soccer ref struck in face by player dies

That would be murder.

He intended to perform the act which resulted in an unintended death. Manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter.

He murdered the guy.

Would you expect a person to die because you punched them in the face?

This is a horrible situation, but I can't think it was murder. Who dies from one punch in the face? I don't know, I feel for everybody in this case, including the teen and his family.

Let me tell ya something sister. When you punch someone in the face you intend to do them harm, that's why you punch them. now this fucking thug had already shoved another player and then he punched the ref. his intent was to do harm, it ended in death, he should be charged with murder. He should be tried as an adult.
That would be murder.

He intended to perform the act which resulted in an unintended death. Manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter.

Key word 'unintended'. Involuntary.
The assault was intended.
The death was not.
If the killing was intentional it would be murder.
It is manslaughter.

Its murder. When you punch someone in the face and head you know aforehand that the brain resides there and trauma to the brain can and does occur with a punch. it's damn murder.
Would you expect a person to die because you punched them in the face?

OK ! let's define a "punch", while in the U.S. Navy i was taught some basic self defense hand to hand combat, IF in a live or die situation a "punch" by the heel of the hand to the nose will drive the nose bone right into the brain, thus totally destroying your opponent.

this "punch" can also be administered by a fist to the nose, the "kid" meant to do harm by hitting the ref in the face....., and the nose is the most vital spot on ones face.

he :evil: MURDERED the ref, plain and simple !!
Key word 'unintended'. Involuntary.
The assault was intended.
The death was not.
If the killing was intentional it would be murder.
It is manslaughter.

Its murder. When you punch someone in the face and head you know aforehand that the brain resides there and trauma to the brain can and does occur with a punch. it's damn murder.

If that's true, why are they allowed to hit the head in boxing?
That would be murder.

He intended to perform the act which resulted in an unintended death. Manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter.

He murdered the guy.

Would you expect a person to die because you punched them in the face?

This is a horrible situation, but I can't think it was murder. Who dies from one punch in the face? I don't know, I feel for everybody in this case, including the teen and his family.

I thought it might have happened some place in Euroland where soccer is a contact sport. I'm surprised it didn't get much media coverage in the US.

That's what you get for getting your "news" from unreliable sources like fux and the other rw whores.

Its been all over REAL news.
That would be murder.

He intended to perform the act which resulted in an unintended death. Manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter.

He murdered the guy.

Would you expect a person to die because you punched them in the face?

This is a horrible situation, but I can't think it was murder. Who dies from one punch in the face? I don't know, I feel for everybody in this case, including the teen and his family.
Why on Earth would you "feel" for the kid who caused the death of a guy because he wore a striped shirt and devastated that man's family?
Please tell me how you can possibly feel any sympathy for this kid. He's a monster. The likelihood that this is the first time he snapped and hit someone is quite slim. The only reason why this punk is not in prison is because he hasn't been caught. Now a person is dead.
Sympathy? You're kidding.
So he shoved another player, got called on it and killed the coach? Put his ass away for a long long time. life without parole, he's a thug. Try him as an adult.

He punched a ref. He didn't take off his metal-spiked cleat and repeatedly bludgeon the guy until he may motionless, or stick a knife into his heart. In no normal situation does a strike to the face usually lead to death, so this couldn't have been the expected outcome. Put him away for life? That's ridiculous.
So he shoved another player, got called on it and killed the coach? Put his ass away for a long long time. life without parole, he's a thug. Try him as an adult.

He punched a ref. He didn't take off his metal-spiked cleat and repeatedly bludgeon the guy until he may motionless, or stick a knife into his heart. In no normal situation does a strike to the face usually lead to death, so this couldn't have been the expected outcome. Put him away for life? That's ridiculous.

It is outlooks such as yours that pollutes our criminal justice system with spineless prosecutors and judges who refuse to work for the PEOPLE. THat is trial for the offense allegedly committed convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the defendant then put the guilty in prison for a length of time as prescribed by law.
No..It's well ,"he is so young". Or "It's his first time".
Just as a dog is not entitled to "just one bite"...A person is no entitled to 'just one punch"..
A man is DEAD....The people are outraged. Some one has to pay. The person who caused that man's death is the one who MUST pay.
So he shoved another player, got called on it and killed the coach? Put his ass away for a long long time. life without parole, he's a thug. Try him as an adult.

He punched a ref. He didn't take off his metal-spiked cleat and repeatedly bludgeon the guy until he may motionless, or stick a knife into his heart. In no normal situation does a strike to the face usually lead to death, so this couldn't have been the expected outcome. Put him away for life? That's ridiculous.

hey jackass, he put the ref away for life, that's not ridiculous that's fucking justice.
So he shoved another player, got called on it and killed the coach? Put his ass away for a long long time. life without parole, he's a thug. Try him as an adult.

He punched a ref. He didn't take off his metal-spiked cleat and repeatedly bludgeon the guy until he may motionless, or stick a knife into his heart. In no normal situation does a strike to the face usually lead to death, so this couldn't have been the expected outcome. Put him away for life? That's ridiculous.

It is outlooks such as yours that pollutes our criminal justice system with spineless prosecutors and judges who refuse to work for the PEOPLE. THat is trial for the offense allegedly committed convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the defendant then put the guilty in prison for a length of time as prescribed by law.
No..It's well ,"he is so young". Or "It's his first time".
Just as a dog is not entitled to "just one bite"...A person is no entitled to 'just one punch"..
A man is DEAD....The people are outraged. Some one has to pay. The person who caused that man's death is the one who MUST pay.

It is outlooks such as yours this would ruin a kids life because he got heated during competition. I'm not saying he shouldn't be punished, but not for life. That Punishment doesn't fit the crime.
So he shoved another player, got called on it and killed the coach? Put his ass away for a long long time. life without parole, he's a thug. Try him as an adult.

He punched a ref. He didn't take off his metal-spiked cleat and repeatedly bludgeon the guy until he may motionless, or stick a knife into his heart. In no normal situation does a strike to the face usually lead to death, so this couldn't have been the expected outcome. Put him away for life? That's ridiculous.

hey jackass, he put the ref away for life, that's not ridiculous that's fucking justice.

He put the ref away for life? Really? I didn't know death meant you were still alive.
He punched a ref. He didn't take off his metal-spiked cleat and repeatedly bludgeon the guy until he may motionless, or stick a knife into his heart. In no normal situation does a strike to the face usually lead to death, so this couldn't have been the expected outcome. Put him away for life? That's ridiculous.

hey jackass, he put the ref away for life, that's not ridiculous that's fucking justice.

He put the ref away for life? Really? I didn't know death meant you were still alive.
now, yer catching on, he killed the man, snuffed his fucking life out, the ref don't get to go to jail.,,, the kid is alive let him spend the REST of his sorry fucking miserable life in PRISON
He punched a ref. He didn't take off his metal-spiked cleat and repeatedly bludgeon the guy until he may motionless, or stick a knife into his heart. In no normal situation does a strike to the face usually lead to death, so this couldn't have been the expected outcome. Put him away for life? That's ridiculous.

It is outlooks such as yours that pollutes our criminal justice system with spineless prosecutors and judges who refuse to work for the PEOPLE. THat is trial for the offense allegedly committed convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the defendant then put the guilty in prison for a length of time as prescribed by law.
No..It's well ,"he is so young". Or "It's his first time".
Just as a dog is not entitled to "just one bite"...A person is no entitled to 'just one punch"..
A man is DEAD....The people are outraged. Some one has to pay. The person who caused that man's death is the one who MUST pay.

It is outlooks such as yours this would ruin a kids life because he got heated during competition. I'm not saying he shouldn't be punished, but not for life. That Punishment doesn't fit the crime.

His damn life needs to be ruined, he ruined the ref's life, the ref's wife's life, and the ref's three daughters lives.. fuck ya the punishment fits the crime.
The assault was intended.
The death was not.
If the killing was intentional it would be murder.
It is manslaughter.

Its murder. When you punch someone in the face and head you know aforehand that the brain resides there and trauma to the brain can and does occur with a punch. it's damn murder.

If that's true, why are they allowed to hit the head in boxing?

They use GLOVES in boxing.
IN any event boxing is a sanctioned sporting activity in which the participants are well aware and have contractual acknowledgement that participation in the sport of boxing can result in serious injury or even death.
I cannot believe a person of reasonable intelligence would ask such a question.

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