So why have none of the liberals left yet?

"Idiosy???" :lol:
It is the job of every POTUS to be America-first and definitely not their job "to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world." We've done plenty of winning with Trump in the WH:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

The swamp is fully restocked. You just don’t care when the corruption is your own.

Most corrupt and scandal ridden administration since Nixon.
The corruption is all on the left, honey. Failing to support your agenda is not corruption. It's common sense.
How many people have had to leave this administration under a cloud?
You mistake petulant leftwing whining for "a cloud."
You mistake corruption for ethical?
What "corruption?" Want to see corruption? How about using a hoax to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president?

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).

"Idiosy???" :lol:
It is the job of every POTUS to be America-first and definitely not their job "to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world." We've done plenty of winning with Trump in the WH:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

The swamp is fully restocked. You just don’t care when the corruption is your own.

Most corrupt and scandal ridden administration since Nixon.

Au contraire, Madame ... I neither said nor inferred that all our probs are solved but rather that we are on a better path since Obama moved on & Shrillary lost to a political novice. Another 5 1/2 years of Trump and the USSC will be stocked with too many constitutionalist justices for "Progressive" assaults on our rights to pass muster for decades.
The swamp is fully restocked. You just don’t care when the corruption is your own.

Most corrupt and scandal ridden administration since Nixon.
The corruption is all on the left, honey. Failing to support your agenda is not corruption. It's common sense.
How many people have had to leave this administration under a cloud?
You mistake petulant leftwing whining for "a cloud."
You mistake corruption for ethical?
What "corruption?" Want to see corruption? How about using a hoax to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president?
There was no hoax. The Mueller report was pretty clear on that.
"Idiosy???" :lol:
It is the job of every POTUS to be America-first and definitely not their job "to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world." We've done plenty of winning with Trump in the WH:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

The swamp is fully restocked. You just don’t care when the corruption is your own.

Most corrupt and scandal ridden administration since Nixon.
The corruption is all on the left, honey. Failing to support your agenda is not corruption. It's common sense.
How many people have had to leave this administration under a cloud?
You mistake petulant leftwing whining for "a cloud."
You mistake corruption for ethical?
LOL ... and WTF do flaming loony-leftards know of ethics? 10 minutes of watching CNN/PMSNC and/or 5 mins of reading the words and actions of our Hysterical House Dems reveal that when not whining, they are lying.

Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be leftards.
That is what we saw from you lot during Obama’s tenure.

It is hilarious to see selective outrage concerning lying when you elected a president who habitually lies about even trivial things...yet Pete thinks Warren is despicable? :lol:


There was not as many "I Hate Obozo" threads in 8 years during your meat puppet faggot's regime as there is in 8 weeks of Trump. There are multiple, redundant threads about the same thing either Trump said or did, the media accuses him of saying or doing, some bed wetter accuses him of thinking, or some useless celebrity with no credentials or credibility says about him. It gets posted over and over and over....It gets refuted, debunked and ridiculed over and over. You moonbats have completely lost whatever sphincter functions as your "minds".

Your side has come up with ONE path of attack.... "Russia"... and in spite of the fact Trump did not interfere in any way, did not invoke executive privilege, stonewall or classify documents, nothing was found. Your meat puppet messiah did all of that and you turds want to pretend those investigations were witch hunts.

Now you have the gall to imply Fauxcohontas isn't despicable?

Are you TRYING to erode the hole where your credibility would be if you had any and make it a much larger empty void? Have just a little allah damned self respect Coyote. I know you're not a complete blithering imbecilic wad of genetic garbage like most of the moonbats.


The corruption is all on the left, honey. Failing to support your agenda is not corruption. It's common sense.
How many people have had to leave this administration under a cloud?
You mistake petulant leftwing whining for "a cloud."
You mistake corruption for ethical?
What "corruption?" Want to see corruption? How about using a hoax to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president?
There was no hoax. The Mueller report was pretty clear on that.
What part of "no collusion" didn't you understand? That means it was a hoax.
There won’t be any laws prohibiting hate speech and if such were proposed I would oppose it. Free speech is one of the foundations of our country, and even if I don’t like it I will absolutely oppose government attempts to control it.

I can believe that about YOU, but your ilk running around in masks assaulting people? Not so much.
Somewhere in my box of DVDs I have an interview with Castro where he discusses the Soviet Union and the revolution. Batista sucked. The country was being exploited by the US. So, Castro and Che are under the impression that there will be aid from their communist brothers due to brotherly love. That isn't what happened. Castro says that what the Soviet Union really wanted was another sugar plantation and then they had to kind of figure out what to do with that relationship. He said Cuba was able to accomplish a lot more than what they originally thought they could do but nowhere near what they had hoped to accomplish.

China has been dumping in Nicaragua for years. They gain influence by investing in these countries and building infrastructure.

Castro may be somewhat of an anomaly in that he did not completely enslave the entire population and enrich himself to the degree that every other despotic communist regime has, or murder as many. It is still a brutal place that many people have died trying to get out of. That said, had the soviets decided to dump more money in, I wonder how much of it would have improved the lives of cubans, or added to the fat rolls of the upper echelons of government.
You mistake corruption for ethical?
What "corruption?" Want to see corruption? How about using a hoax to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president?
Or foist a massive fraud on the Senate and the American people to smear the rep of a USSC nominee.

Ya gotta marvel at the chutzpah & hubris of lefties who climb aboard their high horses and lecture others on ethics.

‘It’s the Human Way’: Corruption Scandals Play Out in Big Cities Across U.S.

The Shame of the Cities: Steffens on Urban Blight

Federal raid of Baltimore City Hall 'unprecedented,' historians say, despite history of political corruption

How a federal City Hall corruption investigation is dominating Chicago’s crowded race for mayor
The corruption is all on the left, honey. Failing to support your agenda is not corruption. It's common sense.
How many people have had to leave this administration under a cloud?
You mistake petulant leftwing whining for "a cloud."
You mistake corruption for ethical?
What "corruption?" Want to see corruption? How about using a hoax to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president?
There was no hoax. The Mueller report was pretty clear on that.
There was no collusion or conspiracy. The report was also clear on that.
How many people have had to leave this administration under a cloud?

Nearly all of those "clouds" were fabricated by the leftist media and corrupt FBI officials who are awaiting their own investigations.

If Trump wins in 2020 and your democrook political whores get thrown out of office as thoroughly as I hope they are, you can bet a lot of the swamp does get drained. You leftists have made this personal, against a guy who takes things personally and just might decide to get all the revenge he can.

For starters, we should decrease economic INEQUALITY and increase OPPORTUNITIES for ALL hard working people.
Show some respect for nice people trying to make a decent living.
The rich don’t need to get richer at the expense of “normal” & disadvantahed people.
Therefore, TAX the rich more, and assist the less fortunate, unlike Trump who was born with a gold spoon.

There you have it, the mindless psychobabble of hate and envy.

Give government the power to steal shit(from other people who have more shit), then trust them to distribute it fairly (to me of course).

Never mind the fact that every place on earth that has gone down the path this sniveling bed wetter advocates is a smoldering shit hole that people are desperate to leave. Never mind the sociopaths that use mindless drones like this retard to secure the sort of power they believe will be used to "equalize" the classes end up creating dystopian hell holes where the ruling class is the only people left with any spoons at all.

It happens over and over again, but these freakishly stupid bed wetting wads of genetic waste that should have been aborted continue to demand society jumps off the regressive marxist cliff just one more time.
You remind me of a stupid CHICKEN LITTLE:
Oh gosh, “the country is going to hell because we are reducing the INEQUALITY among hard-working citizens!” LOL, get a grip on your mindless selfishness.

Almost all rich people got rich from inheritance (like Trump) and hide their taxes, or earned their filthy-rich bank accounts from poorer CITIZENS in SOCIETY, who should be respected too.
ALL citizens should be respected, unless they’re criminals or a-holes like Trump.
If you don’t like some FAIR government control over GREED, then you can leave our already-great country and move to an island where there are few people to EXPLOIT.

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).

So give us your view from above. What changes do we need to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world?

For starters, we should decrease economic INEQUALITY and increase OPPORTUNITIES for ALL hard working people.
Show some respect for nice people trying to make a decent living.
The rich don’t need to get richer at the expense of “normal” & disadvantahed people.
Therefore, TAX the rich more, and assist the less fortunate, unlike Trump who was born with a gold spoon.

So tax rich individuals more and I assume implement a high minimum wage. What about corporate taxes, increase those as well? Any other wealth transfer programs?

Maybe go back some to where the corporate tax levels were.
Did the tax law implemented last year by Republicans really help hard-working citizens & consumers, or pad the bank accounts of the already rich corporate executives and their rich stockholders?

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).

What we need change from is the leftwing agenda. Trump is the change we've been needing. Furthermore, change isn't always good. Just ask the people who voted for Hitler and Lenin.

Why do you mention STUPID extreme a-holes like Hitler & Lenin?
Are you another CHICKEN LITTLE chump?

Agreed, change is not always good. Just look at Trump. An embarrassment to national Intelligence and Science.

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).

So give us your view from above. What changes do we need to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world?

For starters, we should decrease economic INEQUALITY and increase OPPORTUNITIES for ALL hard working people.
Show some respect for nice people trying to make a decent living.
The rich don’t need to get richer at the expense of “normal” & disadvantahed people.
Therefore, TAX the rich more, and assist the less fortunate, unlike Trump who was born with a gold spoon.

So tax rich individuals more and I assume implement a high minimum wage. What about corporate taxes, increase those as well? Any other wealth transfer programs?

Maybe go back some to where the corporate tax levels were.
Did the tax law implemented last year by Republicans really help hard-working citizens & consumers, or pad the bank accounts of the already rich corporate executives and their rich stockholders?

You do realize we have a very progressive tax code with the wealthiest people paying about 90% of the Federal taxes. So of course they would get the biggest returns. About half of US citizens pay very little or no Federal taxes at all, should they have gotten bonuses on top of paying no taxes?
Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).
So give us your view from above. What changes do we need to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world?
For starters, we should decrease economic INEQUALITY and increase OPPORTUNITIES for ALL hard working people.
Show some respect for nice people trying to make a decent living.
The rich don’t need to get richer at the expense of “normal” & disadvantahed people.
Therefore, TAX the rich more, and assist the less fortunate, unlike Trump who was born with a gold spoon.
So tax rich individuals more and I assume implement a high minimum wage. What about corporate taxes, increase those as well? Any other wealth transfer programs?
Maybe go back some to where the corporate tax levels were.
Did the tax law implemented last year by Republicans really help hard-working citizens & consumers, or pad the bank accounts of the already rich corporate executives and their rich stockholders?
You do realize we have a very progressive tax code with the wealthiest people paying about 90% of the Federal taxes. So of course they would get the biggest returns. About half of US citizens pay very little or no Federal taxes at all, should they have gotten bonuses on top of paying no taxes?
What about the RICH corporations that PAY NO FEDERAL TAXES? Perhaps tax loopholes should be closed so they pay their fair share!
For example, Netflix, Amazon, Chevron, Delta Airlines, Eli Lilly, General Motors, Gannett, Goodyear Tire and Rubber, Halliburton, IBM, Jetblue Airways, Principal Financial, Salesforce, US Steel, Whirlpool, etc PAID NO FEDERAL TAXES in 2018!

The 2017 Republican tax law benefited the already rich, NOT consumers & most hard-working people. The Treasury Department last month reported that corporate tax collections in 2018 declined 31 percent from the previous year. This is the first year on record that corporate tax collections have fallen so precipitously during a period of economic expansion.

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