Socialism and Public Health


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Socialists on the board, people who quote AOC as if she has a clue, people who celebrate Bernie getting a win, always point to the health care system, the idea of Single Payer, being a solution. To what problem, we’re not sure, but these same Socialists always have another problem. They don’t like free speech. Well, either does Communist (read that as Socialist) China.

I say Socialist because of the levels of control. But let’s take the Coronavirus, or WuFlu as it is sometimes known. What is happening with it, and how the heck did it get this bad? Well. It is because of the need of the Socialists, to control everything. Especially speech, and the resulting thought.

We have to step back almost two weeks. Early missteps and state secrecy in China probably allowed the coronavirus to spread farther and faster

The first Doctors to see the disease immediately sent it off to be tested. It came back as a 60% match for SARS. In other words, it would have a lot in common with SARS. They began to spread the word, first to medical professionals, that there was a new strain of SARS like flu out there, and it was very contagious. It was also very bad regarding the threat to life and the patients. So far, so good. But here we see the Communist Party, Socialist Authority step in.

The Secret Police showed up and literally rounded up doctors who were spreading information on the disease. Threatening them with jail if they repeated non official information again. The reports to the CDC, and WHO were incomplete, preventing the scientists there from making the book on the virus. For that, the people need a ton of information, who is sick, how did they get it, who did they interact with, how long for the disease to germinate. All that stuff.

In the meantime, the Communist Government announced they had discovered the source of the infection, a Fish Market that was shut down by the Authorities, which was causing nausea. Well that was different than what the WHO was hearing, but they still asked for more information. Virtually none was coming.

By the time the Socialists admitted that there was a problem, it was already spread well beyond the start point, and was going even further.

We of the older generation have seen this a time or two before. For those who saw Chernobyl on HBO, we lived it. We heard the contradictory information, and the laughable official estimates coming out of the Government of the Soviet Union. The 2k Roentgens as one example. Even high school physics students knew that was a lie. First, there would be no way for a reading that low to spread as far as it had, as fast as it had, across Europe. We’ve seen the lies proclaimed as truth many times in History. We castigate our own Government for the lies.

Back to the Modern Socialists and the WuFlu. Having learned the lesson of history, the Chinese are now totally above board and sharing information to get all the help they can right? Nope. Not even close. Even after admitting they screwed up and should have acted sooner, they are still stonewalling and lowballing the numbers. Maybe the Coronavirus Will Teach Millennials the Dangers of Communism | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

Kids, this is why we old timers are less likely to support Socialism. We have seen the bad it produces, and any good will always be outweighed by the bad.

The reason is the foundation of the society. For America, it is the Constitution. The document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of the people and government. It is designed to accept mistakes and errors, and move on hopefully learning from them. The problem is that Socialism is based upon a lie, and that lie is the perfection of the system. If Socialism is responsible for health care for all, then a disease like SARS or the WuFlu can’t possibly spread. The Socialist medical system would identify it and stop it before it spread. It is superior after all to the Capitalist system.

There are Chinese, even Chinese Communists who recognize the truth. Take Deng, the second in command at the time under Mao. Deng pointed out it did not matter if the cat was black or white, so long as it catches mice. In other words, the end result is what matters, and it does not matter if it is socialist or capitalist so long as the end result is achieved. Mao being a good Socialist asked the predictable question. What capitalist told you that?

So how do you feel about Socialist Governments now? Are you ready to consider why Patrick Henry is misquoted as saying Give me liberty or give me death.
Well, that was a bunch of crap. I don't even like AOC. Support for single payer, as you well know, comes from those who can't access it.

Making a comparison with China is ignorant. Very different world. Just a mere six thousand years of law going on there.

We have always had a mixed market economy. It isn't going anywhere.
China isn't Socialist or Communist- fucking people need to stop listening to talking heads.

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