So Why Will Our Liberal Leaders Refuse To Televise Donald Trump? What Facts Could He Possibly Bring Up For The World To See?

The vampire witch hunters can’t survive the sunshine of live and factual
So are loons really counteroffering Trump with a proposal that they tape him and release the tape hours later?
Kinda like the “stop counting” thing.
There were a couple, like bannon, who didn't testify, but not because they are anti trump, but because they see this committee for the farce that it is, and, it's not only about the witnesses, but about who's asking the questions.

All of those committee members will shut you down if you start going away from the pointed questions they ask, "reclaiming my time", or "please just answer my question, I only have so much time".

I want other witnesses being asked questions by someone who isn't already a stated anti Trumper.

Thats fine then, as long as he has proper defence, and the ability to call their own witnessed, and ask their own questions
Although, there is a chance that Trump may be found guilty, but we won't learn the truth for years down the line. There are so many people afraid of the democrats, and their woke cancel machine, and what may happen to them if they do try and defend Trump.

This whole thing has been tainted by the dems and the left wing media. Not to mention, is it even possible to find a jury for this the tria. There isn't anyone who doesn't know what's going on, good luck trying to find someone not biased.

There are two anti trump Republicans on thr committee who've already voted to impeach the subject of their investigation twice, and cheney has already stayed that she was going to do her utmost to keep trump out of office. Not sure about kinsinger, but I'm pretty sure he's made statements already I'm regards to trump guilt.
Good points but the I quiet us not a witch hunt or illegal etc.
This is unprecedented in history. The riots were unprecedented also.

If course the Republicans will fabricate all sorts of distortions to protect the golden boy but on completion it will reveal just what a complete fool Trump is.
Good points but the I quiet us not a witch hunt or illegal etc.
This is unprecedented in history. The riots were unprecedented also.

If course the Republicans will fabricate all sorts of distortions to protect the golden boy but on completion it will reveal just what a complete fool Trump is.
Fool is a feeling and insurrection is a fake
Good points but the I quiet us not a witch hunt or illegal etc.
This is unprecedented in history. The riots were unprecedented also.

If course the Republicans will fabricate all sorts of distortions to protect the golden boy but on completion it will reveal just what a complete fool Trump is.
It is a witch hunt. Illegal, probably not.

I don't care if he's found guilty, as long as he gets a fair trial. I do think, though, that dems will do everything they can to put their thumb on the scale of justice though.

The only question I have is, if it is found that the dems intentionally left out evidence that could help Trump, and if it is found,.in court, that Trump is not guilty and that this committee, and many other dem leaders, were a part of trying to ruin Trumps.polotical future, in an effort to influence an election by disqualifying a candidate, will you dems support calling for the immediate resignation of all those dems, and investigations be started on them?
It is a witch hunt. Illegal, probably not.

I don't care if he's found guilty, as long as he gets a fair trial. I do think, though, that dems will do everything they can to put their thumb on the scale of justice though.

The only question I have is, if it is found that the dems intentionally left out evidence that could help Trump, and if it is found,.in court, that Trump is not guilty and that this committee, and many other dem leaders, were a part of trying to ruin Trumps.polotical future, in an effort to influence an election by disqualifying a candidate, will you dems support calling for the immediate resignation of all those dems, and investigations be started on them?
Oddly enough, I don't care about Trump and Republican rednecks.
I don't care either if you squeel forever about Trump losing. He is a narcissistic fool and wasted 4 years of a rising economy he inherited.
You are the one that does not like the way the constitution and rule of law calls for elections to be conducted.

I am, am I?

And what the fuck would you know about that?

NOTHING. Not s goddamn thing

So why don't you stop with the stupid, lest I should begin hurling invectives in your direction

I do that with stupid people

In case you haven't noticed.

I am not slinging mud or calling you little names, like a kid on a playground.

You just did.

I have not seen your new proposal on time limits to challenge, new dates for states to verify, ratify the vote or the election exclusion that would mean challenges in court no longer required proof be submitted as challenges are to be trialed on the courthouse step and right wing TV in lieu of normal court proceedings, but do not think I would approve and would certainly require an amendment of the Constitution to put into effect.
I will support the constitution as it stands.

Then you can NOT support Stalinists who violate the Constitution on a daily basis

Both your faces are showing, Janus

You can support the cult and being a loser.
I told you, I don't do people I only do process. If you're too stupid to tell the difference it's not my problem.
I am, am I?

And what the fuck would you know about that?

NOTHING. Not s goddamn thing

So why don't you stop with the stupid, lest I should begin hurling invectives in your direction

I do that with stupid people

In case you haven't noticed.

You just did.

Then you can NOT support Stalinists who violate the Constitution on a daily basis

Both your faces are showing, Janus

I told you, I don't do people I only do process. If you're too stupid to tell the difference it's not my problem.
Not worried about your little invectives, but what make you think they would not let Donny testify on camera? Donny has no intention of doing it, as it is well known, he lacks the composure and self discipline to do anything other than become the witness in chief against himself, so no legal counsel worth having would allow or even stay if he went forward with it.
Not worried about your little invectives, but what make you think they would not let Donny testify on camera? Donny has no intention of doing it, as it is well known, he lacks the composure and self discipline to do anything other than become the witness in chief against himself, so no legal counsel worth having would allow or even stay if he went forward with it.
"Donny" would totally destroy that committee inside of five minutes, starting with his opening statement. He'd expose the entire committee as the shrieking chimpanzees they are. And not only that, he's ready to play hardball. He'd tear them apart, that's why they won't let him be with the cameras
We could make quite a list of issues/facts/possible scandals that President Trump will tell the world if he was to be supeeened on for a billion or so to watch.
So Gee, Hmm, what could they be?
There aren't any current Democrat Scandals going on right now? yes? :eek:
Hey, I think the whole thing is a witch hunt kangaroo investigation. But, Trump just getting up and spouting off isn't proof of anything. It's just Trump spouting off. And, the committee refuses to let anyone, including Trump, show actual evidence opposing their sham investigation. They'll just let Trump spout off and then claim Trump doesn't have any evidence.
"Donny" would totally destroy that committee inside of five minutes, starting with his opening statement. He'd expose the entire committee as the shrieking chimpanzees they are. And not only that, he's ready to play hardball. He'd tear them apart, that's why they won't let him be with the cameras
That sounds a romantic idolization of what sounds like a hero or yours, but kind of lacks the ring of reality.
That sounds a romantic idolization of what sounds like a hero or yours, but kind of lacks the ring of reality.


No sir. "Donny" did that exact thing to 16 other highly qualified Republicans primary candidates.

Your hatred for Mr Trump in no way reflects on the reality of his capabilities.

In fact that's kind of the whole point.

Mr Trump is more capable than the entire Democratic party put together. The whole party dogpiled on him and they failed. He's still standing.

No sir. "Donny" did that exact thing to 16 other highly qualified Republicans primary candidates.

Your hatred for Mr Trump in no way reflects on the reality of his capabilities.

In fact that's kind of the whole point.

Mr Trump is more capable than the entire Democratic party put together. The whole party dogpiled on him and they failed. He's still standing.
Nah, I hate no man. It is a waste of emotional energy. Certainly not to be wasted on a politician, no matter how bereft of, character, honor, loyalty to the constitution and country, his wives, associates, lawyers (whom I feel no remorse for), or business partners (who are all often screwed by associating) or his generally skeezy manner of conducting himself. I have met his kind and simply avoid them.
Oddly enough, I don't care about Trump and Republican rednecks.
I don't care either if you squeel forever about Trump losing. He is a narcissistic fool and wasted 4 years of a rising economy he inherited.
You'll hear no squealing from me, again, I'm not a "trump" person. I don't care if he is convicted or not, just as long as justice prevails and its not tainted by democrat meddling, which I think is a stretch considering most dems have already stated they want to keep him out of politics
Oddly enough, I don't care about Trump and Republican rednecks.
I don't care either if you squeel forever about Trump losing. He is a narcissistic fool and wasted 4 years of a rising economy he inherited.
Oh, also, no response to the last part of my post? Whatl say you, are you going to support mass resignations for all those dem congress people if found that Trump is innocent and this was all a political hit? Resignstion and investigations started on all of them?
Oh, also, no response to the last part of my post?
It didn't deserve the dignity of a reply.
Whatl say you, are you going to support mass resignations for all those dem congress people if found that Trump is innocent and this was all a political hit?
No. Because it will not happen. Trump is already found guilty and the paperwork is following. You might like to think that but ain't gonna happen cowboy.
Resignstion and investigations started on all of them?

There is no need for either.
I'm assuming you have evidence which incriminated them that deserves they do that. I know you don't.
It didn't deserve the dignity of a reply.

No. Because it will not happen. Trump is already found guilty and the paperwork is following. You might like to think that but ain't gonna happen cowboy.

There is no need for either.
I'm assuming you have evidence which incriminated them that deserves they do that. I know you don't.

Trump has not been found guilty, as this is not a court, and this is only a one sided charade of an investigation. Even when this committee writes its report, it's going to be viewed with skepticism because of the amount of bias and hate from those committee members against Trump.

I said way back that this committee was a waste of time and money because you can already predict what they are going to do. It's easy because every one of those committee members knew what they wanted before the committee even started.

No, the real investigation will start when/if there is a trial, where there will be an actual defense, who can call their own witnesses, subpoena their own documents and witnesses, and ask questions of their own. It's at that point we may find out that many, or all of these dems on the committee, and possibly others, were engaged in a political hit, with the goal of trying to keep Trump out of office.

It may or may not happen, my question is, if it does happen, would you support holding those responsible to account by demanding their resignations, and them being investigated?
Trump has not been found guilty, as this is not a court, and this is only a one sided charade of an investigation.
I know he hasnt been found guilty. It is not one sided as your loyalty to a dictator permits. They don't have a right to charge anyone but do have a legal right to subpoena anyone. It's not a charade my friend. Those people who it eventually puts in jail will vouch for that.
Even when this committee writes its report, it's going to be viewed with skepticism because of the amount of bias and hate from those committee members against Trump.
Not so. The likes of you who never see fallibility in Trump will view it that way. Th se people will be well qualified members of the DOJ who are not influenced by the unwashed masses of rednecks supporting a fascist.
I said way back that this committee was a waste of time and money because you can already predict what they are going to do. It's easy because every one of those committee members knew what they wanted before the committee even started.

How strange. You should have revealed that startling information to the authorities and saved money. Never mind Trump goes unchallenged. We didn't know your intellectual capacity. What the heck man. Do it.
No, the real investigation will start when/if there is a trial, where there will be an actual defense, who can call their own witnesses, subpoena their own documents and witnesses, and ask questions of their own. It's at that point we may find out that many, or all of these dems on the committee, and possibly others, were engaged in a political hit, with the goal of trying to keep Trump out of office.
Bring it on son , as they say. I note you are making more bold assumptions which originate from a deep seated hatred of democrats.
It may or may not happen, my question is, if it does happen, would you support holding those responsible to account by demanding their resignations, and them being investigated?

It is not a political hit. The investigation has uncovered all the failures of the idiot by people who surrounded him.
He orchestrated a coup attempt. He stole top secret docos. He violated the constitution and was impeached for it.
Why can't you understand the bald hard facts which are there? This is no witch hunt.

There will be Trump supporters face court over there attempted destruction of democracy and Trump himself will have to answer also. With a bit if luck it will be him who goes to jail.
His lawyers will advise him to plea the fifth because knowing that moron he would get himself into trouble for lying to Congress!
Yeh it’s more liberal bullshit for that witch hunting bunch to try and maintain “We can’t let him talk because we feel he will lie”
What a Nazi preemptive statement .

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