Social Security faces a $32 trillion shortfall

Social Security is the system that we have. You can't wave your hand and make it go away. It has been paying benefits for 75 years. Before Social Security, people worked until they died or went to live with their children. For most working Americans, there was no "retirement" to look forward to. Social Security and Medicare provided a safety net for people who worked to be taken care of in their old age

safety-net? How is paying Bernie Sanders and his wife $50K a year a safety-net? For most people they saw their kids as a 401k, and treated them accordingly.

Typically a worker loses money on Social Security. How is throwing money away a 'safety-net'. It would seem to cause the need.
What you do is let people opt out of such a foolish program and invest their money the way they see fit. That way, those that do the responsible thing benefit and those that don't, well, tough shit.

How do you pay existing retirees?

With the funds you Libs say are there claiming the system is solid.

Why do you oppose people opting out? You'll come up with some excuse that you're looking out for them. The real reason is you know those that actually keep the system going would opt out, make far more on their own, and those that rely on the redistribution would have nothing. In other words, the higher incomes support the lower incomes. Typical redistribution mentality of the left.

There are no funds. They are paid out to existing retirees. You are the one proposing to allow people to opt out. How do you propose paying benefits to those who are retired or will retire in the next decade?

I explained how. You don't listen.

You know damn good and well why you support such a system. Those that really fund it, the higher incomes, would opt out and the lower income people that won't do for themselves by investing on their own wouldn't have a dime. Again, redistribution.

Social Security is the system that we have. You can't wave your hand and make it go away. It has been paying benefits for 75 years. Before Social Security, people worked until they died or went to live with their children. For most working Americans, there was no "retirement" to look forward to. Social Security and Medicare provided a safety net for people who worked to be taken care of in their old age

When low incomes get a better return on their money than higher incomes despite paying in at the same rate, it's not a safety net, it's redistribution of wealth. If I pay in at an income 4x higher than someone else, why shouldn't I get out at a 4x higher amount. That's equal and I thought you lefties were all about equal.
They should take it out of the general fund and put it back in that lock box.

What "lock box"? All they're doing it now is taking the (fiat currency) Federal Reserve Notes (in digital form) and replacing it with another type of fiat currency in the form of Federal Government Bonds, either way it's just entries in a ledger backed by nothing but printing presses.

If you put Federal Reserve Notes in some mythical "lock box" all the miscreants in Washington will do is issue more bonds that the Federal Reserve will then "print" fiat currency to "buy" (aka monetizing debt) thus giving the drunken sailors in Washington the same amount of money to blow and hastening the increase in the Federal Government cumulative operating deficits (and the eventual collapse of the dollar), meaning at the end of the day you'll still end up with a "lock box" full of worthless currency you just get there faster because the federal debt service will increase at a faster rate.

What you do is let people opt out of such a foolish program and invest their money the way they see fit. That way, those that do the responsible thing benefit and those that don't, well, tough shit.

If you let anyone out, everyone will leave. Then you have no revenue to pay existing retirees. Are you ready to tell retirees to pound sand, or are you going to tell the people that thought that they were opting out of a foolish program sorry you only opted out of getting benefits.

There would have to be a plan to provide those currently retired. No one is saying tell them tough shit.

As for those that opt out then don't do what they're supposed to responsibly do, I have no problem telling them tough shit. Like I said before, I have no compassion for stupid people.

So let's be honest. You are saying you can opt-out of getting benefits, but you still have to pay. This isn't really opt-out. You are asking younger workers to simply throw money away.

And I wouldn't be so sure that no one is going to tell them tough shit. It is a low probability now, but the longer we ignore the problem the risk grows. Mind you this is the HP, not a conservative outlet.

Social Security and Generation Warfare
How do you pay existing retirees?

With the funds you Libs say are there claiming the system is solid.

Why do you oppose people opting out? You'll come up with some excuse that you're looking out for them. The real reason is you know those that actually keep the system going would opt out, make far more on their own, and those that rely on the redistribution would have nothing. In other words, the higher incomes support the lower incomes. Typical redistribution mentality of the left.

There are no funds. They are paid out to existing retirees. You are the one proposing to allow people to opt out. How do you propose paying benefits to those who are retired or will retire in the next decade?

I explained how. You don't listen.

You know damn good and well why you support such a system. Those that really fund it, the higher incomes, would opt out and the lower income people that won't do for themselves by investing on their own wouldn't have a dime. Again, redistribution.

Social Security is the system that we have. You can't wave your hand and make it go away. It has been paying benefits for 75 years. Before Social Security, people worked until they died or went to live with their children. For most working Americans, there was no "retirement" to look forward to. Social Security and Medicare provided a safety net for people who worked to be taken care of in their old age

When low incomes get a better return on their money than higher incomes despite paying in at the same rate, it's not a safety net, it's redistribution of wealth. If I pay in at an income 4x higher than someone else, why shouldn't I get out at a 4x higher amount. That's equal and I thought you lefties were all about equal.

That is why it is not a safety-net.
Unfortunately for you Social Security has been in place for 80 years
The length of time this corrupt Ponzi scheme has been in existence means nothing and is not a justification of the criminal way it has been run.

Wishing and hoping will not make it go away. If you want to "opt out", you need to provide a transition plan that still takes care of those who have paid in to Social Security their whole lives.

That has been done already. No matter what is done, even if we do nothing, it is going to hurt people - people will lose money in the end. The plan that potentially seems the best is that a certain age is determined that identifies the people in the US who can successfully be taken out of SS and placed on their own independent retirement program, one where money is invested for them into an actual account the government CAN NOT TOUCH - PERIOD! The remainder of those left in SS, those who do not have time to begin such a program would run their course through the existing SS program.

The 2 obvious problems with that are:

1. Telling people who are suddenly transitioned from the existing SS program that all the money they have paid in so far is 'gone'


2. The SS Ponzi scheme depends on those people who would be otherwise be transitioned out of the program to continue to pay the benefits of those collecting today since the money of those collecting now has already been stolen and spent by the govt.

Social Security is not a Ponzi Scheme and never has been. It has been working for 80 years. You do not have a Social Security account with your name on it and all the contributions you have paid in. Your contributions pay for those who are currently drawing benefits

You still haven't explained how you would allow people to opt out of Social Security and still pay retirees
The article itself points out:

By then, if Congress does nothing, the federal government will collect enough in payroll taxes to pay about 75 percent of scheduled retirement benefits until 2090.

Congress isn't going to just sit there. There are several tweaks that can and will be made:
  • Slowly increasing eligibility age
  • Increasing or eliminating the cap on Soc Sec taxes
  • Increasing payroll taxes in general
  • Means testing
This hysteria brought on by static analysis is silly. Here:

If Payroll Taxes Increased by This Much, There Would Be No Social Security or Medicare Shortfall -- The Motley Fool

The hysteria is more about understanding what the numbers mean and less about static analysis. Yes, there is a component of the latter, but let's not forget the former. The problem is that you are getting your information from Motley Fool, and not the SSA. You are talking about a different shortfall, one that is designed to be smaller. SSA says that the I&P tax increase to mean that there is no shortfall would be over 4%. CBO says that SSA is wrong. They project that it would require a 4.4% I&P. The Social Security Administration Advisory Board says it is roughly 3.5%.

Your link doesn't say anything about 75 percent or 2090. CBO says that by 2040, the system will payout about 60 percent.

There are no guarantees.
Of course there are no guarantees, and the 75% and 2090 references are from the OP.

Regardless, screaming about something if we do nothing is not helpful to the conversation. There are fixes, if we just stay calm and communicate.

That was and is my point.

I write on this issue, and generally speaking the idea that calm is the problem is comical. We have been calm for 30 years. Time is by far the most destructive force in the system, and no one even talks about it. The most comical is the people who think that they are writing harsh reviews of the system. David Barnes works for Generation Opportunity or something like it. He spammed the world a piece on how bad SS is, but it is clear that he doesn't understand what the numbers mean. He tried to send up a warning, and it showed little more than how little he understands the mechanics and problems in the system.

32 Trillion is an overstatement of the problem, but reality is much worse than typical people realize.
Unfortunately for you Social Security has been in place for 80 years
The length of time this corrupt Ponzi scheme has been in existence means nothing and is not a justification of the criminal way it has been run.

Wishing and hoping will not make it go away. If you want to "opt out", you need to provide a transition plan that still takes care of those who have paid in to Social Security their whole lives.

That has been done already. No matter what is done, even if we do nothing, it is going to hurt people - people will lose money in the end. The plan that potentially seems the best is that a certain age is determined that identifies the people in the US who can successfully be taken out of SS and placed on their own independent retirement program, one where money is invested for them into an actual account the government CAN NOT TOUCH - PERIOD! The remainder of those left in SS, those who do not have time to begin such a program would run their course through the existing SS program.

The 2 obvious problems with that are:

1. Telling people who are suddenly transitioned from the existing SS program that all the money they have paid in so far is 'gone'


2. The SS Ponzi scheme depends on those people who would be otherwise be transitioned out of the program to continue to pay the benefits of those collecting today since the money of those collecting now has already been stolen and spent by the govt.

Social Security is not a Ponzi Scheme and never has been. It has been working for 80 years. You do not have a Social Security account with your name on it and all the contributions you have paid in. Your contributions pay for those who are currently drawing benefits

You still haven't explained how you would allow people to opt out of Social Security and still pay retirees

Can you explain your concept of working? The system has created roughly $2 of promises that it can't keep for every $1 that it has collected?
How do you pay existing retirees?

With the funds you Libs say are there claiming the system is solid.

Why do you oppose people opting out? You'll come up with some excuse that you're looking out for them. The real reason is you know those that actually keep the system going would opt out, make far more on their own, and those that rely on the redistribution would have nothing. In other words, the higher incomes support the lower incomes. Typical redistribution mentality of the left.

There are no funds. They are paid out to existing retirees. You are the one proposing to allow people to opt out. How do you propose paying benefits to those who are retired or will retire in the next decade?

I explained how. You don't listen.

You know damn good and well why you support such a system. Those that really fund it, the higher incomes, would opt out and the lower income people that won't do for themselves by investing on their own wouldn't have a dime. Again, redistribution.

Social Security is the system that we have. You can't wave your hand and make it go away. It has been paying benefits for 75 years. Before Social Security, people worked until they died or went to live with their children. For most working Americans, there was no "retirement" to look forward to. Social Security and Medicare provided a safety net for people who worked to be taken care of in their old age

When low incomes get a better return on their money than higher incomes despite paying in at the same rate, it's not a safety net, it's redistribution of wealth. If I pay in at an income 4x higher than someone else, why shouldn't I get out at a 4x higher amount. That's equal and I thought you lefties were all about equal.

Social Security is a retirement safety net. Your benefits are calculated based on what you contributed during your working career. Poor people do receive more to provide a basic standard of living, but they do not receive the same as those who contributed the maximum every year
Social Security is not a Ponzi Scheme and never has been.

The govt takes money from YOUR paycheck as an investment with the promise of a payout later.
The govt promises it is YOUR money set aside for YOU, not anyone else.
The govt then unlocks the 'locked box' and spends the shite out of SS money.
The govt declares a 'shortfall'
-- Again, if you take my $20 and put it in a shoebox, and I come to get it later and you tell me it isn't there, how the hell did the 'shortfall' happen? YOU SPENT MY MONEY.
The money of new / younger people paying in is not going into a box somewhere for them, since it is there is going to pay the benefits of those whose money the govt has already spent.

...but it's not a Ponzi scheme. Riiiiiiight.
Social Security is a retirement safety net. Your benefits are calculated based on what you contributed during your working career. Poor people do receive more to provide a basic standard of living, but they do not receive the same as those who contributed the maximum every year

It has been used as a govt slush fund and is now a Ponzi Scheme. People's money is now held hostage, the money stolen every month from their pay checks without them having any say so...while the govt says 'this is for your own good' WHILE admitting they now have a deficit / shortfall because of their mismanagement of (stealing from) the program.

Keep drinking the kool-ade. SS is now 'too big too fail, but fail it will's just a matter of time. It's on greased skids.
With the funds you Libs say are there claiming the system is solid.

Why do you oppose people opting out? You'll come up with some excuse that you're looking out for them. The real reason is you know those that actually keep the system going would opt out, make far more on their own, and those that rely on the redistribution would have nothing. In other words, the higher incomes support the lower incomes. Typical redistribution mentality of the left.

There are no funds. They are paid out to existing retirees. You are the one proposing to allow people to opt out. How do you propose paying benefits to those who are retired or will retire in the next decade?

I explained how. You don't listen.

You know damn good and well why you support such a system. Those that really fund it, the higher incomes, would opt out and the lower income people that won't do for themselves by investing on their own wouldn't have a dime. Again, redistribution.

Social Security is the system that we have. You can't wave your hand and make it go away. It has been paying benefits for 75 years. Before Social Security, people worked until they died or went to live with their children. For most working Americans, there was no "retirement" to look forward to. Social Security and Medicare provided a safety net for people who worked to be taken care of in their old age

When low incomes get a better return on their money than higher incomes despite paying in at the same rate, it's not a safety net, it's redistribution of wealth. If I pay in at an income 4x higher than someone else, why shouldn't I get out at a 4x higher amount. That's equal and I thought you lefties were all about equal.

That is why it is not a safety-net.

The safety net has a huge damn hole in it.
Social Security is the system that we have. You can't wave your hand and make it go away. It has been paying benefits for 75 years. Before Social Security, people worked until they died or went to live with their children. For most working Americans, there was no "retirement" to look forward to. Social Security and Medicare provided a safety net for people who worked to be taken care of in their old age

safety-net? How is paying Bernie Sanders and his wife $50K a year a safety-net? For most people they saw their kids as a 401k, and treated them accordingly.

Typically a worker loses money on Social Security. How is throwing money away a 'safety-net'. It would seem to cause the need.

SS is not a safety net. When a worker putting in at 4x the amount as another worker only get 2 1/2 times the distribution, it's redistribution.

I ran the numbers on the SS website. I put in the same birth date and same "retirement" date. The only difference was the income amount. For one, I put in $25,000 and the other $100,000. When it came to distributions, the lower income got just over $1100/month while the higher income got just over $2500/month. How is that not redistribution?
They should take it out of the general fund and put it back in that lock box.

What "lock box"? All they're doing it now is taking the (fiat currency) Federal Reserve Notes (in digital form) and replacing it with another type of fiat currency in the form of Federal Government Bonds, either way it's just entries in a ledger backed by nothing but printing presses.

If you put Federal Reserve Notes in some mythical "lock box" all the miscreants in Washington will do is issue more bonds that the Federal Reserve will then "print" fiat currency to "buy" (aka monetizing debt) thus giving the drunken sailors in Washington the same amount of money to blow and hastening the increase in the Federal Government cumulative operating deficits (and the eventual collapse of the dollar), meaning at the end of the day you'll still end up with a "lock box" full of worthless currency you just get there faster because the federal debt service will increase at a faster rate.

What you do is let people opt out of such a foolish program and invest their money the way they see fit. That way, those that do the responsible thing benefit and those that don't, well, tough shit.

If you let anyone out, everyone will leave. Then you have no revenue to pay existing retirees. Are you ready to tell retirees to pound sand, or are you going to tell the people that thought that they were opting out of a foolish program sorry you only opted out of getting benefits.

There would have to be a plan to provide those currently retired. No one is saying tell them tough shit.

As for those that opt out then don't do what they're supposed to responsibly do, I have no problem telling them tough shit. Like I said before, I have no compassion for stupid people.

So let's be honest. You are saying you can opt-out of getting benefits, but you still have to pay. This isn't really opt-out. You are asking younger workers to simply throw money away.

And I wouldn't be so sure that no one is going to tell them tough shit. It is a low probability now, but the longer we ignore the problem the risk grows. Mind you this is the HP, not a conservative outlet.

Social Security and Generation Warfare

I'm saying opt out of paying into with no distributions from a system you chose not to be a part of.
With the funds you Libs say are there claiming the system is solid.

Why do you oppose people opting out? You'll come up with some excuse that you're looking out for them. The real reason is you know those that actually keep the system going would opt out, make far more on their own, and those that rely on the redistribution would have nothing. In other words, the higher incomes support the lower incomes. Typical redistribution mentality of the left.

There are no funds. They are paid out to existing retirees. You are the one proposing to allow people to opt out. How do you propose paying benefits to those who are retired or will retire in the next decade?

I explained how. You don't listen.

You know damn good and well why you support such a system. Those that really fund it, the higher incomes, would opt out and the lower income people that won't do for themselves by investing on their own wouldn't have a dime. Again, redistribution.

Social Security is the system that we have. You can't wave your hand and make it go away. It has been paying benefits for 75 years. Before Social Security, people worked until they died or went to live with their children. For most working Americans, there was no "retirement" to look forward to. Social Security and Medicare provided a safety net for people who worked to be taken care of in their old age

When low incomes get a better return on their money than higher incomes despite paying in at the same rate, it's not a safety net, it's redistribution of wealth. If I pay in at an income 4x higher than someone else, why shouldn't I get out at a 4x higher amount. That's equal and I thought you lefties were all about equal.

That is why it is not a safety-net.

That's what I've been saying. It's a redistribution of wealth program where lower incomes get a better return than higher incomes despite the percentage put in being the same.
With the funds you Libs say are there claiming the system is solid.

Why do you oppose people opting out? You'll come up with some excuse that you're looking out for them. The real reason is you know those that actually keep the system going would opt out, make far more on their own, and those that rely on the redistribution would have nothing. In other words, the higher incomes support the lower incomes. Typical redistribution mentality of the left.

There are no funds. They are paid out to existing retirees. You are the one proposing to allow people to opt out. How do you propose paying benefits to those who are retired or will retire in the next decade?

I explained how. You don't listen.

You know damn good and well why you support such a system. Those that really fund it, the higher incomes, would opt out and the lower income people that won't do for themselves by investing on their own wouldn't have a dime. Again, redistribution.

Social Security is the system that we have. You can't wave your hand and make it go away. It has been paying benefits for 75 years. Before Social Security, people worked until they died or went to live with their children. For most working Americans, there was no "retirement" to look forward to. Social Security and Medicare provided a safety net for people who worked to be taken care of in their old age

When low incomes get a better return on their money than higher incomes despite paying in at the same rate, it's not a safety net, it's redistribution of wealth. If I pay in at an income 4x higher than someone else, why shouldn't I get out at a 4x higher amount. That's equal and I thought you lefties were all about equal.

Social Security is a retirement safety net. Your benefits are calculated based on what you contributed during your working career. Poor people do receive more to provide a basic standard of living, but they do not receive the same as those who contributed the maximum every year

They don't receive the same dollar amount because they didn't put in the same dollar amount. However, lower incomes receive a higher proportional distribution compared to the dollar amount they put in than higher incomes. That's redistribution and it's not right.
What you do is let people opt out of such a foolish program and invest their money the way they see fit. That way, those that do the responsible thing benefit and those that don't, well, tough shit.
That wasn't hard to do until President Reagan not only slammed that exit door shut, he had it bricked up.
Why do you oppose people opting out? You'll come up with some excuse that you're looking out for them. The real reason is you know those that actually keep the system going would opt out, make far more on their own, and those that rely on the redistribution would have nothing. In other words, the higher incomes support the lower incomes. Typical redistribution mentality of the left.
SS is an insurance program. The larger the pool of insured, the stronger the system.
What you do is let people opt out of such a foolish program and invest their money the way they see fit. That way, those that do the responsible thing benefit and those that don't, well, tough shit.
That wasn't hard to do until President Reagan not only slammed that exit door shut, he had it bricked up.

Reagan hasn't been President in 27 years. That's plenty of time to tear down the bricks.
Why do you oppose people opting out? You'll come up with some excuse that you're looking out for them. The real reason is you know those that actually keep the system going would opt out, make far more on their own, and those that rely on the redistribution would have nothing. In other words, the higher incomes support the lower incomes. Typical redistribution mentality of the left.
SS is an insurance program. The larger the pool of insured, the stronger the system.

The problem with that is those contributing the most to the pool are getting the least proportional return and vice versa. In other words, the lower end is pissing in the pool and the upper end is paying to have it cleaned up.

Person A putting in at a 4x higher amount than person Person B for the same amount of time doesn't get 4x as much out. You and I both know the upper incomes are funding the system and the lower incomes get yet another handout as a result.
You can still raise the age of full retirement to 70 and allow workers to take early retirement at a younger age at reduced benefit

F* a 'reduced benefit'. I want MY money I put into Social Security!

I'm a big boy, and I no longer need the government to hold MY money for MY retirement, especially when they have proven they can't be trusted due to their mismanagement of funds and programs.

I don't WANT them to continue STEALING MY money from MY paycheck - I am perfectly capable of investing and saving for my own retirement. The trouble is you can't 'FIRE' this 'mandatory govt retirement investment' entity because they are basically holding us all a 'gun point'. We do not get a say in if we get to keep our money.

We are being ROBBED by the government every month, and we are told we just have to stand there and take it.

The REASON we have to continue to pay in is because those who are before us, those who are already receiving benefits have no money of their own - it has been SPENT, and WE have to keep paying into the program so OTHERS will get what id due them.

GREAT F*ing whose own creator insisted this was NEVER meant to be a permanent program due to the potential for it to become what it is now....a criminal Washington Ponzi Scheme.

It's a reduced monthly benefit for many more months. The total is the same. That's why it's an option. It's a neutral proposition for the SSA.

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