Socialism and it’s redistribution…

Most wealth is going up to the top 1 to 5% of our population! Because we have a few programs to make sure the poor doesn't starve doesn't mean that this isn't so.

If people had unions to demand a bigger piece of this pie people wouldn't need to rely on government help. Do you know that the vast majority of people that get food stamps are people that work??? How fucked is that?

But yet you want to kill the fucking worker and hand every goddamn cent to the rich fucker at the top...Yep, the poor and middle class is somehow the bad guy...You're sick.
Na, The nanny state does not work… Because you always run out of other peoples money
Actually it is societies money and the society decides how to best use it
The collective always kills the individual… Fact
Wealth isn't moving towards the top, wealth is originated AT the top you bunch of mooching dumb asses.
What nonsense

Labor produced wealth which is controlled and distributed by those at the top

Ridiculous. How much money did labor risk to build the factory and stock it with raw materials? $0.00

They give more
They dedicate their lives to the success of that factory.

They risk nothing and so are entitled to nothing suck it.
Ridiculous. How much money did labor risk to build the factory and stock it with raw materials? $0.00

Mind telling us how that factory got built without labor?

Labor is free to build a factory anytime they wish and become the business owners and control all the wealth, why don't they? Labor is paid for their services, after which nothing further is owned to labor.
You gotta love these right wing assholes and their hatred of working people.
Behind the honeyed but patently absurd pleas for equality is a ruthless drive for placing themselves (the elites) at the top of a new hierarchy of power.

Murray Rothbard
This is a funny thread!

Right now 99% of all wealth is moving upwards to the rich. This is a fact!

Since 1980 the rich have made 950% more wealth on the backs of the workers but the workers haven't seen any increase at all. This is why our middle class is dying out because the worker has no ability to get a raise anymore since you destroyed the unions. Get your mouth of that guys dick already.

All the winner countries are socialist/capitalism countries .

That’s a fact yo! I know cons hate to admit it. But it’s true .

Hey fellas, help me understand....why is that nobody successful ever begs for other people's shit...yet all lowlife lazy pieces of shits beg like a starving puppy?
Kinda weird isn't it?
Do you realize that ancient Greece and Rome built roads and had public services?

They also kept slaves. What's your point?

There are two and only two ways that any economy can be organized. One is by freedom and voluntary choice—the way of the market. The other is by force and dictation—the way of the State.
This is a funny thread!

Right now 99% of all wealth is moving upwards to the rich. This is a fact!

Since 1980 the rich have made 950% more wealth on the backs of the workers but the workers haven't seen any increase at all. This is why our middle class is dying out because the worker has no ability to get a raise anymore since you destroyed the unions. Get your mouth of that guys dick already.
. Don't think it's the wealthy small business owners purposely doing bad things to the workers, but rather it's the corporations working in conjunction with what was expected of them in the new globalist environment that set the whole thing in motion. The globalist or globalism environment ended loyalties and give a crap policies concerning the American workers by American corporations, and American corporations are destroying the small business environments in which the American workers had left. Trump's America first campaign was meant to address the problems, but the globalist are fighting him tooth and nail over the issue. Will America exist still in the modern age or will it be completely consumed by globalism and the globalist ?
America is losing because the wealthiest of the counrty are raping it. They passed citizens united and made unlimited donations possible which gave the wealthiest the ablity to write the rules of the game even more than before That and trickle down economics of the republican party. Trump is not fighting this trickle down phylosophe. The new tax bill gives his family a billion dollar tax break. He is doing nothing for the middle class. I saw the Ohio river when it was on fire for ever due to pollution. He has raped the epa and made it so that corps can dump in our water ways what ever they want. The fines are lower than the cost of disposing legally. Guess what we all drink and use water. WHy should the wealthy be able to destroy it. As far as the statement above the powerfull take their power!!! Not in this geneartion weak pieces of shit hand it to them and call me a pussy. The right wants to spend on war and oil. They are the ones that think more money toward the millitary solves everything. It is because they are so scared of life they are willing to give up on living it. I am not afraid. I do not need to spend all this money on defense while all other catagories of our country are faling. The fear mongers have won!!!!!!! They have trricked you into beliving thier bull shit. They have started a never ending war on terrorism and we shove billions after billions into it with no return except our treasure going to the oil companies and the military industial complex. Mean while our roads.bridges, and sewer systems are failing and no one is doing anything about it. The highway fund runs out in the next couple of years.
Wealth isn't moving towards the top, wealth is originated AT the top you bunch of mooching dumb asses.
Speaking of dumb where does money come from? The person who needs a commodity and then trades labor for the commodity. That is not the top it is the bases for economic gain.

Oh Christ here we go trying to discuss economics with a liberal mush brain. Do you even know what a commodity is? I doubt it. Here have an eye roll :rolleyes:
Commodities are natural resources like food, energy, and metals. I am referring to the first in my post. I am sure you are trying to grasp what I mean but keep in mind I am 68 years old and learned a different English than you did.
The nations with the highest gdp per capital for its population are the European nations that have the highest quality of life.

You know where it sucks? Where there isn't social democracy. Africa, central America and southern Asia.
Go live there in your socialist utopia then...
Europe is where freedoms go to die… They have a whole history of it.
Do you realize that ancient Greece and Rome built roads and had public services? Do you realize how uneducated you're!

You want to take apart the public sector and hand it all to the top 1-2%! That is a really bad idea.

That isn't good.

This clown hasn't a clue.

OK,OK, lets do it YOUR way. I vote we fund roads, bridges, S.S., medicare, and the military. The rest goes to pay down the debt.

Now are you happy Sciencerocks?

Wait, what, what? You mean you want MORE spending? On what exactly?

So what you REALLY mean is----------->roads and bridges are just your buzzwords, and spin machine. You do NOT want to separate them from the budget, or your whole utopia idea will collapse as the socialist way of thinking always does!
Social Security is paid for, as is medicare, from your pay check with the employer paying one half and you paying one half of 15% of your earned dollars. So there is no need to fund them except for the funds Ronnie Ray Goon withdrew to pay off his deficits from his trickle down ,peons, economics.
All the winner countries are socialist/capitalism countries .

That’s a fact yo! I know cons hate to admit it. But it’s true .

There isn't a first world fully developed country on earth within the top 30 gdp on earth that isn't. ;) Of course, this moron wishes to adopt the model of the failed african nations that has next to no help for most of the population and allows its rich to rule.

I choose social democracy as it works!
All of Europe is in more debt than they can ever pay, they have run out of other peoples money you fucking dopes. Lol

So what do you consider to be the “winner countries “?

Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea.

Real winners...
And the people who lived there had how much choice or voice in how it was to be implemented?
Most wealth is going up to the top 1 to 5% of our population! Because we have a few programs to make sure the poor doesn't starve doesn't mean that this isn't so.

If people had unions to demand a bigger piece of this pie people wouldn't need to rely on government help. Do you know that the vast majority of people that get food stamps are people that work??? How fucked is that?

But yet you want to kill the fucking worker and hand every goddamn cent to the rich fucker at the top...Yep, the poor and middle class is somehow the bad guy...You're sick.
Na, The nanny state does not work… Because you always run out of other peoples money
Actually it is societies money and the society decides how to best use it
The collective always kills the individual… Fact
Only the BORG can do that!!!
Most wealth is going up to the top 1 to 5% of our population! Because we have a few programs to make sure the poor doesn't starve doesn't mean that this isn't so.

If people had unions to demand a bigger piece of this pie people wouldn't need to rely on government help. Do you know that the vast majority of people that get food stamps are people that work??? How fucked is that?

But yet you want to kill the fucking worker and hand every goddamn cent to the rich fucker at the top...Yep, the poor and middle class is somehow the bad guy...You're sick.
Na, The nanny state does not work… Because you always run out of other peoples money
Actually it is societies money and the society decides how to best use it
The collective always kills the individual… Fact
Only the BORG can do that!!!
The BORG Represents socialism perfectly…

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