So, will the Dems cooperate or not?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
This morning the Senate Repubs rolled out their HC proposal, which all in all ain't that bad as a starting point for discussions and negotiations. In view of the fact (in the minds of many) that the ACA is a disaster that is falling apart, does it not behoove the Dems to work with the GOP to get a HC bill that is better than what we've had before now? Being obstructionist has it's political pluses, the GOP looks dysfunctional and maybe there's no point in helping them out if you're a progressive liberal. Outside of the fact the the rest of the country outside of the beltway needs a better HC system.

You can say that the GOP was obstructionist when Obama was in office and you'd be right; but the rest of the country supported that stance, and the results of the 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 elections proved that. The Repubs rose to power opposing Obama's policies and those of Reid and Pelosi, but will the Dems have the same success now with the same strategy? Maybe, but how strong is the belief that in opposing Trump and the GOP that the Dems are hurting the rest of us?

Some say the Dems' recent losses are due in part to a lack of confidence in their policies, that what they're trying to do is counter productive to economic growth and prosperity. Some say the Dems have moved too far left and are tone deaf to the needs of most people between the left and farther left coasts. Will they change their strategy and help craft a HC bill and show their constituents a willingness to get something done? Or fight everything every step of the way?
What discussions? The Turtle drafted this with no imput and he plans to pass it with 50 gopers. It wasn't right 8 years ago and it isn't now.

Right now it's nothing but a proposal, an idea. It's going to get debated and amended and voted on, and there will be a lot of discussions and negotiations going on. What we've got now in ObamaCare absolutely sucks, we've gotta do better. So, should the Dems be part of the solution or part of the problem?
What discussions? The Turtle drafted this with no imput and he plans to pass it with 50 gopers. It wasn't right 8 years ago and it isn't now.

AGREED! It wasn't right then, wasn't right now...however, at least people got to see it this time before it was rammed into law, like the ACA was.

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