Social Distortion singer Wacky Mike Ness Jumps OffStage,Attacks Trump Supporter In Middle Of Concert

This is yet another reason we LOVE TRUMP…….

He is driving these violent nut jobs on the left even “crazier”…………

They are letting their NAZI show…………

Thank God for President Donald J. Trump…

obongo and his supporters look Dumber and Dumber every day……..
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch
--------------------------------------------- probably true so we owe a debt of gratitude to the rumored , muslim , kenyan or nigerian doper all rolled into one 'mrobama' , IMO of course . It was 'mrobamas' being raised in 'indonesia' and wearing 'muslim' garb at a 'muslim :afro:madrasa' and chanting prayers that annoyed lots of MY Deplorable people and i encouraged their being annoyed as much as i could .
The singer is an aging act? Wow, you would think that with the person being in that part of life, they would want to try and hang on to the fans that they still have, not give them a reason to pack up and find a new favorite singer to love.

God bless you and his former fans always!!!

"For people who claim not to like "fascists," they sure act like Nazis when the crowd spots a Trump-supporter."

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