Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trumpā€™s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, heā€™s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. ā€œWe will have it out,ā€ Kudlow said at CPAC. ā€œPresident Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called ā€¦ ā€˜the American model of free enterpriseā€™ will whip socialism every time.ā€

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and heā€™s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If thereā€™s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, heā€™ll live with it.

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic - The Atlantic

Everyone's a Socialist in a Pandemic - The New York Times

Wrong, doofus...he isn't taking over any industries or sectors of the economy, they are still working in the free market, you doofus....had we been a socialist country we wouldn't have the ability to fight this italy and China are showing.....

Emergency measures in the short term of a crisis isn't socialism you moron......
Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trumpā€™s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, heā€™s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. ā€œWe will have it out,ā€ Kudlow said at CPAC. ā€œPresident Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called ā€¦ ā€˜the American model of free enterpriseā€™ will whip socialism every time.ā€

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and heā€™s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If thereā€™s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, heā€™ll live with it.

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic - The Atlantic

Everyone's a Socialist in a Pandemic - The New York Times
Temporary policies adopted during a state of emergency are not "socialism"

Socialism is a permanent set-up. Leftists are going stretch crazy.

One thing Trump needs to do though (and quickly) is require housing companies to allow AUTOPAY. By not giving renter's the option of autopay, owners are forcing renter's to go out to banks, and handle large amounts of dirty dollar bills. This is a major cause of the spread of the coronavirus

Good Way To Stop Coronavirus Pandemic
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Temporary policies adopted during a state of emergency are not "socialism"

Socialism is a permanent set-up. Leftists are going stretch crazy.

One thing Trump needs to do though (and quickly) is require housing companies to allow AUTOPAY. By not giving renter's the option of autopay, owners are forcing renter's to go out to banks, and handle large amounts of dirty dollar bills. This is a major cause of the spread of the coronavirus

Good Way To Stop Coronavirus Pandemic

Have you never heard of a check?
You need to buy a dictionary. Socialism is when the government takes over businesses, nationalizes the means of production, assumes the power to determine all wages, etc., etc. Trump is doing nothing of the sort. Don't they teach basic economics on your reservation?
Then why do you tRumplings say Sander's is a socialist?
He has talked about wanting to nationalize multiple industries
Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trumpā€™s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, heā€™s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. ā€œWe will have it out,ā€ Kudlow said at CPAC. ā€œPresident Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called ā€¦ ā€˜the American model of free enterpriseā€™ will whip socialism every time.ā€

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and heā€™s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If thereā€™s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, heā€™ll live with it.

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic - The Atlantic

Everyone's a Socialist in a Pandemic - The New York Times
Temporary policies adopted during a state of emergency are not "socialism"

Socialism is a permanent set-up. Leftists are going stretch crazy.

One thing Trump needs to do though (and quickly) is require housing companies to allow AUTOPAY. By not giving renter's the option of autopay, owners are forcing renter's to go out to banks, and handle large amounts of dirty dollar bills. This is a major cause of the spread of the coronavirus

Good Way To Stop Coronavirus Pandemic
Itā€™s worse in some ways.

Privatize the profits. Socialize the losses.
. They have stacked the deck completely in favor of corporations and the wealthy.

bringing jobs back is for wealthy or workers who need jobs?? Closing borders to 30 million illegals who take worker's jobs is for wealthy?? See why they say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
No but we see why youā€™re ignorance is so pronounced.
He seems to be some sort of troll who just stupidly repeats the same BS....

Well, he has ideology and political party mixed up. He first blames the democrats so when shown statistics of Republicans governing/leading for the majority of the last 50 years...he canā€™t counter it. He comes back with some pablum about liberalism. Which is not the case to start with. But I engage and ask how liberals got their agenda through Republican White Houseā€™sā€”forcing him to concede that he thinks republican Presidents weā€™re liberalsā€”he punted and didnā€™t respond.

CEOs of organizations made the decisions to offshore jobs; the blob did it even though the cons here seldom ever admit it and when they do, they make hilarious excuses for it that always make me chuckle.

But hereā€™s the thing. CEOs, as a group, are likely the least pro-tax, pro-regulation, pro-worker rights group on the planet. These are the men sending jobs to where it maximizes profit. Very few of them are liberals. The ignorance of Conservatives in this area and pronounced ignorance of blob supporters in every area is just amusing.
I think so, but I also know that capitalism is not the solution to combat it. Trump is proving that with more big government and bailouts.

You mean like him asking for a mere $400 BIllion to be wasted and having the Dems UP that number??

What a fucking choice...
The Point is, Capitalism "died in 1929" and socialism has been bailing us out ever since.
Socialism, not free-market capitalism, will do most to help save lives and the economy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Donald Trump is running for reelection on an anti-socialist message. But the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the emptiness of ideological labels.

In Trumpā€™s case, he may try to have it both ways: using socialism as a convenient campaign slogan, while battling the coronavirus with extraordinary measures comparable to what other modern presidents have done to beat back a crisis. Critics have panned his methods so far. As infections spread, heā€™s kept up his golf outings and fundraising schedule, while downplaying a virus that could have reached his outstretched hand: At CPAC, he greeted Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, who was in contact with the infected participant.

Trumpworld would like the 2020 general election to be a referendum on socialism; the Democrats want it to be a referendum on Trump. ā€œWe will have it out,ā€ Kudlow said at CPAC. ā€œPresident Trump is more than prepared to show the world why what he called ā€¦ ā€˜the American model of free enterpriseā€™ will whip socialism every time.ā€

Trump, though, is no doctrinaire economic conservative. His political brand is rooted in personality and celebrity, and heā€™s bent on capturing a second term. If he decides that the quickest path to quashing the coronavirus is activist, interventionist government, free-market doctrine is unlikely to get in his way. If thereā€™s some dissonance in his reelection message and his practices, heā€™ll live with it.

There Are No Libertarians in an Epidemic - The Atlantic

Everyone's a Socialist in a Pandemic - The New York Times
Temporary policies adopted during a state of emergency are not "socialism"

Socialism is a permanent set-up. Leftists are going stretch crazy.

One thing Trump needs to do though (and quickly) is require housing companies to allow AUTOPAY. By not giving renter's the option of autopay, owners are forcing renter's to go out to banks, and handle large amounts of dirty dollar bills. This is a major cause of the spread of the coronavirus

Good Way To Stop Coronavirus Pandemic
It must be socialism when it is not capitalism. Right wing special pleading only appeals to ignorance.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
not sure what to make fun of you with first,,,your lack of knowledge as to what is right wing in this country or your lack of knowledge that its mostly the free market capitalism that is keeping us alive right now,,,
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

capitalist propaganda poster.jpg
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
not sure what to make fun of you with first,,,your lack of knowledge as to what is right wing in this country or your lack of knowledge that its mostly the free market capitalism that is keeping us alive right now,,,

It's not a stretch to say the right always believes capitalist programs are always better than socialist programs. I'm just asking all those people where is the capital solution to this problem.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
Capitalism has been distorted and perverted since Reagan first said "Government is the problem", which was taken as gospel.

Real capitalists have a great respect for both its strengths and weaknesses, and they realize that (a) efficient and effective controls and regulations are a critical component of capitalism, not the bane of capitalism, and (b) there are things that capitalism is simply not equipped to do on a macro scale.

The phonies have talked themselves into a corner on this, bragging about Trump's economy as government spending exploded and the NY Fed poured half a TRILLION into markets to grease the system. Now, they're looking to the government to bail us out. Again.

Not much credibility with the phonies.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

Lets score your post, LIE, LIE, LIE, and LIE. Basically your OP is complete crap. Go crawl back under your bridge lib troll. :eusa_hand:
Socialism doesnt require you to think.

I disagree, but that's not what I'm asking anyway. I'm asking for the solutions to the virus that all those thinking right wing capitalists have come up with. I haven't seen any.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

Lets score your post, LIE, LIE, LIE, and LIE. Basically your OP is complete crap. Go crawl back under your bridge lib troll. :eusa_hand:

Lie? Are you saying the right and Trump supporters don't believe socialism is always bad? What capitalist solution do you think will work best?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

What was China Government solution to contain the spread of this Virus that they allowed to get out of hand?

Lie, deny and then blame someone else?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.
not sure what to make fun of you with first,,,your lack of knowledge as to what is right wing in this country or your lack of knowledge that its mostly the free market capitalism that is keeping us alive right now,,,

It's not a stretch to say the right always believes capitalist programs are always better than socialist programs. I'm just asking all those people where is the capital solution to this problem.
you need to not only educate yourself to what is right and left in this country,,, but also look around you and see how free market capitalism has been far more benefit that any socialist system EVER COULD,,,

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