soccer ref struck in face by player dies

Just out of curiosity....does anyone know anything about this kid?

Is he a trouble maker? Is he otherwise a decent kid? Does anyone care?

I have a problem throwing kids into adult prison....the only thing it does is makes them better criminals. Are we here to get a pound of flesh out of this kid, or to see that justice is served? What good will it do this kid, his family, or the family of the victim if he gets 10 years in "pound me in the ass" prison, and he comes out angry, abused and a learned criminal? Yeah....that'll be good for everyone.

One thing to far as the family goes, there's nothing that will bring their loved one their emotions could range from complete forgiveness to "eye for an eye". So, while their needs as victims are important, it's not the final factor.

Maybe we should try the 5 year old that shot his sister as an adult too.

I often think our justice system is anything but just. If this were some of the old Indians I've read about, the kid would be required to provide for the family who lost their wage earner do to his actions. IMO, that would be just. Probably not feasible in today's society, but I'm not sure what 5 or more years in prison is going to do. It's certainly not going to bring the man back. I do like the idea of taking anger management classes to get out earlier. The kid needs some sort of counseling or training, that's for sure.

I agree. I mean if it turns out that this kid is trouble and has a history of getting into trouble, yeah....throw the book at him. But if is otherwise a decent kid...let's allow him to learn from his mistake, get out at 21 and have him be a contributing member of society rather than another ex con that we have to deal with.

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I respect women enough to give them their own choice. You don't. I think that reflects poorly on your "love" for women.

But you don't respect babies. We get it.

No....I respect babies as much as you. You don't get it and you never will. Because you only think in black and white.

Look...just because you made the choice of not aborting your kids and raising them on your own(which I applaud you for), doesn't mean you get to elevate yourself on some kind of twisted self righteous pedestal, annoint yourself as judge, jury and executioner of women who make the choice that you did not, or the people who feel that the choice us theirs to make.

Murder is murder asswipe you're either for it or against it, the pro choice bullshit is a coward's play.
But you don't respect babies. We get it.

No....I respect babies as much as you. You don't get it and you never will. Because you only think in black and white.

Look...just because you made the choice of not aborting your kids and raising them on your own(which I applaud you for), doesn't mean you get to elevate yourself on some kind of twisted self righteous pedestal, annoint yourself as judge, jury and executioner of women who make the choice that you did not, or the people who feel that the choice us theirs to make.

So there are shades of humanity then? Some of these shades being less worthy of life and rights? Are pro-life people advocating the "execution" of women to stop abortion? Or are they merely recognizing human life at a point in its development that you are not comfortable with? It is regrettable that some people's rights have to be limited in some situations, but there are few (if any) limitations on rights as severe as the termination of life.

More to the point of this thread: by your argument there is no justification for imprisoning anyone. If prison serves no purpose but to turn people in to more hardened criminals why do we even have prisons? Why imprison anyone? According to you it will only make matters worse when they are released. Are you advocating that we abolish prison altogether?

Oh bullshit. Why do you think a juvenile facility is the same as no punishment? Where did I ever say that the kid should walk?

As far as your abortion bullshit....I choose to let sin up to the actual sinner and God. The practice is legal and constitutional....that means that it's a person's choice.....period. If that bothers you...pray for their souls...but knowing you people you'll pray for them to be damned.
But you don't respect babies. We get it.

No....I respect babies as much as you. You don't get it and you never will. Because you only think in black and white.

Look...just because you made the choice of not aborting your kids and raising them on your own(which I applaud you for), doesn't mean you get to elevate yourself on some kind of twisted self righteous pedestal, annoint yourself as judge, jury and executioner of women who make the choice that you did not, or the people who feel that the choice us theirs to make.

Murder is murder asswipe you're either for it or against it, the pro choice bullshit is a coward's play.

Murder is murder....except when it's not. I'll pray for your soul asswipe. Obviously you don't know shit about Christ and the Bible.
You seemed to imply that losing one's temper justifies a punch.

And no it couldn't happen to any of us. Just to those that think losing your temper gives you cause to strike someone.

You are reading into it what you want. I am not addressing justification whatsoever, or implying that one has justification because one is angry to strike someone. I am merely saying it happens because humans are fallible and lose control, and when it does, ones life should not be ruined for it by a life's sentence.

Who said anything about a life sentence?

I'm on record as saying the kid should be punished by the fullest extent of the law. I doubt this would rise to the level of life.

Some on this thread pushed for a life sentence. This gut reaction to lynch this kid is what I am arguing against.
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Morons like steelplate think that the justice system and corrections exist to help out murderers.

They exist to PROTECT people. Like that poor ref who had no idea what hit him. You put the puke in jail so there are no future victims. When you have a tantrum and kill someone, you lose your right to live among decent people. Repent at leisure, or not at all...but the point of incarceration is to PROTECT LAW ABIDING PEOPLE. Not *fix* murderers.
Morons like steelplate think that the justice system and corrections exist to help out murderers.

They exist to PROTECT people. Like that poor ref who had no idea what hit him. You put the puke in jail so there are no future victims. When you have a tantrum and kill someone, you lose your right to live among decent people. Repent at leisure, or not at all...but the point of incarceration is to PROTECT LAW ABIDING PEOPLE. Not *fix* murderers.

No, it exists to match punishment with the crime, as best as possible.
No, it doesn't. It exists to protect the people, Headwound Harry.

"He probably smells my dog!"

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"Any criminal justice system is an apparatus society uses to enforce the standards of conduct necessary to protect individuals and the community. It operates by apprehending, prosecuting, convicting, and sentencing those members of the community who violate the basic rules of group existence. The action taken against lawbreakers is designed to serve three purposes beyond the immediately punitive one. It removes dangerous people from the community; it deters others from criminal behavior; and it gives society an opportunity to attempt to transform lawbreakers into law-abiding citizens. "


"Any criminal justice system is an apparatus society uses to enforce the standards of conduct necessary to protect individuals and the community. It operates by apprehending, prosecuting, convicting, and sentencing those members of the community who violate the basic rules of group existence. The action taken against lawbreakers is designed to serve three purposes beyond the immediately punitive one. It removes dangerous people from the community; it deters others from criminal behavior; and it gives society an opportunity to attempt to transform lawbreakers into law-abiding citizens. "



Read the last sentence douche canoe
"Any criminal justice system is an apparatus society uses to enforce the standards of conduct necessary to protect individuals and the community. It operates by apprehending, prosecuting, convicting, and sentencing those members of the community who violate the basic rules of group existence. The action taken against lawbreakers is designed to serve three purposes beyond the immediately punitive one. It removes dangerous people from the community; it deters others from criminal behavior; and it gives society an opportunity to attempt to transform lawbreakers into law-abiding citizens. "



Read the last sentence douche canoe

This is first for a reason:

" It removes dangerous people from the community;"
"Any criminal justice system is an apparatus society uses to enforce the standards of conduct necessary to protect individuals and the community. It operates by apprehending, prosecuting, convicting, and sentencing those members of the community who violate the basic rules of group existence. The action taken against lawbreakers is designed to serve three purposes beyond the immediately punitive one. It removes dangerous people from the community; it deters others from criminal behavior; and it gives society an opportunity to attempt to transform lawbreakers into law-abiding citizens. "



Read the last sentence douche canoe

This is first for a reason:

" It removes dangerous people from the community;"

Yes...and putting the kid in juvie for four years till he's 21 would do that, wouldn't it? But that's not what your want the wrath of God to cone down on this are no better than the Taliban...
No, it doesn't. It exists to protect the people, Headwound Harry.

You stand as a firm defeater for the idea that women are more mature than guys. You mock me for having had a few concussions? You're a total ****.
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No, I mock you for stupidly saying that concussions aren't dangerous, and that usually a trip to the doctor isn't warranted. I mock you for saying that heads are tough and it's difficult to cause a traumatic brain injury. I mock you for admitting that you get into fights and get pummelled and get concussions, but you don't think there are any adverse effects.

You're an idiot. That's why I mock you.
Read the last sentence douche canoe

This is first for a reason:

" It removes dangerous people from the community;"

Yes...and putting the kid in juvie for four years till he's 21 would do that, wouldn't it? But that's not what your want the wrath of God to cone down on this are no better than the Taliban...

Maybe it would, and maybe it wouldn't. I've maintained all along that 5 years sounds about right...but I have no patience for idiot men who poo-pooh the idea that a 17 year old soccer star who flips out and kills a ref is a menace to society and is simply the victim of adolescent angst that shouldn't be held against him.

I'm sorry, "Whoops silly me" is not a defense.
Also, having worked with this population, I can tell you that a 17 year old who is unable to control his rage to the point where he kills someone in PUBLIC is a danger to every person he comes into contact with...and he is not likely to get better.
Also, having worked with this population, I can tell you that a 17 year old who is unable to control his rage to the point where he kills someone in PUBLIC is a danger to every person he comes into contact with...and he is not likely to get better.

Once again...this kid did not viciously attack the man...he threw ONE PUNCH. If the kid knocked the guy to the ground and pounded him to death, I wouldn't even be having this conversation with you. If it turns out that this kid is a punk who has a history of violence...I'll even change my mind.

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