soccer ref struck in face by player dies

No....I respect babies as much as you. You don't get it and you never will. Because you only think in black and white.

Look...just because you made the choice of not aborting your kids and raising them on your own(which I applaud you for), doesn't mean you get to elevate yourself on some kind of twisted self righteous pedestal, annoint yourself as judge, jury and executioner of women who make the choice that you did not, or the people who feel that the choice us theirs to make.

So there are shades of humanity then? Some of these shades being less worthy of life and rights? Are pro-life people advocating the "execution" of women to stop abortion? Or are they merely recognizing human life at a point in its development that you are not comfortable with? It is regrettable that some people's rights have to be limited in some situations, but there are few (if any) limitations on rights as severe as the termination of life.

More to the point of this thread: by your argument there is no justification for imprisoning anyone. If prison serves no purpose but to turn people in to more hardened criminals why do we even have prisons? Why imprison anyone? According to you it will only make matters worse when they are released. Are you advocating that we abolish prison altogether?

Oh bullshit. Why do you think a juvenile facility is the same as no punishment? Where did I ever say that the kid should walk?

As far as your abortion bullshit....I choose to let sin up to the actual sinner and God. The practice is legal and constitutional....that means that it's a person's choice.....period. If that bothers you...pray for their souls...but knowing you people you'll pray for them to be damned.

"knowing you people..."

Do you? Know me that is. I don't believe we have ever met.

If I see something as evil I feel morally obligated to speak out against it. I will continue to speak out against it whether the government says it is legal or not. The Supreme Court does not decide right and wrong for me. I don't hate people who choose to have an abortion (I might if I met some of them and they happened to deserve it). I don't have the right to make anyone's decisions for them, but if I ever have a chance to convince someone that abortion is wrong I will try.

On the other topic, I was addressing your argument that prison is not a good choice because it will do nothing but make the boy into a more hardened criminal. I have never been to prison or to juvenile detention, so I cannot speak to the conditions in either environment. I was only asking whether you see any reason to have prisons at all if they only serve to make criminals worse.
And here's where we hit the is NOT okay for young men to just walk up to people and punch them. It's NOT OKAY. Because...get can hurt and kill people that way.

It's no more okay than shooting someone or hitting them with a club. You don't get to do that, and if you do that, and the person dies, we don't respond with "well who the hell thought the guy would DIE? He was just supposed to spit out a couple of teeth!"
Abusive men always have this mentality, btw. "She made me hit her"... "Well if she hadn't moved when she did, I wouldn't have hit her there and hurt her so much"...."I didn't MEAN to kill her, I just wanted her to shut up!"

It's not a defense. It's just an excuse for inexcusable, murderous behavior.
As I tell my either control yourself, or you will be placed in an environment where control is exerted over you.

Guess what? In the end, they CAN control themselves.
And here's where we hit the is NOT okay for young men to just walk up to people and punch them. It's NOT OKAY. Because...get can hurt and kill people that way.

It's no more okay than shooting someone or hitting them with a club. You don't get to do that, and if you do that, and the person dies, we don't respond with "well who the hell thought the guy would DIE? He was just supposed to spit out a couple of teeth!"

Oh...for the love of God...who said it was OK? You know what forget. It....I'm done...all I can say is that I hope that God the same measure of mercy and compassion that you show others.
Good. Shut the hell up, you make me nauseous.

BTW, I have worked with inmates, you moron. I have compassion for them.

That doesn't mean I think we should ignore their crimes.

Get it? Do you see the light?

Nope. Say good night, Gracie.
Also, having worked with this population, I can tell you that a 17 year old who is unable to control his rage to the point where he kills someone in PUBLIC is a danger to every person he comes into contact with...and he is not likely to get better.

Once again...this kid did not viciously attack the man...he threw ONE PUNCH. If the kid knocked the guy to the ground and pounded him to death, I wouldn't even be having this conversation with you. If it turns out that this kid is a punk who has a history of violence...I'll even change my mind.

He did knock him to the ground and pound him to death. It's just that it didn't require repeated pounding.

Though from what I've read, we don't even really know that much.
Good. Shut the hell up, you make me nauseous.

BTW, I have worked with inmates, you moron. I have compassion for them.

That doesn't mean I think we should ignore their crimes.

Get it? Do you see the light?

Nope. Say good night, Gracie.

No you don't you have no compassion for anyone. And where did I say to ignore it? Fuck off you fucking witch...Remember...if one doesn't Repent they're gonna burn in hell. Judgmentalism and the hatred you show on a daily basis is going to destroy your soul. Not to mention the outright lies that you spew from your vile mouth.

You're an evil person...but there's still hope learn about God's love and mercy instead of the hate that fills your hardened heart.
No, I mock you for stupidly saying that concussions aren't dangerous, and that usually a trip to the doctor isn't warranted. I mock you for saying that heads are tough and it's difficult to cause a traumatic brain injury. I mock you for admitting that you get into fights and get pummelled and get concussions, but you don't think there are any adverse effects.

You're an idiot. That's why I mock you.

Who said concussions aren't dangerous? Not me. A trip to the emergency room isn't warranted much of the time, especially during competitive sports, since a medic is usually present to make that assessment. Also, not everyone has the money you have to afford emergency room visits, so you are utterly disconnected from reality, as usual. I said its difficult to cause death from a single punch, that is all, because the human head is more resilient than that. This is ALL I said. You are putting words in my mouth. Nor did I ever say I got into fights, or that there weren't any adverse effects from my concussions. I got them from playing Ice Hockey and from skiing accidents.

Who's the idiot now?
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Oh, you think I lack compassion because I think murderers should answer for their crimes?

My your values are skewed. My compassion is for the innocent ref and his family. My compassion for the kid takes on a different tone...he must face the consequences of his very bad decision. Compassion doesn't mean you negate accountability. I would willingly go into the prison and pray with him, give him money if he needed it, help him to face the consequences of what he has done and live with the consequences.

But there are consequences, and he must face them. That isn't lack of compassion. It's too bad you don't understand that. That is why any government that you support will necessarily be a depraved and criminal one.
No, I mock you for stupidly saying that concussions aren't dangerous, and that usually a trip to the doctor isn't warranted. I mock you for saying that heads are tough and it's difficult to cause a traumatic brain injury. I mock you for admitting that you get into fights and get pummelled and get concussions, but you don't think there are any adverse effects.

You're an idiot. That's why I mock you.

Who said concussions aren't dangerous? Not me. Who's the idiot now? A trip to the emergency room isn't warranted much of the time, especially during competitive sports, since a medic is usually present to make that assessment. Also, not everyone has the money you have to afford emergency room visits, so you are utterly disconnected from reality, as usual. I said its difficult to cause death from a single punch, that is all, because the human head is more resilient than that. This is ALL I said. You are putting words in my mouth. Nor did I ever say I got into fights, or that there weren't any adverse effects from my concussions. I got them from playing Ice Hockey and from skiing accidents.

I looked, and you are still the idiot. Possibly it's a result of your repeated head trauma. Obviously, something isn't clicking in there.
No, I mock you for stupidly saying that concussions aren't dangerous, and that usually a trip to the doctor isn't warranted. I mock you for saying that heads are tough and it's difficult to cause a traumatic brain injury. I mock you for admitting that you get into fights and get pummelled and get concussions, but you don't think there are any adverse effects.

You're an idiot. That's why I mock you.

Who said concussions aren't dangerous? Not me. Who's the idiot now? A trip to the emergency room isn't warranted much of the time, especially during competitive sports, since a medic is usually present to make that assessment. Also, not everyone has the money you have to afford emergency room visits, so you are utterly disconnected from reality, as usual. I said its difficult to cause death from a single punch, that is all, because the human head is more resilient than that. This is ALL I said. You are putting words in my mouth. Nor did I ever say I got into fights, or that there weren't any adverse effects from my concussions. I got them from playing Ice Hockey and from skiing accidents.

I looked, and you are still the idiot. Possibly it's a result of your repeated head trauma. Obviously, something isn't clicking in there.

Given your poor reading comprehension and reasoning skills, I'm still far ahead of you.
I will speak slowly. When you maintain that most concussions don't warrant a trip to the ER, then you maintain that they aren't dangerous.

Like I said, you're an idiot. Talk with ER staff some time about concussion and ask them what they do when their own kids take a knock on the noggin and show symptoms of concussion.

I suggest you do it when you aren't suffering acute symptoms yourself.
Oh, you think I lack compassion because I think murderers should answer for their crimes?

My your values are skewed. My compassion is for the innocent ref and his family. My compassion for the kid takes on a different tone...he must face the consequences of his very bad decision. Compassion doesn't mean you negate accountability. I would willingly go into the prison and pray with him, give him money if he needed it, help him to face the consequences of what he has done and live with the consequences.

But there are consequences, and he must face them. That isn't lack of compassion. It's too bad you don't understand that. That is why any government that you support will necessarily be a depraved and criminal one.

Yes it is...when you want to throw this child into adult prison, knowing the facts and circumstances we do...that goes beyond paying consequences....that goes deep into the realm of vengeful hatred. You think I lack compassion for the ref's family? You're wrong....I feel for them and am sorry for their loss

But, whether the kid serves his time in juvenile detention or full blown prison is irrelevant to the fact that neither of them will bring their family member back. Like I said....if it comes out that this kid is trouble, then I will change my mind...but we know nothing about him other than he lost his temper one time in a very bad way.
Who said the purpose of punishment was to bring the dead back to life?

I know I never said that.

Consequences. People have to deal with the consequences of their choices and their behavior. Even if it was a bad decision made in a split second. There was no good reason for him to pound that guy. He was out of control...and someone who can lose control like that can't be allowed to be around innocent people until he has PROVEN that he has gained control of himself in no uncertain terms, AND he has paid for the damage he has done.

He did a lot of damage, he owes a lot.

And 17 isn't exactly a 10 year old.
I will speak slowly. When you maintain that most concussions don't warrant a trip to the ER, then you maintain that they aren't dangerous.

Like I said, you're an idiot. Talk with ER staff some time about concussion and ask them what they do when their own kids take a knock on the noggin and show symptoms of concussion.

I suggest you do it when you aren't suffering acute symptoms yourself.

Of course concussions are dangerous, but that doesn't equate to an ER visit. There is not much they can do. How are you this far removed from medical costs being what they are? You obviously didn't play contact sports, so you have no idea.
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So do you have the same warm fuzzy feeling about the loons that snap and shoot up, say, schools?
I will speak slowly. When you maintain that most concussions don't warrant a trip to the ER, then you maintain that they aren't dangerous.

Like I said, you're an idiot. Talk with ER staff some time about concussion and ask them what they do when their own kids take a knock on the noggin and show symptoms of concussion.

I suggest you do it when you aren't suffering acute symptoms yourself.

Of course concussions are dangerous, but that doesn't equate to an ER visit. How are you this far removed from medical costs being what they are? You obviously didn't play contact sports, so you have no idea.

You're an idiot. Hopefully, you have no children because your stupidity will put them at serious risk.
I will speak slowly. When you maintain that most concussions don't warrant a trip to the ER, then you maintain that they aren't dangerous.

Like I said, you're an idiot. Talk with ER staff some time about concussion and ask them what they do when their own kids take a knock on the noggin and show symptoms of concussion.

I suggest you do it when you aren't suffering acute symptoms yourself.

Of course concussions are dangerous, but that doesn't equate to an ER visit. How are you this far removed from medical costs being what they are? You obviously didn't play contact sports, so you have no idea.

You're an idiot. Hopefully, you have no children because your stupidity will put them at serious risk.

I hope you have money, otherwise to are going to go bankrupt taking yourself to the ER because you bumped into a wall again.
If you suspect your child may have sustained a concussion, you should always seek treatment from a qualified medical professional right away. Even if the trauma your child experienced appeared very minor – for example, a collision during a game that he quickly got up and walked away from – and his symptoms don’t seem “serious,” it’s essential that he be evaluated by a doctor."

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