So why were Benghazi rescue teams told their mission wasn't in Benghazi???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A prior thread loudly stated "Another RW Lie about Benghazi is Exposed" was a LIE that the rescue team was told to "STAND DOWN"!!!
RIGHT... And that is TRUE....

So if they were NOT told to "STAND DOWN", then why wasn't there a rescue attempt?

They were told not to board the flight, so they missed it," Hicks said. Pressed on why, he said, "I guess they just didn't have the right authority from the right level."

Earlier this month, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress there was never a stand-down order.
They weren't told to stand down. A 'stand down' means don't do anything," he said.

"They were told that the mission they were asked to perform was not in Benghazi, but was at Tripoli airport."
Former US commander in Libya denies Army unit told to stand down during Benghazi attack |

OK... So they weren't told to "STAND DOWN" but were told their mission was not in Benghazi where Americans were being killed but was in Tripoli?? By who's authority?

REALLY???? They were NOT to do anything about Benghazi for what reason???

Sounds like there is still a question WHY would this rescue team be told their mission was not in Benghazi when the people in Benghazi were BEGGING FOR HELP???
Who told the rescue team their mission was NOT IN BENGHAZI???
Why were the rescue teams told their mission was in Tripoli??
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AGAIN NO one seems to be able to answer the simple question:
Why was the Benghazi rescue team asked to perform in Tripoli and not Benghazi?
The subways were down in they had to take cabs.

You guys jump from one lie to another.

Figured I'd help.
You can't answer this, can you ?

Answer what?

The first lie you folks told was Obama was watching the whole thing on high def while sipping champange and getting ready to jet to Vegas.

Second one was that he told everyone to "Stand Down" before his jet to Vegas.



What answer do you want?

How about "The Subways were out".

Run with that.
how about this for a reason....?

I would hardly call the parsing of words a 'lie'.

To a civilian, 'Stand Down' isn't clear. To a Military Man, it is.

That the SF Team was told to remain in Tripoli makes sense.

It was wrong, but it makes sense.

The Benghazi attack could have easily been a diversion with the main target being Tripoli. I might have given the same order myself.

But to say that Hicks 'Lied' is just pure bullshit. He misspoke. To him, the refusal of help was a 'stand down' order. To the Military, the order to remain in Tripoli was simply a 'Command Decision'

libturds -- 0

Patriotic Conservative Americans... +5,846

libturds suck
You can't answer this, can you ?

Answer what?

The first lie you folks told was Obama was watching the whole thing on high def while sipping champange and getting ready to jet to Vegas.

Second one was that he told everyone to "Stand Down" before his jet to Vegas.



What answer do you want?

How about "The Subways were out".

Run with that.

Hey.. we just don't understand how come we had ALL those Situation room photos of Obama at the command during Osama killing...BUT
NOT one word where Obama was again.. we can guess he was having a very serious ONE-ON-ONE with his best bud and who knows what else???
Reginald L. Love served as the special assistant and personal aide, commonly referred to as body man for taking care of the president's needs, to United States President Barack Obama.
Position: Wide receiver same position with Obama???
So we have NO problem filling in the blanks regarding Obama since no one will tell us so we can MAKE UP ANYTHING and until proven differently!!!

Now again why would the rescue team's MISSION not be to rescue Benghazi endangered Americans but Tripoli??
Let me repeat what the testimony was:

Greg Hicks who testified under oath:
They were told not to board the flight, so they missed it," Hicks said. Pressed on why, he said, "I guess they just didn't have the right authority from the right level."

Earlier this month, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress there was never a stand-down order.
They weren't told to stand down. A 'stand down' means don't do anything," he said.

"They were told that the mission they were asked to perform was not in Benghazi, but was at Tripoli airport."
Former US commander in Libya denies Army unit told to stand down during Benghazi attack |
Former US commander in Libya denies Army unit told to stand down during Benghazi attack |
They were ready to load and were told not to. They needed permission from the Libyan govt.

The same Libyan Govt that did nothing about the attack at all.
You can't answer this, can you ?

Answer what?

The first lie you folks told was Obama was watching the whole thing on high def while sipping champange and getting ready to jet to Vegas.

Second one was that he told everyone to "Stand Down" before his jet to Vegas.



What answer do you want?

How about "The Subways were out".

Run with that.

Hey.. we just don't understand how come we had ALL those Situation room photos of Obama at the command during Osama killing...BUT
NOT one word where Obama was again.. we can guess he was having a very serious ONE-ON-ONE with his best bud and who knows what else???
Reginald L. Love served as the special assistant and personal aide, commonly referred to as body man for taking care of the president's needs, to United States President Barack Obama.
Position: Wide receiver same position with Obama???
So we have NO problem filling in the blanks regarding Obama since no one will tell us so we can MAKE UP ANYTHING and until proven differently!!!

Now again why would the rescue team's MISSION not be to rescue Benghazi endangered Americans but Tripoli??
Let me repeat what the testimony was:

Greg Hicks who testified under oath:
They were told not to board the flight, so they missed it," Hicks said. Pressed on why, he said, "I guess they just didn't have the right authority from the right level."

Earlier this month, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress there was never a stand-down order.
They weren't told to stand down. A 'stand down' means don't do anything," he said.

"They were told that the mission they were asked to perform was not in Benghazi, but was at Tripoli airport."
Former US commander in Libya denies Army unit told to stand down during Benghazi attack |
Former US commander in Libya denies Army unit told to stand down during Benghazi attack |

Seriously..when does the bullshit salad end with you guys.

A 6 man Special Ops team did arrive in Benghazi and actually fought the militants off.

When exactly do you folks stop lying your asses off.
Answer what?

The first lie you folks told was Obama was watching the whole thing on high def while sipping champange and getting ready to jet to Vegas.

Second one was that he told everyone to "Stand Down" before his jet to Vegas.



What answer do you want?

How about "The Subways were out".

Run with that.

Hey.. we just don't understand how come we had ALL those Situation room photos of Obama at the command during Osama killing...BUT
NOT one word where Obama was again.. we can guess he was having a very serious ONE-ON-ONE with his best bud and who knows what else???
Reginald L. Love served as the special assistant and personal aide, commonly referred to as body man for taking care of the president's needs, to United States President Barack Obama.
Position: Wide receiver same position with Obama???
So we have NO problem filling in the blanks regarding Obama since no one will tell us so we can MAKE UP ANYTHING and until proven differently!!!

Now again why would the rescue team's MISSION not be to rescue Benghazi endangered Americans but Tripoli??
Let me repeat what the testimony was:

Greg Hicks who testified under oath:
They were told not to board the flight, so they missed it," Hicks said. Pressed on why, he said, "I guess they just didn't have the right authority from the right level."

Earlier this month, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress there was never a stand-down order.
They weren't told to stand down. A 'stand down' means don't do anything," he said.

"They were told that the mission they were asked to perform was not in Benghazi, but was at Tripoli airport."
Former US commander in Libya denies Army unit told to stand down during Benghazi attack |
Former US commander in Libya denies Army unit told to stand down during Benghazi attack |

Seriously..when does the bullshit salad end with you guys.

A 6 man Special Ops team did arrive in Benghazi and actually fought the militants off.

When exactly do you folks stop lying your asses off.

"They were told that the mission they were asked to perform was not in Benghazi, but was at Tripoli airport."

Former US commander in Libya denies Army unit told to stand down during Benghazi attack |

WHY did they not go the first time... a request was made by Stevens???
So why hasn't any "BRAVE" journalist other then Fox ask Obama where was he the night 4 Americans were murdered in Benghazi?

There is absolutely NO WAY Bush/Cheney would have been so well protected as Obama has in just this simple question!
We all saw these pictures:


You DO know that the economy's in the tank right? And conservatives can probably win on that right? Just sayin...
You DO know that the economy's in the tank right? And conservatives can probably win on that right? Just sayin...

That has no bearing on the fact that the C-I-C who was plenty visible during Osama killing, beating his chest, having bumper stickers, was AWOL when Americans were killed and actually took off the next day for a campaign fund raiser!

The point is the MSM doesn't want anything to put Obama in a bad light!

You are aware of these FACTs I would hope:
1) 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
An average contribution of $880.
By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863.
An average Republican contribution was $744.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

2) Now these same donors/news people of news stories about Romney 71% were NEGATIVE!!! 7 out of 10 stories presented a negative image of Romney.
Study Finds Widespread Bias in Mainstream Media Coverage of Election | Women of Grace

3) Evan Thomas Editor of NewsWeek's quotes Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

But that will never happen under Obama because this hardened, grizzled NewsWeek editor's response about Obama???

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

"There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics. About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time.There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.
There is a liberal bias at Newsweek, the magazine I work for -
- Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Evan Thomas — Newsweek's Evan Thomas on Inside Washington, May 12, 1996.

So unless there is a dramatic change in ass covering of Obama by the mainstream media ......
So when I provide FACTS about the Biased MSM covering Obama's ASS where are your refutations?

Since 1960 the media has voted solidly For Democrats and as a result the constant drumbeat of destruction of the USA and our standards has been their agenda. The MSM is absolutely ignorant when it comes to how the USA was able to since the beginning of our country improve ALL our lives to a standard of living that
Today's Poor The wealthiest person in the world in 1776
have instant communication..i.e. cell phones.. NEVER even imagined that!...
instant access to information ..i.e. the Internet... They depended on a horse and messenger !
Life span... average is 74 years for a U.S. citizen was 35 years.

So now we have Obama/MSM tearing down ALL those achievements!
Why Benghazi happened should be glaringly apparent to anyone who was paying attention. It happened because when Morsi became president of Egypt he promised that he would convince the United States to release Rahman, the blind shiek. To do that, the United States needed a good excuse. This means a wave of violence across Egypt and Libya.
What was the reasoning behind Obama’s inaction? There are growing numbers of people who believe that the Benghazi attack was supposed to happen, but in another form. We know that shortly after Morsi was elected president in Egypt, he began demanding the release of the blind sheik. For those who need a reminder, he is “Omar Abdel-Rahman, the spiritual leader of men convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.” Morsi wanted him released back to Egypt and would mean a victory for him vs. America.

What was the reasoning behind Obama’s inaction? There are growing numbers of people who believe that the Benghazi attack was supposed to happen, but in another form. We know that shortly after Morsi was elected president in Egypt, he began demanding the release of the blind sheik. For those who need a reminder, he is “Omar Abdel-Rahman, the spiritual leader of men convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.” Morsi wanted him released back to Egypt and would mean a victory for him vs. America.

Was Benghazi a created event that simply went wrong? Was Ambassador Stevens supposed to have been simply kidnapped and then exchanged for the sheik?

Sources suggest the Benghazi attack was a bungled abduction attempt - Tampa Bay Libertarian |

Admiral Lyons, whose career in the United States (U.S.) Navy was capped by two years of service as the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet from 1985 to 1987, thinks this kidnapping was planned to be the first stage of an international prisoner exchange. This transfer of prisoners would have ensured the release of Omar Abdel Rahman, the “Blind Sheik” convicted of orchestrating the World Trade Center Bombing in 1993.

SMOKING GUN on Benghazi: They wanted the BLIND sheik and Obama was going to let him go this was printed 9/12 : ken24xavier
USA Today reports that the riot at the U.S. embassy in Cairo appears to have been planned well before the Egyptian media reported on the anti-Islam YouTube film that was blamed for sparking the protest. The protest was reportedly announced on August 30 by Gamaa Islamiyya, an Egyptian terrorist group, to call for the release of its leader, Sheikh Omar abdel Rahman — aka the blind sheik, who is serving a life sentence for the first World Trade Center bombing:

obama was in on it from the beginning to create this major excuse to help Morsi keep his campaign promise.
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