soccer ref struck in face by player dies

See. Ignore has its effects. One can watch kg post, simply imagining all the nuttiness she is spewing, and sit back. And smile.
Another lie.
I think you will go on a neg rep schedule. I haven't done that for a while. But I don't like liars. Especially idiot liars with low rep, who put people on ignore when they are exposed for lying.

Do you know poet yet? You must do lunch.

Neg rep schedule? How frightening. Your rep means a lot to you, doesn't it? Oh....that's right....this is a game to you and your rep is how you keep score.


Naw, my primary use of my rep in this instance is to put the lie to mertex's ridiculous and repeated statements that almost everybody has me on ignore, and nobody credits what I have to say on any topic.

Rep = supportive readership at this site. So in this case, my rep power is the evidence that she is lying, which is why I look forward to watching her fail to gain in rep points, while I continue to increase mine.
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See. Ignore has its effects. One can watch kg post, simply imagining all the nuttiness she is spewing, and sit back. And smile.

Yeah, I was wondering about that. If we all have her on ignore, who's she talking to? Or does she think we are all like "Poet?" Never mind, I think I just answered my own question. Of course she thinks we're all like Poet. She thinks everyone of us is a liar and she's the only one who tells the truth. I still can't believe she's in a position to deny help to people and she thinks they all lie to her. Talk about being in the wrong job.
Nobody's ignoring me. That's what's funny. You claim you're ignoring, but you're still watching. And sheila is checking her reps to see if I've sent her anything.

Given your post stylings, I imagine most of your life has been spent watching the cartoons in your head. That is the way people with limited capabilities view the world.
Meanwhile, where is the evidence of the thousands of babies that will die if obamacare is repealed, liar?

It is deducted through logic, which you have proved you have none. If thousands are dying due to lack of health care, and Obamacare provides healthcare, they won't be dying due to lack of healthcare.

See, anyone with a brain can deduct that, but I understand your inability to do so.

So, where are the posts where you claim that Libs posted they wanted the 17 year old protected and nurtured? Why haven't you provided them? Liar!:eusa_liar:

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting!
Anyone can access emergency treatment, so no one dies for lack of medical care. Some do die because they can't afford to pay for extended treatment, but there are millions of people who can't afford BMW's. Should you be required to pay for my car?
By the way, I'll pass on the Beemer. I'd prefer an F-350. Supercharged diesel, please.
Her logic is just a lie.

This randomized, controlled study showed that Medicaid coverage generated no significant improvements in measured physical health outcomes..."

The Oregon Experiment — Effects

of Medicaid on Clinical Outcomes (The New England Journal of Medicine study) England Journal study 5.1.13.pdf

But it did relieve stress; primarily because it eliminated financial responsibility of the patients.
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Pardon me, I seem to have stumbled into the wrong room. I thought this was a post about a soccar player killing a ref. It seems to actually be about abortion.

I'll be on my way. Carry on...
Meanwhile, where is the evidence of the thousands of babies that will die if obamacare is repealed, liar?

It is deducted through logic, which you have proved you have none. If thousands are dying due to lack of health care, and Obamacare provides healthcare, they won't be dying due to lack of healthcare.

See, anyone with a brain can deduct that, but I understand your inability to do so.

So, where are the posts where you claim that Libs posted they wanted the 17 year old protected and nurtured? Why haven't you provided them? Liar!:eusa_liar:

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting!
Anyone can access emergency treatment, so no one dies for lack of medical care. Some do die because they can't afford to pay for extended treatment, but there are millions of people who can't afford BMW's. Should you be required to pay for my car?
By the way, I'll pass on the Beemer. I'd prefer an F-350. Supercharged diesel, please.

Let's see...emergency care is the most expensive...which drives.up far as your car one ever died from not having a beemer.
Ernie S really does not understand much, so smile at him, wave, and go about your business.
It is deducted through logic, which you have proved you have none. If thousands are dying due to lack of health care, and Obamacare provides healthcare, they won't be dying due to lack of healthcare.

See, anyone with a brain can deduct that, but I understand your inability to do so.

So, where are the posts where you claim that Libs posted they wanted the 17 year old protected and nurtured? Why haven't you provided them? Liar!:eusa_liar:

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting!
Anyone can access emergency treatment, so no one dies for lack of medical care. Some do die because they can't afford to pay for extended treatment, but there are millions of people who can't afford BMW's. Should you be required to pay for my car?
By the way, I'll pass on the Beemer. I'd prefer an F-350. Supercharged diesel, please.

Let's see...emergency care is the most expensive...which drives.up far as your car one ever died from not having a beemer.

Actually, the New England Journal of Medicine study put that to the lie as well. Costs are ASTRONOMICALLY higher with increased coverage.

All those little myths about obamacare and universal coverage...dashed...complete lies.

But you'll still spout them, as you spout all the other lies you hold so dear.
Pardon me, I seem to have stumbled into the wrong room. I thought this was a post about a soccar player killing a ref. It seems to actually be about abortion.

I'll be on my way. Carry on...

That's what happens when shrieking progressives enter a discussion about whether or not people should face consequences.

They're here because they don't think the kid should suffer for a momentary lapse in judgement.

Because they don't think the ref's life has any value. Killing isn't a big deal. It's over now..that's in the past, move on!

Which is how we come to the topic of abortion. The same people who don't think a ref has any value, naturally don't think children or women have any value. Ultimately, every discussion they enter into becomes justification for a culture of death.
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Pardon me, I seem to have stumbled into the wrong room. I thought this was a post about a soccar player killing a ref. It seems to actually be about abortion.

I'll be on my way. Carry on...

That's what happens when shrieking progressives enter a discussion about whether or not people should face consequences.

They're here because they don't think the kid should suffer for a momentary lapse in judgement.

Because they don't think life has any value.

Which is how we come to the topic of abortion. The same people who don't think a ref has any value, naturally don't think children or women have any value. Ultimately, every discussion they enter into becomes justification for a culture of death.

Lying will send you to hell KG. Point out one fucking place that anyone said that he shouldn't face consequences....just one."
You should believe it just because I said it.

Isn't that the standard here?
And you might want to get some fresh air. You're gonna pop a blood vessel or something.

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