Socialism in 24 Seconds

The newly employed workers don't pay taxes? The utilities don't pay taxes? The industries making, importing and selling wind turbines and solar panels don't pay taxes?
Debt interest began skyrocketing with the Leftard myth that is nothing but payouts to rich donors.
I'm sorry, but you missed the point where you present some evidence linking interest and the new debt that created it to renewable energy and EVs: your original claim.
Wouldn't that link be government subsidies to artificially incentivize commercial activities such that it affects inflation and thus interest rates? Or maybe competes with other capital projects for funding thus affecting market driven interest rates. Upon further reflection, I'd have to say both are happening.
Wouldn't that link be government subsidies to artificially incentivize commercial activities such that it affects inflation and thus interest rates? Or maybe competes with other capital projects for funding thus affecting market driven interest rates. Upon further reflection, I'd have to say both are happening.
You're both missing the magnitude of those expenditures. How do the amounts being expended on energy and EV subsidies compare to total outlays and total debt? Think about inflation and the war in Ukraine.
You're both missing the magnitude of those expenditures. How do the amounts being expended on energy and EV subsidies compare to total outlays and total debt? Think about inflation and the war in Ukraine.
Don't care. It's the direction that matters. Remove investment and that has a market effect on interest rates. Remove investment and that has an effect on inflation. So if you artificially create a market through subsidies, there will be a corresponding effect on interest rates and inflation. I don't need to prove how much. I only need to prove there is an effect. And that can be done through inspection because it is self evident.
Don't care. It's the direction that matters.
Bullshit. It's the fucking bookkeeping that matters.
Remove investment and that has a market effect on interest rates.
A market effect? Did you mean "marked effect"? And what investment is being removed? You were just claiming that the rise in interest payments was due to renewable energy and EV subsidies. Those aren't removed investments:.
Remove investment and that has an effect on inflation.
Babble, babble, babble
So if you artificially create a market through subsidies, there will be a corresponding effect on interest rates and inflation.
Some petroleum subsidies in the tax code began more than a century ago. Investment Tax Credits, which have primarily benefitted solar EV began in 1978. Production Tax Credits, which have primarily benefitted wind turbines, began in 1992. Remember causation REQUIRES correlation. You don't have it. Your claim fails.
I don't need to prove how much. I only need to prove there is an effect. And that can be done through inspection because it is self evident.
Have you ever noted how often you conclude its unnecessary to examine your conclusions - even before you initially make them?
Bullshit. It's the fucking bookkeeping that matters.

A market effect? Did you mean "marked effect"? And what investment is being removed? You were just claiming that the rise in interest payments was due to renewable energy and EV subsidies. Those aren't removed investments:.

Babble, babble, babble

Some petroleum subsidies in the tax code began more than a century ago. Investment Tax Credits, which have primarily benefitted solar EV began in 1978. Production Tax Credits, which have primarily benefitted wind turbines, began in 1992. Remember causation REQUIRES correlation. You don't have it. Your claim fails.

Have you ever noted how often you conclude its unnecessary to examine your conclusions - even before you initially make them?
I couldn't disagree more and have already explained it in terms you should have been able to comprehend.

Remove investment and that has a market effect on interest rates. Remove investment and that has an effect on inflation. So if you artificially create a market through subsidies, there will be a corresponding effect on interest rates and inflation. These are fundamental economic principles.
I couldn't disagree more and have already explained it in terms you should have been able to comprehend.
No, you haven't. You keep stating your conclusions with no explanation whatsoever as to how you reached them. And in your post #26 you have the fucking gall to claim your contentions do not require examination - that they're self-evident.
Remove investment and that has a market effect on interest rates.
What do you mean by "remove investment"? Block investments in some way? Disincentivize investment? Eliminate a market? What?

What effect does it actually have? Do interest rates go up or down? Is it temporary or permanent? What is the relationship - the function - between investment removed and interest rates? To what interest rates are you referring? Short term? Long term? Loan rates? Investment rates? This is just another of your meaningless snippets that says absolutely nothing.
Remove investment and that has an effect on inflation.
What effect does it actually have? Does inflation go up or down? Is it temporary or permanent? What is the relationship - the function - between investment removed and inflation rates? To what inflation rates are you referring? Consumables? Durable goods? Housing? This is just another of your meaningless snippets that says absolutely nothing.
So if you artificially create a market through subsidies, there will be a corresponding effect on interest rates and inflation. These are fundamental economic principles.
If subsidies create a market (wind turbines, solarEV, EVs and petroleum) that will attract investments, not remove them. And, of course, you have not actually told us what these effects will be. These aren't fundamental economic principles, they are more of your meaningless babble.
I couldn't disagree more and have already explained it in terms you should have been able to comprehend.

Remove investment and that has a market effect on interest rates. Remove investment and that has an effect on inflation. So if you artificially create a market through subsidies, there will be a corresponding effect on interest rates and inflation. These are fundamental economic principles.
Any chance you might address the multiple shortcomings in this post? See #29 for a few outstanding questions.
No, you haven't. You keep stating your conclusions with no explanation whatsoever as to how you reached them. And in your post #26 you have the fucking gall to claim your contentions do not require examination - that they're self-evident.

What do you mean by "remove investment"? Block investments in some way? Disincentivize investment? Eliminate a market? What?

What effect does it actually have? Do interest rates go up or down? Is it temporary or permanent? What is the relationship - the function - between investment removed and interest rates? To what interest rates are you referring? Short term? Long term? Loan rates? Investment rates? This is just another of your meaningless snippets that says absolutely nothing.

What effect does it actually have? Does inflation go up or down? Is it temporary or permanent? What is the relationship - the function - between investment removed and inflation rates? To what inflation rates are you referring? Consumables? Durable goods? Housing? This is just another of your meaningless snippets that says absolutely nothing.

If subsidies create a market (wind turbines, solarEV, EVs and petroleum) that will attract investments, not remove them. And, of course, you have not actually told us what these effects will be. These aren't fundamental economic principles, they are more of your meaningless babble.
Any chance you might address the multiple shortcomings in this post? See #29 for a few outstanding questions.
I have already explained it in terms you should have been able to comprehend. How many times do I need to restate it?
Crick probably believes the narrative that the US can continue spending beyond its means forever without their being any negative consequences.
Crick probably believes the narrative that the US can continue spending beyond its means forever without their being any negative consequences.
Ding probably believes that he can just keep making up derogatory stuff about me and people will forget what a worthless idiot I have repeatedly shown him to be.
Ding probably believes that he can just keep making up derogatory stuff about me and people will forget what a worthless idiot I have repeatedly shown him to be.
There's nothing derogatory in saying... Remove investment and that has a market effect on interest rates. Remove investment and that has an effect on inflation. So if you artificially create a market through subsidies, there will be a corresponding effect on interest rates and inflation. These are fundamental economic principles.
There's nothing derogatory in saying... Remove investment and that has a market effect on interest rates. Remove investment and that has an effect on inflation. So if you artificially create a market through subsidies, there will be a corresponding effect on interest rates and inflation. These are fundamental economic principles.
You don't have a very high opinion of your audience, do you. Do you actually think they didn't notice the many times you've virulently dissed me with no demonstrated justification? Do you actually think they believe it was to this comment I was referring? You must think they're all idiots.
Substance is nothing to the Left. Appearance is everything. ‘I care’ is all you need to say to the sheeple Left to make them happy.

The socialist Spanish minister uses a private jet to attend a climate conference. 100 metres before the venue she gets out off the limo and takes a bicycle. The security cars follow her.

Socialism is always the 1% living like royalty and the 99% living in squalor.

They all know it’s a scam. First from researchers looking for grants, then from politicians looking to increase taxes, and now from socialists looking to destroy democracy.
View attachment 803514

Probably what happens before all the Biden bike photo ops too.
You don't have a very high opinion of your audience, do you. Do you actually think they didn't notice the many times you've virulently dissed me with no demonstrated justification? Do you actually think they believe it was to this comment I was referring? You must think they're all idiots.
Not sure how you made that leap in logic. Maybe you are just feeling argumentative today.
Not sure how you made that leap in logic. Maybe you are just feeling argumentative today.
Maybe you're as stupid as you've always been. I was going to leave that after the first sentence, but then I thought, he won't get it. So I added the explanation. And yet you still don't get it.
Maybe you're as stupid as you've always been. I was going to leave that after the first sentence, but then I thought, he won't get it. So I added the explanation. And yet you still don't get it.
Says the guy who can't comprehend... Remove investment and that has a market effect on interest rates. Remove investment and that has an effect on inflation. So if you artificially create a market through subsidies, there will be a corresponding effect on interest rates and inflation. Supply, demand and the subsequent effect on pricing are fundamental economic principles.

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