So YOU blame the Bush administration for deficits?---REALLY? How about some FACTS.

Enjoy your demise.
You idiots cannot even see the enemy due to your partisanship.
The ignorance is mind boggling.
Nobody in DC cares about you. Waving a Chinese made flag you put on a credit card at Wallmart is NOT the answer.

Douger ...... who fancies himself as "The Cryptic Keeper of the TRUTH",

If you think China is THE enemy you're wrong.


The REAL and MOST DANGEROUS ENEMY of America is the one that (1) PUTS US IN DANGER of the TERRORIST ACTIVITIES of the ISLAMOFASCIST SWINE. And, (2) the one that will DESTROY the ECONOMY of AMERICA and will place America ECONOMICALLY at the mercy of CHINA..........

The REAL and MOST DANGEROUS ENEMY of America is MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami and his crazed ideologues, the INNER CIRCLE of the OBAMARRHOIDS.
Jay Canuck , another ESTABLISHED Obamarrhoidal Political Idiot asked:

"whatever happened to those pesky WMD's ?" .......

You should take time out from praying to Mecca to look up Barack Obama's 2002 case AGAINST the Iraq war.


THis BULLSHIT of yours in no way exonerates the HYPOCRISY and TREACHERY of the LEADERS of the CONGRESSIONAL DEMS that backstabbed Dubya, and AMERICA.... in giving the GREEN LIGHT to IRAN and the other ISLMOFASCIST SWINE to start the IRAQI QUAGMIRE.

And what is with this idiotic comment of yours:"You should take time out from praying to Mecca...." is that supposed to be some sophomoric attempt at humour ? Is this the level of your fucked-up mind ????

Re your Messiah, the MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami.....back in 2002 he was scrambling for the US Senate seat.

In 2002, this Political Charlatan of yours, The CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE "ACORN's" hired "Community Organizer" was neck deep in the clutches of the MAFIOSO and COMMIE laden NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine.

Please note the IRREFUTABLE HISTORICAL FACT that the MARXIST Obami Salami had his METEORIC RISE amidst MURDERERS and CROOKS to POLITICAL FAME with the BLESSING of said NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT CHICAGO POLITICAL MACHINE (which to this day is as corrupt as it ever was).

BTW, is it any wonder that MARXIST Obami Salami was one of Blago's most ardent backers (check out the Wikipedia). And, that much later, when asked about Blago, this PATHOLOGICAL LYING MESSIAH of yours said (his paraphrased words): "I don't know him. But I think I saw him across the field in a baseball game." I heard that "historic" comment during the Blago furor on TV (take it or leave it). But it is ON RECORD where this PATHOLOGICAL LIAR of yours is seen photo-oped NUMEROUS times with Blago in restaurants....and yes....even at a baseball game apparently enjoying some joke, or another.

Anyways, my point is that this IDOL of yours (and that is very apropos) was in the LEFTIEST of the LEFT WHACKJOBS in this NOTORIOUSLY CORRUPT CHICAGO POLITICAL MACHINE that was the "CREATIVE CENTER" of the "HATE AMERICA FIRST....LAST....and THE IN-BETWEEN" gang.

ANYTHING......ANYTHING....that was UN-AMERICAN .....was not only honky-dory.....BUT ONE OF THE MAIN PILLARS OF THESE LEFT WING WHACKJOBS......that, not surprisingly, had the self-acknowledged friend of MARXIST Obami Salami.....none other than.....the UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL and MANIACAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Bill Ayers. And wonder of all wonders, Bill Ayers was a CELEBRITY amongst these POLITICAL THUGS. Bill Ayers was one of the CHERISHED MEMBERS that was much revered by this HUMAN GARBAGE OF AMERICA ......The CHICAGO POLITICAL MACHINE !!!!!

Yep......NYCRAP......YOU fucking read your MARXIST PC Protector's MANIFESTO about the IRAQ WAR.

I am POSITIVE that a shithead like you would find this manifesto impressive.


If you're going to be stupid, at least learn to be brief.
No, everything wasn't perfect until 01-20-01. But it got a lot worse after 01-20-01

History of Deficits and Surpluses In The United States

The above link will take you to a site that displays budget deficits/surpluses all the way back to 1940. This way you don't have to guess; you don't have to go on your 'feelings' or your thoughts. You can look at the facts and formulate a valid opinion from them. But be prepared, simple is not something that works when analyzing US budget deficits.

Because Bush didn't include the cost of either war in is budgets, we will never get a truly accurate accounting of what his budgets were. Republicans hate Obama so much, they would see the country fall so they could say he failed.

It's because they are scared. Scared of everything. It's the "Pussy/sissy" syndrome. Just repeat, "I am terrified of Obama" until he becomes scary.

Talking about the sissy syndrome--
DID you ever hear G.W. Bush blame Clinton for the recession he inherited? DID you ever hear G.W. Bush blame the attacks of 9/11 on Clinton--because Clinton refused to take ONE of several shots at Bin Laden--even though Laden attacked this country on 4 different occassions on Clintons watch? Did you ever hear G.W. Bush blame the invasion of Iraq on Bill Clinton--because G.W. Bush INHERITED bad intelligence from the Clinton Administration, & Clinton did not pressure Sadam Husiene into keeping WMD inspectors in Iraq when Husiene kicked them out in 1997?

This is the difference between a real President & the sissy--ass-- whiner President--that you have elected.--:clap2::clap2:

View attachment 9396

Bush says he inherited recession

Bush, Cheney take advantage of revised GDP data to say economy a mess when they took office.

Bush says he inherited recession - Aug. 7, 2002
"I think the biggest problem in the U.S. is far too large a percentage of our resources go into the relatively unproductive segment of Defense. If we had not spent a trillion dollars in Iraq, we would have far more freedom now to respond to this short-term crisis."
-- Barney Frank, at the World Economic Forum, Link

whatever happened to those pesky WMD's?

Jay Canuck , another ESTABLISHED Obamarrhoidal Political Idiot asked:

"whatever happened to those pesky WMD's ?" .......

And, in doing so was STUPID enough to harken back to the days when the HYPOCRITICAL and TREACHEROUS LIEberals, pulled the 180 degree about face and sent the unmistakable GREEN LIGHT to IRAN and the other ISLAMOFASCIST SWINE to start the IRAQI QUAGMIRE by using the 24/7 LIEberal Controlled National media to pull off the Greatest Scam in Political History of The World....... castigating, and DESTROYING Dubya.......while OBFUSCATING THE FACT THAT DUBYA INVADED IRAQ because he AGREED with the Clinton Adm's AND THE CONGRESSIONAL DEM LEADERS.....I REPEAT CONGRESSIONAL DEM LEADERS ......Yowling and Howling for the elimination of the Baghdad Psycho.

These DEM PHONIES turned around and BACKSTABBED Bush for using the IDENTICAL VERBIAGE of the DEM Congressional Leaders, PARTIALLY LISTED below, WHO NOW ATTACKED BUSH because with Bush's destruction of the Baghdad Psycho's FOURTH LARGEST ARMY IN THE WORLD......IN TWENTY TWO DAYS.......the Dems' chances for re-election were DOOMED in the upcoming elections.

So, Jay Canuck, you stupid Obamarrhoidal fuck, why doncha ask THEM about "whatever happened to those pesky WMD's?":

(Other people's quotes edited to save space)

Now, the fucking deceitful distorters of the TRUTH like Rdeeanie Weanie, LeftySHITflinger, TheAlzheimerAddled MoronDaddyTime, StarkeyMalarkey etc., will trot out the usual trite LIES, and haul out the "smoke & mirrors" CRAPPOLA to obfuscate the IRREFUTABLE HYPOCRISY and TREACHERY of their DEM Party's HORRENDOUS DEEDS in order to win the upcoming elections.

Ahh, it's the crazy-assed extremist gautama again!

I always love this talking point though, because it's pretty insidious.

The talking point always refers to 2 periods in time.

The first is in 1998, 5 years before the Iraq War, when in all probability, Hussein still had some WMDs left.

The second point in time is just after congress was fed all that cherry-picked data from the Bush influenced intelligence reports.

Right-wingers always seem to think this proves something... other than that the Bushies successfully hoodwinked congress into believing Saddam still had WMDs
And they always leave out these quotes that show that the CIA and the State Dept knew that there were no WMDs in 2001 prior to 9/11 and before Bush and Cheney cooked the intel.

"Iraq does not represent any threat to the United States at this time. Their weapons programs have been exaggerated by the Clinton Administration."
- Tom Delay, 1999

"We are now convinced Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction or active programs."
- President Bill Clinton, August 9th, 2000

“We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since Desert Fox to reconstitute its WMD programs”
-George Tenet, 2/07/2001

"We believe the sanctions have been effective, and Saddam Hussein's regime has no weapons of mass destruction."
-Condoleeza Rice, February 16th, 2001

"Containment has been achieved, and we now believe Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction or the capability of producing them."
- Colin Powell, February 23rd, 2001

"He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors"
-Colin Powell, 2/24/2001

"The Iraqi regime militarily remains fairly weak. It doesn't have the capacity it had 10 or 12 years ago. It has been contained. "
-Colin Powell, 5/15/01

"He [Saddam] does not control the northern part of his country. We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt. "
-Condoleeza Rice, 7/29/01
Jay Canuck , another ESTABLISHED Obamarrhoidal Political Idiot asked:

"whatever happened to those pesky WMD's ?" .......

And, in doing so was STUPID enough to harken back to the days when the HYPOCRITICAL and TREACHEROUS LIEberals, pulled the 180 degree about face and sent the unmistakable GREEN LIGHT to IRAN and the other ISLAMOFASCIST SWINE to start the IRAQI QUAGMIRE by using the 24/7 LIEberal Controlled National media to pull off the Greatest Scam in Political History of The World....... castigating, and DESTROYING Dubya.......while OBFUSCATING THE FACT THAT DUBYA INVADED IRAQ because he AGREED with the Clinton Adm's AND THE CONGRESSIONAL DEM LEADERS.....I REPEAT CONGRESSIONAL DEM LEADERS ......Yowling and Howling for the elimination of the Baghdad Psycho.

These DEM PHONIES turned around and BACKSTABBED Bush for using the IDENTICAL VERBIAGE of the DEM Congressional Leaders, PARTIALLY LISTED below, WHO NOW ATTACKED BUSH because with Bush's destruction of the Baghdad Psycho's FOURTH LARGEST ARMY IN THE WORLD......IN TWENTY TWO DAYS.......the Dems' chances for re-election were DOOMED in the upcoming elections.

So, Jay Canuck, you stupid Obamarrhoidal fuck, why doncha ask THEM about "whatever happened to those pesky WMD's?":

(Other people's quotes edited to save space)

Now, the fucking deceitful distorters of the TRUTH like Rdeeanie Weanie, LeftySHITflinger, TheAlzheimerAddled MoronDaddyTime, StarkeyMalarkey etc., will trot out the usual trite LIES, and haul out the "smoke & mirrors" CRAPPOLA to obfuscate the IRREFUTABLE HYPOCRISY and TREACHERY of their DEM Party's HORRENDOUS DEEDS in order to win the upcoming elections.

Ahh, it's the crazy-assed extremist gautama again!

I always love this talking point though, because it's pretty insidious.

The talking point always refers to 2 periods in time.

The first is in 1998, 5 years before the Iraq War, when in all probability, Hussein still had some WMDs left.

The second point in time is just after congress was fed all that cherry-picked data from the Bush influenced intelligence reports.

Right-wingers always seem to think this proves something... other than that the Bushies successfully hoodwinked congress into believing Saddam still had WMDs
And they always leave out these quotes that show that the CIA and the State Dept knew that there were no WMDs in 2001 prior to 9/11 and before Bush and Cheney cooked the intel.

"Iraq does not represent any threat to the United States at this time. Their weapons programs have been exaggerated by the Clinton Administration."
- Tom Delay, 1999

"We are now convinced Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction or active programs."
- President Bill Clinton, August 9th, 2000

“We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since Desert Fox to reconstitute its WMD programs”
-George Tenet, 2/07/2001

"We believe the sanctions have been effective, and Saddam Hussein's regime has no weapons of mass destruction."
-Condoleeza Rice, February 16th, 2001

"Containment has been achieved, and we now believe Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction or the capability of producing them."
- Colin Powell, February 23rd, 2001

"He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors"
-Colin Powell, 2/24/2001

"The Iraqi regime militarily remains fairly weak. It doesn't have the capacity it had 10 or 12 years ago. It has been contained. "
-Colin Powell, 5/15/01

"He [Saddam] does not control the northern part of his country. We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt. "
-Condoleeza Rice, 7/29/01

Even worse, before we "invaded" Iraq's Christian population was estimated to be around 1.4 MILLION. Today's estimate is around 0.4 MILLION. There seems to be a missing million. What could have happened to them? I'm sure this somehow figures into the massive success that Republicans now call Iraq. Maybe that was "part of the plan"?

I wonder why there is no "American Appreciation Day"? Or why a guy that threw shoes at our president became an Iraqi "national hero". Odd for such a success.
So YOU blame the Bush administration for deficits?---REALLY? How about some FACTS.

I don't blame Bush II.

I blame every POTUS and congress since FDR.
Ahh, it's the crazy-assed extremist gautama again!

I always love this talking point though, because it's pretty insidious.

The talking point always refers to 2 periods in time.

The first is in 1998, 5 years before the Iraq War, when in all probability, Hussein still had some WMDs left.

The second point in time is just after congress was fed all that cherry-picked data from the Bush influenced intelligence reports.

Right-wingers always seem to think this proves something... other than that the Bushies successfully hoodwinked congress into believing Saddam still had WMDs
And they always leave out these quotes that show that the CIA and the State Dept knew that there were no WMDs in 2001 prior to 9/11 and before Bush and Cheney cooked the intel.

"Iraq does not represent any threat to the United States at this time. Their weapons programs have been exaggerated by the Clinton Administration."
- Tom Delay, 1999

"We are now convinced Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction or active programs."
- President Bill Clinton, August 9th, 2000

“We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since Desert Fox to reconstitute its WMD programs”
-George Tenet, 2/07/2001

"We believe the sanctions have been effective, and Saddam Hussein's regime has no weapons of mass destruction."
-Condoleeza Rice, February 16th, 2001

"Containment has been achieved, and we now believe Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction or the capability of producing them."
- Colin Powell, February 23rd, 2001

"He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors"
-Colin Powell, 2/24/2001

"The Iraqi regime militarily remains fairly weak. It doesn't have the capacity it had 10 or 12 years ago. It has been contained. "
-Colin Powell, 5/15/01

"He [Saddam] does not control the northern part of his country. We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt. "
-Condoleeza Rice, 7/29/01

Even worse, before we "invaded" Iraq's Christian population was estimated to be around 1.4 MILLION. Today's estimate is around 0.4 MILLION. There seems to be a missing million. What could have happened to them? I'm sure this somehow figures into the massive success that Republicans now call Iraq. Maybe that was "part of the plan"?

I wonder why there is no "American Appreciation Day"? Or why a guy that threw shoes at our president became an Iraqi "national hero". Odd for such a success.

This predictable BULLSHIT by Rdeanie Weanie, EdtheShithead, and the other Obamarrhoidal trash that will be heard from, has already been answered by me in other posts. Certainly, most in this thread.

The "disappearance" of around a MILLION christian Iraqis could very well simply point to the slaughter of the christians by ISLAMOFASCIST SWINE.

What RDeanie the Weanie and the other Obamarrhoidal TRASH are doing are, IRONICALLY turning the TRUTH on its head (a favorite mendacious tactic of the Obamarrhoidal swine, and) USING THIS PROOF of why we are RIGHTEOUSLY in the Mid East to BLOCK the Crazed Imam rampage of destroying stability and furthering TERROR to enhance their whacked out Religion and DEFLECT the ignorant Arab masses form the TYRANNY of their justification FOR this ISLAMOFASCISTIC RAMPAGE !!!


But, there may be another reason for the "disappearance" of the christians (although the probability of their slaughter by the stooges of the crazed imams is a distinct probability) .......these christian Iraqis would've probably been the first to have been granted visas out of this slaughter house area. Slaughter house instigated by the crazed Imams and the tyranical secular leaders to deflect the masses from their OWN misdeeds towards the masses.

Rdeanie the Weanie's comment re the lack of the Iraqi INGRATES' lack of gratitude in not OPENLY showing their appreciation is as OBVIOUS and as NUMEROUS as the nose on your face, I'll name the OBVIOUS: there is the OBVIOUS JIHAD of the crazed Mullahs against anything from another culture that threatens the viability of their whacked out Religion. Practically every Iraqi is scared shitless of getting his family slaughtered by what is worse than a MASSIVE MAFIOSO-type system of FEAR and INTIMIDATION of "O MERTA" (Code of Silence) perpetrated by the Islamofascist Swine on the populace...... motivated by the Religious and/or the Secular leadership of Iraq (and the surrounding religious and secular leaders) eager to deflect the focus of the Arab masses from their own dereliction of duty to their own oppressed masses because of their own greed......note the decades long hostility against ISRAEL.

Israel's land which is some 1/10,000th (?) the land mass of the Arab lands, and the 1/100,000-to- 1/1,000,000th the land mass of the Muslims in the World. And, what about the population of Israel compared to the BILLIONS of Muslims.......and YET the Crazed Muslim Imams and the Tyrannical sheiks and Secular rulers are attacking Israel deflecting the Arab masses focus offa the abuse of their OWN leaders........THAT is the PRIMARY REASON why there is NO APPRECIATION for AMERICA'S RIGHTEOUS PRESENCE . Then, there is the patriotism involved when even if its for the good of the country, having a foreign force is irksome. BUT THAT IS NOT THE MAIN REASON as pointed out.

BUT......what is significant is the USUAL TACTIC of the LIEBERAL or OBAMARRHOIDAL SWINE which is to point to an ANTI-AMERICAN EXPLANATION for a foreign calamity....i.e., the oft repeated practice of "BLAME AMERICA FIRST, LAST....and IN BETWEEN"......the FAVORITE STANDBY OF THE LIEberal and OBAMARRHOIDAL ASSHOLES !!!!!

Then....what about the guy that threw the shoe at Bush ???.......well about the THOUSANDS of whackjobs in the world that would love to assassinate Obami Salami ????.....O,r take shitheads like you by the scruff of the neck and drown you in the nearest toilet bowl ?????? This works BOTH ways, asshole.

But again.........ALL YOUR BULLSHIT DOES NOT EXONERATE THe CONGRESSIONAL DEM LEADERSHIP that knifed DUBYA (and our American troops.....4000+dead) in the back..... because your LIEberal and OBAMARRHOIDAL CONGRESSIONAL TRASH gave the GREEN LIGHT to IRAN and the other ISLAMOFASCIST SWINE to start the IRAQI QUAGMIRE ( and the domino effect of resurrecting the present Afghanistan problem).......BECAUSE THE DEM ASSHOLES WANTED TO GET RE-ELECTED in the UPCOMING ELECTIONS !!!!


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[SIZE=+1]The deficit blame game[/SIZE]
by Gene Lyons

If President Obama's recent face-to-face meeting with congressional Republicans had been a prizefight, they'd have stopped it: Obama by TKO. It was such a mismatch that Fox News, unofficial network of the GOP, basically conceded defeat by cutting away 20 minutes before it ended. Other networks showed it all. Republicans appeared to make the elementary mistake of believing their own ... um, propaganda. Believe it or not, Obama's use of Teleprompters has convinced GOP stalwarts that he's kind of thick. I get frequent e-mails to that effect from people who marveled at the wit and wisdom of George W. Bush. I know, I know. That's what they think, is all I'm saying. House Republicans shouldn't have allowed the encounter to be televised.
But then believing their own disinformation is basically what makes them Republicans.

[SIZE=+1]The deficit blame game[/SIZE]
by Gene Lyons

If President Obama's recent face-to-face meeting with congressional Republicans had been a prizefight, they'd have stopped it: Obama by TKO. It was such a mismatch that Fox News, unofficial network of the GOP, basically conceded defeat by cutting away 20 minutes before it ended. Other networks showed it all. Republicans appeared to make the elementary mistake of believing their own ... um, propaganda. Believe it or not, Obama's use of Teleprompters has convinced GOP stalwarts that he's kind of thick. I get frequent e-mails to that effect from people who marveled at the wit and wisdom of George W. Bush. I know, I know. That's what they think, is all I'm saying. House Republicans shouldn't have allowed the encounter to be televised.
But then believing their own disinformation is basically what makes them Republicans.

Here is an Obamarrhoidal idiot in love with his own shit.
The Democrats have controlled Congress for years. Congress spends the money. Most people in America are completely ignorant as to how our Government actually works. This can be attributed to our failing Public Schools. Third World Nations with far less resources are now passing our country in education. But hey our kids can shove a condom on a cucumber and sing songs of praise to Chairman O. The Democrats could have cut spending any time they wanted to. They have controlled the purse-strings for years. The Democrats rely pretty heavily on the ignorance of most average Americans. Oh well,it is what it is i guess.

Did that factoid come from your home schooling?
The Democrats have controlled spending for years. This just can't be disputed. They even controlled spending while Bush was still President. They have simply failed miserably. It doesn't matter how much people try to spin this. The Democrats control the purse-strings and have for a while. People just need to be more informed as to how our Government actually works. Unfortunately our Public Schools have turned our children into a bunch of sexualized brain-dead zombies. They don't even know the basics of how our Government works. They sure can slap that condom on a cucumber in record time though or sing songs of praise to Chairman O. How sad.

You seem to have a thing with a cucumber; that's twice you've mentioned it. While I agree our education success stories are few these days, it's downright scary when someone like YOU pretends to be such a brilliant academic. You continue to make claims that are completely unsupported, even by a quick cursory review of recent history.

Democrats have NOT 'controlled' the purse strings for a majority of time. In the 1996, 1998, and 2000 elections, Republicans lost Congressional seats but still retained control of the House and, more narrowly, the Senate. After the 2000 election, the Senate was divided evenly between the parties, with Republicans retaining the right to organize the Senate due to the election of Dick Cheney as Vice President and ex officio presiding officer of the Senate. The Senate shifted to control by the Democrats (though they technically were the plurality party as they were one short of a majority) after GOP senator Jim Jeffords changed party registration to "Independent" in June 2001, but later returned to Republican control after the November 2002 elections. In the 2006 elections, Democrats won both the House of Representatives (233 Democrats, 202 Republicans) and the Senate (49 Democrats, 49 Republicans, and 2 Independents caucusing with the Democrats).

[SIZE=+1]The deficit blame game[/SIZE]
by Gene Lyons

If President Obama's recent face-to-face meeting with congressional Republicans had been a prizefight, they'd have stopped it: Obama by TKO. It was such a mismatch that Fox News, unofficial network of the GOP, basically conceded defeat by cutting away 20 minutes before it ended. Other networks showed it all. Republicans appeared to make the elementary mistake of believing their own ... um, propaganda. Believe it or not, Obama's use of Teleprompters has convinced GOP stalwarts that he's kind of thick. I get frequent e-mails to that effect from people who marveled at the wit and wisdom of George W. Bush. I know, I know. That's what they think, is all I'm saying. House Republicans shouldn't have allowed the encounter to be televised.
But then believing their own disinformation is basically what makes them Republicans.

Here is an Obamarrhoidal idiot in love with his own shit.

What cracks me up is the fact that these morons keep referring to it as a contest. How juvenile can one be... "My daddy can beat up your daddy!" Nanananaaanaaannaaa!

And of course, just like that wacko Chris Mathews, they drool all over their toes just thinking about how truly amazing he is. Which is the reason why the country is in a high speed spiral down the drain
That's a fair & valid criticism. The Republicans and especially George Bush have betrayed true Conservative principles in recent years. You'll get no argument with me on that one. However the Democrats have controlled spending for years and this included a couple of years when Bush was still President. They have actually managed to make things much much worse. That's why i always say that there aren't any real differences between Socialists & Neocons. They both agree on much more than they disagree on. They hate to admit this but it is true. The Republicans do need to get back to true Conservative principles and I think this might be happening. I guess we'll see though. I blame both the Socialists & Neocons for the mess we're in. Hey that's just how i feel anyway.

You must enjoy being dumbed down. It is literally impossible for the minority party to "control spending" because the House Appropriations Committee is chaired by a representative from whichever party is in power, and HE calls the shots on all appropriations, with House membership almost always voting party line. Now puleeze do some fact-checking before making a fool of yourself any further.
What about all those years the REPUBLICANS had complete control?

The OP clearly referred to that.

4 straight years of declining deficit.

Only because the two wars were funded as supplementals and not included in annual budgets. You see, just inside the first perimeter of the Pentagon, there's a special tree that's called a Supplemental Bush. I heard it's a succulent and likes blood meal for fertilizer.
Still,with a Super Majority the Democrats really have been a miserable failure. They used their overwhelming power in a destructive manner. I mean literally locking Republicans out of meeting rooms? How petty and lame is that? Pelosi & Reid have failed and change is needed. Make 2010 count people.

Hastert and Frist both did the same thing. In fact, Denny Hastert even announced to the media that he had no intention of bringing any bill proposed by Democrats to the floor agenda, ever, and that they would only be allowed 3 minutes to debate amendments. How quickly we forget.
The facts are that when we have a republican president we get deficits.

When we had an entire dem gov. like in 1992 we got the best fiscal legislation that created a budget deficit reduction like we had not seen under any current gov with a R component.

The CBO said it and you refuse to acdept the facts and instead LONG for a R president? Reagan ran huge deficits. He had a veto pen you know?

Veto pen? you know anything about government spending budgets?

DO you know the process, the imnportance, the conrtol and the.....ahem,...use of the "veto pen" as it pertains to this?

Gee...I wonder how you would have felt if Bush vetoed a budget and the next day the lights went out as government had no budget to work we simply came to a halt.

Well I guess it's you who doesn't know the "process" because when a bill gets vetoed, it gets sent back to Congress to either redo or, as has happened in the past after further debate, the same bill gets sent back to the president. The lights don't go out... duh.
That's a fair & valid criticism. The Republicans and especially George Bush have betrayed true Conservative principles in recent years. You'll get no argument with me on that one. However the Democrats have controlled spending for years and this included a couple of years when Bush was still President. They have actually managed to make things much much worse. That's why i always say that there aren't any real differences between Socialists & Neocons. They both agree on much more than they disagree on. They hate to admit this but it is true. The Republicans do need to get back to true Conservative principles and I think this might be happening. I guess we'll see though. I blame both the Socialists & Neocons for the mess we're in. Hey that's just how i feel anyway.

You must enjoy being dumbed down. It is literally impossible for the minority party to "control spending" because the House Appropriations Committee is chaired by a representative from whichever party is in power, and HE calls the shots on all appropriations, with House membership almost always voting party line. Now puleeze do some fact-checking before making a fool of yourself any further.

"Literally impossible" happened to be POSSIBLE in this sense: The Reps were so intimidated with ANYTHING Bushlike that when they were faced with Dem initiated BULLSHIT re Fannie and Freddie, and other legislation like that with the voters .....the Reps caved and went along with the "SOMETHING fer NOTHING" DEM philosophy that wins elections.

So, in that sense, with the REps "caving" ..... there is ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING DOUBT that the DEMS were the ones in ACTUAL CONTROL of the House and Senate.
The Washington Post babbled again today about Obama inheriting a huge deficit from Bush, blah blah blah. Amazingly enough, a lot of people swallow this nonsense.

Here is a short civics lesson.
Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress, and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrat Party. They controlled the budget process for FY 2008 and FY 2009, as well as FY 2010 and FY 2011. In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases. For FY 2009, though, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office--while sticking nonsense spending bills (last minute or middle of the night earmarks & other goodies into bills.)

At that time, they passed a massive 450 BILLION dollar omnibus spending bill to complete the FY 2009 budgets which Bush refused to sign. Obama gleefully signed that which had over 9000 earmarks & political pay-backs included in it. Obama referred to this bill as "last years" business--:lol::lol: The very week after Obama signed off on the 787 BILLION dollar stimulus bill that wasn't--which included 64 million in bonuses for AIG & 200+ million for Fannie/Freddie bonuses--gratitude of the American taxpayer. This the bill that no one read before signing off on it.

And where was Barack Obama during the 2007--2008 full year budget? He was a member of that very Senate that passed all of these massive spending bills.

Let's remember what the deficits looked like during that period:

If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the FY 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets. If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself.

In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is--"I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since I took office on January 20 2009." This President in one single year has spent more--than the cost of ALL WARS combined in United States History!

It is estimated that each & every household in America today is in debt $100,000 to the Federal Government's tab.

How's all that hopey & changey workin for ya?--:lol::lol:

View attachment 9391

450 BILLION for 9000 earmarks that Bush refused to sign--:lol::lol::lol:
Oreo! Don't do that! Not facts! You'll fuck up their chi!


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