
Have you ever seen a bigger dork?

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Coming into my thread without an argument? Bad move.


Bad move? What a dork.

Thank you for proving my point, LL. You never argue me. You insult me.

You are a terrible opponent. You do not accept facts. Insulting you is all that one can do after a while. You are a tool who thinks rep is power. I mock you.
I really don't think you care about how many men died in those wars. Because as I see it, the moment Obama proposed these strikes, Liberals like you were lining up behind him. Spare us your false outrage.

What about the non-liberals that supported the airstrikes?

You try soooo hard to bring a negative mention of Liberals to every post that you make, that you're completely blinded to your hypocrisy.

Funny thing, I wasn't talking about non liberals. Stop changing the subject. Funny though, liberals went apeshit when Bush started his wars, but liberals then go apeshit when people criticize Obama's efforts to go to war. And if anything, you two consistently praise him. Don't think I don't sit here and watch you two praise him and liberal policymaking.

You've been caught out yet again by one of your boring generalisations.
"Stop changing the subject"...hilarious!
By accomplishing nothing?

Are you looking into your crystal ball?

Hey, I remember when your side said that the Iraqi people would be throwing us parades and the Iraq war would pay for itself. Hell, I was one of the Wingnuts repeating it.

A trillion dollars and 5000 dead later, not so much.

I don't know how this is going to turn out and neither do you. At the end of the day, we might have to bomb this shithead anyway.

But I'd rather exhaust every peaceful solution before doing that.

And there are 5000 families of Iraq War Dead who probably wish Dubya had done the same.

I really don't think you care about how many men died in those wars. Because as I see it, the moment Obama proposed these strikes, Liberals like you were lining up behind him. Spare us your false outrage.

Go back to the "War with Syria, Yea or Nea" thread.

I think bombing Syria is a terrible idea and have said so many times.

The only people who WANT us to bomb Syria are - you guessed it- the Zionists, which is more than a good enough reason for me to be against it.

I've also said, there are no good answers. Bombing him isn't really a good idea, but neither is giving him a pass on using Chemical Weapons, because the NEXT guy who does it can say, "Hey, you didn't object when Syria did it!"

If the Russians can get Assad to turn over his weapons without a fight, that would be kind of awesome. And a lot smarter than Bush going into Iraq when the rest of the world thought it was a terrible idea and were proven to be totally right.
Are you looking into your crystal ball?

Hey, I remember when your side said that the Iraqi people would be throwing us parades and the Iraq war would pay for itself. Hell, I was one of the Wingnuts repeating it.

A trillion dollars and 5000 dead later, not so much.

I don't know how this is going to turn out and neither do you. At the end of the day, we might have to bomb this shithead anyway.

But I'd rather exhaust every peaceful solution before doing that.

And there are 5000 families of Iraq War Dead who probably wish Dubya had done the same.

I really don't think you care about how many men died in those wars. Because as I see it, the moment Obama proposed these strikes, Liberals like you were lining up behind him. Spare us your false outrage.

What about the non-liberals that supported the airstrikes?

You try soooo hard to bring a negative mention of Liberals to every post that you make, that you're completely blinded to your hypocrisy.

A liberal stole his girlfriend once.
If you've won then you don't need to claim anything. It is self-evident. The fact that Assad has to tout that he won should tell everyone he's a loser.

I'd ask just how stupid you are. But the answer is obvious from your posts.

you are one step closer to the truth.

No, I'm standing right on it. You are a bird brain whose one brain cell died of loneliness a long time ago. That's why your posts uniformly suck and lack any content.

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