Socialism and it’s redistribution…

The nations with the highest gdp per capital for its population are the European nations that have the highest quality of life.

You know where it sucks? Where there isn't social democracy. Africa, central America and southern Asia.
European nations are in debt so far they will never be able to pay it off... the cancer that is socialism
America would be better off if our government started breaking up the massive corporations, broke up the media, provided single payer healthcare and wanted everyone to vote. These are the things you're fighting against as you fight for the interest of the thief at the top of corporations.
America would be better off if our government started breaking up the massive corporations, broke up the media, provided single payer healthcare and wanted everyone to vote. These are the things you're fighting against as you fight for the interest of the thief at the top of corporations.

America would be better off if our government started breaking up the massive corporations,

America would be better off if our government only did those things allowed by the Constitution.
If they did, there would be a balanced budget and all the money for infrastructure you've ever whined for.
No money for military mutilation operations though.......
Do you realize that ancient Greece and Rome built roads and had public services? Do you realize how uneducated you're!

You want to take apart the public sector and hand it all to the top 1-2%! That is a really bad idea.

That isn't good.
Not sure about Greece but Rome didn't build roads as a public service they built them to move the Military to other parts of the Empire quickly.
Even Trump admitted reality in the campaign when he railed against outsourcing. The rich don't deserve anymore and in fact should be punished harshly for robbing the worker.

Some of these corporations should be broken up with our anti-trust laws! We need more small businesses. No industry should have less then a few dozen competing businesses ever!!! If that ever stops becoming so the big ones should be broken up.
Antitrust laws deal with monopolies which of these corporations you haven't named could be considered monopolies.
This is a funny thread!

Right now 99% of all wealth is moving upwards to the rich. This is a fact!

Since 1980 the rich have made 950% more wealth on the backs of the workers but the workers haven't seen any increase at all. This is why our middle class is dying out because the worker has no ability to get a raise anymore since you destroyed the unions. Get your mouth of that guys dick already.

Modern conservatives are willing to sell themselves out, along with their own best interests, because they have let the Rich fool them into believing that the poor are their worst enemy.
This is a funny thread!

Right now 99% of all wealth is moving upwards to the rich. This is a fact!

Since 1980 the rich have made 950% more wealth on the backs of the workers but the workers haven't seen any increase at all. This is why our middle class is dying out because the worker has no ability to get a raise anymore since you destroyed the unions. Get your mouth of that guys dick already.

We are still waiting for the great "trickle down effect" to happen. The magic wealth redistribution economists and republican's claim happens with lower taxes. Give the rich more money it will trickle down to us. Unfortunately I haven't seen it happen my entire adult life, but I guess I will happen eventually lol.

I took macro and micro economics in college and the professors proved trickle down economics works with their fancy math equations and curves. Like an idiot I believed what my economics professors were saying at the time got A's in my economic tests showed on my exams using math how yes indeed this all works out beautiful on a piece of paper with beautiful curves and lines. lol

Then when I got out of college and in the real world I saw how the world actually worked, not the way it was 'suppose' to work on paper drawing nice beautiful curves and lines and making fancy math equations.

I became a democrat quick when I learned about 2/3 of what I learned in college was just a bunch of brainwashing and BS, devised by the rich to convince the poor why the rich need lower taxes, why low wage workers should be paid less, and why unions were such a bad idea--> the greedy rich "scrooges" of the world didn't want to see their money taken away from them lol.
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Do you realize that ancient Greece and Rome built roads and had public services? Do you realize how uneducated you're!

You want to take apart the public sector and hand it all to the top 1-2%! That is a really bad idea.

That isn't good.
Ancient Greece and Rome had slaves.
Wealth isn't moving towards the top, wealth is originated AT the top you bunch of mooching dumb asses.
What nonsense

Labor produced wealth which is controlled and distributed by those at the top
Most wealth is going up to the top 1 to 5% of our population! Because we have a few programs to make sure the poor doesn't starve doesn't mean that this isn't so.

If people had unions to demand a bigger piece of this pie people wouldn't need to rely on government help. Do you know that the vast majority of people that get food stamps are people that work??? How fucked is that?

But yet you want to kill the fucking worker and hand every goddamn cent to the rich fucker at the top...Yep, the poor and middle class is somehow the bad guy...You're sick.
Na, The nanny state does not work… Because you always run out of other peoples money
Actually it is societies money and the society decides how to best use it
Do you realize that ancient Greece and Rome built roads and had public services? Do you realize how uneducated you're!

You want to take apart the public sector and hand it all to the top 1-2%! That is a really bad idea.

That isn't good.

This clown hasn't a clue.

OK,OK, lets do it YOUR way. I vote we fund roads, bridges, S.S., medicare, and the military. The rest goes to pay down the debt.

Now are you happy Sciencerocks?

Wait, what, what? You mean you want MORE spending? On what exactly?

So what you REALLY mean is----------->roads and bridges are just your buzzwords, and spin machine. You do NOT want to separate them from the budget, or your whole utopia idea will collapse as the socialist way of thinking always does!
All the winner countries are socialist/capitalism countries .

That’s a fact yo! I know cons hate to admit it. But it’s true .

There isn't a first world fully developed country on earth within the top 30 gdp on earth that isn't. ;) Of course, this moron wishes to adopt the model of the failed african nations that has next to no help for most of the population and allows its rich to rule.

I choose social democracy as it works!
All of Europe is in more debt than they can ever pay, they have run out of other peoples money you fucking dopes. Lol

So what do you consider to be the “winner countries “?

Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea.

Real winners...
Wealth isn't moving towards the top, wealth is originated AT the top you bunch of mooching dumb asses.
What nonsense

Labor produced wealth which is controlled and distributed by those at the top

Ridiculous. How much money did labor risk to build the factory and stock it with raw materials? $0.00

They give more
They dedicate their lives to the success of that factory.
Na, They are just waiting for a paycheck. They don’t give a shit about the company... You’re foolish to believe so.

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