Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

. They have stacked the deck completely in favor of corporations and the wealthy.

bringing jobs back is for wealthy or workers who need jobs?? Closing borders to 30 million illegals who take worker's jobs is for wealthy?? See why they say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
And mexico was going to pay for it. Yet strangely trump keeps spending our tax dollars.

who cares!!! imagine wages increases of Trump had kicked out 30 million illegals. Libcommies didn''t care about wages and jobs so workers voted for Trump!! Getting the picture now??
B. Politicians don’t ship jobs overseas.

Yes liberal policies shipped jobs to China: highest corporate taxes in world, regulations, budget deficits, unions, idiotic trade deals.
Trump cut corporate taxes, regulation, increased deficits drastically, hurt the economy with idiotic trade war.... And he couldn't hit 3% growth...

Trump had best growth in world even with Democratic influence and is second coming compared to AOC and her Communist Revolution.

Are you a communist too??
. They have stacked the deck completely in favor of corporations and the wealthy.

bringing jobs back is for wealthy or workers who need jobs?? Closing borders to 30 million illegals who take worker's jobs is for wealthy?? See why they say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
He didn't bring jobs back bro. You live in fantasy land. Manufacturing was hurt by his policy.
B. Politicians don’t ship jobs overseas.

Yes liberal policies shipped jobs to China: highest corporate taxes in world, regulations, budget deficits, unions, idiotic trade deals.
Trump cut corporate taxes, regulation, increased deficits drastically, hurt the economy with idiotic trade war.... And he couldn't hit 3% growth...

Trump had best growth in world even with Democratic influence and is second coming compared to AOC and her Communist Revolution.

Are you a communist too??
You live in fantasy land, that is for sure....
You live in fantasy land, that is for sure....

The fantasy is that your communist revolution won't kill millons just like the others did.

Please tell us if you are a communist like AOC. Are you embarrassed to be a Democrat or something?
. They have stacked the deck completely in favor of corporations and the wealthy.

bringing jobs back is for wealthy or workers who need jobs?? Closing borders to 30 million illegals who take worker's jobs is for wealthy?? See why they say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
No but we see why you’re ignorance is so pronounced.
Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trump’s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, he’s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. “We will have it out,” Kudlow said at CPAC. “President Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called … ‘the American model of free enterprise’ will whip socialism every time.”

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and he’s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If there’s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, he’ll live with it.

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic - The Atlantic

Everyone's a Socialist in a Pandemic - The New York Times
People are dying and you can't stop the partisan bullshit for even ten seconds. Go fuck yourself.
. They have stacked the deck completely in favor of corporations and the wealthy.

bringing jobs back is for wealthy or workers who need jobs?? Closing borders to 30 million illegals who take worker's jobs is for wealthy?? See why they say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
No but we see why you’re ignorance is so pronounced.
He seems to be some sort of troll who just stupidly repeats the same BS....
I think so, but I also know that capitalism is not the solution to combat it. Trump is proving that with more big government and bailouts.

You mean like him asking for a mere $400 BIllion to be wasted and having the Dems UP that number??

What a fucking choice...

You mean like Mitch McConnell wanting MORE? I'm waiting to see how the Trump xxxxxxxx defend the upcoming auto bailout.
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I think so, but I also know that capitalism is not the solution to combat it. Trump is proving that with more big government and bailouts.

You mean like him asking for a mere $400 BIllion to be wasted and having the Dems UP that number??

What a fucking choice...

You mean like Mitch McConnell wanting MORE?

No.. I think McConnell is STRIPPING all the Dem fluff out of the numbers from the House... No matter WHO gives the bigger number -- the VAST MAJORITY of it is waste...

Instead of cutting checks and bailouts, these mental midgets (apparently that includes vast majority of Congress) should be

1) Shoring up unemployment payments and temporarily making it easier/FASTER to apply.
2) Temp opening up Food Stamps and LIHEAP.
3) Grants to NGO and non-profits for more DIRECT AND TARGETED aid..
The actual definition of socialism is basically business is regulated by the community as a whole, .

there is always some regulation but socialism is when govt owns controls manages. Huge difference.
Well, the definition is actually when the community as a whole regulates business and the mechanism of distribution.

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

However, in terms of this forum, socialism has taken on the meaning of the governments ability to redistribute wealth.
if the money had never been proposed, most capitalists would have never even thought of it.

I'm afraid that is wishful thinking given the all the previous bailouts
I was referring to the governments proposal to send everyone checks. The argument was proposed that those capitalists (right wingers) were standing there with their hands out expecting a check, I simply rebutted that, in my opinion, few with that label would expect the government to be giving then anything like that.

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