soccer ref struck in face by player dies

I have 4 children of my own. Three are I have essentially raised 2 more boys.

Sorry, I don't put their well being second to my pocket book. Call me crazy. And I know how important it is to have all head trauma evaluated asap.
And if you can't afford the trips to the doctor when you suspect your child has a head injury, I suggest you keep the little darlings far, far away from the playing field, lest you be labeled a neglectful parent when you refuse to get one treated (thus saving $$) and it dies in its bed two days later.
If you suspect your child may have sustained a concussion, you should always seek treatment from a qualified medical professional right away. Even if the trauma your child experienced appeared very minor – for example, a collision during a game that he quickly got up and walked away from – and his symptoms don’t seem “serious,” it’s essential that he be evaluated by a doctor."

Concussions - Signs, Symptoms, & FAQ

Hey moron, this thread isn't about just children, whose skulls are more fragile. The ref was an adult. Here you are being either stupid or dishonest. This thread has nothing to do with children. Medical recommendations are often different for children given their undeveloped nature, and greater precaution tends to be taken for them, so this article has no relevance here. You keep on digging yourself a hole.

I would still be willing to grant that it is ideal to take someone to the ER given a possible concussion, but who cares about ideal. I care about reality. Most adults or even adolescents can't afford it, and it is often not necessary. The usual recommendation is to avoid sleep, as a coma may result, and to avoid any further concussion, since the brain is already swelling, and a second concussion may result in death from too much cranial pressure against the inside of the skull. All you can do is monitor symptoms. You don't need an ER visit for that.
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Also, having worked with this population, I can tell you that a 17 year old who is unable to control his rage to the point where he kills someone in PUBLIC is a danger to every person he comes into contact with...and he is not likely to get better.

Once again...this kid did not viciously attack the man...he threw ONE PUNCH. If the kid knocked the guy to the ground and pounded him to death, I wouldn't even be having this conversation with you. If it turns out that this kid is a punk who has a history of violence...I'll even change my mind.

he did viciously attack hin, threw one punch and killed him, he should spend the rest of his life in prison, the ref gets to spend his DEAD.
he did viciously attack hin, threw one punch and killed him, he should spend the rest of his life in prison, the ref gets to spend his DEAD.

DA can't prove intent, WT, thus the homicide by assault with a five year max.
If you suspect your child may have sustained a concussion, you should always seek treatment from a qualified medical professional right away. Even if the trauma your child experienced appeared very minor – for example, a collision during a game that he quickly got up and walked away from – and his symptoms don’t seem “serious,” it’s essential that he be evaluated by a doctor."

Concussions - Signs, Symptoms, & FAQ

Hey moron, this thread isn't about just children, whose skulls are more fragile. The ref was an adult. Here you are being either stupid or dishonest. This thread has nothing to do with children. Medical recommendations are often different for children given their undeveloped nature, and greater precaution tends to be taken for them, so this article has no relevance here. You keep on digging yourself a hole.

I would still be willing to grant that it is ideal to take someone to the ER given a possible concussion, but who cares about ideal. I care about reality. Most adults or even adolescents can't afford it, and it is often not necessary. The usual recommendation is to avoid sleep, as a coma may result, and to avoid any further concussion, since the brain is already swelling, and a second concussion may result in death from too much cranial pressure against the inside of the skull. All you can do is monitor symptoms. You don't need an ER visit for that.

Who said it was?

Anyway, you remain a moron. I can't decide which is stupider..your insistence that people shouldn't go to the ER with head injuries; your belief that money is a good reason to not get life-saving treatment for your kid, or your insistence that untreated traumatic brain injuries are just a part of being an active dude.

It's hard to pick just one.
he did viciously attack hin, threw one punch and killed him, he should spend the rest of his life in prison, the ref gets to spend his DEAD.

DA can't prove intent, WT, thus the homicide by assault with a five year max.

And in fact the prosecutors stated that they didn't believe his state of mind at the time was such that warranted more serious charges.

He's a stupid, out of control kid who didn't know his own strength. But you don't test your strength on people's heads. He knows that, now. And he's going to spend the rest of his life paying for it, in one way or another.
To ruin a kids life over a fluke incident is idiotic.

A "fluke" incident? Really? Was it a "fluke" that the seventeen year old kid, who outweighed Mr. Portillo by the way, punched him in the side of the head? Doesn't sound like it. The kid was pissed and deliberately punched the referee. Nothing there that could be called a "fluke," just a crime.

Oh, and unless they charge the kid with a misdemeanor or as a juvenile, his life is already ruined.

If the ref had a condition he didn't know about that made him susceptible to death from minor concussion, that was his fault for being engaged in such an activity where this was probable, not the kids.

Oh, so now it's the fault of the victim? A "condition he didn't know about?" Where do you come up with this shit? You do know that boxers have died from the same injuries, right? Punches to the head? andthey wear gloves. Here you have a bare knuckle punch to the head.

How is it "probable" that a person would be punched in the head refereeing a soccer game? Where the hell do you play soccer?

Granted, punching the ref in the face is completely unacceptable in sport...,

Gee, ya think?

...however it would have unreasonable for anyone to conclude that such an action would lead to a mans death, therefore, he shouldn't be punished as if it were.

Bullshit. You throw a punch, your intent is to do harm. Your intent is to do as much harm as possible. Your intent should be to make sure the person you punch doesn't get up and beat the shit out of you. If it isn't you're an idiot.

This kid killed a man. He committed a crime that resulted in the man's death. To suggest that "his life not be ruined" is an insult to Ricardo Portillo and his family.

Homicide by assault, as an adult. That's fair.

You guys are a blood thirsty lot. First, it is involuntary manslaughter, not murder. Manslaughter means killing someone, but involuntary means not intended. The kid did not intend to kill the ref. No intention to kill.

There is another perspective to put on this:

Pedro Lopez, his brother-in-law and a fellow soccer referee, said the teenager made a mistake and isn't solely to blame. He said he's been involved in soccer his entire life, playing and refereeing, and seen a troubling trend emerge.
"It's not the ignorance of the child, it's the poor manners of the parents," said Lopez in Spanish, who played soccer professionally. "The yells and insults from the sideline from the parents make kids more violent."

Yapias, a longtime friend of Ricardo Portillo coach in the same league, said coaches and parents need to do a better job teaching children about sportsmanship and being non-violent. He also called for more police presence at games. Portillo's death is a reminder that life can change in a second, he said.

The teenager, quite a bit heavier than Portillo, began arguing with the referee, then punched him in the face. Portillo seemed fine at first, then asked to be held because he felt dizzy. He sat down and started vomiting blood, triggering his friend to call an ambulance.
When police arrived around noon, the teenager was gone and Portillo was laying on the ground in the fetal position. Through translators, Portillo told emergency workers that his face and back hurt and he felt nauseous. He had no visible injuries and remained conscious. He was considered to be in fair condition when they took him to the Intermountain Medical Center.

Family of Utah soccer referee who died after punch from player holds vigil | Fox News

He is still a kid and, not only influenced by adults, but still lacking in developed, mature judgement. Also, it's not like he beat the shit out of the ref or used any weapons.

Causing another person's death through reckless behavior, or in the commission of another crime but without intent to kill, carries a lighter sentence than most other forms of homicide. Sentencing guidelines for involuntary manslaughter differ quite a bit among the various state judicial systems, however. Involuntary manslaughter at both the federal and state level is treated as a felony and usually carries a jail or prison sentence of at least 12 months, plus fines and probation.
Involuntary Manslaughter Penalties and Sentencing - FindLaw

Generally, someone would not think a single punch is going to kill someone. People don't understand head injuries. It reminds me of when Natasha Richardson fell down while skiing and thought she was fine. A few hours later, she was dead. No one expected that.

The soccer player did not intend to kill. He was wrong to hit the ref, no question. His punishment should be in line with involuntary manslaughter, not murder. He should face the same punishment any other person would face in a similar situation and charged with involuntary manslaughter. Also, it will probably be a first offense, which will also make a difference. Putting him away for life is ludicrous and would not conform to the idea of the punishment fitting the crime. Laura Bush killed someone because of reckless driving. Not only did she not spend the rest of her life in prison, she was never even charged.

If the charges stand as indicted, the kid faces 2-5 years if prosecuted as an adult. I would like to see more like 7-10, but then, I raised 3 sons that never punched a rep or umpire in the head.

I can't help but wonder if steroids figure into this. They might explain the rage.
If this kid DID get steroids, we need to know where they came from.
If you suspect your child may have sustained a concussion, you should always seek treatment from a qualified medical professional right away. Even if the trauma your child experienced appeared very minor – for example, a collision during a game that he quickly got up and walked away from – and his symptoms don’t seem “serious,” it’s essential that he be evaluated by a doctor."

Concussions - Signs, Symptoms, & FAQ

Hey moron, this thread isn't about just children, whose skulls are more fragile. The ref was an adult. Here you are being either stupid or dishonest. This thread has nothing to do with children. Medical recommendations are often different for children given their undeveloped nature, and greater precaution tends to be taken for them, so this article has no relevance here. You keep on digging yourself a hole.

I would still be willing to grant that it is ideal to take someone to the ER given a possible concussion, but who cares about ideal. I care about reality. Most adults or even adolescents can't afford it, and it is often not necessary. The usual recommendation is to avoid sleep, as a coma may result, and to avoid any further concussion, since the brain is already swelling, and a second concussion may result in death from too much cranial pressure against the inside of the skull. All you can do is monitor symptoms. You don't need an ER visit for that.

Who said it was?

Anyway, you remain a moron. I can't decide which is stupider..your insistence that people shouldn't go to the ER with head injuries; your belief that money is a good reason to not get life-saving treatment for your kid, or your insistence that untreated traumatic brain injuries are just a part of being an active dude.

It's hard to pick just one.

I'm a moron in your opinion? I think the same of you. Who cares about opinion. Spare me this useless information and get to the point.

I never made a single prescriptive statement about what anybody "ought" to do. I was merely describing what is the case. You make things up to try and make people look bad. It's sad.
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That is the point. You're a moron. You have no business sharing your illiterate retarded opinion about head trauma with anyone, lest they think you know what you're talking about, and die as a result.

I can't imagine that anyone would ever make that particular mistake...but who knows, maybe your friends are dumber than you.
That is the point. You're a moron. You have no business sharing your illiterate retarded opinion about head trauma with anyone, lest they think you know what you're talking about, and die as a result.

I can't imagine that anyone would ever make that particular mistake...but who knows, maybe your friends are dumber than you.

I don't know how to convince you of how little your opinion means to me. As I said, spare me the wasted time of reading your useless opinions that are as far removed from reality as the rest of your stated perceptions.
Yes, that's the attitude of all self-important know-nothings who like to spread misinformation about a variety of topics.
Yes, that's the attitude of all self-important know-nothings who like to spread misinformation about a variety of topics.

Hmmm... Your cuntiness is especially high today. I am concerned. Perhaps you should go fuck yourself? Ease up the pressure down there? Just an idea. It still wouldn't get you any closer to reality, but at least you'll feel better.
Yes, that's the attitude of all self-important know-nothings who like to spread misinformation about a variety of topics.

Hmmm... Your cuntiness is especially high today. I am concerned. Perhaps you should go fuck yourself? Ease up the pressure down there? Just an idea. It still wouldn't get you any closer to reality, but at least you'll feel better.

Gee...I was on your side until you did this. Since when has this word become 'the' word with which to address females with whom one disagrees? Absolutely reprehensible. No decent man who deserves any respect would address a woman with such a term, no matter what she has said.
Pro abortion = baby killer.

As you know.

Oh, don't call them babies. So that means you're not culpable.

Yeahuh. I said, it's hardly surprising that the same people who scream that we should kill more babies are the ones who think the life of a ref is negligible, and nobody should be held accountable for any of the things they do that ruin and end the lives of others.

It makes one wonder what you have in your past.

I know what you have in yours....bitterness, regret and a need for revenge.

I'll tell you about my past. I had a DUI when I was 18. That's the extent of my criminal past....30 years ago.

Personal past? I've had a half dozen sexual partners in my 48 years and I married two of them. I never had a child of my own, nor did I ever cause a pregnancy. I have however help to raise three wonderful with my first wife, whom I left because of her monogamy issues, and two with my second wife... one of which(a son) graduated from Penn State with a Bachelor's in Forestry, and the youngest(a daughter) who is in College now, but is undecided on a Major.

Finally....I am NOT pro-abortion. I am pro-choice. Huge difference. I feel that abortion is wrong... but that's between the person and God.

EDIT: but do deflect off the topic at hand in another one if your crazy cat lady rants.
oh what a bunch of BS "pro choice" is the cowards way of saying kill the mother fucking baby. Get real.

And Pro-life is the dumb Republican/conservative's way of saying anti-abortion. There is no sane person in the world that isn't pro-life, everyone is pro-life, the opposite being pro-death. Liberals allow women to make their own choices based on their own beliefs, not someone else's. We're not Stepford Wives.
Ah, againsheila again standing up for people who make pisspoor decisions that hurt (and in this case, kill) other people, and demanding that the people be responsible for taking care of them.

He isn't in trouble for punching. He's in trouble for KILLING.

Geez, why are Republican/conservatives so full of anger? We don't know if the punch was the direct cause of the ref's death. Yes, the kid punched him, and he died, but many people get punched, more than once even, and don't die, so until we find out what caused his death, you can't be saying that he killed the ref.

And nobody is saying that the kid should get away with hitting the ref, but you all are already convicting him of "murder" and the results of the autopsy haven't even been released.
Yes, that's the attitude of all self-important know-nothings who like to spread misinformation about a variety of topics.

Hmmm... Your cuntiness is especially high today. I am concerned. Perhaps you should go fuck yourself? Ease up the pressure down there? Just an idea. It still wouldn't get you any closer to reality, but at least you'll feel better.

Gee...I was on your side until you did this. Since when has this word become 'the' word with which to address females with whom one disagrees? Absolutely reprehensible. No decent man who deserves any respect would address a woman with such a term, no matter what she has said.

Well....I don't know about that...someone who finds particular joy in handing out low blows like calling people baby killers, fair game to be called an assortment of names...the "c" word being one....this goes beyond mere disagreement. She is vile in her obsession with abortion. Her obsession winds it's way into thread after thread.

So while in most cases, I would agree with you that the "c" word is crossing over the line of her case...she's called MANY people...good, normal people....much worse. After all.....what's worse? Baby killer....or ****?

Seriously....think about it.
Pro abortion = baby killer.

As you know.

Oh, don't call them babies. So that means you're not culpable.

Yeahuh. I said, it's hardly surprising that the same people who scream that we should kill more babies are the ones who think the life of a ref is negligible, and nobody should be held accountable for any of the things they do that ruin and end the lives of others.

It makes one wonder what you have in your past.
Says one that probably supports the repeal of Obamacare, knowing that thousands of "babies" that are already born die due to lack of healthcare. Conservatives are so fricking hypocritical, they feign sympathy for "fetuses" but don't give a damn about a child that is already born and alive and dying due to lack of healthcare. Yeah, that's real love of children.
Hmmm... Your cuntiness is especially high today. I am concerned. Perhaps you should go fuck yourself? Ease up the pressure down there? Just an idea. It still wouldn't get you any closer to reality, but at least you'll feel better.

Gee...I was on your side until you did this. Since when has this word become 'the' word with which to address females with whom one disagrees? Absolutely reprehensible. No decent man who deserves any respect would address a woman with such a term, no matter what she has said.

Well....I don't know about that...someone who finds particular joy in handing out low blows like calling people baby killers, fair game to be called an assortment of names...the "c" word being one....this goes beyond mere disagreement. She is vile in her obsession with abortion. Her obsession winds it's way into thread after thread.

So while in most cases, I would agree with you that the "c" word is crossing over the line of her case...she's called MANY people...good, normal people....much worse. After all.....what's worse? Baby killer....or ****?

Seriously....think about it.

You are absolutely right. I just read a bunch of her posts and she sure seems full of anger, ready to send this kid to the gas chamber if it was up to her, and calling everyone that disagrees with her, idiot and worse. But, most that side with her stance, they love "fetuses" remember? That should count for something, no?

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