Socialism connection could cost the Democratic Party the House

This could have an interesting shake out a long time in the making. What it really does is try to draw the line between liberals and progressives.
How do you draw a line between two nothings because those on the left are neither liberal or progressive? They just like the tags but they dont fit what they are and what they do.

Well certainly not the way republicanism fits the racism definition so nicely, but we try in our imperfection to be better.
Wasn’t the socialism scare tactic the narrative during the midterms? How did that shake out?
They didn’t gain much when you look at history, and trump is packing the courts
I don’t really care about history, that’s just the spin retort. I look at the fact that the dems took the house mostly with moderate candidates. Not with AOC socialist like y’all try and paint. Honest agreements will earn respect, not the spin jobs
But those mods will be asked in 2020 if they are with aoc or not lol gonna be fun
Those mods are already speaking out against AOC. She is the easiest target for you all so you make the whole thing about her. It’s a lazy attack. Very transparent.
Quote?? Lol
You gop-phers are more into AOC than me. She is not the maj of Democrats. But I'm glad she has a voice. She is an up and comer, I sure hope she doesn't go rogue like the gop-hers have done.

They seemed obsessed with AOC... They also don'y define what they mean by Socialism... AOC has defined her self as a Democratic Socialist..

They think socialism is like commune living. All money goes in pot and we use what we need.
All the money goes in the government pot then they distribute what you need after they’ve had their fill.
"....the poll say swing voters know and dislike socialism, with some operatives warning the connection could cost the Democratic Party the House and the presidency....."

Dem Operatives Say Ocasio-Cortez Media Coverage Could Derail Party In 2020
Dem Operatives Say Ocasio-Cortez Media Coverage Could Derail Party In 2020

Top Democrats are quietly circulating a poll from May showing swing state voters are tying New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s brand of progressive liberalism with the mainstream Democratic Party, Axios reported Sunday.

Those distributing the poll say swing voters know and dislike socialism, with some operatives warning the connection could cost the Democratic Party the House and the presidency. One operative lamented the over-sized amount of media coverage Ocasio-Cortez and her progressive colleagues are attracting.

“If all voters hear about is AOC, it could put the [House] majority at risk,” a top Democrat involved in 2020 congressional races told Axios, addressing the poll’s details. “She’s getting all the news and defining everyone else’s races.” The poll included 1,003 likely voters who are white and have two years or less of college education.

More than 74% of voters in the poll recognized Ocasio-Cortez, with 22% of people surveyed holding a favorable view. One of the New York Democrat’s colleague, Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, received a similar level of fanfare among those polled. She was recognized by 53% of the voters, with 9% of people holding a favorable view of her.

The poll, which was shared to Axios on the condition of anonymity, shows swing voters don’t think much of Ocasio-Cortez’s brand of Democratic socialism. Socialism was viewed favorably by 18% of the voters and unfavorably by 69%
.. . . . . .(SNIP)

What you will likely receive from the Left in reaction to this post is half a dozen Democrats posing as postmodernists who attempt to ensnare you by repeating the contemporarily popular leftist mantra, "but what is socialism?" or "what do you mean by socialism" or "conservatives don't understand socialism" and they'll continue to vomit these same mantras over and over and over again in attempts to make your OP look foolish, uneducated, uninformed. Try not to fall for it, as the only means of debate wannabe postmodernists can come up with these days are endlessly redefining well established definitions and ceaseless repetition of non-facts, half-truths and zero-sum semantics games poorly cobbled together in an effort to discredit the truths they fear more than just about anything else. Truth and reality cannot fit within the confines of their ideology narratives and cult.

Speaking to the OP, a great many aspects of the modern American Left sit well with no American, including lifelong many generation Democrats who would rather bury their heads in the sand than face up to a reality where their Party has gone stark raving fucking mad. Sooner rather than later this cognitive dissonance will catch up to the radicalized postmodernist core of the Democratic Party and said party will implode spectacularly. So noisy will be the end of the Democratic Party that it will not be capable of winning an election for decades to come on anything but the local level. Communism, be it disguised as democratic socialism, green new deal bullshit, political correctness or militant feminism or even racism, cannot fool lifelong Democrats for much longer. The true, overt insanity the Democrats have pushed for decades on the American people is about to meltdown and take the entire leftwing down, down and down, for good.
You gop-phers are more into AOC than me. She is not the maj of Democrats. But I'm glad she has a voice. She is an up and comer, I sure hope she doesn't go rogue like the gop-hers have done.

They seemed obsessed with AOC... They also don'y define what they mean by Socialism... AOC has defined her self as a Democratic Socialist..

They think socialism is like commune living. All money goes in pot and we use what we need.

So like the Military, Police, Fire Dept, Roads, etc.... But why do they keep saying this is not socialism?

A quite common misconception of the ill-informed. What you list are aspects of basic national, state and local government infrastructure, as well as limited economic interventionism, a wholly capitalistic in nature collection of public service support. Remember your G.I. Joe: "knowing is half the battle."
Wasn’t the socialism scare tactic the narrative during the midterms? How did that shake out?
They didn’t gain much when you look at history, and trump is packing the courts
I don’t really care about history, that’s just the spin retort. I look at the fact that the dems took the house mostly with moderate candidates. Not with AOC socialist like y’all try and paint. Honest agreements will earn respect, not the spin jobs
But those mods will be asked in 2020 if they are with aoc or not lol gonna be fun
Those mods are already speaking out against AOC. She is the easiest target for you all so you make the whole thing about her. It’s a lazy attack. Very transparent.
Quote?? Lol
You want me to quote you? If you deny that’s the way you feel and recognize that AOC does not stand for the majority of dems then I’ll gladly retract that statement. Is that how you feel?
Wasn’t the socialism scare tactic the narrative during the midterms? How did that shake out?
Socialism Has to be forced… So that makes it worthless.

If it was worth a shit there would be no resistance to it
You gop-phers are more into AOC than me. She is not the maj of Democrats. But I'm glad she has a voice. She is an up and comer, I sure hope she doesn't go rogue like the gop-hers have done.

They seemed obsessed with AOC... They also don'y define what they mean by Socialism... AOC has defined her self as a Democratic Socialist..
You gop-phers are more into AOC than me. She is not the maj of Democrats. But I'm glad she has a voice. She is an up and comer, I sure hope she doesn't go rogue like the gop-hers have done.

They seemed obsessed with AOC... They also don'y define what they mean by Socialism... AOC has defined her self as a Democratic Socialist..

They think socialism is like commune living. All money goes in pot and we use what we need.
Wasn’t the socialism scare tactic the narrative during the midterms? How did that shake out?

That was pre-AOC. She is the most visibly active, primarily on social media, member of congress and she is a flaming Socialist.

I have a hunch the Senior Dems like Pisslosi want her gone. They don’t care for the association.
This is common sense. The majority of Democrats in red states are not going to be as progressive. Most of them will be centrists and blue dogs. If Rep Cortez wants to execrate them for not marching in lockstep with her politics, she will make it that much easier for the GOP to take those seats. Another example of her neophyte experience in the HoR.

If she is defining the party then why does she have to execrate them? Voters are not as stupid as you think and can tell the difference.

You mean the same voters who picked A giant orange clown over a pantsuit Bulldyke, those voters?
Wasn’t the socialism scare tactic the narrative during the midterms? How did that shake out?

That was pre-AOC. She is the most visibly active, primarily on social media, member of congress and she is a flaming Socialist.

I have a hunch the Senior Dems like Pisslosi want her gone. They don’t care for the association.
She is the Jim Jordan and Devin Nunez of the Left nothing more... activism and noise not serious governing.
Wasn’t the socialism scare tactic the narrative during the midterms? How did that shake out?
ones that won the midterm were all moderate democrats

but as long as Trump with his criticism of these American hating socialist democrats keeps them in the news cycle they become and remain the face of the party

the 2020 election will be capitalism vs socialism patriotism against hating America
Wasn’t the socialism scare tactic the narrative during the midterms? How did that shake out?
ones that won the midterm were all moderate democrats

but as long as Trump with his criticism of these American hating socialist democrats keeps them in the news cycle they become and remain the face of the party

the 2020 election will be capitalism vs socialism patriotism against hating America
I sure as hell hope it’s not capitalism vs socialism. Trump beats socialism. He doesn’t beat Biden who has a record as a moderate.
Wasn’t the socialism scare tactic the narrative during the midterms? How did that shake out?
ones that won the midterm were all moderate democrats

but as long as Trump with his criticism of these American hating socialist democrats keeps them in the news cycle they become and remain the face of the party

the 2020 election will be capitalism vs socialism patriotism against hating America
I sure as hell hope it’s not capitalism vs socialism. Trump beats socialism. He doesn’t beat Biden who has a record as a moderate.
Bidden is being forced further and further left to pander to the democrat radical socialist base to win the primary
so far left no way will he be able to track back to the center to win the moderate and swing voter to win in the general
Wasn’t the socialism scare tactic the narrative during the midterms? How did that shake out?
ones that won the midterm were all moderate democrats

but as long as Trump with his criticism of these American hating socialist democrats keeps them in the news cycle they become and remain the face of the party

the 2020 election will be capitalism vs socialism patriotism against hating America
I sure as hell hope it’s not capitalism vs socialism. Trump beats socialism. He doesn’t beat Biden who has a record as a moderate.
Bidden is being forced further and further left to pander to the democrat radical socialist base to win the primary
so far left no way will he be able to track back to the center to win the moderate and swing voter to win in the general
Of course he will... does anybody ever stick to their campaign promises?! Hell no. Its an unfortunate by product of our corrupt and dishonest campaign system we run our country with.
Wasn’t the socialism scare tactic the narrative during the midterms? How did that shake out?

Presidential election years draws more voters, so it could hurt the left if Trump can win again...
You didn’t answer my question.

But yes, it would def hurt the left if trump wins again.

Question was not directed to me Slade.

Your side won because many GOP incumbents had left the GOP House for something different and most because of Trump which opened the door for a massive ass kicking in the 2018 election but your side failed to obtain the Senate.

The reality is had most of the GOP that stepped away ran again they would have won and the House might have stayed slightly red but we know what happened.

So America does not want Socialism unless you are New York, Chicago or California and the 2020 Election could spell doom for the Democrats if Trump win again because it mean he will gain House Seats that year...
Wasn’t the socialism scare tactic the narrative during the midterms? How did that shake out?
ones that won the midterm were all moderate democrats

but as long as Trump with his criticism of these American hating socialist democrats keeps them in the news cycle they become and remain the face of the party

the 2020 election will be capitalism vs socialism patriotism against hating America
I sure as hell hope it’s not capitalism vs socialism. Trump beats socialism. He doesn’t beat Biden who has a record as a moderate.
Bidden is being forced further and further left to pander to the democrat radical socialist base to win the primary
so far left no way will he be able to track back to the center to win the moderate and swing voter to win in the general
Of course he will... does anybody ever stick to their campaign promises?! Hell no. Its an unfortunate by product of our corrupt and dishonest campaign system we run our country with.
the flip flops will destroy him in the debates and Biden has already proven he is a terrible debater and wont be able to back track or defend his comments he has made during the primary
You gop-phers are more into AOC than me. She is not the maj of Democrats. But I'm glad she has a voice. She is an up and comer, I sure hope she doesn't go rogue like the gop-hers have done.

They seemed obsessed with AOC... They also don'y define what they mean by Socialism... AOC has defined her self as a Democratic Socialist..
She is the gift that keeps on giving. She puts herself out in front and it would be stupid to not point out her stupidity...that is what pisses off dumb fucks like yourself.
They didn’t gain much when you look at history, and trump is packing the courts
I don’t really care about history, that’s just the spin retort. I look at the fact that the dems took the house mostly with moderate candidates. Not with AOC socialist like y’all try and paint. Honest agreements will earn respect, not the spin jobs
But those mods will be asked in 2020 if they are with aoc or not lol gonna be fun
Those mods are already speaking out against AOC. She is the easiest target for you all so you make the whole thing about her. It’s a lazy attack. Very transparent.
Quote?? Lol
You want me to quote you? If you deny that’s the way you feel and recognize that AOC does not stand for the majority of dems then I’ll gladly retract that statement. Is that how you feel?
I didn’t think so, she owns your party.. you will sink

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