soccer ref struck in face by player dies

I thought it might have happened some place in Euroland where soccer is a contact sport. I'm surprised it didn't get much media coverage in the US.
From the link: The 17-year-old player attacked ref Ricardo Portillo, punching him in the face after getting the yellow card for shoving another player.

The punk needs to be held without bail (danger to the community) then tried as an adult for voluntary manslaughter.
It's not voluntary if you can't prove that he intended to kill him.

That would be murder.

He intended to perform the act which resulted in an unintended death. Manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter.
So he shoved another player, got called on it and killed the coach? Put his ass away for a long long time. life without parole, he's a thug. Try him as an adult.
It's not voluntary if you can't prove that he intended to kill him.
Incorrect. Under Utah statutes there is no stipulation for 'intent'..
How a Sentence is Determined
The judge determines the sentence of a person convicted of a crime using the Utah Sentence and Release Guidelines. These are published as Appendix D of the Utah Court Rules Annotated and available on the Utah Sentencing Commission's website (

The Guidelines also provide aggravating and mitigating factors which can be considered in sentencing:

Aggravating factors
Things that can make the punishment more severe, including:

whether the victim suffered substantial bodily injury;
whether the offense was extremely cruel or depraved;

whether the offender was in a position of authority over the victim;
whether the victim was unusually vulnerable.
A penalty can also be enhanced if:

the person committed the crime with two or more other people;
the person used a dangerous weapon on or near a school;
the person committed the crime in the presence of a child;
the person is determined to have committed a hate crime;
the person is determined to be a habitual offender;
the offense was committed while in prison.
Mitigating factors
Things that can make the punishment less severe, including:

whether the offender was exceptionally cooperative with law enforcement;
is a good candidate for treatment;
has developmental disabilities.
Utah State Courts - Criminal Penalties

This offender can have his sentence enhanced under "serious bodily harm"...As well as "depraved indifference"...
The book will be thrown at this monster.
The sentence range is one to 15 years imprisonment.
Hopefully he gets the whole truckload.
I'd even throw in a hate crime charge.
It's not voluntary if you can't prove that he intended to kill him.

That would be murder.

He intended to perform the act which resulted in an unintended death. Manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter.

He murdered the guy.

Would you expect a person to die because you punched them in the face?

This is a horrible situation, but I can't think it was murder. Who dies from one punch in the face? I don't know, I feel for everybody in this case, including the teen and his family.
That would be murder.

He intended to perform the act which resulted in an unintended death. Manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter.

He murdered the guy.

Would you expect a person to die because you punched them in the face?

This is a horrible situation, but I can't think it was murder. Who dies from one punch in the face? I don't know, I feel for everybody in this case, including the teen and his family.

I don't think it was murder.

It was just a kid, who thought he could do anything he wanted and nothing would happen to him. Like a lot of kids today think.

If the punch hadn't killed the man, what would have happened to the man had he hit the "kid" back?
Willow Tree is right. If you injure someone so bad they are hospitalized and die from the injury, it's considered murder.

That kid is in some really hot water with the law.

What he did makes the saying "Kill the umpire" not very funny.
Plain and simple - because of his violent actions, somebody is dead. Involuntary manslaughter. And the dumb kid should be tried as an adult.

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