soccer ref struck in face by player dies

Ah, againsheila again standing up for people who make pisspoor decisions that hurt (and in this case, kill) other people, and demanding that the people be responsible for taking care of them.

He isn't in trouble for punching. He's in trouble for KILLING.

Geez, why are Republican/conservatives so full of anger? We don't know if the punch was the direct cause of the ref's death. Yes, the kid punched him, and he died, but many people get punched, more than once even, and don't die, so until we find out what caused his death, you can't be saying that he killed the ref.

And nobody is saying that the kid should get away with hitting the ref, but you all are already convicting him of "murder" and the results of the autopsy haven't even been released.

Hey, kc, you still think that everyone that comes to you for help in your job is lying?

You are the last person in the world that should be a social worker.

So you think the kid intended to kill the ref? I mean, if that was his intention, shouldn't he have gotten a gun instead of using his fist? You said he's not in trouble for punching the ref so, exactly what is he in trouble for? Do you think if he punched the ref and the ref didn't die that there should be no punishment?

Nevermind, if people didn't quote you I wouldn't have to look at your stupid posts.
My brother felled a guy with one blow, as did my son.

The victims were unconscious before they hit the ground, and they hit hard. My son didn't do any lasting damage...but the guy my brother felled was in a coma for days, and he was looking at murder charges if the guy died.

Maybe the coma was caused by hitting the ground...maybe it was caused by the blow. Nobody cared. Dead is dead.

Not the same at all.

A boy who is capable of killing with his fists, who attacks with his fists, and who has killed with his fists, has no business walking free. He obviously can't control himself, and he's a danger.

So, is your brother walking free? Your son? You claimed they hit someone hard enough to render them unconscious, but because they didn't die, that makes all the difference? What if they do it again, obviously they can't control themselves or they wouldn't have hit someone in the first place, they're a danger?

Shouldn't they be in jail?
Pro abortion = baby killer.

As you know.

Oh, don't call them babies. So that means you're not culpable.

Yeahuh. I said, it's hardly surprising that the same people who scream that we should kill more babies are the ones who think the life of a ref is negligible, and nobody should be held accountable for any of the things they do that ruin and end the lives of others.

It makes one wonder what you have in your past.
Says one that probably supports the repeal of Obamacare, knowing that thousands of "babies" that are already born die due to lack of healthcare. Conservatives are so fricking hypocritical, they feign sympathy for "fetuses" but don't give a damn about a child that is already born and alive and dying due to lack of healthcare. Yeah, that's real love of children.

Okay, you'd have a point if that were true, however, at least in this state, low income people get free healthcare for any child under 18, I do not know how Obamacare is going to affect that.
Yes, that's the attitude of all self-important know-nothings who like to spread misinformation about a variety of topics.

Hmmm... Your cuntiness is especially high today. I am concerned. Perhaps you should go fuck yourself? Ease up the pressure down there? Just an idea. It still wouldn't get you any closer to reality, but at least you'll feel better.

Gee...I was on your side until you did this. Since when has this word become 'the' word with which to address females with whom one disagrees? Absolutely reprehensible. No decent man who deserves any respect would address a woman with such a term, no matter what she has said.

I don't normally call people this word. I understand how much it offends. However, Koshergrl has deserved it. She makes fun of me because I've had a few head injuries, gives me a mocking nickname because of it, and then calls me a retard and worse? Call me weak if you want, but my tolerance for maintaining decency is only so high. If other people aren't going to play by the rules of civil debate, neither am I.
My brother felled a guy with one blow, as did my son.

The victims were unconscious before they hit the ground, and they hit hard. My son didn't do any lasting damage...but the guy my brother felled was in a coma for days, and he was looking at murder charges if the guy died.

Maybe the coma was caused by hitting the ground...maybe it was caused by the blow. Nobody cared. Dead is dead.

Not the same at all.

A boy who is capable of killing with his fists, who attacks with his fists, and who has killed with his fists, has no business walking free. He obviously can't control himself, and he's a danger.

So, is your brother walking free? Your son? You claimed they hit someone hard enough to render them unconscious, but because they didn't die, that makes all the difference? What if they do it again, obviously they can't control themselves or they wouldn't have hit someone in the first place, they're a danger?

Shouldn't they be in jail?

Apparently only if the people they attacked died. Boggles the mind, doesn't it?
Hmmm... Your cuntiness is especially high today. I am concerned. Perhaps you should go fuck yourself? Ease up the pressure down there? Just an idea. It still wouldn't get you any closer to reality, but at least you'll feel better.

Gee...I was on your side until you did this. Since when has this word become 'the' word with which to address females with whom one disagrees? Absolutely reprehensible. No decent man who deserves any respect would address a woman with such a term, no matter what she has said.

I don't normally call people this word. I understand how much it offends. However, Koshergrl has deserved it. She makes fun of me because I've had a few head injuries, gives me a mocking nickname because of it, and then calls me a retard and worse? Call me weak if you want, but my tolerance for maintaining decency is only so high. If other people aren't going to play by the rules of civil debate, neither am I.

Like I said, put her on ignore, it's good for the soul, I know it helped me.
Hmmm... Your cuntiness is especially high today. I am concerned. Perhaps you should go fuck yourself? Ease up the pressure down there? Just an idea. It still wouldn't get you any closer to reality, but at least you'll feel better.

Gee...I was on your side until you did this. Since when has this word become 'the' word with which to address females with whom one disagrees? Absolutely reprehensible. No decent man who deserves any respect would address a woman with such a term, no matter what she has said.

Well....I don't know about that...someone who finds particular joy in handing out low blows like calling people baby killers, fair game to be called an assortment of names...the "c" word being one....this goes beyond mere disagreement. She is vile in her obsession with abortion. Her obsession winds it's way into thread after thread.

So while in most cases, I would agree with you that the "c" word is crossing over the line of her case...she's called MANY people...good, normal people....much worse. After all.....what's worse? Baby killer....or ****?

Seriously....think about it.

Seriously, YOU think about it: what I think is if I am a decent person, I don't stoop to someone else's low level. I have her on ignore; I know what she is. But that word, if addressed to her in this thread and seen as acceptable, is then addressed to other women in other threads, women who do not behave as she does. It is not only a rude insult, it is misogynistic and deeply insulting to women on a level some men seem not able to comprehend. As I said, any man who uses that word to attack a woman deserves absolutely no respect whatsoever. It is like using the ‘n’ word.
Pro abortion = baby killer.

As you know.

Oh, don't call them babies. So that means you're not culpable.

Yeahuh. I said, it's hardly surprising that the same people who scream that we should kill more babies are the ones who think the life of a ref is negligible, and nobody should be held accountable for any of the things they do that ruin and end the lives of others.

It makes one wonder what you have in your past.
Says one that probably supports the repeal of Obamacare, knowing that thousands of "babies" that are already born die due to lack of healthcare. Conservatives are so fricking hypocritical, they feign sympathy for "fetuses" but don't give a damn about a child that is already born and alive and dying due to lack of healthcare. Yeah, that's real love of children.

Er, no, I don't know that the repeal of obamacare will result in the death of thousands of babies.

And neither do you, ding dong. Because that's a complete load of horseshit.
Gee...I was on your side until you did this. Since when has this word become 'the' word with which to address females with whom one disagrees? Absolutely reprehensible. No decent man who deserves any respect would address a woman with such a term, no matter what she has said.

I don't normally call people this word. I understand how much it offends. However, Koshergrl has deserved it. She makes fun of me because I've had a few head injuries, gives me a mocking nickname because of it, and then calls me a retard and worse? Call me weak if you want, but my tolerance for maintaining decency is only so high. If other people aren't going to play by the rules of civil debate, neither am I.

Like I said, put her on ignore, it's good for the soul, I know it helped me.

Perhaps you are right. Thank you for the suggestion, Sheila. Sorry if I offended you by using the "c" word.
Pro abortion = baby killer.

As you know.

Oh, don't call them babies. So that means you're not culpable.

Yeahuh. I said, it's hardly surprising that the same people who scream that we should kill more babies are the ones who think the life of a ref is negligible, and nobody should be held accountable for any of the things they do that ruin and end the lives of others.

It makes one wonder what you have in your past.
Says one that probably supports the repeal of Obamacare, knowing that thousands of "babies" that are already born die due to lack of healthcare. Conservatives are so fricking hypocritical, they feign sympathy for "fetuses" but don't give a damn about a child that is already born and alive and dying due to lack of healthcare. Yeah, that's real love of children.

Okay, you'd have a point if that were true, however, at least in this state, low income people get free healthcare for any child under 18, I do not know how Obamacare is going to affect that.

Sad thing is that not all people that couldn't afford health-care are poor enough to receive medicaid. Some middle-income people could not afford health care or could not get it for a child due to pre-existing conditions. Now they will be able to. But people like KC, do they care? No, but if it was a fetus she'd be right there rooting for it, even if it was going to kill the mother or was the offspring of a rapist.
Gee...I was on your side until you did this. Since when has this word become 'the' word with which to address females with whom one disagrees? Absolutely reprehensible. No decent man who deserves any respect would address a woman with such a term, no matter what she has said.

Well....I don't know about that...someone who finds particular joy in handing out low blows like calling people baby killers, fair game to be called an assortment of names...the "c" word being one....this goes beyond mere disagreement. She is vile in her obsession with abortion. Her obsession winds it's way into thread after thread.

So while in most cases, I would agree with you that the "c" word is crossing over the line of her case...she's called MANY people...good, normal people....much worse. After all.....what's worse? Baby killer....or ****?

Seriously....think about it.

Seriously, YOU think about it: what I think is if I am a decent person, I don't stoop to someone else's low level. I have her on ignore; I know what she is. But that word, if addressed to her in this thread and seen as acceptable, is then addressed to other women in other threads, women who do not behave as she does. It is not only a rude insult, it is misogynistic and deeply insulting to women on a level some men seem not able to comprehend. As I said, any man who uses that word to attack a woman deserves absolutely no respect whatsoever. It is like using the ‘n’ word.

Oh, good, I'm not the only one. Suddenly I feel so much better. :D
AS doesn't like me because she doesn't like reality. She thinks the world owes her a living, and pisses and moans that she can't find a job, when in reality, she has no skills, and isn't willing to Or go to where the jobs are.

People don't like to be called baby killers. All the same, when you call abortion "choice" and babies "fetuses" in order to justify killing them....and when you refuse to defend the women and children who are exploited, murdered and butchered by the abortionists, and in fact insist on spreading the word that "abortion" is a perfectly acceptable method of contraception and "population control"...guess what? You're pro-abortion, and a baby killer.

Congratulations! You're scum of the earth! You think it's okay to dismember and kill babies, and to exploit and abuse women in order to do it!
Says one that probably supports the repeal of Obamacare, knowing that thousands of "babies" that are already born die due to lack of healthcare. Conservatives are so fricking hypocritical, they feign sympathy for "fetuses" but don't give a damn about a child that is already born and alive and dying due to lack of healthcare. Yeah, that's real love of children.

Okay, you'd have a point if that were true, however, at least in this state, low income people get free healthcare for any child under 18, I do not know how Obamacare is going to affect that.

Sad thing is that not all people that couldn't afford health-care are poor enough to receive medicaid. Some middle-income people could not afford health care or could not get it for a child due to pre-existing conditions. Now they will be able to. But people like KC, do they care? No, but if it was a fetus she'd be right there rooting for it, even if it was going to kill the mother or was the offspring of a rapist.

I'm not sure Obamacare is the best solution. How about we just make a law that insurance companies can't reject someone on the basis of a pre existing condition?

Our state also has a low cost health insurance policy but the waiting list for it is years long. I don't do well with waiting lists. My son was on the waiting list for a waiver to get help (he's low functioning autism) but it didn't help me at all until I threatened suicide (I'm still not sure if I was serious or not). Now he's in an apartment with 24/7 care by a non-profit organization. kc called me a lying lazy poor person who takes advantage of the system because I finally got the state to take care of my son whom I kept at home until he was 24. We're getting old and my husband has Parkinsons. My son has ripped out several walls in our house, what were we suppose to do, wait until he killed us?

I can't believe she's a social worker. She really needs a different job. She had the nerve to say that every single person that comes to her for help LIES. I know some people take advantage of the system but most don't lie. Funny, she makes her living because of them but if it were up to her, they'd all starve to death.
Pro abortion = baby killer.

As you know.

Oh, don't call them babies. So that means you're not culpable.

Yeahuh. I said, it's hardly surprising that the same people who scream that we should kill more babies are the ones who think the life of a ref is negligible, and nobody should be held accountable for any of the things they do that ruin and end the lives of others.

It makes one wonder what you have in your past.
Says one that probably supports the repeal of Obamacare, knowing that thousands of "babies" that are already born die due to lack of healthcare. Conservatives are so fricking hypocritical, they feign sympathy for "fetuses" but don't give a damn about a child that is already born and alive and dying due to lack of healthcare. Yeah, that's real love of children.

Er, no, I don't know that the repeal of obamacare will result in the death of thousands of babies.
If Obamacare were repealed, what exactly do you think we'd go back to, genius?
Harvard Medical Study Links Lack of Insurance to 45,000 U.S. Deaths a Year -

And neither do you, ding dong. Because that's a complete load of horseshit
You're obviously going by what you hear on Faux News or what Rush Limbaugh tells you, but there are facts to back up what I've said. Of course, ignorant people don't bother to acquaint themselves with facts, they just spew rhetoric out their ass.
Says one that probably supports the repeal of Obamacare, knowing that thousands of "babies" that are already born die due to lack of healthcare. Conservatives are so fricking hypocritical, they feign sympathy for "fetuses" but don't give a damn about a child that is already born and alive and dying due to lack of healthcare. Yeah, that's real love of children.

Okay, you'd have a point if that were true, however, at least in this state, low income people get free healthcare for any child under 18, I do not know how Obamacare is going to affect that.

Sad thing is that not all people that couldn't afford health-care are poor enough to receive medicaid. Some middle-income people could not afford health care or could not get it for a child due to pre-existing conditions. Now they will be able to. But people like KC, do they care? No, but if it was a fetus she'd be right there rooting for it, even if it was going to kill the mother or was the offspring of a rapist.

And you know what's really cool about having her on ignore? I can say all this stuff and she can't ever get in the last word. Ah, therapy, it feels so good. :D
Says one that probably supports the repeal of Obamacare, knowing that thousands of "babies" that are already born die due to lack of healthcare. Conservatives are so fricking hypocritical, they feign sympathy for "fetuses" but don't give a damn about a child that is already born and alive and dying due to lack of healthcare. Yeah, that's real love of children.

Okay, you'd have a point if that were true, however, at least in this state, low income people get free healthcare for any child under 18, I do not know how Obamacare is going to affect that.

Sad thing is that not all people that couldn't afford health-care are poor enough to receive medicaid. Some middle-income people could not afford health care or could not get it for a child due to pre-existing conditions. Now they will be able to. But people like KC, do they care? No, but if it was a fetus she'd be right there rooting for it, even if it was going to kill the mother or was the offspring of a rapist.'re rolling out all the stops...demonizing children...the horrific killer spawn of scary black rapists! Horrors! They must be destroyed!
AS doesn't like me because she doesn't like reality. She thinks the world owes her a living, and pisses and moans that she can't find a job, when in reality, she has no skills, and isn't willing to Or go to where the jobs are.

People don't like to be called baby killers. All the same, when you call abortion "choice" and babies "fetuses" in order to justify killing them....and when you refuse to defend the women and children who are exploited, murdered and butchered by the abortionists, and in fact insist on spreading the word that "abortion" is a perfectly acceptable method of contraception and "population control"...guess what? You're pro-abortion, and a baby killer.

Congratulations! You're scum of the earth! You think it's okay to dismember and kill babies, and to exploit and abuse women in order to do it!

But, you are a baby killer yourself, because you as much as admitted that you would be in favor of repealing Obamacare, and I've shown you a link (Harvard Medical School/NY Times) that gives the number of deaths due to lack of health care.

So be honest, abortions if done prior to 12th week are only killing a bunch of cells, but allowing "children" and "babies" and even adults to die due to lack of health care, is more than just being baby killers, that could be considered as just plain "killers"!
What stuns me is the willingness of these pukes to demonize and propose that infants deserve to die....

But a 17 year old who kills a guy who referees soccer for no good reason is a child that must be protected and nurtured.

Can you say..psychotic?
AS doesn't like me because she doesn't like reality. She thinks the world owes her a living, and pisses and moans that she can't find a job, when in reality, she has no skills, and isn't willing to Or go to where the jobs are.

People don't like to be called baby killers. All the same, when you call abortion "choice" and babies "fetuses" in order to justify killing them....and when you refuse to defend the women and children who are exploited, murdered and butchered by the abortionists, and in fact insist on spreading the word that "abortion" is a perfectly acceptable method of contraception and "population control"...guess what? You're pro-abortion, and a baby killer.

Congratulations! You're scum of the earth! You think it's okay to dismember and kill babies, and to exploit and abuse women in order to do it!

But, you are a baby killer yourself, because you as much as admitted that you would be in favor of repealing Obamacare, and I've shown you a link (Harvard Medical School/NY Times) that gives the number of deaths due to lack of health care.

So be honest, abortions if done prior to 12th week are only killing a bunch of cells, but allowing "children" and "babies" and even adults to die due to lack of health care, is more than just being baby killers, that could be considered as just plain "killers"! said that repealing obamacare would lead to untold baby deaths.

Unfortunately for you, that's a lie. So no, I'm not a baby killer.
Okay, you'd have a point if that were true, however, at least in this state, low income people get free healthcare for any child under 18, I do not know how Obamacare is going to affect that.

Sad thing is that not all people that couldn't afford health-care are poor enough to receive medicaid. Some middle-income people could not afford health care or could not get it for a child due to pre-existing conditions. Now they will be able to. But people like KC, do they care? No, but if it was a fetus she'd be right there rooting for it, even if it was going to kill the mother or was the offspring of a rapist.'re rolling out all the stops...demonizing children...the horrific killer spawn of scary black rapists! Horrors! They must be destroyed!

And you're racist, too? I never mentioned race, but hey, you are what you are. Don't like it when it is thrown back in your face, eh? It's perfectly okay to let babies that are alive but happen to have parents that don't make enough money to afford insurance, die, but we must not let fetuses die? Right?

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