Soccer Moms, Angry White Men and now..

The antics of the Donald do not muddy over the corruption of Hillary.
You would not have supported Sec. Clinton in any case. But how does it make you feel defending an incorrigible, irresponsible man?

Much better than supporting a shyster who sold political favors to foreign governments, foreign and domestic corporations, and billionaires while supposedly serving as Secretary of State. I don't turn a blind eye to corruption in government myself as you do. I also do not excuse a person who would leave personnel under her direct authority to die without asking for military intervention on their behalf and then lie about the affair for two solid weeks afterward. Don't compare me to yourself. We are not cut from the same cloth.
Well, you and I obviously are not. I know a con man and used car salesman when I see one. And that is just what Trump is on a large scale. You make many charges against Hillary, yet in the decades she has been in the public eye, you shitheads have not been able to stick one thing onto her.
...and she's a loopy kunt
LOL And will be the next President of the United States. LOL And you will never be anything other than an anonymous poster on a message board, same as me. LOL
Common Decency voters. A growing, dare I say demographic among the electorate is common decency voters. Those who see the antics of The Donald as beyond the pale for what we should expect of our president.

These common decency voters are steeped in the gracious manners Baby Boomers were inculcated in during our childhood. It is glaringly clear that these manners were not handed down to successive generations. Younger folks than I were neglected in the teaching of good civil comportment.

But those of us who value common decency find ourselves as a substantial voting block!

Listen to what E.J. Dionne had to say this afternoon on NPR:

Week In Politics: Clinton's Tax Returns, Dueling Economic Speeches
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Getting along is way over rated...
Common Decency voters. A growing, dare I say demographic among the electorate is common decency voters. Those who see the antics of The Donald as beyond the pale for what we should expect of our president.

These common decency voters are steeped in the gracious manners Baby Boomers were inculcated in during our childhood. It is glaringly clear that these manners were not handed down to successive generations. Younger folks than I were neglected in the teaching of good civil comportment.

But those of us who value common decency find ourselves as a substantial voting block!

Listen to what E.J. Dionne had to say this afternoon on NPR:

Week In Politics: Clinton's Tax Returns, Dueling Economic Speeches
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Yes, Rustic and the other Trump supporters indeed do admire boorishness. And they coarsen our society. The only thing that they respect is money. And will kiss any ass for a bit of that.
Common Decency voters. A growing, dare I say demographic among the electorate is common decency voters. Those who see the antics of The Donald as beyond the pale for what we should expect of our president.

These common decency voters are steeped in the gracious manners Baby Boomers were inculcated in during our childhood. It is glaringly clear that these manners were not handed down to successive generations. Younger folks than I were neglected in the teaching of good civil comportment.

But those of us who value common decency find ourselves as a substantial voting block!

Listen to what E.J. Dionne had to say this afternoon on NPR:

Week In Politics: Clinton's Tax Returns, Dueling Economic Speeches
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Yes, Rustic and the other Trump supporters indeed do admire boorishness. And they coarsen our society. The only thing that they respect is money. And will kiss any ass for a bit of that.
Buy more guns and ammo...
Common Decency voters. A growing, dare I say demographic among the electorate is common decency voters. Those who see the antics of The Donald as beyond the pale for what we should expect of our president.

These common decency voters are steeped in the gracious manners Baby Boomers were inculcated in during our childhood. It is glaringly clear that these manners were not handed down to successive generations. Younger folks than I were neglected in the teaching of good civil comportment.

But those of us who value common decency find ourselves as a substantial voting block!

Listen to what E.J. Dionne had to say this afternoon on NPR:

Week In Politics: Clinton's Tax Returns, Dueling Economic Speeches
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Yes, Rustic and the other Trump supporters indeed do admire boorishness. And they coarsen our society. The only thing that they respect is money. And will kiss any ass for a bit of that.
I am writing in the best candidate... Elmer Fudd
Common Decency voters. A growing, dare I say demographic among the electorate is common decency voters. Those who see the antics of The Donald as beyond the pale for what we should expect of our president.

These common decency voters are steeped in the gracious manners Baby Boomers were inculcated in during our childhood. It is glaringly clear that these manners were not handed down to successive generations. Younger folks than I were neglected in the teaching of good civil comportment.

But those of us who value common decency find ourselves as a substantial voting block!

Listen to what E.J. Dionne had to say this afternoon on NPR:

Week In Politics: Clinton's Tax Returns, Dueling Economic Speeches
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Getting along is way over rated...
At least until someone else that thinks that way kicks your balls right up under your armpits. LOL Seems to happen a lot to people who think that way.
Common Decency voters. A growing, dare I say demographic among the electorate is common decency voters. Those who see the antics of The Donald as beyond the pale for what we should expect of our president.

These common decency voters are steeped in the gracious manners Baby Boomers were inculcated in during our childhood. It is glaringly clear that these manners were not handed down to successive generations. Younger folks than I were neglected in the teaching of good civil comportment.

But those of us who value common decency find ourselves as a substantial voting block!

Listen to what E.J. Dionne had to say this afternoon on NPR:

Week In Politics: Clinton's Tax Returns, Dueling Economic Speeches
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Getting along is way over rated...
Would you explain? Are we not the UNITED States of America? Isn't our motto E Pluibus Unum? Isn't society preferable to isolatin, crassness, bullying and boorishness? Were you taught this as a child? Were you brushed by the veneer of manners?

Why would you support behavior better suited for something low brow like professional wrestling rather than national leadership?
Common Decency voters. A growing, dare I say demographic among the electorate is common decency voters. Those who see the antics of The Donald as beyond the pale for what we should expect of our president.

These common decency voters are steeped in the gracious manners Baby Boomers were inculcated in during our childhood. It is glaringly clear that these manners were not handed down to successive generations. Younger folks than I were neglected in the teaching of good civil comportment.

But those of us who value common decency find ourselves as a substantial voting block!

Listen to what E.J. Dionne had to say this afternoon on NPR:

Week In Politics: Clinton's Tax Returns, Dueling Economic Speeches
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Yes, Rustic and the other Trump supporters indeed do admire boorishness. And they coarsen our society. The only thing that they respect is money. And will kiss any ass for a bit of that.
Buy more guns and ammo...
LOL Yep buy more guns and ammo, and let the children starve. LOL You trailer trash are so predictable. LOL
Common Decency voters. A growing, dare I say demographic among the electorate is common decency voters. Those who see the antics of The Donald as beyond the pale for what we should expect of our president.

These common decency voters are steeped in the gracious manners Baby Boomers were inculcated in during our childhood. It is glaringly clear that these manners were not handed down to successive generations. Younger folks than I were neglected in the teaching of good civil comportment.

But those of us who value common decency find ourselves as a substantial voting block!

Listen to what E.J. Dionne had to say this afternoon on NPR:

Week In Politics: Clinton's Tax Returns, Dueling Economic Speeches
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Getting along is way over rated...
At least until someone else that thinks that way kicks your balls right up under your armpits. LOL Seems to happen a lot to people who think that way.
Only a couple things come to mind. About McCain POW and could use better wording abiut Laraza judge.

Maybe a few other marginal sarcastic comments but USA is doomed if continue as-is. Bananna republic is here now. Need a change fast. Trump only hope. SOS violated big time, no charges?

Border. Deportation bad guys. Better deals. You betcha!

...and now THIS:

Obama has had the black racist terrorist group BLM - who has called for the murder of all whites & cops - at tge WH twice to honor them...

Hillary invited / allowed the Taliban-supporting homophobic father of the terrorist who killed 49 LGBT sit vehind her, shown on tv, during a rally

Both Hillary and Barry allied this nation with the terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, in an unsanctioned war, to help kill Qadaffi - who was helping us fight terrorists in morthern Africa - so Al Qaeida could have a safe haven in Libya....WHILE telling Americans Al Qaeida was 'on the run'...
Common Decency voters. A growing, dare I say demographic among the electorate is common decency voters. Those who see the antics of The Donald as beyond the pale for what we should expect of our president.

These common decency voters are steeped in the gracious manners Baby Boomers were inculcated in during our childhood. It is glaringly clear that these manners were not handed down to successive generations. Younger folks than I were neglected in the teaching of good civil comportment.

But those of us who value common decency find ourselves as a substantial voting block!

Listen to what E.J. Dionne had to say this afternoon on NPR:

Week In Politics: Clinton's Tax Returns, Dueling Economic Speeches
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Yes, Rustic and the other Trump supporters indeed do admire boorishness. And they coarsen our society. The only thing that they respect is money. And will kiss any ass for a bit of that.
Buy more guns and ammo...
Do you think getting whatever you want by force of arms is so,etching to celebrate as a virtue or a sin?
Common Decency voters. A growing, dare I say demographic among the electorate is common decency voters. Those who see the antics of The Donald as beyond the pale for what we should expect of our president.

These common decency voters are steeped in the gracious manners Baby Boomers were inculcated in during our childhood. It is glaringly clear that these manners were not handed down to successive generations. Younger folks than I were neglected in the teaching of good civil comportment.

But those of us who value common decency find ourselves as a substantial voting block!

Listen to what E.J. Dionne had to say this afternoon on NPR:

Week In Politics: Clinton's Tax Returns, Dueling Economic Speeches
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Getting along is way over rated...
Would you explain? Are we not the UNITED States of America? Isn't our motto E Pluibus Unum? Isn't society preferable to isolatin, crassness, bullying and boorishness? Were you taught this as a child? Were you brushed by the veneer of manners?

Why would you support behavior better suited for something low brow like professional wrestling rather than national leadership?
Getting along is a weakness....
Going with the flow never solves anything
Common Decency voters. A growing, dare I say demographic among the electorate is common decency voters. Those who see the antics of The Donald as beyond the pale for what we should expect of our president.

These common decency voters are steeped in the gracious manners Baby Boomers were inculcated in during our childhood. It is glaringly clear that these manners were not handed down to successive generations. Younger folks than I were neglected in the teaching of good civil comportment.

But those of us who value common decency find ourselves as a substantial voting block!

Listen to what E.J. Dionne had to say this afternoon on NPR:

Week In Politics: Clinton's Tax Returns, Dueling Economic Speeches
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Yes, Rustic and the other Trump supporters indeed do admire boorishness. And they coarsen our society. The only thing that they respect is money. And will kiss any ass for a bit of that.
Buy more guns and ammo...
LOL Yep buy more guns and ammo, and let the children starve. LOL You trailer trash are so predictable. LOL
Feed the children = no they scream! Lets buy more guns!
Invest in infrastructure = no they scream! Lets buy more guns!
Invest in cure for cancer, heart disease and other science= no they scream! Lets buy more guns!
But hell, they'll brag to high hell about how great this country is and call themselves patriotic for everything they did everything to stop. These are the kinds of assholes that would be joining groups like the isis and stealing shit off boats in Somalia.
Common Decency voters. A growing, dare I say demographic among the electorate is common decency voters. Those who see the antics of The Donald as beyond the pale for what we should expect of our president.

These common decency voters are steeped in the gracious manners Baby Boomers were inculcated in during our childhood. It is glaringly clear that these manners were not handed down to successive generations. Younger folks than I were neglected in the teaching of good civil comportment.

But those of us who value common decency find ourselves as a substantial voting block!

Listen to what E.J. Dionne had to say this afternoon on NPR:

Week In Politics: Clinton's Tax Returns, Dueling Economic Speeches
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Yes, Rustic and the other Trump supporters indeed do admire boorishness. And they coarsen our society. The only thing that they respect is money. And will kiss any ass for a bit of that.
Buy more guns and ammo...
Do you think getting whatever you want by force of arms is so,etching to celebrate as a virtue or a sin?

sounds like a savage or a pirate to me.
Common Decency voters. A growing, dare I say demographic among the electorate is common decency voters. Those who see the antics of The Donald as beyond the pale for what we should expect of our president.

These common decency voters are steeped in the gracious manners Baby Boomers were inculcated in during our childhood. It is glaringly clear that these manners were not handed down to successive generations. Younger folks than I were neglected in the teaching of good civil comportment.

But those of us who value common decency find ourselves as a substantial voting block!

Listen to what E.J. Dionne had to say this afternoon on NPR:

Week In Politics: Clinton's Tax Returns, Dueling Economic Speeches
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Yes, Rustic and the other Trump supporters indeed do admire boorishness. And they coarsen our society. The only thing that they respect is money. And will kiss any ass for a bit of that.
Buy more guns and ammo...
LOL Yep buy more guns and ammo, and let the children starve. LOL You trailer trash are so predictable. LOL
The fraudulence of "Hope and change" made sure people bought a whole lot more guns and ammo.. Lol
Common Decency voters. A growing, dare I say demographic among the electorate is common decency voters. Those who see the antics of The Donald as beyond the pale for what we should expect of our president.

These common decency voters are steeped in the gracious manners Baby Boomers were inculcated in during our childhood. It is glaringly clear that these manners were not handed down to successive generations. Younger folks than I were neglected in the teaching of good civil comportment.

But those of us who value common decency find ourselves as a substantial voting block!

Listen to what E.J. Dionne had to say this afternoon on NPR:

Week In Politics: Clinton's Tax Returns, Dueling Economic Speeches
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Yes, Rustic and the other Trump supporters indeed do admire boorishness. And they coarsen our society. The only thing that they respect is money. And will kiss any ass for a bit of that.
Buy more guns and ammo...
Do you think getting whatever you want by force of arms is so,etching to celebrate as a virtue or a sin?
Firearm ownership = more freedom
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Yes, Rustic and the other Trump supporters indeed do admire boorishness. And they coarsen our society. The only thing that they respect is money. And will kiss any ass for a bit of that.
Buy more guns and ammo...
LOL Yep buy more guns and ammo, and let the children starve. LOL You trailer trash are so predictable. LOL
Feed the children = no they scream! Lets buy more guns!
Invest in infrastructure = no they scream! Lets buy more guns!
Invest in cure for cancer, heart disease and other science= no they scream! Lets buy more guns!
But hell, they'll brag to high hell about how great this country is and call themselves patriotic for everything they did everything to stop. These are the kinds of assholes that would be joining groups like the isis and stealing shit off boats in Somalia.
All of your plans call for a control freak nature… LOL
The antics of the Donald do not muddy over the corruption of Hillary.
You would not have supported Sec. Clinton in any case. But how does it make you feel defending an incorrigible, irresponsible man?

As opposed to a incorrigible , irresponsible woman?? You have got to be joking.
Has Sec. Clinton disparaged the disabled, POWs, women, immigrants and Gold Star families? Has Sec. Clinton ever said anything about anyone that was cringe worthy and had to be walked back by surrogates? Sec. Clinton is certainly unpopular among those who have a voracious appetite for Right Wing propaganda. But has she been embarrassing by behavior on the campaign trail?

Deflecting criticism to Sec. Clinton is the typical bully's defense. 'He's bad but she's worse!'. I wonder if you support Trump because of his dispicable public behavior or in spite of it. Do you think common human decency is an admirable quality in a leader, or a weakness?

Save your left wing talking points. She is a large part of the reason we are in the mess we are in now. Trump is not my ideal candidate save for trade and illegal immigration. Trump may disparage illegals, but not legal immigrants. The demrats are trying to make that one issue and its not. She has plenty to answer for with the Clinton foundation and her running the state dept, Of course she has the 75 percent of the media blocking for her so she gets away with a lot.
Common Decency voters. A growing, dare I say demographic among the electorate is common decency voters. Those who see the antics of The Donald as beyond the pale for what we should expect of our president.

These common decency voters are steeped in the gracious manners Baby Boomers were inculcated in during our childhood. It is glaringly clear that these manners were not handed down to successive generations. Younger folks than I were neglected in the teaching of good civil comportment.

But those of us who value common decency find ourselves as a substantial voting block!

Listen to what E.J. Dionne had to say this afternoon on NPR:

Week In Politics: Clinton's Tax Returns, Dueling Economic Speeches
You enjoy being pussy whipped?
Why the disdain for simple human decency? Do you think boorishness is an admirable quality? Are you in favor of further coarsening our society? Do you believe in respect for others?
Getting along is way over rated...
Would you explain? Are we not the UNITED States of America? Isn't our motto E Pluibus Unum? Isn't society preferable to isolatin, crassness, bullying and boorishness? Were you taught this as a child? Were you brushed by the veneer of manners?

Why would you support behavior better suited for something low brow like professional wrestling rather than national leadership?
Getting along is a weakness....
Going with the flow never solves anything
Good luck with that attitude. I'm guessing you're pretty young, have not travelled much, have scant education and are not very sophisticated or cosmopolitan. You peculiar outlook would do well if your chosen career path is that of a hermit or you want to live in your Mom's trailer until you turn 45.

You have shown nothing admirable, virtuous, noble or mature thus far. You and your kind represent a clear and present danger to civil society now, and more ominously, in the future.

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