Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

Do you prefer 45,000 dying each year for insurance company profits?
Why would people die for insurance company profits. You make no sense.
Do you prefer 45,000 dying each year for insurance company profits?
Why would people die for insurance company profits. You make no sense.
Pure total ignorance of course. What if I told you that your automobile company cares more about making money than providing you with a good automobile? The pure beauty of capitalism is that you only survive if you provide the best possible products in the entire world. A child should be able to figure this out.
That would work if there were consumer choice and the consumer were informed.
But instead, the USA ranks 37th in healthcare.

Yes, please keep trotting out debunked studies that rank our healthcare system based on how well it has incorporated socialism. That sort of circular reasoning never gets old.
debunk by whom?

How is the quality of healthcare determined? Several factors determine the level of healthcare quality in each country. These include the care process (preventative care measures, safe care, coordinated care, and engagement and patient preferences), access (affordability and timeliness), administrative efficiency, equity, and healthcare outcomes (population health, mortality amenable to healthcare, and disease-specific health outcomes).
The OP forgot one important difference.

Conservatives/Republicans would be against making the new entitlements permanent.
Then why do you tRumplings say Sander's is a socialist?

1) Because he says he is a socialist. Unlike Warren he is too stupid to lie.

2) When Warren was hot, Sanders was asked about his differences with Warren.
He said, "she believes in capitalism, I don't"
Trump is using the wealth created under capitalism to deal with a crisis.

or, using it to preserve capitalism. If we let most of America's businesses go bankrupt the assets would land in the hands of courts ie libcommie govt which would have no clue what to do with them even on a good day, and would be overwhelmed for 100 years by the Corona volume.

It's far far far far better to bail them out with printed money and let capitalism prevail once the virus has diminished.
Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trump’s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, he’s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. “We will have it out,” Kudlow said at CPAC. “President Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called … ‘the American model of free enterprise’ will whip socialism every time.”

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and he’s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If there’s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, he’ll live with it.

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic - The Atlantic

Everyone's a Socialist in a Pandemic - The New York Times
you got a trillion to throw out to help commerce stay going? just wondering.
So you think any and all government is "socialism"?

good point. Our liberals don't understand that out govt was designed to preserve and promote capitalism and accordingly it has played an active role. Socialism is when govt owns and manages businesses, something our govt has never done..
Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trump’s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, he’s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. “We will have it out,” Kudlow said at CPAC. “President Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called … ‘the American model of free enterprise’ will whip socialism every time.”

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and he’s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If there’s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, he’ll live with it.

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic - The Atlantic

Everyone's a Socialist in a Pandemic - The New York Times

Well, in Trumptardia, there is good socialism and BAD socialism.

Good would be bailing out his hotels which were failing LONG before Corona.

BAD would be giving a dime to the working class (his loyal base).

I've yet to figure out WHY blue collar America supports him.

I've yet to figure out WHY blue collar America supports him.

I'll help you. Because liberals sent all their jobs to China, attacked their families, schools and religion. This is a big day for you!

Which liberals were those?

Trump learned everything he knows from Vince McMahan.

Like in Pro Wrasslin' Donald NEEDS a "heel" to rag on - Perpetually.

Blame it on Obama .. Blame it on CHIIINA .. Blame it on the Do Nothing Dems ...

Don't matter - Give Donnie a heel and he's a happy camper!
Trump learned everything he knows from Vince McMahan.

Displaying your hate just tells us how stupid you are. Do you have a reason to disagree with Trump on substantive political issues? Why not try to come up with one and tell us what it is??
Trump learned everything he knows from Vince McMahan.

Displaying your hate just tells us how stupid you are. Do you have a reason to disagree with Trump on substantive political issues? Why not try to come up with one and tell us what it is??

Oh PLEASE - You ain't got the time and I ain't got the patience to entertain you with Donnie's 17,000 LIES. :icon_rolleyes:
Trump is using the wealth created under capitalism to deal with a crisis.

or, using it to preserve capitalism. If we let most of America's businesses go bankrupt the assets would land in the hands of courts ie libcommie govt which would have no clue what to do with them even on a good day, and would be overwhelmed for 100 years by the Corona volume.

It's far far far far better to bail them out with printed money and let capitalism prevail once the virus has diminished.

As a Libertarian I am against all government grants, subsidies, bailouts and welfare. Even when the Republicans do it.

Just like I am against the government stealing the money that productive people make and give away to the friggin welfare queens. You know, socialism.

What the President and Congress is doing now is borrowing money from future generations to solve a present problem. Just like when that asshole Obama gave all that bailout money to Wall Street.

I don't have a problem with the government managing public health issues, like closing borders. I do have a problem with the government trying to manage the economy with borrowed money.

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