Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

What everybody who says they are socialists and what Bernie Sanders and his followers want is to be like Canada..

Please don't lie to us. When Warren was hot Sanders was asked the difference between them. He said "she believes in capitalism." Sanders was straight up commie in Socialist Workers Party and Supports Green New Deal Second Great Depression and Communist Revolution with AOC, another standard communist..
socialism is democratic accepting GOP dupe world.
"He has also defined Soviet communism as 'fake socialism', particularly because any socialism worthy of the name requires authentic democratic control of production and resources as well as public ownership.

Referring to noam Chomsky...
You're the one doing the play-by-play analysis.

dodging and running?? This is what we expect from a libcommie
While you engage in what you decry? What happened to your capitalist society? Little shaky?

And we STILL aren't engaging in "socialism", no matter how many times you try to claim any and every government function as "Socialist! See how GREAT it is?!"

Call it anything you like. What the entire world knows is your "capitalists" outsourced " capitalist jobs as well as production/manufacturing capacity/capability to communist workers and countries to avoid paying capitalist workers capitalist wages which ostensibly leads to a greater quality of life for those workers. Then the communist produced goods were/are sold back to the workers whose livelihoods were outsourced so that capital could/can enhance profit margin growth. It is what it is regardless of what we gaslightingly label it.

The entire world "knows" a lot of stuff that's bullshit, so why should this be any different?

However much you scramble for a way to make this the fault of the United States and capitalism, you're accomplishing nothing but making yourself a bigger object of ridicule than you already were, if that's possible.

The Libertarian Delusion

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe:14:.

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe

Funny quote, posted by a moron who thinks the commies were ever more efficient, more fair, or free from periodic, or constant, catastrophe.

How do you feel about your Intelligence Committee members who withheld from the public that this pandemic was coming until they could get their predatory donors informed and wrap up their insider trading?
The all-powerful government is at it again.

Government is the problem.

No, you are cucked to concentrated wealth and the entire system runs upon corruption.
Shut your fucking commie mouth.

You obviously know jack shit. You should find a good commie refuge and get the fuck out of here.

Who outsourced capitalist jobs to communists? Who outsourced production/manufacturing capacity/capability we don't have now in this crisis to communists? Who participated in the consumption of these communist produced goods?

Why that would be American capitalists.

Do you see why "capitalism" in America is a ruse now? Your "capitalist" system is turning once again to socialism as it always does when it crashes.

No, I'm afraid that no one here who isn't deliberately trying to view everything as "See why socialism is WONDERFUL?!" is seeing that socialism is wonderful.

Engaging in business transactions with people who live in a communist country does not make US socialists, nor does it make capitalism bad. Nothing about the economic system that is capitalism requires us to shun and isolate socialist/communist nations and their people. To the contrary, spreading capitalistic concepts and attitudes through financial dealings does those countries a lot of good.

And we are in no way "turning to socialism" for jack shit in this emergency, no matter HOW many times you trumpet about "Aha! Government functions equal SOCIALISM! They do, they do, they do!"

Who outsourced capitalist jobs to communists? Who outsourced production/manufacturing capacity/capability we don't have now in this crisis to communists? Who participated in the consumption of these communist produced goods?

Why that would be American capitalists.

"I'm just SURE that if I ignore the response and re-assert my position, THIS time it will magically become true!"

That's never worked for America's sloganeering, objective reality will always assert itself, your frenetic denialist caterwauling notwithstanding.

Pretty funny, coming from someone who posts in nothing but slogans and buzzwords and wouldn't know reality if it crawled up his pants leg and bit him on the left ass cheek.
Last edited:
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Since when is disaster relief "socialism"? In fact, you cant name one socialist nation that ever gave disaster relief to the people.
Capitalism crashing cyclically is not a natural disaster. Everyone knew we were overdue for another.
The market was doing awesome until the virus came along. You shouldnt talk about things you dont understand. It makes you look dumb.
Nobody argues with the fact that the rich were doing fantastic for like 30 years. Thanks GOP worst inequality and upward mobility in our history now.

The Libertarian Delusion

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe:14:.

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe

Funny quote, posted by a moron who thinks the commies were ever more efficient, more fair, or free from periodic, or constant, catastrophe.

How do you feel about your Intelligence Committee members who withheld from the public that this pandemic was coming until they could get their predatory donors informed and wrap up their insider trading?
The all-powerful government is at it again.

Government is the problem.

No, you are cucked to concentrated wealth and the entire system runs upon corruption.
Shut your fucking commie mouth.

You obviously know jack shit. You should find a good commie refuge and get the fuck out of here.

Who outsourced capitalist jobs to communists? Who outsourced production/manufacturing capacity/capability we don't have now in this crisis to communists? Who participated in the consumption of these communist produced goods?

Why that would be American capitalists.

Do you see why "capitalism" in America is a ruse now? Your "capitalist" system is turning once again to socialism as it always does when it crashes.

No, I'm afraid that no one here who isn't deliberately trying to view everything as "See why socialism is WONDERFUL?!" is seeing that socialism is wonderful.

Engaging in business transactions with people who live in a communist country does not make US socialists, nor does it make capitalism bad. Nothing about the economic system that is capitalism requires us to shun and isolate socialist/communist nations and their people. To the contrary, spreading capitalistic concepts and attitudes through financial dealings does those countries a lot of good.

And we are in no way "turning to socialism" for jack shit in this emergency, no matter HOW many times you trumpet about "Aha! Government functions equal SOCIALISM! They do, they do, they do!"

Who outsourced capitalist jobs to communists? Who outsourced production/manufacturing capacity/capability we don't have now in this crisis to communists? Who participated in the consumption of these communist produced goods?

Why that would be American capitalists.

"I'm just SURE that if I ignore the response and re-assert my position, THIS time it will magically become true!"

That's never worked for America's sloganeering, objective reality will always assert itself, your frenetic denialist caterwauling notwithstanding.

Pretty funny, coming from someone who posts in nothing but slogans a buzzwords and wouldn't know reality if it crawled up his pants leg and bit him on the left ass cheek.

So sorry you wandered out of your safe space.
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Since when is disaster relief "socialism"? In fact, you cant name one socialist nation that ever gave disaster relief to the people.
Capitalism crashing cyclically is not a natural disaster. Everyone knew we were overdue for another.
The market was doing awesome until the virus came along. You shouldnt talk about things you dont understand. It makes you look dumb.
The economists knew whether you did or not.
The economists knew about the virus before the rest of us? Prove your retarded claim.
If you were not aware nevermind, not what I said and you know so.

How's the hoax going? COVID-19 seems to like americans just fine, and americans seem to enjoy sharing it.

So was that the first bullet point on your talking points memo this week? I wonder what you'll blather with relation to abso-fucking-lutely nothing NEXT week.
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Since when is disaster relief "socialism"? In fact, you cant name one socialist nation that ever gave disaster relief to the people.
Capitalism crashing cyclically is not a natural disaster. Everyone knew we were overdue for another.
The market was doing awesome until the virus came along. You shouldnt talk about things you dont understand. It makes you look dumb.
Nobody argues with the fact that the rich were doing fantastic for like 30 years. Thanks GOP worst inequality and upward mobility in our history now.

Clinton and Obama were useless, weren't they?
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Since when is disaster relief "socialism"? In fact, you cant name one socialist nation that ever gave disaster relief to the people.
Capitalism crashing cyclically is not a natural disaster. Everyone knew we were overdue for another.
The market was doing awesome until the virus came along. You shouldnt talk about things you dont understand. It makes you look dumb.
Nobody argues with the fact that the rich were doing fantastic for like 30 years. Thanks GOP worst inequality and upward mobility in our history now.


Link takes the data to to 2018.

The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.
~Thomas Jefferson


That is one of my favorite fake Jefferson quotes!
Almost as good as his quote about the internet.

Another rapist president.
Oh, how perfect. This "muh, rapist" is the refuge of the dumb fuck communist when his ass is getting beat.

Prove it was rape or shut your fucking shit-hole mouth. His writings and last will and testament prove otherwise.

Now, let's knock off the non-sequitur and get back to the real discussion.

We will never accept your commie bullshit and we will kill all of you who try.


Got it, bitch?


That means we defeat your commie horde or die. We will defeat you envious, worthless shits by all means necessary or we will go to Odin's hall to feast, fight, and fuck for eternity. Liberty or death. Dead commies or Valhalla.

You will NEVER win.

Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Since when is disaster relief "socialism"? In fact, you cant name one socialist nation that ever gave disaster relief to the people.
Capitalism crashing cyclically is not a natural disaster. Everyone knew we were overdue for another.
The market was doing awesome until the virus came along. You shouldnt talk about things you dont understand. It makes you look dumb.
Nobody argues with the fact that the rich were doing fantastic for like 30 years. Thanks GOP worst inequality and upward mobility in our history now.

Clinton and Obama were useless, weren't they?

Our system selects for vacuous status quo vessels who will serve concentrated capital, yeah. Two of the parade.
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Since when is disaster relief "socialism"? In fact, you cant name one socialist nation that ever gave disaster relief to the people.
Capitalism crashing cyclically is not a natural disaster. Everyone knew we were overdue for another.
The market was doing awesome until the virus came along. You shouldnt talk about things you dont understand. It makes you look dumb.
Nobody argues with the fact that the rich were doing fantastic for like 30 years. Thanks GOP worst inequality and upward mobility in our history now.

Clinton and Obama were useless, weren't they?

Our system selects for vacuous status quo vessels who will serve concentrated capital, yeah. Two of the parade.

We need someone like Castro, eh comrade?
The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.
~Thomas Jefferson


That is one of my favorite fake Jefferson quotes!
Almost as good as his quote about the internet.

Another rapist president.
Oh, how perfect. This "muh, rapist" is the refuge of the dumb fuck communist when his ass is getting beat.

Prove it was rape or shut your fucking shit-hole mouth. His writings and last will and testament prove otherwise.

Now, let's knock off the non-sequitur and get back to the real discussion.

We will never accept your commie bullshit and we will kill all of you who try.


Got it, bitch?


That means we defeat your commie horde or die. We will defeat you envious, worthless shits by all means necessary or we will go to Odin's hall to feast, fight, and fuck for eternity. Liberty or death. Dead commies or Valhalla.

You will NEVER win.


Win what? Telling you about your history? See Sarah "Sally" Hemings. He also enslaved his own offspring. That's the type of "liberty" the flounders put forth.
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Since when is disaster relief "socialism"? In fact, you cant name one socialist nation that ever gave disaster relief to the people.
Capitalism crashing cyclically is not a natural disaster. Everyone knew we were overdue for another.
The market was doing awesome until the virus came along. You shouldnt talk about things you dont understand. It makes you look dumb.
Nobody argues with the fact that the rich were doing fantastic for like 30 years. Thanks GOP worst inequality and upward mobility in our history now.

Clinton and Obama were useless, weren't they?

Our system selects for vacuous status quo vessels who will serve concentrated capital, yeah. Two of the parade.

We need someone like Castro, eh comrade?

You didn't disagree, did you mean to?
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Since when is disaster relief "socialism"? In fact, you cant name one socialist nation that ever gave disaster relief to the people.
Capitalism crashing cyclically is not a natural disaster. Everyone knew we were overdue for another.
The market was doing awesome until the virus came along. You shouldnt talk about things you dont understand. It makes you look dumb.
Nobody argues with the fact that the rich were doing fantastic for like 30 years. Thanks GOP worst inequality and upward mobility in our history now.

View attachment 314363
Link takes the data to to 2018.

Productivity increases as a result of advances in technology, not workers working harder. You would be dumb enough to draw such a dumbass conclusion.

You know what causes wages to stagnate? MILLIONS if illegal workers flooding the unskilled job market. Congrats, you commie idiot. You pushed for your own demise.

Take your idiotic nonsense elsewhere, you commie fuck.

Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
Since when is disaster relief "socialism"? In fact, you cant name one socialist nation that ever gave disaster relief to the people.
Capitalism crashing cyclically is not a natural disaster. Everyone knew we were overdue for another.
The market was doing awesome until the virus came along. You shouldnt talk about things you dont understand. It makes you look dumb.
Nobody argues with the fact that the rich were doing fantastic for like 30 years. Thanks GOP worst inequality and upward mobility in our history now.

View attachment 314363
Link takes the data to to 2018.

Productivity increases as a result of advances in technology, not workers working harder. You would be dumb enough to draw such a dumbass conclusion.

You know what causes wages to stagnate? MILLIONS if illegal workers flooding the unskilled job market. Congrats, you commie idiot. You pushed for your own demise.

Take your idiotic nonsense elsewhere, you commie fuck.


I think we're all aware that only capital matters in America, people do not. Was there anything else?
Win what? Telling you about your history? See Sarah "Sally" Hemings. He also enslaved his own offspring. That's the type of "liberty" the flounders put forth.
Because they were in Virginia, a slave state, and freeing them would have opened the door for ruthless slave owners to re-enslave them, you ignorant fuck.

Do you know the missing paragraph from the Declaration of Independence? (Probably not. You're an ignorant fucktard.)

The Libertarian Delusion

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe:14:.

"In an Adam Smith world, the interplay of supply and demand yields a price that signals producers what to make and investors where to put their capital.

"The more that government interferes with this sublime discipline, the more bureaucrats deflect the market from its true path."

"The stubborn appeal of the libertarian idea persists, despite mountains of evidence that the free market is neither efficient, nor fair, nor free from periodic catastrophe

Funny quote, posted by a moron who thinks the commies were ever more efficient, more fair, or free from periodic, or constant, catastrophe.

How do you feel about your Intelligence Committee members who withheld from the public that this pandemic was coming until they could get their predatory donors informed and wrap up their insider trading?
The all-powerful government is at it again.

Government is the problem.

No, you are cucked to concentrated wealth and the entire system runs upon corruption.
Shut your fucking commie mouth.

You obviously know jack shit. You should find a good commie refuge and get the fuck out of here.

Who outsourced capitalist jobs to communists? Who outsourced production/manufacturing capacity/capability we don't have now in this crisis to communists? Who participated in the consumption of these communist produced goods?

Why that would be American capitalists.

Do you see why "capitalism" in America is a ruse now? Your "capitalist" system is turning once again to socialism as it always does when it crashes.

No, I'm afraid that no one here who isn't deliberately trying to view everything as "See why socialism is WONDERFUL?!" is seeing that socialism is wonderful.

Engaging in business transactions with people who live in a communist country does not make US socialists, nor does it make capitalism bad. Nothing about the economic system that is capitalism requires us to shun and isolate socialist/communist nations and their people. To the contrary, spreading capitalistic concepts and attitudes through financial dealings does those countries a lot of good.

And we are in no way "turning to socialism" for jack shit in this emergency, no matter HOW many times you trumpet about "Aha! Government functions equal SOCIALISM! They do, they do, they do!"

Who outsourced capitalist jobs to communists? Who outsourced production/manufacturing capacity/capability we don't have now in this crisis to communists? Who participated in the consumption of these communist produced goods?

Why that would be American capitalists.

"I'm just SURE that if I ignore the response and re-assert my position, THIS time it will magically become true!"

That's never worked for America's sloganeering, objective reality will always assert itself, your frenetic denialist caterwauling notwithstanding.

Pretty funny, coming from someone who posts in nothing but slogans a buzzwords and wouldn't know reality if it crawled up his pants leg and bit him on the left ass cheek.

So sorry you wandered out of your safe space.

So sorry you thought there was a space you could put me and be safe from hearing anything but your own opinions.

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