Socialism is an A+ plan

For losing weight. US is the fattest country, perhaps the Democrats just want to make us healthier? An average Venezuelan has lost 24 pounds since the shift in political ideology.

Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits - Reuters
Come on man, you and I both know Venezuela isn't really socialist. It's a dictatorship hiding behind the name.

Maybe they should try something new! A dictator hiding behind Socialism as a ploy for legitimacy. Sounds like Commie Shit to me. Every Socialist ever has been the leader of a dictatorial govt. It doesn't work any other way, that's the point Socialism requires complete govt control. Dictatorships require complete govt. control. All a socialist leader has to do is look in the mirror to find dictator.

A socialist will seize power and take your rights away!
A democratic Socialist will lie to get you to vote for them first. :5_1_12024:
You're talking about communists. We are talkin about socialist as defined in the modern world except in GOP dupe America.
Name some great leaders (political) and why.
Any Democrat, because they have been for socialism in the modern sense. Fair capitalism with a good safety net. And no I do not need to hear any phony scandals, misinformation, or gossip propaganda.
And you are ignorant.
How so? Any actual argument?

Example being $35mil spent. Mueller and Barr agree that there was no conspiracy but the hearings continue. Waste of time and money if you look at it objectively. Similar crap happened with Holder and the Fast and the Furious.
On the other hand why would the Russians want these Trump idiots colluding with them, they did just great on their own. So why did they meet with the Russians dozens of times and never report it to anyone, and lie about it?I think Mueller was a coward not to make a judgment and I think barr is too pro Presidential power. At least LOL

Knowing someone who knew someone who spoke with a Russian businessman or Politician does not "Collusion make" I'm sure President Trump had relationships with Russian Businessmen thus Politicians way before becoming President. It makes him well informed and aware not guilty of a crime. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. With Executive Privilege Invoked it's over. No Mueller or Barr testimony Congress has no Judicial Power. They'll just have to "Move On" !
Those guys were great in Wars, in peace not so much. Washington okay. My top 5 same deal. FDR Obama Carter Clinton mitterrand Charles de Gaulle Napoleon LOL

My #6 is the great but underrated Charles Martel. And another underrated one was James Polk.
You continue with warriors not politicians. The wars are over or should be.

Easy to govern during peace. Real leaders emerge during difficulties of war. IMO
It is hard to govern well. Even the ones I mentioned were totally blocked Carter Clinton Obama. The country is desperate for a Democrat Landslide and 60 votes in the Senate so we can rejoin the modern world.

Not from where I am sitting. I see it the other way. We should not follow others but lead by example. Hence we debate.
We used to lead the world until Nixon and Reagan... But this is ridiculous as far as letting ourselves be screwed over by the greedy idiot rich.... Thanks GOP
Any Democrat, because they have been for socialism in the modern sense. Fair capitalism with a good safety net. And no I do not need to hear any phony scandals, misinformation, or gossip propaganda.
And you are ignorant.
How so? Any actual argument?

Example being $35mil spent. Mueller and Barr agree that there was no conspiracy but the hearings continue. Waste of time and money if you look at it objectively. Similar crap happened with Holder and the Fast and the Furious.
On the other hand why would the Russians want these Trump idiots colluding with them, they did just great on their own. So why did they meet with the Russians dozens of times and never report it to anyone, and lie about it?I think Mueller was a coward not to make a judgment and I think barr is too pro Presidential power. At least LOL

Knowing someone who knew someone who spoke with a Russian businessman or Politician does not "Collusion make" I'm sure President Trump had relationships with Russian Businessmen thus Politicians way before becoming President. It makes him well informed and aware not guilty of a crime. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. With Exutive Privilege Invoked it's over. No Mueller or Barr testimony Congress has no Judicial Power. They'll just have to "Move On" !
you idiots had 8 investigations of Benghazi and never found anything except more GOP lies. We shall see. It is just beginning, despite GOP garbage propaganda and Dupes like you....
And you are ignorant.
How so? Any actual argument?

Example being $35mil spent. Mueller and Barr agree that there was no conspiracy but the hearings continue. Waste of time and money if you look at it objectively. Similar crap happened with Holder and the Fast and the Furious.
On the other hand why would the Russians want these Trump idiots colluding with them, they did just great on their own. So why did they meet with the Russians dozens of times and never report it to anyone, and lie about it?I think Mueller was a coward not to make a judgment and I think barr is too pro Presidential power. At least LOL

Knowing someone who knew someone who spoke with a Russian businessman or Politician does not "Collusion make" I'm sure President Trump had relationships with Russian Businessmen thus Politicians way before becoming President. It makes him well informed and aware not guilty of a crime. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. With Exutive Privilege Invoked it's over. No Mueller or Barr testimony Congress has no Judicial Power. They'll just have to "Move On" !
you idiots had 8 investigations of Benghazi and never found anything except more GOP lies. We shall see. It is just beginning, despite GOP garbage propaganda and Dupes like you....
No lies, demoncrap obstruction. You idiots are what's wrong in this country.
For losing weight. US is the fattest country, perhaps the Democrats just want to make us healthier? An average Venezuelan has lost 24 pounds since the shift in political ideology.

Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits - Reuters
Come on man, you and I both know Venezuela isn't really socialist. It's a dictatorship hiding behind the name.

Maybe they should try something new! A dictator hiding behind Socialism as a ploy for legitimacy. Sounds like Commie Shit to me. Every Socialist ever has been the leader of a dictatorial govt. It doesn't work any other way, that's the point Socialism requires complete govt control. Dictatorships require complete govt. control. All a socialist leader has to do is look in the mirror to find dictator.

A socialist will seize power and take your rights away!
A democratic Socialist will lie to get you to vote for them first. :5_1_12024:
You're talking about communists. We are talkin about socialist as defined in the modern world except in GOP dupe America.
Socialism, communism, progressive, all the same sick anti American disease. If you like socialism so much, leave asswipe.
For losing weight. US is the fattest country, perhaps the Democrats just want to make us healthier? An average Venezuelan has lost 24 pounds since the shift in political ideology.

Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits - Reuters
Come on man, you and I both know Venezuela isn't really socialist. It's a dictatorship hiding behind the name.

Maybe they should try something new! A dictator hiding behind Socialism as a ploy for legitimacy. Sounds like Commie Shit to me. Every Socialist ever has been the leader of a dictatorial govt. It doesn't work any other way, that's the point Socialism requires complete govt control. Dictatorships require complete govt. control. All a socialist leader has to do is look in the mirror to find dictator.

A socialist will seize power and take your rights away!
A democratic Socialist will lie to get you to vote for them first. :5_1_12024:
You're talking about communists. We are talkin about socialist as defined in the modern world except in GOP dupe America.
Socialism, communism, progressive, all the same sick anti American disease. If you like socialism so much, leave asswipe.
Canada is socialist. Communist is dead. Progressive is socialist. You are brainwashed functional moron. Why are we the only country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave 5 week vacations living wage cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration, higher tax rates for the rich? Thank you scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. You can't leave unless you are mega rich or doctor or married to a citizen or and Italian legacy. Just stupid like everything else you know.
For losing weight. US is the fattest country, perhaps the Democrats just want to make us healthier? An average Venezuelan has lost 24 pounds since the shift in political ideology.

Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits - Reuters
Come on man, you and I both know Venezuela isn't really socialist. It's a dictatorship hiding behind the name.

Maybe they should try something new! A dictator hiding behind Socialism as a ploy for legitimacy. Sounds like Commie Shit to me. Every Socialist ever has been the leader of a dictatorial govt. It doesn't work any other way, that's the point Socialism requires complete govt control. Dictatorships require complete govt. control. All a socialist leader has to do is look in the mirror to find dictator.

A socialist will seize power and take your rights away!
A democratic Socialist will lie to get you to vote for them first. :5_1_12024:
You're talking about communists. We are talkin about socialist as defined in the modern world except in GOP dupe America.
Socialism, communism, progressive, all the same sick anti American disease. If you like socialism so much, leave asswipe.
Canada is socialist. Communist is dead. Progressive is socialist. You are brainwashed functional moron. Why are we the only country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave 5 week vacations living wage cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration, higher tax rates for the rich? Thank you scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. You can't leave unless you are mega rich or doctor or married to a citizen or and Italian legacy. Just stupid like everything else you know.
At what rate do you want to tax the rich? Super duper.
Come on man, you and I both know Venezuela isn't really socialist. It's a dictatorship hiding behind the name.

Maybe they should try something new! A dictator hiding behind Socialism as a ploy for legitimacy. Sounds like Commie Shit to me. Every Socialist ever has been the leader of a dictatorial govt. It doesn't work any other way, that's the point Socialism requires complete govt control. Dictatorships require complete govt. control. All a socialist leader has to do is look in the mirror to find dictator.

A socialist will seize power and take your rights away!
A democratic Socialist will lie to get you to vote for them first. :5_1_12024:
You're talking about communists. We are talkin about socialist as defined in the modern world except in GOP dupe America.
Socialism, communism, progressive, all the same sick anti American disease. If you like socialism so much, leave asswipe.
Canada is socialist. Communist is dead. Progressive is socialist. You are brainwashed functional moron. Why are we the only country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave 5 week vacations living wage cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration, higher tax rates for the rich? Thank you scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. You can't leave unless you are mega rich or doctor or married to a citizen or and Italian legacy. Just stupid like everything else you know.
At what rate do you want to tax the rich? Super duper.
Something like 50% over 500000 60% / 2 million 70% over 10 million and cut taxes on the Non rich...
Maybe they should try something new! A dictator hiding behind Socialism as a ploy for legitimacy. Sounds like Commie Shit to me. Every Socialist ever has been the leader of a dictatorial govt. It doesn't work any other way, that's the point Socialism requires complete govt control. Dictatorships require complete govt. control. All a socialist leader has to do is look in the mirror to find dictator.

A socialist will seize power and take your rights away!
A democratic Socialist will lie to get you to vote for them first. :5_1_12024:
You're talking about communists. We are talkin about socialist as defined in the modern world except in GOP dupe America.
Socialism, communism, progressive, all the same sick anti American disease. If you like socialism so much, leave asswipe.
Canada is socialist. Communist is dead. Progressive is socialist. You are brainwashed functional moron. Why are we the only country without Health Care daycare paid parental leave 5 week vacations living wage cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration, higher tax rates for the rich? Thank you scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you. You can't leave unless you are mega rich or doctor or married to a citizen or and Italian legacy. Just stupid like everything else you know.
At what rate do you want to tax the rich? Super duper.
Something like 50% over 500000 60% / 2 million 70% over 10 million and cut taxes on the Non rich...

Real tax rate never went over 40% because of the loopholes and deductions. Even for the rich. True story. Reagan did lower taxes but he also eliminated lots of loopholes. I studied Business and Finance in school.
My #6 is the great but underrated Charles Martel. And another underrated one was James Polk.
You continue with warriors not politicians. The wars are over or should be.

Easy to govern during peace. Real leaders emerge during difficulties of war. IMO
It is hard to govern well. Even the ones I mentioned were totally blocked Carter Clinton Obama. The country is desperate for a Democrat Landslide and 60 votes in the Senate so we can rejoin the modern world.

Not from where I am sitting. I see it the other way. We should not follow others but lead by example. Hence we debate.
We used to lead the world until Nixon and Reagan... But this is ridiculous as far as letting ourselves be screwed over by the greedy idiot rich.... Thanks GOP

Please explain how the greedy idiot rich are screwing you over exactly, If you have a job then your income is provided by a Company that makes it possible for you to support yourself and your family. So you believe that the Company's that are successful should be forced to pay so much in taxes or be so regulated that they can't be competitive/ profitable. What is your plan for feeding yourself when all the greedy rich idiots decide your employment is no longer a viable option due to tax obligations and Govt. regulation. Oh that's right the Govt should be required to give you what you feel you deserve without you doing anything productive to deserve it. The only problem is when businesses go bust the taxes paid to support your sorry ass go bye bye right along with them it's why Socialism doesn't work EVER
equal protection of the law regarding employment at will for unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States can solve simple poverty and improve the efficiency of our economy.
Yeah . Stuff like safety nets, mass transit , hydro dams , internet, fema help.

Those socialist devils !

I hope you don't think any of those items you list are Socialism.

Why don’t you tell me what is all socialism the democrats are up too?

Or are you using “socialism “ as a scary word to freak out all the rubes who don’t even know what it means?
It doesn’t ? Then why did you mention Dems in your op. What do the Dems have to do
With Venezuela?
Socialism, which scum Dems like.

Yeah . Stuff like safety nets, mass transit , hydro dams , internet, fema help.

Those socialist devils !

Safety net = Internet? LMAO
Meanwhile, why are we the only modern country, and all the others are socialists in the modern sense,the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training for opportunity, great vacations and infrastructure and a living wage, and the rich paying more in taxes percentage wise than the rest. Look in the mirror, because only garbage propaganda and zombies like you make this possible....

#1) We have free healthcare. If you get hit by a car you will be treated whether you have insurance or not.
#2) Paid daycare is up to privately held companies. It is a privilege not a right.
#3) Cheap college is because taxes in those countries are sky high. College is too expensive but that is because the stupid Gov't keeps giving students loans of hunderds of thousands to learn useless subject matter that does not give them the tools to earn $$ to pay the tuition back.
#4) Rich pay 84% of the taxes in this country. How more should they pay?

Super Duper. You're a parasite.

1. If you get hit by a car you don’t get free healthcare . You may get treated enough to be stabilized. What about all the follow up that’s needed? Oh, and you now have a huge hospital bill that your broken ass can’t possibly pay .
Socialism, which scum Dems like.

Yeah . Stuff like safety nets, mass transit , hydro dams , internet, fema help.

Those socialist devils !

Safety net = Internet? LMAO
Meanwhile, why are we the only modern country, and all the others are socialists in the modern sense,the only modern country without Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training for opportunity, great vacations and infrastructure and a living wage, and the rich paying more in taxes percentage wise than the rest. Look in the mirror, because only garbage propaganda and zombies like you make this possible....

#1) We have free healthcare. If you get hit by a car you will be treated whether you have insurance or not.
#2) Paid daycare is up to privately held companies. It is a privilege not a right.
#3) Cheap college is because taxes in those countries are sky high. College is too expensive but that is because the stupid Gov't keeps giving students loans of hunderds of thousands to learn useless subject matter that does not give them the tools to earn $$ to pay the tuition back.
#4) Rich pay 84% of the taxes in this country. How more should they pay?

Super Duper. You're a parasite.

1. If you get hit by a car you don’t get free healthcare . You may get treated enough to be stabilized. What about all the follow up that’s needed? Oh, and you now have a huge hospital bill that your broken ass can’t possibly pay .

Broken ass? You just don’t pay it. You still got treated. Should the doctor not get paid for treating you?

Fascism for some:

You fascists are no different than the fucking commies.

We will get rid of you too.


Where is Socialism? Oh, right, in your photo above.

s h
Come on man, you and I both know Venezuela isn't really socialist. It's a dictatorship hiding behind the name.

It is a dictatorship today, it was not voted in as a dictatorship.

What was the first industry that was nationalized?

Do you know the definition of "nationalized"?

Do you know the definition of "Socialism"?

Yeah, I didn't think so.
If it was oil they are in trouble.
Iraq 1950s ??

Right on the oil industry being nationalized, wrong on the date. January 1, 1976
Thanks I was guessing.
I thought it was gov run before the CIA 50s overthrow.
I presume 70s was after we installed the shah?
Does anyone know what "fair capitalism"?

It was something thrown up by our resident Troll so my thought is that it is meaningless.
Goldwater "people are inherently greedy"
"I've got mine, screw the rest?"
Does anyone know what "fair capitalism"?

It was something thrown up by our resident Troll so my thought is that it is meaningless.
FBI said that?
Got a link?
Sweaty trey?
5 Benghazi investigations, 2 years, 12 hours grilling of Hillary.
Zero results apart from his sweating

Fascism for some:

You fascists are no different than the fucking commies.

We will get rid of you too.


Where is Socialism? Oh, right, in your photo above.

s h
Come on man, you and I both know Venezuela isn't really socialist. It's a dictatorship hiding behind the name.

It is a dictatorship today, it was not voted in as a dictatorship.

What was the first industry that was nationalized?

Do you know the definition of "nationalized"?

Do you know the definition of "Socialism"?

Yeah, I didn't think so.
If it was oil they are in trouble.
Iraq 1950s ??

Right on the oil industry being nationalized, wrong on the date. January 1, 1976
Mark meadows?
The guy who ran to trump to divulge secrets?
And what has he and you done for 911 families again?
Boy, the zero college hill hate is incredible
I presume you believe she sold uranium to the Russians?
So stupid

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