Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

Trump is using the wealth created under capitalism to deal with a crisis.

or, using it to preserve capitalism. If we let most of America's businesses go bankrupt the assets would land in the hands of courts ie libcommie govt which would have no clue what to do with them even on a good day, and would be overwhelmed for 100 years by the Corona volume.

It's far far far far better to bail them out with printed money and let capitalism prevail once the virus has diminished.

As a Libertarian I am against all government grants, subsidies, bailouts and welfare. Even when the Republicans do it.

Just like I am against the government stealing the money that productive people make and give away to the friggin welfare queens. You know, socialism.

What the President and Congress is doing now is borrowing money from future generations to solve a present problem. Just like when that asshole Obama gave all that bailout money to Wall Street.

I don't have a problem with the government managing public health issues, like closing borders. I do have a problem with the government trying to manage the economy with borrowed money.

Funny - You had ZERO problem with your Orange Overlord's 1.5 TRILLION bailout for Paris Hilton. Sad man - SAD!! :(
Trump is using the wealth created under capitalism to deal with a crisis.

or, using it to preserve capitalism. If we let most of America's businesses go bankrupt the assets would land in the hands of courts ie libcommie govt which would have no clue what to do with them even on a good day, and would be overwhelmed for 100 years by the Corona volume.

It's far far far far better to bail them out with printed money and let capitalism prevail once the virus has diminished.

As a Libertarian I am against all government grants, subsidies, bailouts and welfare. Even when the Republicans do it.

Just like I am against the government stealing the money that productive people make and give away to the friggin welfare queens. You know, socialism.

What the President and Congress is doing now is borrowing money from future generations to solve a present problem. Just like when that asshole Obama gave all that bailout money to Wall Street.

I don't have a problem with the government managing public health issues, like closing borders. I do have a problem with the government trying to manage the economy with borrowed money.

Funny - You had ZERO problem with your Orange Overlord's 1.5 TRILLION bailout for Paris Hilton. Sad man - SAD!! :(

You are confused Moon Bat.

I didn't even vote for Trump because he is a big government Liberal. You stupid Moon Bats should love him but you are too afflicted with TDS to know it.

The sad thing is how that worthless piece of shit Obama put my children and grandchildren $10 trillion in debt to bail out GM, Chrysler, Wall Street and give subsidizes to every Environmental Wacko and welfare to every Negro and Illegal that voted for Democrats, not to mention the Obamaphones.
Trump is using the wealth created under capitalism to deal with a crisis.

or, using it to preserve capitalism. If we let most of America's businesses go bankrupt the assets would land in the hands of courts ie libcommie govt which would have no clue what to do with them even on a good day, and would be overwhelmed for 100 years by the Corona volume.

It's far far far far better to bail them out with printed money and let capitalism prevail once the virus has diminished.

As a Libertarian I am against all government grants, subsidies, bailouts and welfare. Even when the Republicans do it.

Just like I am against the government stealing the money that productive people make and give away to the friggin welfare queens. You know, socialism.

What the President and Congress is doing now is borrowing money from future generations to solve a present problem. Just like when that asshole Obama gave all that bailout money to Wall Street.

I don't have a problem with the government managing public health issues, like closing borders. I do have a problem with the government trying to manage the economy with borrowed money.

Funny - You had ZERO problem with your Orange Overlord's 1.5 TRILLION bailout for Paris Hilton. Sad man - SAD!! :(

You are confused Moon Bat.

I didn't even vote for Trump because he is a big government Liberal. You stupid Moon Bats should love him but you are too afflicted with TDS to know it.

The sad thing is how that worthless piece of shit Obama put my children and grandchildren $10 trillion in debt to bail out GM, Chrysler, Wall Street and give subsidizes to every Environmental Wacko and welfare to every Negro and Illegal that voted for Democrats, not to mention the Obamaphones.
Trump is a corporate socialist. Everything he does is for the wealthy. That's not the democratic brand of socialism.
Trump is using the wealth created under capitalism to deal with a crisis.

or, using it to preserve capitalism. If we let most of America's businesses go bankrupt the assets would land in the hands of courts ie libcommie govt which would have no clue what to do with them even on a good day, and would be overwhelmed for 100 years by the Corona volume.

It's far far far far better to bail them out with printed money and let capitalism prevail once the virus has diminished.

As a Libertarian I am against all government grants, subsidies, bailouts and welfare. Even when the Republicans do it.

Just like I am against the government stealing the money that productive people make and give away to the friggin welfare queens. You know, socialism.

What the President and Congress is doing now is borrowing money from future generations to solve a present problem. Just like when that asshole Obama gave all that bailout money to Wall Street.

I don't have a problem with the government managing public health issues, like closing borders. I do have a problem with the government trying to manage the economy with borrowed money.

Funny - You had ZERO problem with your Orange Overlord's 1.5 TRILLION bailout for Paris Hilton. Sad man - SAD!! :(

You are confused Moon Bat.

I didn't even vote for Trump because he is a big government Liberal. You stupid Moon Bats should love him but you are too afflicted with TDS to know it.

The sad thing is how that worthless piece of shit Obama put my children and grandchildren $10 trillion in debt to bail out GM, Chrysler, Wall Street and give subsidizes to every Environmental Wacko and welfare to every Negro and Illegal that voted for Democrats, not to mention the Obamaphones.

I know you Flash -You're an unabashed fucking RACIST

Get Tidy Whities from Dry Cleaner yet? :)

Trump is using the wealth created under capitalism to deal with a crisis.

or, using it to preserve capitalism. If we let most of America's businesses go bankrupt the assets would land in the hands of courts ie libcommie govt which would have no clue what to do with them even on a good day, and would be overwhelmed for 100 years by the Corona volume.

It's far far far far better to bail them out with printed money and let capitalism prevail once the virus has diminished.

As a Libertarian I am against all government grants, subsidies, bailouts and welfare. Even when the Republicans do it.

Just like I am against the government stealing the money that productive people make and give away to the friggin welfare queens. You know, socialism.

What the President and Congress is doing now is borrowing money from future generations to solve a present problem. Just like when that asshole Obama gave all that bailout money to Wall Street.

I don't have a problem with the government managing public health issues, like closing borders. I do have a problem with the government trying to manage the economy with borrowed money.

Funny - You had ZERO problem with your Orange Overlord's 1.5 TRILLION bailout for Paris Hilton. Sad man - SAD!! :(

You are confused Moon Bat.

I didn't even vote for Trump because he is a big government Liberal. You stupid Moon Bats should love him but you are too afflicted with TDS to know it.

The sad thing is how that worthless piece of shit Obama put my children and grandchildren $10 trillion in debt to bail out GM, Chrysler, Wall Street and give subsidizes to every Environmental Wacko and welfare to every Negro and Illegal that voted for Democrats, not to mention the Obamaphones.
Trump is a corporate socialist. Everything he does is for the wealthy. That's not the democratic brand of socialism.

Amen! Same ole corporate socialist game: "Privatize the gains and socialize the losses."
Once again, Democratic Socialism will do the heavy lifting - while Capitalism sits on its ass and whines.
Actually, you have it backwards. Capitalism, part of which the the exchange of labor for pay, is the only reason socialism, or what people here are calling socialism, which includes redistribution of wealth, can exist.

Without capitalism, which is wage earning, entrepreneurship, private industry, and the generation of wealth, socialism has nothing as a basis.

Remember, the government does not create wealth, and it doesnt generate money. The only money the government gets is what it borrows, with interest on the backs of taxpayers, or what it takes from the people in the form of taxation.

Without people investing and building businesses, there is no means of production to be controlled by the people, unless the people want to pool their money and build businesses to be socialized. Also, there is no money for the government to redistribute.

The actual definition of socialism is basically business is regulated by the community as a whole, the problem is, that business is usually built by capitalism.
Once again, Democratic Socialism will do the heavy lifting - while Capitalism sits on its ass and whines.
Our free market medical system will do the REAL heavy lifting and develop the vaccine.

Are you saying that capitalism will do the heavy lifting? If so - I disagree.
The money they are using to usher in this temporary socialistic measure, was produced by capitalism, so, yes, capitalism will do the heavy lifting. Remember, money is generated by capitalism.
So the proposal to give every adult some $$$ is socialism? I totally disagree. Not even close...under these circumstances.

Who's paying for those checks? It's certainly not capitalists. In fact, capitalists are holding their hands out for government welfare.

Um, no, no capitalist is holding their hand out for anything. Will they take the money, absolutely, because everyone else will be taking it, if the money had never been proposed, most capitalists would have never even thought of it.

This reverse psychology you are trying to employ wont work. Think of it like this, those capitalists will accept the money for the same reason that leftists, who feel everyone should pay more in taxes for the benefit of social programs, will not voluntarily send extra money to the government.
Without capitalism, which is wage earning, entrepreneurship, private industry, and the generation of wealth, socialism has nothing as a basis.

That's a very good point! Socialists can temporarily use capitalist businesses as a cash cow for their welfare programs but soon enough the incentive to work is gone and another 150 million will slowly starve to death.

Under capitalism you say, how can I contribute to society!
Under socialism you say, how can I rip-off society.
Everything he does is for the wealthy. That's not the democratic brand of socialism.

??? Trump got elected by the working class to get their jobs back from China. The wealth were getting rich from trade with China.

Got another one backwards it seems.
Everything he does is for the wealthy. That's not the democratic brand of socialism.

??? Trump got elected by the working class to get their jobs back from China. The wealth were getting rich from trade with China.

Got another one backwards it seems.
Yeah that's what he claimed. He didn't get jobs back, his tariffs hurt manufacturing. His steel tariffs have led to layoffs. The rich have gotten very wealthy however.
"You all just got a lot richer," Trump tells friends, referencing tax overhaul - CBS News
Which liberals were those?

all of them who did and said nothing when Trump said he was going to get their jobs back!!! 1+1=2

Some names please. Do you mean politicians or business owners like your blob who have stein stuff made in China?
Trump won because virtually 100% of Democrats did not seem to care that their major constituents lost their jobs to China. Trump was all about getting their jobs back!!
Which liberals were those?

all of them who did and said nothing when Trump said he was going to get their jobs back!!! 1+1=2

Some names please. Do you mean politicians or business owners like your blob who have stein stuff made in China?
Trump won because virtually 100% of Democrats did not seem to care that their major constituents lost their jobs to China. Trump was all about getting their jobs back!!
Didn't happen.
Yeah that's what he claimed. He didn't get jobs back,s

more blacks women than ever employed in American History and lower unemployment than ever in American History constant workers participation improvements. And would have been far far better if thats possible had Dims prevented his wall!!
And all the while Democrats are libcommie anti business now proposing Green New Deal second great Depression and Communist Revolution..
Yeah that's what he claimed. He didn't get jobs back,s

more blacks women than ever employed in American History and lower unemployment than ever in American History constant workers participation improvements. And would have been far far better if thats possible had Dims prevented his wall!!
And all the while Democrats are libcommie anti business now proposing Green New Deal second great Depression and Communist Revolution..
Hate to break it to you, but unemployment was lowering for many years before trump and continued that trend. Heck it stopped getting lower under Trump. And wages have remained really weak.

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