So why have none of the liberals left yet?

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

Liberals want do show the same endurance you fake conservative Little Trumpsters showed when you losers were doing what the liberals are doing now.
You cried and moaned, made up shit (which what losers are still doing today).
Pete, you were on of biggest crybabys when Obama was prez. Suck it up hypercrite. :2up:
We love our country, and will not let Trump, the Man of Lawlessness, the Destroyer, Apolyon, Abbadon-the angel of the bottomless pit, destroy our Nation.... I'm here for the fight to save us from Trump's EVIL. :thup:

I think you genuinely believe that.

I think it's genuinely asinine, but I have had a couple exchanges with you and I don't want to just insult and dismiss you.

YOU might actually be a patriot and believe your regressive philosophy won't end up doing what it has done every other place they've taken that path.

That said....

What does anything about this thread have to do with Trump?

What I want to know, FROM YOU, is why you believe we can tax the fuck out of "the rich" or whomever you hate, and end up with a more "equitable" country?

Do you HONESTLY trust the sort of people who lie about being indians to further their careers with "redistributing" all the loot to "the poor"?

Do you believe a complete imbecile who just found out what a allah damned GARBAGE DISPOSAL IS, and can't tell the difference between a CONCENTRATION CAMP (where people were industrially murdered) and a detention facility where some people get medical attention for the first time in their lives for free with the goal of keeping them alive, has the mental capacity to understand something as complicated as the tax code, let alone write laws that would make that code serve the public better?

The socks will regurgitate inane shit, but I'd like to read your response.


We love our country. Why do you think we oppose many of the policies Trump promotes that destroy the environment, enrich the rich, destroy the safetynet for our vulnerable citizens, and a host of other policies that liberals support as part of America?

You get sick of having racist thrown at you every time you turn around, well I am sick of constantly being told I hate America because I refuse to support your Trumpian Utopia.

You’re confused...that’s all.
Trumps policies align with traditional American philosophy.
You are accused of hating America as you and yours stand against all that is “AMERICAN”....”Americans” wouldn’t encourage illegals to steal from fellow countrymen, “Americans” don’t advocate for criminality, “Americans” embrace faith in God, family values, morality, decency, American culture, tradition and heritage...I could go on and on.

Funny thing is...the more you rattle off talking points, the more I realize you do not know me. Like everyone else you assign a label.

If you are pro family, how can you possibly support the way families and children are being treated at the border?

Disclaimer: this should not be taken to mean we should allow them in to flood the country, but rather look at how prior administrations handled families and consider that while investing in what is needed to expedite the legal process, ie more judges.

I’m pro family...I am not pro criminal.
The children of criminals should not be permitted to benefit from their parents criminality.
We love our country, and will not let Trump, the Man of Lawlessness, the Destroyer, Apolyon, Abbadon-the angel of the bottomless pit, destroy our Nation.... I'm here for the fight to save us from Trump's EVIL. :thup:

I think you genuinely believe that.

I think it's genuinely asinine, but I have had a couple exchanges with you and I don't want to just insult and dismiss you.

YOU might actually be a patriot and believe your regressive philosophy won't end up doing what it has done every other place they've taken that path.

That said....

What does anything about this thread have to do with Trump?

What I want to know, FROM YOU, is why you believe we can tax the fuck out of "the rich" or whomever you hate, and end up with a more "equitable" country?

Do you HONESTLY trust the sort of people who lie about being indians to further their careers with "redistributing" all the loot to "the poor"?

Do you believe a complete imbecile who just found out what a allah damned GARBAGE DISPOSAL IS, and can't tell the difference between a CONCENTRATION CAMP (where people were industrially murdered) and a detention facility where some people get medical attention for the first time in their lives for free with the goal of keeping them alive, has the mental capacity to understand something as complicated as the tax code, let alone write laws that would make that code serve the public better?

The socks will regurgitate inane shit, but I'd like to read your response.


We love our country. Why do you think we oppose many of the policies Trump promotes that destroy the environment, enrich the rich, destroy the safetynet for our vulnerable citizens, and a host of other policies that liberals support as part of America?

You get sick of having racist thrown at you every time you turn around, well I am sick of constantly being told I hate America because I refuse to support your Trumpian Utopia.

You’re confused...that’s all.
Trumps policies align with traditional American philosophy.
You are accused of hating America as you and yours stand against all that is “AMERICAN”....”Americans” wouldn’t encourage illegals to steal from fellow countrymen, “Americans” don’t advocate for criminality, “Americans” embrace faith in God, family values, morality, decency, American culture, tradition and heritage...I could go on and on.

Funny thing is...the more you rattle off talking points, the more I realize you do not know me. Like everyone else you assign a label.

If you are pro family, how can you possibly support the way families and children are being treated at the border?

Disclaimer: this should not be taken to mean we should allow them in to flood the country, but rather look at how prior administrations handled families and consider that while investing in what is needed to expedite the legal process, ie more judges.

I’m pro family...I am not pro criminal.
The children of criminals should not be permitted to benefit from their parents criminality.

You not pro family if you support abusing children for the actions of their parents. Period.
I think you genuinely believe that.

I think it's genuinely asinine, but I have had a couple exchanges with you and I don't want to just insult and dismiss you.

YOU might actually be a patriot and believe your regressive philosophy won't end up doing what it has done every other place they've taken that path.

That said....

What does anything about this thread have to do with Trump?

What I want to know, FROM YOU, is why you believe we can tax the fuck out of "the rich" or whomever you hate, and end up with a more "equitable" country?

Do you HONESTLY trust the sort of people who lie about being indians to further their careers with "redistributing" all the loot to "the poor"?

Do you believe a complete imbecile who just found out what a allah damned GARBAGE DISPOSAL IS, and can't tell the difference between a CONCENTRATION CAMP (where people were industrially murdered) and a detention facility where some people get medical attention for the first time in their lives for free with the goal of keeping them alive, has the mental capacity to understand something as complicated as the tax code, let alone write laws that would make that code serve the public better?

The socks will regurgitate inane shit, but I'd like to read your response.


We love our country. Why do you think we oppose many of the policies Trump promotes that destroy the environment, enrich the rich, destroy the safetynet for our vulnerable citizens, and a host of other policies that liberals support as part of America?

You get sick of having racist thrown at you every time you turn around, well I am sick of constantly being told I hate America because I refuse to support your Trumpian Utopia.

You’re confused...that’s all.
Trumps policies align with traditional American philosophy.
You are accused of hating America as you and yours stand against all that is “AMERICAN”....”Americans” wouldn’t encourage illegals to steal from fellow countrymen, “Americans” don’t advocate for criminality, “Americans” embrace faith in God, family values, morality, decency, American culture, tradition and heritage...I could go on and on.

Funny thing is...the more you rattle off talking points, the more I realize you do not know me. Like everyone else you assign a label.

If you are pro family, how can you possibly support the way families and children are being treated at the border?

Disclaimer: this should not be taken to mean we should allow them in to flood the country, but rather look at how prior administrations handled families and consider that while investing in what is needed to expedite the legal process, ie more judges.

I’m pro family...I am not pro criminal.
The children of criminals should not be permitted to benefit from their parents criminality.

You not pro family if you support abusing children for the actions of their parents. Period.

That’s all bullshit fabricated by bleeding heart fools… Those children are living in better conditions than they came from.
I thought all “refugees” fled a place where they feared for their lives?
We love our country. Why do you think we oppose many of the policies Trump promotes that destroy the environment, enrich the rich, destroy the safetynet for our vulnerable citizens, and a host of other policies that liberals support as part of America?

You get sick of having racist thrown at you every time you turn around, well I am sick of constantly being told I hate America because I refuse to support your Trumpian Utopia.

You’re confused...that’s all.
Trumps policies align with traditional American philosophy.
You are accused of hating America as you and yours stand against all that is “AMERICAN”....”Americans” wouldn’t encourage illegals to steal from fellow countrymen, “Americans” don’t advocate for criminality, “Americans” embrace faith in God, family values, morality, decency, American culture, tradition and heritage...I could go on and on.

Funny thing is...the more you rattle off talking points, the more I realize you do not know me. Like everyone else you assign a label.

If you are pro family, how can you possibly support the way families and children are being treated at the border?

Disclaimer: this should not be taken to mean we should allow them in to flood the country, but rather look at how prior administrations handled families and consider that while investing in what is needed to expedite the legal process, ie more judges.

I’m pro family...I am not pro criminal.
The children of criminals should not be permitted to benefit from their parents criminality.

You not pro family if you support abusing children for the actions of their parents. Period.

That’s all bullshit fabricated by bleeding heart fools… Those children are living in better conditions than they came from.
I thought all “refugees” fled a place where they feared for their lives?

These are concerns brought up by people who genuinely care. Including many churches and real Christians.

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

I think you have it backwards. Trump keeps complaining about a lack of white immigration from Europe. That's because the white people in first world mixed economies, won't leave their socialist, people first economies with cradle to the grave health care, education and programs for people, not corporations and useless wars, for the hate, violence and right wing terrorism that the United States has descended into.

I've turned down multiple opportunities to move to the USA since I was in my 20's. Canada offers far more opportunities for their people that Americans do, and I'm saying that as an educated white woman, with capital to invest. European companies looking to expand into the US, are finding it difficult to get their executive to take an assignment to work in the US. They cite the cost of health care, and the poor quality of public schools in the US as the primary reasons for this reluctance, with gun violence and social disharmony now becoming a rising concern.
We love our country, and will not let Trump, the Man of Lawlessness, the Destroyer, Apolyon, Abbadon-the angel of the bottomless pit, destroy our Nation.... I'm here for the fight to save us from Trump's EVIL. :thup:

He is none of those....but it will take awhile to clean up the stench from the previous administration.
He is all of those things, and you can add... The Deceiver to my list as well, for those of us that use our ears to hear, and eyes to see!!!! :eek:

Hopefully, and I pray for as well, you all will wake up, before you follow him in to the bottomless pit...

Name 1 thing, that crooked Donald has done, that you actually believe that the God that you know or knew, would call good...???

Those were the angels bound at the river euphrates who opened the sixth seal, correct? If the bottomless pit were being opened that would mean the ac is ruling for a short span. God is simply turning us over to our own depravity and wickedness and this didn't start under trump.

I was thinking along the lines of:

- Bible Gateway passage: 2 Thessalonians 2 - New International Version

Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessnessa]">[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

- 1 Timothy 4:1-2

Some Will Depart from the Faith

4 Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, 2 through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared

- Bible Gateway passage: Revelation 19:20 - King James Version

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).

"Idiosy???" :lol:
It is the job of every POTUS to be America-first and definitely not their job "to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world." We've done plenty of winning with Trump in the WH:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Last edited:
Guatemala and the free market

The Guatemalan Economic Miracle and the Man Who Helped It Happen | Alfonso Abril

A Guatemalan Free-Market Reformer Is Under Fire From the U.S.

Letter From Guatemala City | William L. Anderson

Morales has also come under fire for two contracts with an Indiana lobbying firm that reportedly has ties to U.S. Vice President Mike Pence.22 The firm was hired to improve relations between the U.S. and Guatemalan governments outside of normal diplomatic channels. Guatemalan politicians without the authority to act in foreign affairs signed the contracts. Morales denies knowing about the contract, though one was signed on his behalf, and only he and the foreign ministry are authorized to intervene in foreign affairs.23 Furthermore, observers criticize his reclusiveness with the press: he has removed journalists’ access to the presidential palace, and rarely holds press conferences.

But, it's not the free market, per's the corruption.

It reminds me of how communism looks pretty on paper but doesn't pan out.

I posted this video yesterday about Latin America and how regressives manage to manipulate people and then once they've secured power make things worse.

I'd say they "failed to improve conditions", but that would imply an attempt was made.

I do not believe anyone who promotes marxist dogma is stupid enough to believe that shit except for ordinary bed wetters. It's the sociopaths who have the intellect required to secure power that use the politics of hate and envy as a tool in order to enrich themselves.

Somewhere in my box of DVDs I have an interview with Castro where he discusses the Soviet Union and the revolution. Batista sucked. The country was being exploited by the US. So, Castro and Che are under the impression that there will be aid from their communist brothers due to brotherly love. That isn't what happened. Castro says that what the Soviet Union really wanted was another sugar plantation and then they had to kind of figure out what to do with that relationship. He said Cuba was able to accomplish a lot more than what they originally thought they could do but nowhere near what they had hoped to accomplish.

China has been dumping in Nicaragua for years. They gain influence by investing in these countries and building infrastructure.

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).

"Idiosy???" :lol:
It is the job of every POTUS to be America-first and definitely not their job "to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world." We've done plenty of winning with Trump in the WH:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

The swamp is fully restocked. You just don’t care when the corruption is your own.

Most corrupt and scandal ridden administration since Nixon.

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).

What we need change from is the leftwing agenda. Trump is the change we've been needing. Furthermore, change isn't always good. Just ask the people who voted for Hitler and Lenin.

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).

"Idiosy???" :lol:
It is the job of every POTUS to be America-first and definitely not their job "to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world." We've done plenty of winning with Trump in the WH:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

The swamp is fully restocked. You just don’t care when the corruption is your own.

Most corrupt and scandal ridden administration since Nixon.

The corruption is all on the left, honey. Failing to support your agenda is not corruption. It's common sense.

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).

What we need change from is the leftwing agenda. Trump is the change we've been needing. Furthermore, change isn't always good. Just ask the people who voted for Hitler and Lenin.

Comparing Trump to Hitler huh? :lol:
Guatemala and the free market

The Guatemalan Economic Miracle and the Man Who Helped It Happen | Alfonso Abril

A Guatemalan Free-Market Reformer Is Under Fire From the U.S.

Letter From Guatemala City | William L. Anderson

Morales has also come under fire for two contracts with an Indiana lobbying firm that reportedly has ties to U.S. Vice President Mike Pence.22 The firm was hired to improve relations between the U.S. and Guatemalan governments outside of normal diplomatic channels. Guatemalan politicians without the authority to act in foreign affairs signed the contracts. Morales denies knowing about the contract, though one was signed on his behalf, and only he and the foreign ministry are authorized to intervene in foreign affairs.23 Furthermore, observers criticize his reclusiveness with the press: he has removed journalists’ access to the presidential palace, and rarely holds press conferences.

But, it's not the free market, per's the corruption.

It reminds me of how communism looks pretty on paper but doesn't pan out.

I posted this video yesterday about Latin America and how regressives manage to manipulate people and then once they've secured power make things worse.

I'd say they "failed to improve conditions", but that would imply an attempt was made.

I do not believe anyone who promotes marxist dogma is stupid enough to believe that shit except for ordinary bed wetters. It's the sociopaths who have the intellect required to secure power that use the politics of hate and envy as a tool in order to enrich themselves.

Somewhere in my box of DVDs I have an interview with Castro where he discusses the Soviet Union and the revolution. Batista sucked. The country was being exploited by the US. So, Castro and Che are under the impression that there will be aid from their communist brothers due to brotherly love. That isn't what happened. Castro says that what the Soviet Union really wanted was another sugar plantation and then they had to kind of figure out what to do with that relationship. He said Cuba was able to accomplish a lot more than what they originally thought they could do but nowhere near what they had hoped to accomplish.

China has been dumping in Nicaragua for years. They gain influence by investing in these countries and building infrastructure.

Castro turned Cuba into a hell hole. It was 1000 times better under Batista. That's a demonstratable fact.

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).

"Idiosy???" :lol:
It is the job of every POTUS to be America-first and definitely not their job "to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world." We've done plenty of winning with Trump in the WH:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

The swamp is fully restocked. You just don’t care when the corruption is your own.

Most corrupt and scandal ridden administration since Nixon.

The corruption is all on the left, honey. Failing to support your agenda is not corruption. It's common sense.

How many people have had to leave this administration under a cloud?

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).

What we need change from is the leftwing agenda. Trump is the change we've been needing. Furthermore, change isn't always good. Just ask the people who voted for Hitler and Lenin.

Comparing Trump to Hitler huh? :lol:

No, I'm comparing every Dim candidate to Hitler.

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).

"Idiosy???" :lol:
It is the job of every POTUS to be America-first and definitely not their job "to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world." We've done plenty of winning with Trump in the WH:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

The swamp is fully restocked. You just don’t care when the corruption is your own.

Most corrupt and scandal ridden administration since Nixon.

The corruption is all on the left, honey. Failing to support your agenda is not corruption. It's common sense.

How many people have had to leave this administration under a cloud?

You mistake petulant leftwing whining for "a cloud."

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).

What we need change from is the leftwing agenda. Trump is the change we've been needing. Furthermore, change isn't always good. Just ask the people who voted for Hitler and Lenin.

Comparing Trump to Hitler huh? :lol:

No, I'm comparing every Dim candidate to Hitler.

You just said, in one statement, Trump is change, change isn’t always good, and look at who voted for Hitler. Too funny. You couldn’t have said it better. And comparing American politicians to Hitler is the definition of retard, or at least someone who slept through history class.
Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).
"Idiosy???" :lol:
It is the job of every POTUS to be America-first and definitely not their job "to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world." We've done plenty of winning with Trump in the WH:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for them.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

The swamp is fully restocked. You just don’t care when the corruption is your own.

Most corrupt and scandal ridden administration since Nixon.
The corruption is all on the left, honey. Failing to support your agenda is not corruption. It's common sense.
How many people have had to leave this administration under a cloud?
You mistake petulant leftwing whining for "a cloud."
You mistake corruption for ethical?

We have heard the bed wetters do nothing but complain for the last 3 years, but none of them have left yet. The exits are wide open, no one will stop you. For that matter the entrances are all open, we just need to check you in, but people fleeing socialist shit holes south of our border don't want to wait.

Yet we have imbeciles like AOC and Bernie who want to make us a socialist shit hole.

Nearly all the Liberals have not left for an OBVIOUS reason.
A “liberal” is one who is not afraid of CHANGE for the better.
It does not take God to know that we need a change from Trump’s anti-science and top-of-head stupidity to IMPROVE our lifestyles and ethical respect around the world (vs “America first” idiosy).

What we need change from is the leftwing agenda. Trump is the change we've been needing. Furthermore, change isn't always good. Just ask the people who voted for Hitler and Lenin.

Comparing Trump to Hitler huh? :lol:

No, I'm comparing every Dim candidate to Hitler.

You just said, in one statement, Trump is change, change isn’t always good, and look at who voted for Hitler. Too funny. You couldn’t have said it better. And comparing American politicians to Hitler is the definition of retard, or at least someone who slept through history class.

Trump is change from your shit agenda, which is bad. The Dim party has the same agenda as Hitler, so why shouldn't I compare them?

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