So Why Will Our Liberal Leaders Refuse To Televise Donald Trump? What Facts Could He Possibly Bring Up For The World To See?

NOT televising this event was their 2nd choice, but the committee decided their 1st idea, wearing masks to hide their identities, was not such a good idea...


'Do you solemly sway-ya, Mistah Trump, to tell thuh trooth and nuthin' but, so hep you Robert Byrd?'

now you would think they would not have any problem putting Trump on live TV, being we have been watching it on LIVE TV! so why all of a sudden do they just wanna tape asking trump questions. then later air it after all of the editing?
Yep. It is tough the situation he has put himself in. He could have gone by the rules, historical precedent and traditions of admitting defeat when defeated and exhausting all appeals to all authorities and supporting a peaceful transfer of power to the winner, but no. He brought it all on himself, by his decisions, actions and intentional inaction.
Patriotic Americans have a different view of election fraud than you do.
Patriotic Americans have a different view of election fraud than you do.
No they don't. Normal Americans have more respect for the laws, the courts, the time frames and actually having proof in the courts. No patriotic American would stand for fraud proven in court, but Patriotic Americans know the incompetent Trump Lawyers failed to prove it in like 62 out of 63 attempts, sometimes even denying they were charging it, and that was in front of a Trump appointed judge. Let me know when you get something proven in court that could have changed a single state.
No they don't.


Normal Americans have more respect for the laws, the courts, the time frames and actually having proof in the courts.

YOU don't speak for normal Americans.

Progtards are very ABnormal.

Very fucking ABnormal, for Democrats or any other way

No patriotic American would stand for fraud proven in court, but Patriotic Americans know the incompetent Trump Lawyers failed to prove it in like 62 out of 63 attempts, sometimes even denying they were charging it, and that was in front of a Trump appointed judge.

YOU don't speak for patriotic Americans

YOU support Stalinist pigs

YOU are not a patriotic American

Let me know when you get something proven in court that could have changed a single state.

Fuck your courts, and fuck you too.


It will be excised by any and all means available

THAT is what patriotic Americans want
Because they plan to RIG and SPIN the thing dishonestly. They can't do that if Trump speaks directly to the American people and it's all broadcast live.
Won't happen. Trump will be under oath..... Unless he wants a perjury charge, his forked tongue, will be restrained.....that's why he will not do it.

...just like all the OTHER times he claimed and boasted he would testify under oath, but then later did not go under oath to testify because his lawyers advised him not to do so....

The same playbook is being played by Trump right now, hide and watch.

Democrats and Republicans.... Cheney and Adam K on the committee, would LOVE to have Trump testify under oath!
They have been approached to appear and all declined. Trump is about to do that.
It’s their choice to put their case so your best to ask them why they refused.
..... I want to hear witnesses other than the hand picked people the committee selects. Again, not one witness has been favorable to trump. Why is that? Because they would never call a witness that had anything to refute the committee.

I'm waiting for the trial when trumps team can subpoena their own witnesses and collect their own evidence.

That's what I mean by hearing all sides.
..... I want to hear witnesses other than the hand picked people the committee selects. Again, not one witness has been favorable to trump. Why is that? Because they would never call a witness that had anything to refute the comments.
Again, if they had something to defend Trump why wouldn't they go there? The witnesses so far have been requested to attend and did so, the same as Trump's witnesses but won't. Why is that? Because they know they cannot defend their actions.
I'm waiting for the trial when trumps team can subpoena their own witnesses and collect their own evidence.
Me too. I can't wait but I'll bet no one appears for Trump and tells the lies he will tell. They don't want to go to jail for him.
That's what I mean by hearing all sides.

They've had their opportunity and declined it. You cannot blame the committee. That is pure mischief making and suggesting the whole thing is a sham. There are two Republicans in that committee.
So Why Will Our Liberal Leaders Refuse To Televise Donald Trump? What Facts Could He Possibly Bring Up For The World To See?
Why? Because the gullible trailer-trash who follow him are too easily incited to traitorous un-American violence when their Führer doesn't get his way.

They can always go to their Fearless Leader's social media website and other ultra-right-wing propaganda yellow-rag journalism sources for their "fix".
...There are two Republicans in that committee.
There could have been as many as five but your House Minority Leader stupidly advanced two names who were going to be targets of the investigations.

When those two names were rejected your House Minority Leader stupidly withdrew ALL of his five names and the Dems had to appoint two on their own.

Even your Orange Albatross said that your House Minority Leader was foolish for doing that.
There could have been as many as five but your House Minority Leader stupidly advanced two names who were going to be targets of the investigations.

When those two names were rejected your House Minority Leader stupidly withdrew ALL of his five names and the Dems had to appoint two on their own.

Even your Orange Albatross said that your House Minority Leader was foolish for doing that.
I know all that but it doesn't change the fact there are two and Trump's lackeys are frightened to attend for fear of incriminating themselves and Trump's threats of reprisals for their future careers.

That aside, they've had their chance. What happens from now on cannot be criticised by them if it's not in their favour.

YOU don't speak for normal Americans.

Progtards are very ABnormal.

Very fucking ABnormal, for Democrats or any other way

YOU don't speak for patriotic Americans

YOU support Stalinist pigs

YOU are not a patriotic American

Fuck your courts, and fuck you too.


It will be excised by any and all means available

THAT is what patriotic Americans want
Sounds like you are describing yourself. Have you always been a traitor to your country? When did you decide the rule of law, along with the Constitution were no longer worth protecting as necessary for the country to continue?
Sounds like you are describing yourself. Have you always been a traitor to your country? When did you decide the rule of law, along with the Constitution were no longer worth protecting as necessary for the country to continue?
You dimwitted moron, now you're slinging mud like a good little two faced DNC lemming.

For a minute there I thought you had more on the ball than some of these other asswipes. But you don't. You're just a bullshitter like all the other leftards.
You dimwitted moron, now you're slinging mud like a good little two faced DNC lemming.

For a minute there I thought you had more on the ball than some of these other asswipes. But you don't. You're just a bullshitter like all the other leftards.
You are the one that does not like the way the constitution and rule of law calls for elections to be conducted. I am not slinging mud or calling you little names, like a kid on a playground. I have not seen your new proposal on time limits to challenge, new dates for states to verify, ratify the vote or the election exclusion that would mean challenges in court no longer required proof be submitted as challenges are to be trialed on the courthouse step and right wing TV in lieu of normal court proceedings, but do not think I would approve and would certainly require an amendment of the Constitution to put into effect.
I will support the constitution as it stands. You can support the cult and being a loser.
[ Putin did not want Hilary because she was against Putin. You got it the other way around thanks to the sources you choose to read, listen to. Learn History.]

When mass protests against Russian President Vladimir Putin erupted in Moscow in December 2011, Putin made clear who he thought was really behind them: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

With the protesters accusing Putin of having rigged recent elections, the Russian leader pointed an angry finger at Clinton, who had issued a statement sharply critical of the voting results. “She said they were dishonest and unfair,” Putin fumed in public remarks, saying that Clinton gave “a signal” to demonstrators working “with the support of the U.S. State Department” to undermine his power. “We need to safeguard ourselves from this interference in our internal affairs,” Putin declared.

Five years later, Putin may be seeking revenge against Clinton. At least that’s the implication of the view among some cybersecurity experts that Russia was behind the recent hack of the Democratic National Committee’s email server, which has sowed confusion and dissent at the Democratic National Convention and undercut Clinton’s goal of party unity.

While Donald Trump’s budding bromance with Vladimir Putin is well known — the two men have exchanged admiring words about each other and called for improved relations between Washington and Moscow — Putin’s hostility towards Clinton draws less attention.

Former U.S. officials who worked on Russia policy with Clinton say that Putin was personally stung by Clinton’s December 2011 condemnation of Russia’s parliamentary elections, and had his anger communicated directly to President Barack Obama. They say Putin and his advisers are also keenly aware that, even as she executed Obama’s “reset” policy with Russia, Clinton took a harder line toward Moscow than others in the administration. And they say Putin sees Clinton as a forceful proponent of “regime change” policies that the Russian leader considers a grave threat to his own survival.

“He was very upset [with Clinton] and continued to be for the rest of the time that I was in government,” said Michael McFaul, who served as the top Russia official in Obama’s national security council from 2009 to December 2011 and then was U.S. ambassador to Moscow until early 2014. “One could speculate that this is his moment for payback.”

(full article online

Show me your research.
Putin had the missing hillary emails, he could use them to blackmail her into doing whatever he wanted. There is absolutely no logical reason why he would want Trump to win and you know it in spite of your canned rhetoric fed to you by your masters at CNN and the DNC
now you would think they would not have any problem putting Trump on live TV, being we have been watching it on LIVE TV! so why all of a sudden do they just wanna tape asking trump questions. then later air it after all of the editing?
because they are scared shitless that he would tell the truth to the american people.
Again, if they had something to defend Trump why wouldn't they go there? The witnesses so far have been requested to attend and did so, the same as Trump's witnesses but won't. Why is that? Because they know they cannot defend their actions.

Me too. I can't wait but I'll bet no one appears for Trump and tells the lies he will tell. They don't want to go to jail for him.

They've had their opportunity and declined it. You cannot blame the committee. That is pure mischief making and suggesting the whole thing is a sham. There are two Republicans in that committee.
Again, if they had something to defend Trump why wouldn't they go there? The witnesses so far have been requested to attend and did so, the same as Trump's witnesses but won't. Why is that? Because they know they cannot defend their actions.

There were a couple, like bannon, who didn't testify, but not because they are anti trump, but because they see this committee for the farce that it is, and, it's not only about the witnesses, but about who's asking the questions.

All of those committee members will shut you down if you start going away from the pointed questions they ask, "reclaiming my time", or "please just answer my question, I only have so much time".

I want other witnesses being asked questions by someone who isn't already a stated anti Trumper.

Me too. I can't wait but I'll bet no one appears for Trump and tells the lies he will tell. They don't want to go to jail for him.

Thats fine then, as long as he has proper defence, and the ability to call their own witnessed, and ask their own questions
Although, there is a chance that Trump may be found guilty, but we won't learn the truth for years down the line. There are so many people afraid of the democrats, and their woke cancel machine, and what may happen to them if they do try and defend Trump.

This whole thing has been tainted by the dems and the left wing media. Not to mention, is it even possible to find a jury for this the tria. There isn't anyone who doesn't know what's going on, good luck trying to find someone not biased.

There are two Republicans in that committee.

There are two anti trump Republicans on thr committee who've already voted to impeach the subject of their investigation twice, and cheney has already stayed that she was going to do her utmost to keep trump out of office. Not sure about kinsinger, but I'm pretty sure he's made statements already I'm regards to trump guilt.
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There could have been as many as five but your House Minority Leader stupidly advanced two names who were going to be targets of the investigations.

When those two names were rejected your House Minority Leader stupidly withdrew ALL of his five names and the Dems had to appoint two on their own.

Even your Orange Albatross said that your House Minority Leader was foolish for doing that.
House Minority Leader stupidly advanced two names who were going to be targets of the investigations.

Did pelosi know that at the time? She never alluded to it. She just rejected them because they voted to certify trump or something like that.

The story about them not being picked because they could be a target of the investigation didn't really come out until recently.

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