Socialism is an A+ plan

For losing weight. US is the fattest country, perhaps the Democrats just want to make us healthier? An average Venezuelan has lost 24 pounds since the shift in political ideology.

Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits - Reuters
Come on man, you and I both know Venezuela isn't really socialist. It's a dictatorship hiding behind the name.
It's been transitioning to socialism. So how's that working out for them?
Socialism only suits those in control, for everybody else it’s a living fucking hell
Those are worthless bullshit degrees of indoctrination. I don't waste my time with bullshit. You on the other hand swim in bullshit. Political science major with the mandatory minor in gender studies is what we are looking at.
I have a master's in history, political science not so much at all. It's incredible how many GOP dupes have huge degrees in accounting medicine engineering etc etc and think they know politics. Genius idiots LOL... Totally ignorant about politics. To be a GOP voter you basically have to be...

What does a master's in history get you that a Google search could not?
One thing you learn is that the GOP has been a total greedy idiot disaster since Teddy Roosevelt at least... Never hit the heights it has since Ronald raygun and his give away to the rich and starting the worst propaganda machine in our history, super dupe...

You did not answer my question.
My answer ought to cover it for several years for you super duper LOL... A masters in history tells you all kinds of facts about history and gives you themes etc etc. And tells you to not listen to propaganda machines that never retract anything even though there is no evidence for all the phony scandals you know all about, but Yet you don't know that the greedy idiot GOP Rich has ruined everything they touch forever. See every depression and recession we've had, not to mention Wrecking the treaty of Versailles, the league of Nations, the United Nations. Thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever and another corrupt GOP World depression in 2008 that half of you fools don't even know about. Unbelievable.
The GOP establishment are career politicians just like those on the other side of the isle... You fucking retard
Yeah . Stuff like safety nets, mass transit , hydro dams , internet, fema help.

Those socialist devils !

Safety net = Internet? LMAO
Meanwhile, why are we the only modern country, and all the others are socialists in the modern sense,the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training for opportunity, great vacations and infrastructure and a living wage, and the rich paying more in taxes percentage wise than the rest. Look in the mirror, because only garbage propaganda and zombies like you make this possible....

#1) We have free healthcare. If you get hit by a car you will be treated whether you have insurance or not.
#2) Paid daycare is up to privately held companies. It is a privilege not a right.
#3) Cheap college is because taxes in those countries are sky high. College is too expensive but that is because the stupid Gov't keeps giving students loans of hunderds of thousands to learn useless subject matter that does not give them the tools to earn $$ to pay the tuition back.
#4) Rich pay 84% of the taxes in this country. How more should they pay?

Super Duper. You're a parasite.

1. If you get hit by a car you don’t get free healthcare . You may get treated enough to be stabilized. What about all the follow up that’s needed? Oh, and you now have a huge hospital bill that your broken ass can’t possibly pay .

Broken ass? You just don’t pay it. You still got treated. Should the doctor not get paid for treating you?

No you don’t . What about all the physical therapy and post accident procedures? If he gets treated then that means the taxpayers are now covering him .

Which is what cons always fail to address . They taxpayers are already paying so much into medical. Let make it more efficient.
Safety net = Internet? LMAO
Meanwhile, why are we the only modern country, and all the others are socialists in the modern sense,the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training for opportunity, great vacations and infrastructure and a living wage, and the rich paying more in taxes percentage wise than the rest. Look in the mirror, because only garbage propaganda and zombies like you make this possible....

#1) We have free healthcare. If you get hit by a car you will be treated whether you have insurance or not.
#2) Paid daycare is up to privately held companies. It is a privilege not a right.
#3) Cheap college is because taxes in those countries are sky high. College is too expensive but that is because the stupid Gov't keeps giving students loans of hunderds of thousands to learn useless subject matter that does not give them the tools to earn $$ to pay the tuition back.
#4) Rich pay 84% of the taxes in this country. How more should they pay?

Super Duper. You're a parasite.

1. If you get hit by a car you don’t get free healthcare . You may get treated enough to be stabilized. What about all the follow up that’s needed? Oh, and you now have a huge hospital bill that your broken ass can’t possibly pay .

Broken ass? You just don’t pay it. You still got treated. Should the doctor not get paid for treating you?

No you don’t . What about all the physical therapy and post accident procedures? If he gets treated then that means the taxpayers are now covering him .

Which is what cons always fail to address . They taxpayers are already paying so much into medical. Let make it more efficient.

This is what you don’t get. If you want universal care then amend the law that gives every person automatic citizenship for being born here. The countries in Europe don’t have this law. Also education is free there. If you want to incentivize the doctors then you better give them a carrot because they aren’t paying $400k to become a doctor and not earn enough to repay the debt and to live comfortably. You don’t understand basic economics or mathematics. I am OK with universal care but first I want the immediate citizenship law amended and the give MDs a 15% tax rate for life. Then we can talk. Until then you keep trying to figure out why 2+2 is the same thing as 2*2.
Meanwhile, why are we the only modern country, and all the others are socialists in the modern sense,the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training for opportunity, great vacations and infrastructure and a living wage, and the rich paying more in taxes percentage wise than the rest. Look in the mirror, because only garbage propaganda and zombies like you make this possible....

#1) We have free healthcare. If you get hit by a car you will be treated whether you have insurance or not.
#2) Paid daycare is up to privately held companies. It is a privilege not a right.
#3) Cheap college is because taxes in those countries are sky high. College is too expensive but that is because the stupid Gov't keeps giving students loans of hunderds of thousands to learn useless subject matter that does not give them the tools to earn $$ to pay the tuition back.
#4) Rich pay 84% of the taxes in this country. How more should they pay?

Super Duper. You're a parasite.

1. If you get hit by a car you don’t get free healthcare . You may get treated enough to be stabilized. What about all the follow up that’s needed? Oh, and you now have a huge hospital bill that your broken ass can’t possibly pay .

Broken ass? You just don’t pay it. You still got treated. Should the doctor not get paid for treating you?

No you don’t . What about all the physical therapy and post accident procedures? If he gets treated then that means the taxpayers are now covering him .

Which is what cons always fail to address . They taxpayers are already paying so much into medical. Let make it more efficient.

This is what you don’t get. If you want universal care then amend the law that gives every person automatic citizenship for being born here. The countries in Europe don’t have this law. Also education is free there. If you want to incentivize the doctors then you better give them a carrot because they aren’t paying $400k to become a doctor and not earn enough to repay the debt and to live comfortably. You don’t understand basic economics or mathematics. I am OK with universal care but first I want the immediate citizenship law amended and the give MDs a 15% tax rate for life. Then we can talk. Until then you keep trying to figure out why 2+2 is the same thing as 2*2.

What does birthright have to do with healthcare?

I’m for universal safety net . If you want private insurance, go for it .

And doctors do just fine . They have no problem sucking off the taxpayer teet.
#1) We have free healthcare. If you get hit by a car you will be treated whether you have insurance or not.
#2) Paid daycare is up to privately held companies. It is a privilege not a right.
#3) Cheap college is because taxes in those countries are sky high. College is too expensive but that is because the stupid Gov't keeps giving students loans of hunderds of thousands to learn useless subject matter that does not give them the tools to earn $$ to pay the tuition back.
#4) Rich pay 84% of the taxes in this country. How more should they pay?

Super Duper. You're a parasite.

1. If you get hit by a car you don’t get free healthcare . You may get treated enough to be stabilized. What about all the follow up that’s needed? Oh, and you now have a huge hospital bill that your broken ass can’t possibly pay .

Broken ass? You just don’t pay it. You still got treated. Should the doctor not get paid for treating you?

No you don’t . What about all the physical therapy and post accident procedures? If he gets treated then that means the taxpayers are now covering him .

Which is what cons always fail to address . They taxpayers are already paying so much into medical. Let make it more efficient.

This is what you don’t get. If you want universal care then amend the law that gives every person automatic citizenship for being born here. The countries in Europe don’t have this law. Also education is free there. If you want to incentivize the doctors then you better give them a carrot because they aren’t paying $400k to become a doctor and not earn enough to repay the debt and to live comfortably. You don’t understand basic economics or mathematics. I am OK with universal care but first I want the immediate citizenship law amended and the give MDs a 15% tax rate for life. Then we can talk. Until then you keep trying to figure out why 2+2 is the same thing as 2*2.

What does birthright have to do with healthcare?

I’m for universal safety net . If you want private insurance, go for it .

And doctors do just fine . They have no problem sucking off the taxpayer teet.

Because it will bankrupt us. We need to minimize how many people can get on. That’s what. Doctors do just fine? What? Says you. Typical Leftist does not understand basic mathematics or economics but opines anyway. When you get an education ping me again until then please let the adults talk. Is Medicaid not your safety net? Provided for those who cannot afford insurance.
1. If you get hit by a car you don’t get free healthcare . You may get treated enough to be stabilized. What about all the follow up that’s needed? Oh, and you now have a huge hospital bill that your broken ass can’t possibly pay .

Broken ass? You just don’t pay it. You still got treated. Should the doctor not get paid for treating you?

No you don’t . What about all the physical therapy and post accident procedures? If he gets treated then that means the taxpayers are now covering him .

Which is what cons always fail to address . They taxpayers are already paying so much into medical. Let make it more efficient.

This is what you don’t get. If you want universal care then amend the law that gives every person automatic citizenship for being born here. The countries in Europe don’t have this law. Also education is free there. If you want to incentivize the doctors then you better give them a carrot because they aren’t paying $400k to become a doctor and not earn enough to repay the debt and to live comfortably. You don’t understand basic economics or mathematics. I am OK with universal care but first I want the immediate citizenship law amended and the give MDs a 15% tax rate for life. Then we can talk. Until then you keep trying to figure out why 2+2 is the same thing as 2*2.

What does birthright have to do with healthcare?

I’m for universal safety net . If you want private insurance, go for it .

And doctors do just fine . They have no problem sucking off the taxpayer teet.

Because it will bankrupt us. We need to minimize how many people can get on. That’s what. Doctors do just fine? What? Says you. Typical Leftist does not understand basic mathematics or economics but opines anyway. When you get an education ping me again until then please let the adults talk. Is Medicaid not your safety net? Provided for those who cannot afford insurance.

Point me to some proof docs are doing bad.

Look around. they are all creating health groups and making big cash . Mostly from Medicare / Medicaid.
Broken ass? You just don’t pay it. You still got treated. Should the doctor not get paid for treating you?

No you don’t . What about all the physical therapy and post accident procedures? If he gets treated then that means the taxpayers are now covering him .

Which is what cons always fail to address . They taxpayers are already paying so much into medical. Let make it more efficient.

This is what you don’t get. If you want universal care then amend the law that gives every person automatic citizenship for being born here. The countries in Europe don’t have this law. Also education is free there. If you want to incentivize the doctors then you better give them a carrot because they aren’t paying $400k to become a doctor and not earn enough to repay the debt and to live comfortably. You don’t understand basic economics or mathematics. I am OK with universal care but first I want the immediate citizenship law amended and the give MDs a 15% tax rate for life. Then we can talk. Until then you keep trying to figure out why 2+2 is the same thing as 2*2.

What does birthright have to do with healthcare?

I’m for universal safety net . If you want private insurance, go for it .

And doctors do just fine . They have no problem sucking off the taxpayer teet.

Because it will bankrupt us. We need to minimize how many people can get on. That’s what. Doctors do just fine? What? Says you. Typical Leftist does not understand basic mathematics or economics but opines anyway. When you get an education ping me again until then please let the adults talk. Is Medicaid not your safety net? Provided for those who cannot afford insurance.

Point me to some proof docs are doing bad.

Look around. they are all creating health groups and making big cash . Mostly from Medicare / Medicaid.

They are creating groups because it’s almost impossible to make money being a sole practitioner. You just answered your own question. Your 2nd sentence is completely incorrect. Take an economics class. LMAO. Dummy. They make most of their monies off private pay and many don’t even accept Medicare and Medicaid or have those patients wait a long time to see them, hoping they choose another doctor.
Socialism only suits those in control, for everybody else it’s a living fucking hell
funny how the United States is the 23rd or 37th happiest country and all those socialist countries are ahead of us the EU Canada Australia Japan newzealand. No not communist. Super duper.
I have a master's in history, political science not so much at all. It's incredible how many GOP dupes have huge degrees in accounting medicine engineering etc etc and think they know politics. Genius idiots LOL... Totally ignorant about politics. To be a GOP voter you basically have to be...

What does a master's in history get you that a Google search could not?
One thing you learn is that the GOP has been a total greedy idiot disaster since Teddy Roosevelt at least... Never hit the heights it has since Ronald raygun and his give away to the rich and starting the worst propaganda machine in our history, super dupe...

You did not answer my question.
My answer ought to cover it for several years for you super duper LOL... A masters in history tells you all kinds of facts about history and gives you themes etc etc. And tells you to not listen to propaganda machines that never retract anything even though there is no evidence for all the phony scandals you know all about, but Yet you don't know that the greedy idiot GOP Rich has ruined everything they touch forever. See every depression and recession we've had, not to mention Wrecking the treaty of Versailles, the league of Nations, the United Nations. Thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever and another corrupt GOP World depression in 2008 that half of you fools don't even know about. Unbelievable.
The GOP establishment are career politicians just like those on the other side of the isle... You fucking retard
The difference is the Republicans are bought off by Big money hypocrites who are afraid to cross Fox Trump Rush Limbaugh etc etc garbage propaganda machine. Try thinking about policy someday. GOP blocks living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training that actually make people happy and are family friendly.
For losing weight. US is the fattest country, perhaps the Democrats just want to make us healthier? An average Venezuelan has lost 24 pounds since the shift in political ideology.

Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits - Reuters
Come on man, you and I both know Venezuela isn't really socialist. It's a dictatorship hiding behind the name.

Oh but it wasn't REAL socialism...

Where have we heard this one before? Certainly batshit crazy socialists repeat it ad nauseam.

You picked the wrong country. USA is by design, the least socialist country on the planet, galaxy, perhaps the multiverse. You can fuck off.
The USA began with socialist programs and continued with some of those programs and added more as it continued.
What does a master's in history get you that a Google search could not?
One thing you learn is that the GOP has been a total greedy idiot disaster since Teddy Roosevelt at least... Never hit the heights it has since Ronald raygun and his give away to the rich and starting the worst propaganda machine in our history, super dupe...

You did not answer my question.
My answer ought to cover it for several years for you super duper LOL... A masters in history tells you all kinds of facts about history and gives you themes etc etc. And tells you to not listen to propaganda machines that never retract anything even though there is no evidence for all the phony scandals you know all about, but Yet you don't know that the greedy idiot GOP Rich has ruined everything they touch forever. See every depression and recession we've had, not to mention Wrecking the treaty of Versailles, the league of Nations, the United Nations. Thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever and another corrupt GOP World depression in 2008 that half of you fools don't even know about. Unbelievable.
The GOP establishment are career politicians just like those on the other side of the isle... You fucking retard
The difference is the Republicans are bought off by Big money hypocrites who are afraid to cross Fox Trump Rush Limbaugh etc etc garbage propaganda machine. Try thinking about policy someday. GOP blocks living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training that actually make people happy and are family friendly.
I see today the Trump Administration join the Democrats telling big Pharma to publish their prices. Amazing.
You continue with warriors not politicians. The wars are over or should be.

Easy to govern during peace. Real leaders emerge during difficulties of war. IMO
It is hard to govern well. Even the ones I mentioned were totally blocked Carter Clinton Obama. The country is desperate for a Democrat Landslide and 60 votes in the Senate so we can rejoin the modern world.

Not from where I am sitting. I see it the other way. We should not follow others but lead by example. Hence we debate.
We used to lead the world until Nixon and Reagan... But this is ridiculous as far as letting ourselves be screwed over by the greedy idiot rich.... Thanks GOP

Please explain how the greedy idiot rich are screwing you over exactly, If you have a job then your income is provided by a Company that makes it possible for you to support yourself and your family. So you believe that the Company's that are successful should be forced to pay so much in taxes or be so regulated that they can't be competitive/ profitable. What is your plan for feeding yourself when all the greedy rich idiots decide your employment is no longer a viable option due to tax obligations and Govt. regulation. Oh that's right the Govt should be required to give you what you feel you deserve without you doing anything productive to deserve it. The only problem is when businesses go bust the taxes paid to support your sorry ass go bye bye right along with them it's why Socialism doesn't work EVER
Socialism always works see every other modern country but us. The only rich country without Health Care daycare living wage cheap college and training good infrastructure 5-week vacations, and now the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. Great job by the GOP the last 35 years.

The corporations we're talkin about are paying next to nothing in Taxes on billions and billions of dollars in profit. The only thing that makes you possible is propaganda, brain-washed functional moron.
One thing you learn is that the GOP has been a total greedy idiot disaster since Teddy Roosevelt at least... Never hit the heights it has since Ronald raygun and his give away to the rich and starting the worst propaganda machine in our history, super dupe...

You did not answer my question.
My answer ought to cover it for several years for you super duper LOL... A masters in history tells you all kinds of facts about history and gives you themes etc etc. And tells you to not listen to propaganda machines that never retract anything even though there is no evidence for all the phony scandals you know all about, but Yet you don't know that the greedy idiot GOP Rich has ruined everything they touch forever. See every depression and recession we've had, not to mention Wrecking the treaty of Versailles, the league of Nations, the United Nations. Thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever and another corrupt GOP World depression in 2008 that half of you fools don't even know about. Unbelievable.
The GOP establishment are career politicians just like those on the other side of the isle... You fucking retard
The difference is the Republicans are bought off by Big money hypocrites who are afraid to cross Fox Trump Rush Limbaugh etc etc garbage propaganda machine. Try thinking about policy someday. GOP blocks living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training that actually make people happy and are family friendly.
I see today the Trump Administration join the Democrats telling big Pharma to publish their prices. Amazing.
Easy to govern during peace. Real leaders emerge during difficulties of war. IMO
It is hard to govern well. Even the ones I mentioned were totally blocked Carter Clinton Obama. The country is desperate for a Democrat Landslide and 60 votes in the Senate so we can rejoin the modern world.

Not from where I am sitting. I see it the other way. We should not follow others but lead by example. Hence we debate.
We used to lead the world until Nixon and Reagan... But this is ridiculous as far as letting ourselves be screwed over by the greedy idiot rich.... Thanks GOP

Please explain how the greedy idiot rich are screwing you over exactly, If you have a job then your income is provided by a Company that makes it possible for you to support yourself and your family. So you believe that the Company's that are successful should be forced to pay so much in taxes or be so regulated that they can't be competitive/ profitable. What is your plan for feeding yourself when all the greedy rich idiots decide your employment is no longer a viable option due to tax obligations and Govt. regulation. Oh that's right the Govt should be required to give you what you feel you deserve without you doing anything productive to deserve it. The only problem is when businesses go bust the taxes paid to support your sorry ass go bye bye right along with them it's why Socialism doesn't work EVER
Socialism always works see every other modern country but us. The only rich country without Health Care daycare living wage cheap college and training good infrastructure 5-week vacations, and now the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. Great job by the GOP the last 35 years.

The corporations we're talkin about are paying next to nothing in Taxes on billions and billions of dollars in profit. The only thing that makes you possible is propaganda, brain-washed functional moron.

Super Duper. Like the Clinton Foundation?
Why don’t you tell me what is all socialism the democrats are up too?

Or are you using “socialism “ as a scary word to freak out all the rubes who don’t even know what it means?

Perhaps you could translate the sentence I highlighted into English.
One thing you learn is that the GOP has been a total greedy idiot disaster since Teddy Roosevelt at least... Never hit the heights it has since Ronald raygun and his give away to the rich and starting the worst propaganda machine in our history, super dupe...

You did not answer my question.
My answer ought to cover it for several years for you super duper LOL... A masters in history tells you all kinds of facts about history and gives you themes etc etc. And tells you to not listen to propaganda machines that never retract anything even though there is no evidence for all the phony scandals you know all about, but Yet you don't know that the greedy idiot GOP Rich has ruined everything they touch forever. See every depression and recession we've had, not to mention Wrecking the treaty of Versailles, the league of Nations, the United Nations. Thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever and another corrupt GOP World depression in 2008 that half of you fools don't even know about. Unbelievable.
The GOP establishment are career politicians just like those on the other side of the isle... You fucking retard
The difference is the Republicans are bought off by Big money hypocrites who are afraid to cross Fox Trump Rush Limbaugh etc etc garbage propaganda machine. Try thinking about policy someday. GOP blocks living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave good vacations good infrastructure cheap college and training that actually make people happy and are family friendly.
I see today the Trump Administration join the Democrats telling big Pharma to publish their prices. Amazing.
Easy to govern during peace. Real leaders emerge during difficulties of war. IMO
It is hard to govern well. Even the ones I mentioned were totally blocked Carter Clinton Obama. The country is desperate for a Democrat Landslide and 60 votes in the Senate so we can rejoin the modern world.

Not from where I am sitting. I see it the other way. We should not follow others but lead by example. Hence we debate.
We used to lead the world until Nixon and Reagan... But this is ridiculous as far as letting ourselves be screwed over by the greedy idiot rich.... Thanks GOP

Please explain how the greedy idiot rich are screwing you over exactly, If you have a job then your income is provided by a Company that makes it possible for you to support yourself and your family. So you believe that the Company's that are successful should be forced to pay so much in taxes or be so regulated that they can't be competitive/ profitable. What is your plan for feeding yourself when all the greedy rich idiots decide your employment is no longer a viable option due to tax obligations and Govt. regulation. Oh that's right the Govt should be required to give you what you feel you deserve without you doing anything productive to deserve it. The only problem is when businesses go bust the taxes paid to support your sorry ass go bye bye right along with them it's why Socialism doesn't work EVER
Socialism always works see every other modern country but us. The only rich country without Health Care daycare living wage cheap college and training good infrastructure 5-week vacations, and now the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. Great job by the GOP the last 35 years.

The corporations we're talkin about are paying next to nothing in Taxes on billions and billions of dollars in profit. The only thing that makes you possible is propaganda, brain-washed functional moron.

I have Already told you it’s a free country and employees can choose to work where they wish and garner their “living wage”
The USA began with socialist programs and continued with some of those programs and added more as it continued.

Yes, Jamestown was begun with a socialist plan around 1607. That plan failed, many people died. A new governor took control, Capitalism was adopted and the settlement thrived.
The USA began with socialist programs and continued with some of those programs and added more as it continued.

Yes, Jamestown was begun with a socialist plan around 1607. That plan failed, many people died. A new governor took control, Capitalism was adopted and the settlement thrived.
A new Governor took control? According to the diaries of William Bradford it was him. He gave the land to settler families to benefit from the production after the failure of socialist equality.

History classes no longer teach from the early days of America unless it's lies.

Fascism for some:

You fascists are no different than the fucking commies.

We will get rid of you too.


Where is Socialism? Oh, right, in your photo above.


If you're trying to make the ridiculous claim that Hitler was some kind of far left progressive, at least look up actual quotes from Hitler and not the misattributed quote of an irrelevant underling

Man, you lefties are so confused...Communism/dictatorship is one SMALL step from Socialism. I swear I don't know where you guys are learning your history.
So how many types of socialism do you there are, and does Christian socialism lead to communism? How about America's Social Security program has it led to communism, as we were promised by Republicans?

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