So with GA school shooter dad getting charged

This means we can start locking up black parents of gang banger violent thug kids right? Is that the precedent this sets? Let's take all their EBT and tax payer funded welfare too while we're at it. Make them contribute like everyone else instead of being welfare state baby factories. Its only fair right?

Can't wait for this to turn around and bite you leftoids in the backside

The mere fact that you're posting a 40 year old lie about "Welfare Queens" that wasn't even true when Reagan used it, just shows what an ill-informed low information sleaze you truly are.

Can't wait until you lying racists slugs get shoved back to the rocks you slithered out from under.
So the FBI agents who didn't arrest him should also be charged with his crimes.

That's legal in Georgia.
I never said that the FBI should have arrested him, particularly not on the spot, if they did not know for sure that he was the one who posted the threat.

My complaint is that they should have known if he was likely the one who posted it BEFORE they talked to him so that when they investigated him (and I use the word investigate very lightly) they would have had the ability to determine if what he was telling them was truthful or not.

If they identified him as the author of the threatening post let's say by name AND they didn't look at any of the server logs to see where the post originated and didn't check their connection information to the family's ISP account, and/or didn't check his computer/smart phone, etc.... you see what I mean? I also read that Colt told "them" that he uninstalled the account from his computer/device but uninstalling an application doesn't delete what the computer has recorded
up to the point of the uninstall. And to my understanding DISCORD is a browser based application that you use a gmail account to connect to so it just seems to me that a cursory "looksy" was done instead of taking the threat seriously. I don't know if that's because they (the FBI) get so many false leads that it's difficult to discern which ones are actual indicators of a pending event or if they just don't consider a particular demographic as "dangerous" or likely to act.

As far as Colt's dad gifting him with a rifle for his birthday, if the FBI wants to talk to you regarding a threat that your son has posted online to shoot up a school, do you REALLY think it's a good idea to provide him with the means to carry out such an attack, should he actually be so inclined? Irrespective of the legality of it being a gift to a 14 year old?

Or perhaps maybe he was thinking it was a tacit way to say "I trust you"?
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Right. It’s OK he ran a four year scheme to avoid nearly $2million in Tax owed.
And how many years did Trump run his companies and charities where he avoided hundreds of thousands in taxes. Remember the New York Leticia James business fraud case. What was that $450 million?
The father didn't shoot up the school. So he didn't commit a crime.
I've never been able to pass a bar, but taking his case, will be a slam dunk, or a plea that gives him 5 yrs probation.

This smacks of those that know that he'll get off lightly, but trying to scare other Dads from buying guns for their kids. Psycho babble.
I've never been able to pass a bar, but taking his case, will be a slam dunk, or a plea that gives him 5 yrs probation.

This smacks of those that know that he'll get off lightly, but trying to scare other Dads from buying guns for their kids. Psycho babble.

Colin Gray, 54, the father of Colt Gray, was charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder, and eight counts of cruelty to children, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation

Under Georgia law
(d) A person commits the offense of murder in the second degree when, in the commission of cruelty to children in the second degree, he or she causes the death of another human being irrespective of malice.
And how many years did Trump run his companies and charities where he avoided hundreds of thousands in taxes. Remember the New York Leticia James business fraud case. What was that $450 million?

Ignorant OX. Trump follows USA tax law all 700 pages. SHUP you freakin’ ringworm. Hunter intentionally defrauded. And dumped a gun in a dumpster in public area. Any kid could have found it. You waste people time wading thru you BS you black backed skunk.
Ignorant OX. Trump follows USA tax law all 700 pages. SHUP you freakin’ ringworm. Hunter intentionally defrauded. And dumped a gun in a dumpster in public area. Any kid could have found it. You waste people time wading thru you BS you black backed skunk.
Maybe you haven't been following all of Trumps convictions (civil) where he's had to pay millions to hundreds of millions.
By unstable, you mean mentally ill. right? Just like pretty much every mass shooter.
Say it again, pro gun anti gun nuts,
Why wouldn't a young immature person get their thinking messed up, With the glorification of guns,
Having a gun makes you smarter stronger more manly & brave. Is that not the picture painted?
politicians and their children around the Christmas tree holding guns? & out practicing with big guns?
Say it again, pro gun anti gun nuts,
Why wouldn't a young immature person get their thinking messed up, With the glorification of guns,
Having a gun makes you smarter stronger more manly & brave. Is that not the picture painted?
politicians and their children around the Christmas tree holding guns? & out practicing with big guns?
millions own firearms yet so few use them to murder.

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