So Why Will Our Liberal Leaders Refuse To Televise Donald Trump? What Facts Could He Possibly Bring Up For The World To See?

I'm sure the Trump Camp is getting a huge number of suggestions on how to handle this subpoena, but here's mine (maybe he reads this site):

He should agree to testify, provided he is given a minimum of 20 minutes in the beginning to make a public statement, without interruption.

Then he goes in, makes his statement, stands up and walks out.

The statement is a concise, factual summary of the events leading up to, and including January 6th, 2021, including his directions to his minions, his expectations for the day, the precautions that he took and attempted to take, and so on.

It will cause a major kerfuffle when he walks out, but fie on any official who tries to stop him.

This will never happen, of course, he would be foolish to testify under oath in any forum controlled by Congressional Democrats.
Translation; your god is too much of a pussy to answer questions. What does that make those who worship him?
I cannot believe that TWO YEARS LATER these Biden fans would still rather talk about Trump....

wait on second thought, maybe I DO believe it, considering his presidency....
I cannot believe that TWO YEARS LATER these Biden fans would still rather talk about Trump....

wait on second thought, maybe I DO believe it, considering his presidency....
Why shouldn’t they. The first time in history a defeated POTUS attempted to destroy democracy because of a big lie.

It will be noted in history and be reminded at every election. The man is a complete idiot, tyrant and should never be allowed a govt position again.
Why shouldn’t they. The first time in history a defeated POTUS attempted to destroy democracy because of a big lie.

It will be noted in history and be reminded at every election. The man is a complete idiot, tyrant and should never be allowed a govt position again.

Well I laughed out loud, so there's that.
Hillary testified under oath, before the Republican Benghazi Congressional Special Select committee, for 11 straight hours of Trey Gowdy, and Jordan etc etc etc.pounding her.

Surely Trump could fair as well under oath with Liz questioning as Hillary under oath with Trey Gowdy's dog and pony show?
& She basically admitted to deceiving the American public, and there wasn't shit done about it.



Fact Check: Hillary came up with Benghazi video explanation​

Trump will never testify under oath
If he has that choice, what was the purpose of these hearings in the first place? If this isnt a real investigation with actual authority, what the fuck are dems wasting all this time and money on?
I'm sure the Trump Camp is getting a huge number of suggestions on how to handle this subpoena, but here's mine (maybe he reads this site):

He should agree to testify, provided he is given a minimum of 20 minutes in the beginning to make a public statement, without interruption.

Then he goes in, makes his statement, stands up and walks out.

The statement is a concise, factual summary of the events leading up to, and including January 6th, 2021, including his directions to his minions, his expectations for the day, the precautions that he took and attempted to take, and so on.

It will cause a major kerfuffle when he walks out, but fie on any official who tries to stop him.

This will never happen, of course, he would be foolish to testify under oath in any forum controlled by Congressional Democrats.
Will Trump make his summary of events under oath?
We could make quite a list of issues/facts/possible scandals that President Trump will tell the world if he was to be supeeened on for a billion or so to watch.
So Gee, Hmm, what could they be?
There aren't any current Democrat Scandals going on right now? yes? :eek:

Facts? When did Trump ever bother with facts?
I say he testifies and the committee goes bonkers trying to shut him up. Good luck.
He shot his mouth off for 4 years and lost, incredibly by 3X as many votes as the time before. In 40+ states (including states he won in 2016 and 2020) he got a smaller % of the vote in 2020 than he did in 2016.

The more he yaks, the better it is for the democrats.
If Trump makes a serious offer to testify under oath, live, with cameras and microphones, the committee absolutely has to accept.

This would be the most must-see TV event in the history of historical histories.
He shot his mouth off for 4 years and lost, incredibly by 3X as many votes as the time before. In 40+ states (including states he won in 2016 and 2020) he got a smaller % of the vote in 2020 than he did in 2016.

The more he yaks, the better it is for the democrats.

Oh I doubt even Trump "yakking" could save you now
If Trump makes a serious offer to testify under oath, live, with cameras and microphones, the committee absolutely has to accept.

This would be the most must-see TV event in the history of historical histories.

TDS stage 5

It wouldn't even get close to a regular NFL game, let alone the Superbowl.

You have lost it entirely.
We could make quite a list of issues/facts/possible scandals that President Trump will tell the world if he was to be supeeened on for a billion or so to watch.
So Gee, Hmm, what could they be?
There aren't any current Democrat Scandals going on right now? yes? :eek:

What scandals would those be? Where's your link????
If he has that choice, what was the purpose of these hearings in the first place? If this isnt a real investigation with actual authority, what the fuck are dems wasting all this time and money on?
To try to establish, who, what, where, when and how.

To establish the facts of the sedition that took place. It's called recording history, for the most shameful, un American day in our History!
TDS stage 5

It wouldn't even get close to a regular NFL game, let alone the Superbowl.

You have lost it entirely.

Stage 5 TDS is still believing in the orange baboon after everything you've been told. How gullible and stupid do you have to be to continue to support this deranged and addled old fool?

You people are in the thrall of a grifter, a conman who tried to destroy the country and install himself as dictator for life. And you sit there calling people who want his arrested for his crimes, "deranged".
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