soccer ref struck in face by player dies

It doesn't have to become acceptable to use the "c" word just because i did it once. This is a slippery slope fallacy. We are adults. It is just a word, And in no way is it equivalent to the "n" word. I reject that outright.

The racists, including my grandfather and father-in-law, used the same type reasoning with the N word.

No it is not acceptable, it is not just a word, and your rejection only demonstrates that right now you have a low-information profile about humanity.

Use it with the women of your family and sees what happens.

I don't generally ever use this word, except when it is for someone that shows no respect to anyone who happens to disagree with her ideologically. I've never seem such hatred from anyone on this forum. I have never used this word in my two years on USMB. This was my first time, and I think it was well spent.
Still waiting for the evidence that Obamacare repeal is EXACTLY THE SAME THING as abortion.
You do have comprehension problems, don't you? I didn't say it was the same thing as abortion, I said that repealing Obamacare will allow for babies to die due to lack of healthcare. Is that too hard for you to digest?

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.
I've provided you with facts, the fact that you ignore and act like a child, doesn't change that fact. How old are you?, you haven't. Repeatedly saying "repealing obamacare will result in thousands of infant deaths" isn't a fact. It's a lie. And you haven't backed it up with anything, except more lies. Including this one.

Lol. Gosh I feel like I've been here about a kazillion times before. You guys need some original material.
You need to get out of that cave more often. No, on the other hand, just crawl back into it. I don't believe you have anything of importance to say that will make much difference.
Not to you, because you're an uneducated abortion acolyte. You have no facts at hand, probably because you don't read much, and you don't have even the limited intelligence it takes to do a google search to support your lame little talking points. Sadly, you're too stupid to even comprehend what a piss poor showing you have made.
It doesn't have to become acceptable to use the "c" word just because i did it once. This is a slippery slope fallacy. We are adults. It is just a word, And in no way is it equivalent to the "n" word. I reject that outright.

The racists, including my grandfather and father-in-law, used the same type reasoning with the N word.

No it is not acceptable, it is not just a word, and your rejection only demonstrates that right now you have a low-information profile about humanity.

Use it with the women of your family and sees what happens.

I don't generally ever use this word, except when it is for someone that shows no respect to anyone who happens to disagree with her ideologically. I've never seem such hatred from anyone on this forum. I have never used this word insli my two years on USMB. This was my first time, and I think it was well spent.

Nope, not even on her. If you slipped once, then learn from it. If she is that depraved of an individual, there is no way to slippery slide into the gutter with her.
It doesn't have to become acceptable to use the "c" word just because i did it once. This is a slippery slope fallacy. We are adults. It is just a word, And in no way is it equivalent to the "n" word. I reject that outright.

The racists, including my grandfather and father-in-law, used the same type reasoning with the N word.

No it is not acceptable, it is not just a word, and your rejection only demonstrates that right now you have a low-information profile about humanity.

Use it with the women of your family and sees what happens.

I don't generally ever use this word, except when it is for someone that shows no respect to anyone who happens to disagree with her ideologically. I've never seem such hatred from anyone on this forum. I have never used this word in my two years on USMB. This was my first time, and I think it was well spent.

Well of course you would. It does say a lot about you. The thing that has made you maddest in your two years of anemic participation here was when a woman told you you're an idiot to tell people that most concussions don't require a doctor's care.

That's sort of weird. Why are you so devoted to this particular cause? Do you want to see a world of drooling halfwits, like yourself?
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Also, the "c" word does not contain a historical significance similar to that of the "n" word, so I don't see how it could be equivalent. Was the "c" word used towards women in the same way as the "n" word was used towards blacks? No. I don't believe it ever was. This is a meaningless convention. In Australia, women use this word all the time, and so do guys, and its not a big deal. Women in America are just uptight about it for no reason, and it is kind of lame.
Well....I don't know about that...someone who finds particular joy in handing out low blows like calling people baby killers, fair game to be called an assortment of names...the "c" word being one....this goes beyond mere disagreement. She is vile in her obsession with abortion. Her obsession winds it's way into thread after thread.

So while in most cases, I would agree with you that the "c" word is crossing over the line of her case...she's called MANY people...good, normal people....much worse. After all.....what's worse? Baby killer....or ****?

Seriously....think about it.

Seriously, YOU think about it: what I think is if I am a decent person, I don't stoop to someone else's low level. I have her on ignore; I know what she is. But that word, if addressed to her in this thread and seen as acceptable, is then addressed to other women in other threads, women who do not behave as she does. It is not only a rude insult, it is misogynistic and deeply insulting to women on a level some men seem not able to comprehend. As I said, any man who uses that word to attack a woman deserves absolutely no respect whatsoever. It is like using the ‘n’ word.

It doesn't have to become acceptable to use the "c" word just because i did it once. This is a slippery slope fallacy. We are adults. It is just a word, And in no way is it equivalent to the "n" word. I reject that outright. It is simply an arbitrary preference that women in America (only) seem to have against this word . I actually find the whole thing a little sexist. Women can call men whatever they want when they are being jerks, but not the other way around. Lets grow up. I will try harder to respect this arbitrary convention because its not a big deal to, but if someone deserves it, then so be it. That is ridiculous.

There's only a few posters like KC that I have come across, that don't know a whole lot of anything, but want to participate in the Forum, and all they can offer is their uninformed prejudiced opinions. They are a waste of time because you offer up facts/links and they totally ignore them, continue to issue insults and snarky comments and eventually accuse the other person of not being able to debate.

They are ignorant and probably better left to talk to themselves. I can understand your desperation in suggesting her behavior was akin to "cuntiness" - but it is far more inferior than that. I think the other women have made a good choice by putting her on ignore, eventually only those that think and talk like her will respond to her and it will just be a patting of each other on the back and the rest of us can debate with sensible and sane people that at least seem to understand what you tell them.
The racists, including my grandfather and father-in-law, used the same type reasoning with the N word.

No it is not acceptable, it is not just a word, and your rejection only demonstrates that right now you have a low-information profile about humanity.

Use it with the women of your family and sees what happens.

I don't generally ever use this word, except when it is for someone that shows no respect to anyone who happens to disagree with her ideologically. I've never seem such hatred from anyone on this forum. I have never used this word in my two years on USMB. This was my first time, and I think it was well spent.

Well of course you would. It does say a lot about you. The thing that has made you maddest in your two years of anemic participation here was when a woman told you you're an idiot to tell people that most concussions don't require a doctor's care.

That's sort of weird. Why are you so devoted to this particular cause? Do you want to see a world of drooling halfwits, like yourself?

It's actually the cumulative effect of repeated dealings with the level of spiteful ignorance you present, not this topic. Your antagonistic and inflammatory rhetoric is mind-blowing, mostly because all anyone here wants in a civil, logical debate, but the second you enter a debate, this becomes a sunken dream.
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Still waiting for the evidence that Obamacare repeal is EXACTLY THE SAME THING as abortion.
You do have comprehension problems, don't you? I didn't say it was the same thing as abortion, I said that repealing Obamacare will allow for babies to die due to lack of healthcare. Is that too hard for you to digest?

I've provided you with facts, the fact that you ignore and act like a child, doesn't change that fact. How old are you?, you haven't. Repeatedly saying "repealing obamacare will result in thousands of infant deaths" isn't a fact. It's a lie. And you haven't backed it up with anything, except more lies. Including this one.

Lol. Gosh I feel like I've been here about a kazillion times before. You guys need some original material.
You need to get out of that cave more often. No, on the other hand, just crawl back into it. I don't believe you have anything of importance to say that will make much difference.
Not to you, because you're an uneducated abortion acolyte. You have no facts at hand, probably because you don't read much, and you don't have even the limited intelligence it takes to do a google search to support your lame little talking points. Sadly, you're too stupid to even comprehend what a piss poor showing you have made.

And you have facts? You have yet to answer my question about your brother and your son?
Are they a danger to society? Why don't you answer it? Because you trapped yourself into a corner and you are too embarrased to admit it.

All the snark and insults that you offer up are only more proof that you are uninformed, probably uneducated and lack the ability to recognize that you are not debating, you are just fighting. Typical of low class.
You made the claim that repealing obamacare would result in thousands of deaths. Support it, you lying sycophant.

My brother and my son didn't kill anyone, so they were not charged with homicidal assault, or whatever the charge is for this kid.

My brother had a few tense days waiting for his victim to come out of a coma.

In the end, he got assault iii.

My son wasn't charged.

Do you have a point? Never mind, what a stupid question, lol.

So. Now. The evidence that the repeal of obamacare will result in thousands of dead babies.
I didn't realize they allowed crazy people to participate in this forum. Now I know.

Consider yourself on ignore.
Seriously, YOU think about it: what I think is if I am a decent person, I don't stoop to someone else's low level. I have her on ignore; I know what she is. But that word, if addressed to her in this thread and seen as acceptable, is then addressed to other women in other threads, women who do not behave as she does. It is not only a rude insult, it is misogynistic and deeply insulting to women on a level some men seem not able to comprehend. As I said, any man who uses that word to attack a woman deserves absolutely no respect whatsoever. It is like using the ‘n’ word.

It doesn't have to become acceptable to use the "c" word just because i did it once. This is a slippery slope fallacy. We are adults. It is just a word, And in no way is it equivalent to the "n" word. I reject that outright. It is simply an arbitrary preference that women in America (only) seem to have against this word . I actually find the whole thing a little sexist. Women can call men whatever they want when they are being jerks, but not the other way around. Lets grow up. I will try harder to respect this arbitrary convention because its not a big deal to, but if someone deserves it, then so be it. That is ridiculous.

There's only a few posters like KC that I have come across, that don't know a whole lot of anything, but want to participate in the Forum, and all they can offer is their uninformed prejudiced opinions. They are a waste of time because you offer up facts/links and they totally ignore them, continue to issue insults and snarky comments and eventually accuse the other person of not being able to debate.

They are ignorant and probably better left to talk to themselves. I can understand your desperation in suggesting her behavior was akin to "cuntiness" - but it is far more inferior than that. I think the other women have made a good choice by putting her on ignore, eventually only those that think and talk like her will respond to her and it will just be a patting of each other on the back and the rest of us can debate with sensible and sane people that at least seem to understand what you tell them.

Thank you. I couldn't have said it better myself. I did lose my cool, and offended a bunch of others, and perhaps it was an act if desperation. I am also on Tapatalk off my iPhone, so I will have to ignore her when I get back to my computer in a couple weeks. That is an elegant solution.
Jake always accuses others of whatever he's currently engaged in.

Also well known by the rest of the site membership. I think quote possibly, next to shaman, more people have him on ignore than anyone else. He had to drag ass to the Tavern after posting for 3 years, when it became painfully obvious, even to him, that if he didn't he was never going to break 500 rep points.

So does someone actually call you slugs when a thread is ticking along halfway decently, and beg you to come troll the thread to death?
Well....I don't know about that...someone who finds particular joy in handing out low blows like calling people baby killers, fair game to be called an assortment of names...the "c" word being one....this goes beyond mere disagreement. She is vile in her obsession with abortion. Her obsession winds it's way into thread after thread.

So while in most cases, I would agree with you that the "c" word is crossing over the line of her case...she's called MANY people...good, normal people....much worse. After all.....what's worse? Baby killer....or ****?

Seriously....think about it.

Seriously, YOU think about it: what I think is if I am a decent person, I don't stoop to someone else's low level. I have her on ignore; I know what she is. But that word, if addressed to her in this thread and seen as acceptable, is then addressed to other women in other threads, women who do not behave as she does. It is not only a rude insult, it is misogynistic and deeply insulting to women on a level some men seem not able to comprehend. As I said, any man who uses that word to attack a woman deserves absolutely no respect whatsoever. It is like using the ‘n’ word.

So, by the same should not be called Dicks, Dickheads, Pricks etc by women without being called "man haters"?

Look....I see your point. But....I'm not the one who called her fact, the person who did...didn't even call her that.... he was describing her behavior...which is abhorrent, inappropriate, and even more demeaning than the description of her behavior given, once again.... not by me...but by another poster.

As far as putting her on ignore? I'll think about it.... but for one, I use Tapatalk...which is a forum app for smart phones...and as of right now, there is no ignore feature on the app..second.... putting someone on ignore is kind of like letting them win. But, I can do it through the I will take that into consideration.

Naw, it means you get in the last word and as long as nobody quotes them, they can't do anything about it.
So Mertex has opted to pretend to ignore me, as sheila pretends to ignore me, rather than even make the attempt to support her ridiculous and repeated assertion that people who want to repeal obamacare are exactly the same as abortion acolytes because (deep breath, it gets murky here) if obamacare WERE repealed, THOUSANDS of babies would die.


And sheila, sweetie, you're out of luck, because people quote me all the time. And like the sniveling nitwit you are, you engage.

I don't have you or jake on ignore because it's just so easy to forget you're there...until you stupidly enter into a discussion above your paygrade. Then you can't keep your trap shut, and end up responding to me.
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Jake always accuses others of whatever he's currently engaged in.

:lol: You simply prove my point: you are mean-spirited, ill-natured, non-Christian, who simply cannot be told she is wrong, yet again.

You are the laughing stock of the Board.
Yes, she is mentally ill, and, yes, she is dangerous to others.

Geez, it was like visiting an insane asylum and expecting to carry on a meaningful conversation with one of the sicker patients.

Jake always accuses others of whatever he's currently engaged in.

:lol: You simply prove my point: you are mean-spirited, ill-natured, non-Christian, who simply cannot be told she is wrong, yet again.

You are the laughing stock of the Board.
Indeed! Like a wind-up parrot talking nonsense!

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