soccer ref struck in face by player dies

Another lie.
I think you will go on a neg rep schedule. I haven't done that for a while. But I don't like liars. Especially idiot liars with low rep, who put people on ignore when they are exposed for lying.

Do you know poet yet? You must do lunch.

The only lie is the one you tell yourself that says you are interacting with this thread. The truth is that you are only interacting with yourself. Solipsism can be a bitch when it gets out of control. I don't have any suggestions.

If that were true, then I would be the only one posting.

Again, your stupidity shines through.
I'm not wrong. That's why you loons are deflecting with your "she's a danger to others" (ooooooooo) and "everybody has her on ignore" and "she's mentally ill"...

It's so nobody will notice that you are outclassed, as liars always are. You anklebiters put me on ignore not because I'm wrong, but because I'm right, and you don't like to be reminded of it. M doesn't like me because she got caught in a lie, and she had to hurry up and put me on ignore so she didn't have to respond to the fact that she's lying about the *thousands of dead babies* bit, and she knows it (so does everyone else). Newpolitics is pissed because he stupidly said that concussions aren't that serious, and it's nigh to impossible to kill a person with a single blow...I blew that out of the water and he freaked out.

And you don't like me because I've always had your number. You're a lying puke. When I say everybody on this board knows it, I'm actually telling the truth, and your low-rep buddies can go to any thread and see for themselves. You don't have any friends here. That's why you hang around the fringes of the tavern. You think those people actually LIKE you, jake? They're nice to you because they have to be. They kick your lying ass up around your ears when you're stupid enough to engage out here...which you are doing less and less. Because everybody, on both sides, knows what you've been outed and shut down.

Now you can go back to pretending to ignore me.

Your really good at arguing against strawmen that you construct and then knockdown, but this has nothing to do with reality. Come back.

For instance, your representation of what I said is completely inaccurate. So you're not actually arguing with me, but yourself, since what you are arguing against is something you built. It's kind of pathetic.

Eventually everyone is able to figure out loonies like this. They accuse you of saying shit you didn't say, and then insist that you prove what you didn't say. Complete lunacy - it's best to let them talk to themselves.

I don't have to talk to myself as long as I have three nitwits "ignoring" me in this fashion. Apparently you think "ignore" means to talk my ear off.

Meanwhile, where is the evidence of the thousands of babies that will die if obamacare is repealed, liar?
Meanwhile, where is the evidence of the thousands of babies that will die if obamacare is repealed, liar?

It is deducted through logic, which you have proved you have none. If thousands are dying due to lack of health care, and Obamacare provides healthcare, they won't be dying due to lack of healthcare.

See, anyone with a brain can deduct that, but I understand your inability to do so.

So, where are the posts where you claim that Libs posted they wanted the 17 year old protected and nurtured? Why haven't you provided them? Liar!:eusa_liar:

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting!
So....the sum total of your evidence is "I said it".

Sorry, fail. In a huge way.

So all this ignoring must take a lot out of you. Do you have time for anything else?
Oh, and the "protect and nurture" posts are in the thread. As they are already here, there's no standard that requies me to repost..other tha...Ibid....


I suggest you pick up a book and learn the basics of debate. Unless you want to be the new laughingstock of the board, which you are well on the way to achieving, I suggest you use your Amazon finger and order "Basic Debate Skills for the Mentally Challenged Third Grader". You will be amazed at the improvement to your game.

But a tip until then: When you make a ludicrous claim, you back it up with indepedent facts. Not the retarded "it's true because I believe it" as you have done here.

I'm seriously thinking of making one of your idiocies my sig.
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So....the sum total of your evidence is "I said it".

Sorry, fail. In a huge way.

So all this ignoring must take a lot out of you. Do you have time for anything else?

It's worth coming back and making you cringe.

Again, you fail.

Where are the posts you claim that Libs said they wanted the kid to be protected and nurtured? :bs1:

I'm still waiting!
Rubbing your nose in them won't do any good, as your grasp of the language is lacking to begin with. You'll just deny they say what they say, and then claim that is supported by the "evidence"...and that evidence will be your inability to understand, as your supporting evidence that babies will die if obamacare is repealed is your belief that it will happen.
Rubbing your nose in them won't do any good, as your grasp of the language is lacking to begin with. You'll just deny they say what they say, and then claim that is supported by the "evidence"...and that evidence will be your inability to understand, as your supporting evidence that babies will die if obamacare is repealed is your belief that it will happen.

You can't find them, can you?


It is time for you to:anj_stfu:
I'm not wrong. That's why you loons are deflecting with your "she's a danger to others" (ooooooooo) and "everybody has her on ignore" and "she's mentally ill"...

It's so nobody will notice that you are outclassed, as liars always are. You anklebiters put me on ignore not because I'm wrong, but because I'm right, and you don't like to be reminded of it. M doesn't like me because she got caught in a lie, and she had to hurry up and put me on ignore so she didn't have to respond to the fact that she's lying about the *thousands of dead babies* bit, and she knows it (so does everyone else). Newpolitics is pissed because he stupidly said that concussions aren't that serious, and it's nigh to impossible to kill a person with a single blow...I blew that out of the water and he freaked out.

And you don't like me because I've always had your number. You're a lying puke. When I say everybody on this board knows it, I'm actually telling the truth, and your low-rep buddies can go to any thread and see for themselves. You don't have any friends here. That's why you hang around the fringes of the tavern. You think those people actually LIKE you, jake? They're nice to you because they have to be. They kick your lying ass up around your ears when you're stupid enough to engage out here...which you are doing less and less. Because everybody, on both sides, knows what you've been outed and shut down.

Now you can go back to pretending to ignore me.

You keep telling yourself that, you "derogatory name for a woman's reproductive organ"

:lol: I love it. "everybody's lying but me!" Good comeback, Steelplate, that's the way to do it.
He didn't beat someone up, baby killer. He hit him once and the guy hit the deck.

And the cops came. And no charges. Go figure. Because it was self defense and all.

Sure....whatever you say baby killer.

Such a looney tunes. Boasts about her brother and son beating on others and then wants the kid in this OP to be sent to gas chamber - complete looney tunes, if you ask me.

Yeah, apparently it's okay to hit someone as long as they don't die due to the hit, but if they die, then you should get the gas chamber.

Well, what can you expect from someone who thinks everybody but her is a liar? The really sad thing is that she's in a position to help or deny help to others and she doesn't see how really sick she is.
I'm not wrong. That's why you loons are deflecting with your "she's a danger to others" (ooooooooo) and "everybody has her on ignore" and "she's mentally ill"...

It's so nobody will notice that you are outclassed, as liars always are. You anklebiters put me on ignore not because I'm wrong, but because I'm right, and you don't like to be reminded of it. M doesn't like me because she got caught in a lie, and she had to hurry up and put me on ignore so she didn't have to respond to the fact that she's lying about the *thousands of dead babies* bit, and she knows it (so does everyone else). Newpolitics is pissed because he stupidly said that concussions aren't that serious, and it's nigh to impossible to kill a person with a single blow...I blew that out of the water and he freaked out.

And you don't like me because I've always had your number. You're a lying puke. When I say everybody on this board knows it, I'm actually telling the truth, and your low-rep buddies can go to any thread and see for themselves. You don't have any friends here. That's why you hang around the fringes of the tavern. You think those people actually LIKE you, jake? They're nice to you because they have to be. They kick your lying ass up around your ears when you're stupid enough to engage out here...which you are doing less and less. Because everybody, on both sides, knows what you've been outed and shut down.

Now you can go back to pretending to ignore me.

Your really good at arguing against strawmen that you construct and then knockdown, but this has nothing to do with reality. Come back.

For instance, your representation of what I said is completely inaccurate. So you're not actually arguing with me, but yourself, since what you are arguing against is something you built. It's kind of pathetic.

Eventually everyone is able to figure out loonies like this. They accuse you of saying shit you didn't say, and then insist that you prove what you didn't say. Complete lunacy - it's best to let them talk to themselves.

You know, if people quit quoting her, it be a lot easier to ignore her.
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Another lie.
I think you will go on a neg rep schedule. I haven't done that for a while. But I don't like liars. Especially idiot liars with low rep, who put people on ignore when they are exposed for lying.

Do you know poet yet? You must do lunch.

Neg rep schedule? How frightening. Your rep means a lot to you, doesn't it? Oh....that's right....this is a game to you and your rep is how you keep score.


So if you have someone on ignore and they neg rep you, do you even know about it?
Meanwhile, where is the evidence of the thousands of babies that will die if obamacare is repealed, liar?

It is deducted through logic, which you have proved you have none. If thousands are dying due to lack of health care, and Obamacare provides healthcare, they won't be dying due to lack of healthcare.

See, anyone with a brain can deduct that, but I understand your inability to do so.

So, where are the posts where you claim that Libs posted they wanted the 17 year old protected and nurtured? Why haven't you provided them? Liar!:eusa_liar:

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting!

I have yet to see what Obamacare will do, all I've seen so far is people losing their health insurance at work and massive numbers of businesses reducing the hours of their workers so they won't have to pay for Obamacare. How is that going to reduce baby deaths? I know how it's going to reduce income, but I'm not sure if all the medical care in the world is going to save a baby who doesn't get enough to eat or ends up out in the elements because his/her parents can't put a roof over their heads. What kind of politicians pass a bill without reading it anyway?
I would imagine if one keeps tab of his or her rep, s/he will notice if it decreases without notice.

kg, like all loons, does not like being told she is loony, and as a pathological personality, she hits out in all directions. She is what she is and won't change.

So, folks, either ignore her or beat her down.
Another lie.
I think you will go on a neg rep schedule. I haven't done that for a while. But I don't like liars. Especially idiot liars with low rep, who put people on ignore when they are exposed for lying.

Do you know poet yet? You must do lunch.

Neg rep schedule? How frightening. Your rep means a lot to you, doesn't it? Oh....that's right....this is a game to you and your rep is how you keep score.


So if you have someone on ignore and they neg rep you, do you even know about it?

Only if you take them off ignore and look.

I had some dipshit pos rep me and then whine all over the board that I hadn't given sufficient thanks for their pos reps. I called that person a liar...that's how I found out that when you have someone on ignore you don't see their reps, either.
Your really good at arguing against strawmen that you construct and then knockdown, but this has nothing to do with reality. Come back.

For instance, your representation of what I said is completely inaccurate. So you're not actually arguing with me, but yourself, since what you are arguing against is something you built. It's kind of pathetic.

Eventually everyone is able to figure out loonies like this. They accuse you of saying shit you didn't say, and then insist that you prove what you didn't say. Complete lunacy - it's best to let them talk to themselves.

You know, if people quit quoting her, it be a lot easier to ignore her.

And if they'd quit talking to me and about me.

Told ya so. Morons.
Sure....whatever you say baby killer.

Such a looney tunes. Boasts about her brother and son beating on others and then wants the kid in this OP to be sent to gas chamber - complete looney tunes, if you ask me.

Yeah, apparently it's okay to hit someone as long as they don't die due to the hit, but if they die, then you should get the gas chamber.

Well, what can you expect from someone who thinks everybody but her is a liar? The really sad thing is that she's in a position to help or deny help to others and she doesn't see how really sick she is.

Take it up with the laws that differentiate between assault, self defense, and murder..and the cops.

But that sort of fine tuned thinking is waaaaayyyyy above your pay grade, loser.
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Rubbing your nose in them won't do any good, as your grasp of the language is lacking to begin with. You'll just deny they say what they say, and then claim that is supported by the "evidence"...and that evidence will be your inability to understand, as your supporting evidence that babies will die if obamacare is repealed is your belief that it will happen.

You can't find them, can you?


It is time for you to:anj_stfu:

AS doesn't like me because she doesn't like reality. She thinks the world owes her a living, and pisses and moans that she can't find a job, when in reality, she has no skills, and isn't willing to Or go to where the jobs are.

People don't like to be called baby killers. All the same, when you call abortion "choice" and babies "fetuses" in order to justify killing them....and when you refuse to defend the women and children who are exploited, murdered and butchered by the abortionists, and in fact insist on spreading the word that "abortion" is a perfectly acceptable method of contraception and "population control"...guess what? You're pro-abortion, and a baby killer.

Congratulations! You're scum of the earth! You think it's okay to dismember and kill babies, and to exploit and abuse women in order to do it!

But, you are a baby killer yourself, because you as much as admitted that you would be in favor of repealing Obamacare, and I've shown you a link (Harvard Medical School/NY Times) that gives the number of deaths due to lack of health care.

So be honest, abortions if done prior to 12th week are only killing a bunch of cells, but allowing "children" and "babies" and even adults to die due to lack of health care, is more than just being baby killers, that could be considered as just plain "killers"!

Not only that...biblically....she's bearing false witness...people who have not killed a baby are not "baby killers" Breaking God's commandment(s)....she herself is a "baby killer" according to the word of God....James 2:10.

So...welcome to the world of the sinner, bitch.

Everyone sins.

However, Jesus said that lusting was the same as adultery. Since we are now being biblical...

You baby killers support and approve of baby killing. So you have committed the sin of murder in your hearts. That makes you baby killers.

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