% of the Republican Party given the excuses you tards keep coming up with to dismiss their fuckery.
When Democrats start reducing the deficit let me know.
Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years's that going?

Federal deficit increases 26% to $984 billion for fiscal 2019, highest in 7 years

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