soccer ref struck in face by player dies

AS doesn't like me because she doesn't like reality. She thinks the world owes her a living, and pisses and moans that she can't find a job, when in reality, she has no skills, and isn't willing to Or go to where the jobs are.

People don't like to be called baby killers. All the same, when you call abortion "choice" and babies "fetuses" in order to justify killing them....and when you refuse to defend the women and children who are exploited, murdered and butchered by the abortionists, and in fact insist on spreading the word that "abortion" is a perfectly acceptable method of contraception and "population control"...guess what? You're pro-abortion, and a baby killer.

Congratulations! You're scum of the earth! You think it's okay to dismember and kill babies, and to exploit and abuse women in order to do it!

But, you are a baby killer yourself, because you as much as admitted that you would be in favor of repealing Obamacare, and I've shown you a link (Harvard Medical School/NY Times) that gives the number of deaths due to lack of health care.

So be honest, abortions if done prior to 12th week are only killing a bunch of cells, but allowing "children" and "babies" and even adults to die due to lack of health care, is more than just being baby killers, that could be considered as just plain "killers"! said that repealing obamacare would lead to untold baby deaths.

Unfortunately for you, that's a lie. So no, I'm not a baby killer.
How is it a lie?
Do you have something to back up your gibberish? Of course not. If they were dying before Obamacare, what would keep them from dying if Obamacare went away?

And I didn't say you'd be a baby killer. Allowing babie, children, and adults to die is far worse than just being a baby killer.
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It's a lie because it's a complete fabrication. You know, a lie.

Why don't you show the evidence of all the babies that have been saved by obamacare, and the evidence that they would have died before obamacare. I'll wait.

BTW, I know you can't, because this ridiculous, tired lie was put to bed years ago.

But go ahead. So you're a little behind. I like it when baby killers think they're all up to date and stuff with their old, flaccid little excuses for killing babies.

BTW...Hitler's butchers also maintained that killing substandard babies was good for the overall health of the population. It's an old, old standard for the baby killers down through the ages.
What stuns me is the willingness of these pukes to demonize and propose that infants deserve to die....
Aren't you proposing that very same thing when you wish to repeal Obamacre?

But a 17 year old who kills a guy who referees soccer for no good reason is a child that must be protected and nurtured.
Do you always rant and ramble like that? Show me one post that claims that this kid is to be protected and nurtured. Either you can't read or have major comprehension problems. No wonder so many people put you on ignore, nobody enjoys debating with a crazy person.

Can you say..psychotic?
That describes someone that exaggerates and you seem to be doing quite a bit of it.
What stuns me is the willingness of these pukes to demonize and propose that infants deserve to die....
Aren't you proposing that very same thing when you wish to repeal Obamacre?
Nope. We already established this is ridiculous. Strike one.
But a 17 year old who kills a guy who referees soccer for no good reason is a child that must be protected and nurtured.
Do you always rant and ramble like that? Show me one post that claims that this kid is to be protected and nurtured. Either you can't read or have major comprehension problems. No wonder so many people put you on ignore, nobody enjoys debating with a crazy person. Sheila has me on ignore; she is an acknowledged dingbat and one person. Newpolitic, if he actually does it, is a moron with no stature here at all. And this thread is about the 17 year old kid that killed the ref. Read the thread. Strike two.

Can you say..psychotic?
That describes someone that exaggerates and you seem to be doing quite a bit of it.
You seem incapable of tracking or adult discussion. Strike three. You're out.
It's a lie because it's a complete fabrication. You know, a lie.
But you haven't proved that it's a lie. Just because you keep repeating that it's a lie does not make it a lie.
I provided you with a link that shows how many die due to lack of health care, are you saying that it is a lie? You know more than Harvard Medical School?:lol:

Why don't you show the evidence of all the babies that have been saved by obamacare, and the evidence that they would have died before obamacare. I'll wait.
Obamacare hasn't been fully implemented, so how can I show you that. Didn't you even know that? And, I provided you with a link that references 45,000 deaths a year in the US, do you think that it was all adults?

BTW, I know you can't, because this ridiculous, tired lie was put to bed years ago.
I can tell that you are not very well informed. Where was it put to bed, do you have a link, or are we supposed to take the word of some ranting, rambling uninformed person?

But go ahead. So you're a little behind. I like it when baby killers think they're all up to date and stuff with their old, flaccid little excuses for killing babies.
So what is your excuse for killing peoplle?

BTW...Hitler's butchers also maintained that killing substandard babies was good for the overall health of the population. It's an old, old standard for the baby killers down through the ages.
Yes, Hitler killed babies, children and adults, much like those that want to repeal Obamacare. Nice of you to draw the comparison.
Gee...I was on your side until you did this. Since when has this word become 'the' word with which to address females with whom one disagrees? Absolutely reprehensible. No decent man who deserves any respect would address a woman with such a term, no matter what she has said.

I don't normally call people this word. I understand how much it offends. However, Koshergrl has deserved it. She makes fun of me because I've had a few head injuries, gives me a mocking nickname because of it, and then calls me a retard and worse? Call me weak if you want, but my tolerance for maintaining decency is only so high. If other people aren't going to play by the rules of civil debate, neither am I.

Like I said, put her on ignore, it's good for the soul, I know it helped me.

I am gratified that I have been a part of finally teaching you to be self sufficient. At long last, you are able to say you helped yourself, and nobody else had to shell out any dinero.

Well done, AS!!!! Keep up the good work! We will see you weaned from the system yet!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Gee...I was on your side until you did this. Since when has this word become 'the' word with which to address females with whom one disagrees? Absolutely reprehensible. No decent man who deserves any respect would address a woman with such a term, no matter what she has said.

Well....I don't know about that...someone who finds particular joy in handing out low blows like calling people baby killers, fair game to be called an assortment of names...the "c" word being one....this goes beyond mere disagreement. She is vile in her obsession with abortion. Her obsession winds it's way into thread after thread.

So while in most cases, I would agree with you that the "c" word is crossing over the line of her case...she's called MANY people...good, normal people....much worse. After all.....what's worse? Baby killer....or ****?

Seriously....think about it.

Seriously, YOU think about it: what I think is if I am a decent person, I don't stoop to someone else's low level. I have her on ignore; I know what she is. But that word, if addressed to her in this thread and seen as acceptable, is then addressed to other women in other threads, women who do not behave as she does. It is not only a rude insult, it is misogynistic and deeply insulting to women on a level some men seem not able to comprehend. As I said, any man who uses that word to attack a woman deserves absolutely no respect whatsoever. It is like using the ‘n’ word.

It doesn't have to become acceptable to use the "c" word just because i did it once. This is a slippery slope fallacy. We are adults. It is just a word, And in no way is it equivalent to the "n" word. I reject that outright. It is simply an arbitrary preference that women in America (only) seem to have against this word . I actually find the whole thing a little sexist. Women can call men whatever they want when they are being jerks, but not the other way around. Lets grow up. I will try harder to respect this arbitrary convention because its not a big deal to, but if someone deserves it, then so be it. That is ridiculous.
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Still waiting for the evidence that Obamacare repeal is EXACTLY THE SAME THING as abortion.

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

Lol. Gosh I feel like I've been here about a kazillion times before. You guys need some original material.
Well....I don't know about that...someone who finds particular joy in handing out low blows like calling people baby killers, fair game to be called an assortment of names...the "c" word being one....this goes beyond mere disagreement. She is vile in her obsession with abortion. Her obsession winds it's way into thread after thread.

So while in most cases, I would agree with you that the "c" word is crossing over the line of her case...she's called MANY people...good, normal people....much worse. After all.....what's worse? Baby killer....or ****?

Seriously....think about it.

Seriously, YOU think about it: what I think is if I am a decent person, I don't stoop to someone else's low level. I have her on ignore; I know what she is. But that word, if addressed to her in this thread and seen as acceptable, is then addressed to other women in other threads, women who do not behave as she does. It is not only a rude insult, it is misogynistic and deeply insulting to women on a level some men seem not able to comprehend. As I said, any man who uses that word to attack a woman deserves absolutely no respect whatsoever. It is like using the ‘n’ word.

I don't appreciate being judged when i wasn't insulting you. It doesn't have to become acceptable to use c*nt just because i did it once. This is a slippery slope fallacy: I don't expect that because of my having used this word for someone that truly deserves it, it will somehow be "devalued" and used more and more, and then extrapolating into the future... any progress that women have made with regards to societal equality will have been lost ( or something so severe). We are adults. It is just a word, And in no way is it equivalent to the "n" word. I reject that outright. It is simply an arbitrary preference that women in America (only) seem to have against this word . I actually find the whole thing a little sexist. Women can call men whatever they want when they are being jerks, but not the other way around. Lets grow up. I will try harder to respect this arbitrary convention because its not a big deal to, but it shouldn't offend you because I called someone else a "c" word. That is ridiculous.'s an open forum. You let your ass hang out, people are going to comment on it.

Grow some balls or disappear, moron.
Seriously, YOU think about it: what I think is if I am a decent person, I don't stoop to someone else's low level. I have her on ignore; I know what she is. But that word, if addressed to her in this thread and seen as acceptable, is then addressed to other women in other threads, women who do not behave as she does. It is not only a rude insult, it is misogynistic and deeply insulting to women on a level some men seem not able to comprehend. As I said, any man who uses that word to attack a woman deserves absolutely no respect whatsoever. It is like using the ‘n’ word.

I don't appreciate being judged when i wasn't insulting you. It doesn't have to become acceptable to use c*nt just because i did it once. This is a slippery slope fallacy: I don't expect that because of my having used this word for someone that truly deserves it, it will somehow be "devalued" and used more and more, and then extrapolating into the future... any progress that women have made with regards to societal equality will have been lost ( or something so severe). We are adults. It is just a word, And in no way is it equivalent to the "n" word. I reject that outright. It is simply an arbitrary preference that women in America (only) seem to have against this word . I actually find the whole thing a little sexist. Women can call men whatever they want when they are being jerks, but not the other way around. Lets grow up. I will try harder to respect this arbitrary convention because its not a big deal to, but it shouldn't offend you because I called someone else a "c" word. That is ridiculous.'s an open forum. You let your ass hang out, people are going to comment on it.

Grow some balls or disappear, moron.

But this is okay? Nice double standard. You demonstrate my point perfectly, and right on time. Thank you.
Gee...I was on your side until you did this. Since when has this word become 'the' word with which to address females with whom one disagrees? Absolutely reprehensible. No decent man who deserves any respect would address a woman with such a term, no matter what she has said.

Well....I don't know about that...someone who finds particular joy in handing out low blows like calling people baby killers, fair game to be called an assortment of names...the "c" word being one....this goes beyond mere disagreement. She is vile in her obsession with abortion. Her obsession winds it's way into thread after thread.

So while in most cases, I would agree with you that the "c" word is crossing over the line of her case...she's called MANY people...good, normal people....much worse. After all.....what's worse? Baby killer....or ****?

Seriously....think about it.

Seriously, YOU think about it: what I think is if I am a decent person, I don't stoop to someone else's low level. I have her on ignore; I know what she is. But that word, if addressed to her in this thread and seen as acceptable, is then addressed to other women in other threads, women who do not behave as she does. It is not only a rude insult, it is misogynistic and deeply insulting to women on a level some men seem not able to comprehend. As I said, any man who uses that word to attack a woman deserves absolutely no respect whatsoever. It is like using the ‘n’ word.

So, by the same should not be called Dicks, Dickheads, Pricks etc by women without being called "man haters"?

Look....I see your point. But....I'm not the one who called her fact, the person who did...didn't even call her that.... he was describing her behavior...which is abhorrent, inappropriate, and even more demeaning than the description of her behavior given, once again.... not by me...but by another poster.

As far as putting her on ignore? I'll think about it.... but for one, I use Tapatalk...which is a forum app for smart phones...and as of right now, there is no ignore feature on the app..second.... putting someone on ignore is kind of like letting them win. But, I can do it through the I will take that into consideration.
What stuns me is the willingness of these pukes to demonize and propose that infants deserve to die....
Aren't you proposing that very same thing when you wish to repeal Obamacre?
Nope. We already established this is ridiculous. Strike one.

Do you always rant and ramble like that? Show me one post that claims that this kid is to be protected and nurtured. Either you can't read or have major comprehension problems. No wonder so many people put you on ignore, nobody enjoys debating with a crazy person.
Sheila has me on ignore; she is an acknowledged dingbat and one person. Newpolitic, if he actually does it, is a moron with no stature here at all. And this thread is about the 17 year old kid that killed the ref. Read the thread. Strike two.

Can you say..psychotic?
That describes someone that exaggerates and you seem to be doing quite a bit of it.
You seem incapable of tracking or adult discussion. Strike three. You're out.
Ha,ha, I can see that you can't answer any of my questions or address any of my comments, and so you concede by telling me that I'm incapable of tracking (whatever the hell that means) or adult discussion, which is funny because I don't believe I'm conversing with an adult.

First of all, you haven't established anything, you are just talking out of your ass. I asked you to quote one person that said the 17 year old that punched the ref needed to be protected and nurtured, and you weren't able to do that. You're just talking nonsense and you probably don't even realize it.

Second, all the people that have you on ignore sound a hell of a lot more sane and reasonable than you do.

Third, you don't really know much about anything and are probably a waste of time to respond to. No wonder you end up being put on ignore by most members.
It doesn't have to become acceptable to use the "c" word just because i did it once. This is a slippery slope fallacy. We are adults. It is just a word, And in no way is it equivalent to the "n" word. I reject that outright.

The racists, including my grandfather and father-in-law, used the same type reasoning with the N word.

No it is not acceptable, it is not just a word, and your rejection only demonstrates that right now you have a low-information profile about humanity.

Use it with the women of your family and sees what happens.
Aren't you proposing that very same thing when you wish to repeal Obamacre?

Do you always rant and ramble like that? Show me one post that claims that this kid is to be protected and nurtured. Either you can't read or have major comprehension problems. No wonder so many people put you on ignore, nobody enjoys debating with a crazy person.

That describes someone that exaggerates and you seem to be doing quite a bit of it.
You seem incapable of tracking or adult discussion. Strike three. You're out.
Ha,ha, I can see that you can't answer any of my questions or address any of my comments, and so you concede by telling me that I'm incapable of tracking (whatever the hell that means) or adult discussion, which is funny because I don't believe I'm conversing with an adult.

First of all, you haven't established anything, you are just talking out of your ass. I asked you to quote one person that said the 17 year old that punched the ref needed to be protected and nurtured, and you weren't able to do that. You're just talking nonsense and you probably don't even realize it.

Second, all the people that have you on ignore sound a hell of a lot more sane and reasonable than you do.

Third, you don't really know much about anything and are probably a waste of time to respond to. No wonder you end up being put on ignore by most members.

Lol...what utter claptrap. Look at my rep and tell me all about how most members have me on ignore, loon. You're a liar, in other words.

Oh, and I did answer and address each of your non-points. So your assertion that I didn't is a lie.

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for your evidence that repealing obamacare will result in *thousands* of infant deaths. I notice you're dancing around that. Yet another lie. you ever say anything that ISN'T a lie? I feel for compulsive liars...they generally live sad, friendless lives and are usually just about one skip ahead of the law....I''s the lying working out for you in real life?
Still waiting for the evidence that Obamacare repeal is EXACTLY THE SAME THING as abortion.
You do have comprehension problems, don't you? I didn't say it was the same thing as abortion, I said that repealing Obamacare will allow for babies to die due to lack of healthcare. Is that too hard for you to digest?

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.
I've provided you with facts, the fact that you ignore and act like a child, doesn't change that fact. How old are you?

Lol. Gosh I feel like I've been here about a kazillion times before. You guys need some original material.
You need to get out of that cave more often. No, on the other hand, just crawl back into it. I don't believe you have anything of importance to say that will make much difference.
PS...I have established that you are a your assertion that I haven't established anything is also a lie.

AS doesn't like me because she doesn't like reality. She thinks the world owes her a living, and pisses and moans that she can't find a job, when in reality, she has no skills, and isn't willing to Or go to where the jobs are.

People don't like to be called baby killers. All the same, when you call abortion "choice" and babies "fetuses" in order to justify killing them....and when you refuse to defend the women and children who are exploited, murdered and butchered by the abortionists, and in fact insist on spreading the word that "abortion" is a perfectly acceptable method of contraception and "population control"...guess what? You're pro-abortion, and a baby killer.

Congratulations! You're scum of the earth! You think it's okay to dismember and kill babies, and to exploit and abuse women in order to do it!

But, you are a baby killer yourself, because you as much as admitted that you would be in favor of repealing Obamacare, and I've shown you a link (Harvard Medical School/NY Times) that gives the number of deaths due to lack of health care.

So be honest, abortions if done prior to 12th week are only killing a bunch of cells, but allowing "children" and "babies" and even adults to die due to lack of health care, is more than just being baby killers, that could be considered as just plain "killers"!

Great, you just had to quote her so she'd get in another insult on me....I was feeling so good too.

Guess what, KC, I don't believe the world owes me a living. I believe our society is skewed and the working people should be paid what they are worth, not what the rich deign to pay them. I also am all in favor of getting rid of DSHS, of course, that would mean you're out of a job, but then you can always go to where ever there is another one.

It would be really foolish of me to move when my husband's job is here, wouldn't it? He makes fairly good money. Just because I empathize with the poor doesn't mean I am one of them. I have been in the past, but I'm not now.

I bet I put in more hours a week volunteering than you do in the job you hate with the people you hate. I am the House Manager for the local theatre and the volunteer coordinator. Just because I don't get paid, doesn't mean I don't work. I also put in 5 hours a week giving out lunches to those in need and varying hours with a non-academic sorority that raises funds to research a cure for cancer. I also put in many more hours a week helping the company that houses my son, or other people who need my help for whatever reason. See, I like people. I don't hate them and think every one of them lies.

Right now I'm making calls to find host families for Japanese students who will be here for a few weeks this summer. Well, I was a few minutes ago, and I'll be getting back to that after my break here is over. Lots to do, and little time to do it in.

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