soccer ref struck in face by player dies

You're full of shit. Like I said, talk to the people who staff the ER and ask them how 'strong' the human head is.

This would be Hasty Generalization, which you are implying. People go into the ER only when its an emergency, so of course you are going to get the worst cases. Getting hit in the face or even a sports concussion usually never warrants am emergency room visit, ESPECIALLY given how expensive it is.
So any sample size from the ER would not be representative of the population

You deny the reality of kg's statement that blows to the head and can do cause death?

That's called Hasty Stupidity.
It's based on the fact that he's had his bell rung and sustained concussions and he's AOK!! In fact, he maintains that concussions don't even require a trip to the doctor, cuz it's expensive, and there's no risk, anyway.

Incidentally, any brain injury (concussions, for example) increases the risk later of additional, more serious brain injury.

And many people who die do so at home when they fail to take their syptoms seriously.
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It's based on the fact that he's had his bell rung and sustained concussions and he's AOK!! In fact, he maintains that concussions don't even require a trip to the doctor, cuz it's expensive, and there's no risk, anyway.

Incidentally, any brain injury (concussions, for example) increases the risk later of additional, more serious brain injury.

And many people who die do so at home when they fail to take their syptoms seriously.

Just so.
If you lose control to a degree that you kill someone, might I suggest that you don't have sufficient control over yourself to dwell amongst regular, innocent humans?

It is not at all commonplace for a punch to the face to result in death, therefore it is unlikely that the kid punched this guy with the intent of killing him. No one except a martial arts master has that kind of expectation from a single punch.


Read this article:

One Punch Can Change Your Life ? And Hundreds Of Others | The Global Mail

It may not be "common' for people to be killed by one blow, but neither is it rare.

I think it was a boxer by the name of Duk Koo Kim who died after being knocked unconscious by a punch from Ray Mancini.
Sheesh it happens to boxers all the time.

It also happens to children.

And women.

Men I think TYPICALLY get clocked, lose consciousness and then hit the ground so often it's a combination...but it's hard to say in those situations. Obviously damage was done by the blow, or they wouldn't lose consciousness.

If the impact is hard and fast enough, the brain actually bounces off the inside of the brain cavity, causing swelling...that's what they call "shaken baby syndrome" and it's VERY easy to inflict that sort of damage, not just on babies, but on anyone. Many car accident victims aren't killed because they actually strike something, they're killed because the vehicle stops so suddenly the brain shifts inside the skull just a little.

Liam Neeson's wife died after falling on a ski slope. She went home, went to sleep, and ultimately died as a result.

I hear about these sorts of injuries a sister was a DA for years, my mother was a nurse and an emt, and my niece is an ER doctor. Plus I have worked a lot with abused children and diminished capacity adults. I had a client who had horrific seizures and was diminished capacity because he was hit in the head so many times. I mean, I just can say enough times how stupid the attitude "nah, it's HARD to cause a brain injury and most concussions are harmless" is. Don't hit people in the head. And don't let them hit you.
Which part of my post gave you the impression that I think people have the right to punch others?

You seemed to imply that losing one's temper justifies a punch.

And no it couldn't happen to any of us. Just to those that think losing your temper gives you cause to strike someone.

You are reading into it what you want. I am not addressing justification whatsoever, or implying that one has justification because one is angry to strike someone. I am merely saying it happens because humans are fallible and lose control, and when it does, ones life should not be ruined for it by a life's sentence.

Who said anything about a life sentence?

I'm on record as saying the kid should be punished by the fullest extent of the law. I doubt this would rise to the level of life.
You seemed to imply that losing one's temper justifies a punch.

And no it couldn't happen to any of us. Just to those that think losing your temper gives you cause to strike someone.

You are reading into it what you want. I am not addressing justification whatsoever, or implying that one has justification because one is angry to strike someone. I am merely saying it happens because humans are fallible and lose control, and when it does, ones life should not be ruined for it by a life's sentence.

Who said anything about a life sentence?

I'm on record as saying the kid should be punished by the fullest extent of the law. I doubt this would rise to the level of life.

I have no problem with the kid being punished....I just don't think that putting a teenager who threw one punch equates a sentence which puts him in with hardened criminals....this kid is going to get out someday....why turn him into one more career criminal if we don't have to?
Because it sends a msg to every other youth in the valley that in organized sporting events players don't touch refs, period.

The five years will be appropriate, if he is convicted, and he can be placed in a portion of the pen at the Point where he will not be with the hard cons.
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Because it sends a msg to every other youth in the valley that in organized sporting events players don't touch refs, period.

The five years will be appropriate, if he is convicted, and he can be placed in a portion of the pen at the Point where he will not be with the hard cons.

How often does this sort of thing happen? I'm sincerely asking, I don't know...not the death part... but striking referees?
And indicative of the love the left bears for women.

I respect women enough to give them their own choice. You don't. I think that reflects poorly on your "love" for women.

But you don't respect babies. We get it.

No....I respect babies as much as you. You don't get it and you never will. Because you only think in black and white.

Look...just because you made the choice of not aborting your kids and raising them on your own(which I applaud you for), doesn't mean you get to elevate yourself on some kind of twisted self righteous pedestal, annoint yourself as judge, jury and executioner of women who make the choice that you did not, or the people who feel that the choice us theirs to make.
Because it sends a msg to every other youth in the valley that in organized sporting events players don't touch refs, period.

The five years will be appropriate, if he is convicted, and he can be placed in a portion of the pen at the Point where he will not be with the hard cons.

How often does this sort of thing happen? I'm sincerely asking, I don't know...not the death part... but striking referees?

I have no hard numbers, but my grand children tell me the assault while uncommon is not rare. I have no idea what it is like across country. In ET and WL, most of the problems were down in the Beaumont area, and there were few instances of it.

In our school district, we on the Board and the supe and the principals told our athletes, boys and girls, that one instance and they would never play for the school teams again, ever. We had no problems with assault, though we had some problems, at times, with mouthy students. We took care of that, too.
You're full of shit. Like I said, talk to the people who staff the ER and ask them how 'strong' the human head is.

This would be Hasty Generalization, which you are implying. People go into the ER only when its an emergency, so of course you are going to get the worst cases. Getting hit in the face or even a sports concussion usually never warrants am emergency room visit, ESPECIALLY given how expensive it is.
So any sample size from the ER would not be representative of the population

You deny the reality of kg's statement that blows to the head and can do cause death?

That's called Hasty Stupidity.

No, I don't deny the possibility. I deny that it is probable.
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Just out of curiosity....does anyone know anything about this kid?

Is he a trouble maker? Is he otherwise a decent kid? Does anyone care?

I have a problem throwing kids into adult prison....the only thing it does is makes them better criminals. Are we here to get a pound of flesh out of this kid, or to see that justice is served? What good will it do this kid, his family, or the family of the victim if he gets 10 years in "pound me in the ass" prison, and he comes out angry, abused and a learned criminal? Yeah....that'll be good for everyone.

One thing to far as the family goes, there's nothing that will bring their loved one their emotions could range from complete forgiveness to "eye for an eye". So, while their needs as victims are important, it's not the final factor.

Maybe we should try the 5 year old that shot his sister as an adult too.

I often think our justice system is anything but just. If this were some of the old Indians I've read about, the kid would be required to provide for the family who lost their wage earner do to his actions. IMO, that would be just. Probably not feasible in today's society, but I'm not sure what 5 or more years in prison is going to do. It's certainly not going to bring the man back. I do like the idea of taking anger management classes to get out earlier. The kid needs some sort of counseling or training, that's for sure.
Because it sends a msg to every other youth in the valley that in organized sporting events players don't touch refs, period.

The five years will be appropriate, if he is convicted, and he can be placed in a portion of the pen at the Point where he will not be with the hard cons.

How often does this sort of thing happen? I'm sincerely asking, I don't know...not the death part... but striking referees?

I have no hard numbers, but my grand children tell me the assault while uncommon is not rare. I have no idea what it is like across country. In ET and WL, most of the problems were down in the Beaumont area, and there were few instances of it.

In our school district, we on the Board and the supe and the principals told our athletes, boys and girls, that one instance and they would never play for the school teams again, ever. We had no problems with assault, though we had some problems, at times, with mouthy students. We took care of that, too.

That's why I was asking. I live in small town America. Stuff like this really doesn't happen here.
I respect women enough to give them their own choice. You don't. I think that reflects poorly on your "love" for women.

But you don't respect babies. We get it.

No....I respect babies as much as you. You don't get it and you never will. Because you only think in black and white.

Look...just because you made the choice of not aborting your kids and raising them on your own(which I applaud you for), doesn't mean you get to elevate yourself on some kind of twisted self righteous pedestal, annoint yourself as judge, jury and executioner of women who make the choice that you did not, or the people who feel that the choice us theirs to make.

So there are shades of humanity then? Some of these shades being less worthy of life and rights? Are pro-life people advocating the "execution" of women to stop abortion? Or are they merely recognizing human life at a point in its development that you are not comfortable with? It is regrettable that some people's rights have to be limited in some situations, but there are few (if any) limitations on rights as severe as the termination of life.

More to the point of this thread: by your argument there is no justification for imprisoning anyone. If prison serves no purpose but to turn people in to more hardened criminals why do we even have prisons? Why imprison anyone? According to you it will only make matters worse when they are released. Are you advocating that we abolish prison altogether?

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