So You Thought I was Kidding- Blue-Pink Stocking Caps in Maternity Wards

The right to gay marriage should.not be subject to "opinions," bigot.

And thats the fundamental lack of brains on YOUR part.

Thank you for proving my point.
The point on top of your sheet?

I know.

Hey what other rights you wanna have a popular vote on?


gay marriage is a made up right. Nothing more, nothing less.
Yet my actual right to Keep and Bear arms is routinely infringed by NYS and NYC and you are probably a-ok with that.
Oh...ok......right to guns divinely inspired right to gay marriage made up.

You need electro shock therapy

God has nothing to do with my opinion on either.
Neither does a brain have anything to do with your opinion.
Thank you for proving my point.
The point on top of your sheet?

I know.

Hey what other rights you wanna have a popular vote on?


gay marriage is a made up right. Nothing more, nothing less.
Yet my actual right to Keep and Bear arms is routinely infringed by NYS and NYC and you are probably a-ok with that.
Oh...ok......right to guns divinely inspired right to gay marriage made up.

You need electro shock therapy

God has nothing to do with my opinion on either.
Neither does a brain have anything to do with your opinion.

if that's the best you have, I suggest that the Hello Kitty message board is more your speed.
Derpy comeback martin short

Lack of quote function, guess you are lazy as well as stupid.
Yea because in losers on the internet speak, theres a direct correlation between pressing a quote button and acrualized laziness.

Get a life robot.

Does G.T haz a sadz?
Are you 12?

Just posting down to your level.
Marty - no offense but you wouldnt even qualify to shine my fucking shoes, peasant.
Lack of quote function, guess you are lazy as well as stupid.
Yea because in losers on the internet speak, theres a direct correlation between pressing a quote button and acrualized laziness.

Get a life robot.

Does G.T haz a sadz?
Are you 12?

Just posting down to your level.
Marty - no offense but you wouldnt even qualify to shine my fucking shoes, peasant.

LOL, it's typical of the mentally challenged to have a high opinion of themselves. You are a case study for that.
Yea because in losers on the internet speak, theres a direct correlation between pressing a quote button and acrualized laziness.

Get a life robot.

Does G.T haz a sadz?
Are you 12?

Just posting down to your level.
Marty - no offense but you wouldnt even qualify to shine my fucking shoes, peasant.

LOL, it's typical of the mentally challenged to have a high opinion of themselves. You are a case study for that.
Ironic post is ironic. ^^^^

Youre the poster boy for the meme that a prerequisite for being a forumite is to be a desperate virgin.
It's coming. The leftist loons in this country are out of their minds


The End of Boys and Girls: These Companies Are Going to Change How Your Kids Dress

Ever since Jaya Iyer's daughter was a toddler, she had been fascinated by Saturn and its icy rings. When Swaha turned three, she had a space-themed birthday party. But when her mom went to find clothes with space images for Swaha, she couldn't find any. They were all in the boys section.

"Most kids and parents are going to the big retailers and seeing all these messages of what its means to be a boy or a girl," says Sharon Choksi, co-founder of clothing line Girls Will Be. Choksi's daughter Maya, now 10, never liked sparkles or "feminine" colors, so the Choksis would shop for Maya in the boys' section. As Maya got older, Choksi worried that "boy" and "girl" labels would unnecessarily upset her daughter.

Gender Neutral Kids Clothing Startups - Bloomberg Business

Bring your own and tell the nurses to put it on your kid
Does G.T haz a sadz?
Are you 12?

Just posting down to your level.
Marty - no offense but you wouldnt even qualify to shine my fucking shoes, peasant.

LOL, it's typical of the mentally challenged to have a high opinion of themselves. You are a case study for that.
Ironic post is ironic. ^^^^

Youre the poster boy for the meme that a prerequisite for being a forumite is to be a desperate virgin.

Does G.T haz a sadz?
Are you 12?

Just posting down to your level.
Marty - no offense but you wouldnt even qualify to shine my fucking shoes, peasant.

LOL, it's typical of the mentally challenged to have a high opinion of themselves. You are a case study for that.
Ironic post is ironic. ^^^^

Youre the poster boy for the meme that a prerequisite for being a forumite is to be a desperate virgin.

That's funny considering what I did last night (twice).

Now go get your fucking shine-box.
Antithesis of freedom and a stifling of the human mind and development.

Sort of like religion.
What is antithesis of freedom? Being a parent means making tough choices and keeping kids on the straight path to success not looking,talking,behaving like a freak of nature to gain some attention now I know in today's sick society that may be all the worth parents find in their kids is seeing how much fame and attention they can gain by being the most disgusting and vile creatures they can be but a good majority of the population DOES NOT want that and instead wants normal well behaved boys and girls in a healthy society. Like I said society can rot like it is rotting but does not mean we all need to follow its example. The ONLY thing reality tv and celebrities are good for is showing NORMAL kids how NOT to act,look,talk etc.
People are so stuck in the way society has programmed you that any change makes you.mad and scared.

Re fucking lax

The problem is the type of people who support crap like this don't want you to just accept it, they will push for it to be considered the new norm, and anyone that disagrees with them is a bigot of some flavor.
They can push all they want. It only becomes normal if ppl like it and do it.

This skurdy cat of p.c. wave you sissies have going on is strictly a fear based phenomenon.

Nice attempt at dismissing our current wave of progressive intolerance, but it fails on its merits. Progressives want not just tolerance, but acceptance and submission.
No, conservatives wanted submission.

Laws against gay marriage.
Laws against biracial marriages.
Laws against women voting.
Laws against swearing/nudity on television.

Fuck outta here.

Just because your bigotry is being shoved the fuck back into your hypocritical faces, all of a sudden your hypocritical selves are feeling some odd sense of an aytack on your liberties.

Shoe is fitting. Wear it. Most of the non bigots couldnt give three fucks about your newly imagined plight.
No such thing as gay marriage there is just MARRIAGE which is and has been defined for thousands of years as 1 man and 1 woman
Racial mixing destroys what nature intended separate races just like the many kinds of birds,dogs,cats,tigers,fish etc etc would be very bland and disgusting and ugly with 1 race. I know morons like yourself don't believe in race until it gives you an advantage to call someone a bigot racist or rant against white pride but until then for your kind there is no such thing as race.
I am totally for women voting got no problem with it actually democrats were the problem with it see

On January 12, 1915, a suffrage bill was brought before the House of Representatives but was defeated by a vote of 204 to 174, (Democrats 170-85 against, Republicans 81-34 for, Progressives 6-0 for)

Nudity and swearing have no place on TV where children can access it. Swearing on TV is a sign of low IQ and otherwise garbage TV that should be canceled if you can't do something better than swear the entire time. Nudity if tasteful is fine but again not for children's eyes.In a polite clean society TV programming would end at midnight after the nations news ran.
Obviously GT is in full retreat another win for the sane another defeat for the mentally ill.

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