Socialism-the BIGGEST plight/failure to this world, EVER.

Nazis were Christian conservatives bent on carrying out Martin Luther's doctrine. They had that blessing of Pope Pius.

They were only "Socialist" in name.

I just spent the last page proving why that's not true.

I call BS, you're either just insanely stupid, or a troll.

I think Netrotsky is wearing the striped one.

MaggieMae wrote:

You are clinically a moron. I think this is one of the few times I've seen someone actually cherry pick Adolph Hitler's brain to suit his own agenda, at least on this board. The first glaring point should be what constitutes "a citizen" in this manifesto, which should be remembered as you read through all 25.
All you did was ramble on bout what constitutes a German citizen or not, you even helped my case by pointing out what else was done for the "common good"

I could further humiliate you by reminding you that Hitler, and his Germany were no Christians, as he saw himself God, and killed or jailed clergy who disagreed + oh I dunno, killing millions upon millions of Christ's people, but thanks anyway for providing further humor.

It's common knowledge that Hitler implemented those practices I mentioned, your spam doesn't change that.
bigrebnc is as big a Hitler cherry picker as Righteous 1. They are both moronic. They both believe that he was a socialist. biggie (also known as Little Saul of the The Right) got his butt kicked for the better part of two weeks on that silly issue. His own sources were shown to him demonstrating that he was wrong. He just cried, saying we were picking on him. He is a nutter.


you would agree that a Socialist or a Fascist or a Communist state are all forms of Statisim?
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Nazi Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Happy with Nazi prosperity, most Germans remained silently obedient,[original research?][when?] while political opponents, especially the Communists, Marxists, and international socialists were imprisoned; "between 1933 and 1945, more than 3 million Germans had been in concentration camps, or prison, for political reasons".[16][17][18] "Tens of thousands of Germans were killed for one or another form of resistance. Between 1933 and 1945, Sondergerichte (Nazi "special courts") killed 12,000 Germans, courts martial killed 25,000 German soldiers, and civil justice killed 40,000 Germans. Many of these Germans were part of the government, civil, or military service, a circumstance which enabled them to engage in subversion and conspiracy, while involved, marginally or significantly, in the government’s policies."[19]

.........That's your response........are you.......serious?

You think that just because Hitler had a different brand of national socialism, and imprisoned OBVIOUS threats to his power, or as he perceived anyway, that that somehow, magically disproves the archived facts I previously posted? The obvious far-left socialist ideals Hitler implemented?

Stalin had fellow commies jailed, and killed routinely too, OMG HE WAS REALLY A CAPITALIST! Quick call the Kremlin!

LOL wooooow, I think my work here is definitely done for the night.

Your "work"?? I do hope you realize you could be shot, according to the "manifesto" you believe in because posting on a message board wouldn't constitute "work" according thereto. :eusa_whistle:

Nice to see you not arguing my point, cuz you know can't.

I pwned him, I pwned that smoke and mirrors Starskey spammer, and I'll pwn you if you keep @ this.
. <snip because of the lying>

You have only humiliated yourself with your inaccurate recounting of history, your misrepresented definitions, and your outright lies.

Hitler imprisoned and killed those who disagreed with him, doofus: from communists to Christians.

Pull your head out.
bigrebnc is as big a Hitler cherry picker as Righteous 1. They are both moronic. They both believe that he was a socialist. biggie (also known as Little Saul of the The Right) got his butt kicked for the better part of two weeks on that silly issue. His own sources were shown to him demonstrating that he was wrong. He just cried, saying we were picking on him. He is a nutter.


you would agree that a Socialist or a Fascist or a Communist state are all forms of Statisim?

I would agree the U.S. owning 20% of the 1st US Bank is a form of statism by your understanding.
bigrebnc is as big a Hitler cherry picker as Righteous 1. They are both moronic. They both believe that he was a socialist. biggie (also known as Little Saul of the The Right) got his butt kicked for the better part of two weeks on that silly issue. His own sources were shown to him demonstrating that he was wrong. He just cried, saying we were picking on him. He is a nutter.


you would agree that a Socialist or a Fascist or a Communist state are all forms of Statisim?

He won't, he's either really, sadly, clueless as to what Hitler did to Germany's economy and civil rights, or is just a spammer out for lolz.

It's all common knowledge that Hitler nationalized pretty much whatever he could get his evil lil hands on, my picking out the best examples of this somehow discredit me?

LOL :lol:
bigrebnc is as big a Hitler cherry picker as Righteous 1. They are both moronic. They both believe that he was a socialist. biggie (also known as Little Saul of the The Right) got his butt kicked for the better part of two weeks on that silly issue. His own sources were shown to him demonstrating that he was wrong. He just cried, saying we were picking on him. He is a nutter.


you would agree that a Socialist or a Fascist or a Communist state are all forms of Statisim?

I would agree the U.S. owning 20% of the 1st US Bank is a form of statism by your understanding.

Nothing in my question hints to such a thing. Perhaps you are projecting again (bad habit of yours)

Your lack of a answer, however, is all the answer we need.
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. <snip because of the lying>

You have only humiliated yourself with your inaccurate recounting of history, your misrepresented definitions, and your outright lies.

Hitler imprisoned and killed those who disagreed with him, doofus: from communists to Christians.

Pull your head out.

Annnnd now the spammer has progressed to quote raping.

Are you DENYING that Hitler had dissidents imprisoned and killed?

LOL you're a joke.
What are jobs going overseas deany? Governmnet policy regardless of political stripe.

Actually no. Has there been a bill during the last two years Republicans didn't "filibuster"? There must be at least a couple, but I can't think of what it would be. In fact, they filibuster their own bills, ones they wrote. Just to try to make the Democrats look like failures. The majority sets the agenda, but 41 beats 59 every single time.

Name the Filibuster. WE will be waiting. :eusa_whistle:

"Filibustering" is now rather archaic (but with a nod to Bernie Sanders :lol:). All that's necessary is to invoke cloture to cut off debate rather than standing in one spot and bloviating for hours on end. And although both parties do it, the Republicans have taken it to a whole new level.

Senate Republicans: Filibuster everything to win in November? | McClatchy
Actually no. Has there been a bill during the last two years Republicans didn't "filibuster"? There must be at least a couple, but I can't think of what it would be. In fact, they filibuster their own bills, ones they wrote. Just to try to make the Democrats look like failures. The majority sets the agenda, but 41 beats 59 every single time.

Name the Filibuster. WE will be waiting. :eusa_whistle:

You are sitting right at a computer. Do a search on, "bills republicans have filibustered" and pick one out. What is wrong with you people?

You could start with these titles if want something a little more specific:
9/11 Health Bill Filibuster By Senate Republicans
Republicans Filibuster Defense Bill
Republicans filibuster the Anti-Outsourcing Bill

I love this one:

Six Republicans who voted for jobs bill also filibustered it

In fact, Republicans have set records for filibuster for the last four years.

They're taking the word "filibuster" and running with that, just as they take the word "Socialism" and run with that as if both mean the exact same thing they did eons ago. In other words, as usual, they don't THINK and therefore don't know any better.
That's your response? Good job, you've done NOTHING to disprove the point of my O.P., which I've stated numerous times now, it wasn't a critique on the socialist structure, but how it's killed more people than anything else.

But of you want collectivism, and wealth redistribution, be my guest. If fact, why don't you go head and donate your whole check to the federal government, or the Chi-coms....

Congratulations, you know how to use lol, you apparently need to since you're illiterate and just another dolt lefty I won't take seriously

Your plight is that you have mislabeled your OP, moron. You have provided no statistics that are verifiable. If you are going to that path of stupidity, without a doubt, my religion, Christianity, has killed far more than communism and fascism and imperialism together.

Go study how to create a thesis, moron, and then come back with one that makes sense.

Again illiterate one, mass murders thru decades by an ideology put into practice definitely works as plight. Get back on dude.

Usually, the 6 million killed by Hitler and 65 million killed by Mao is COMMON KNOWLEDGE, but I forgot who I'm talkin to lol.

20 million in the Soviet Union

65 million in the People's Republic of China

1 million in Vietnam

2 million in North Korea

2 million in Cambodia

1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe

150,000 in Latin America

1.7 million in Africa

1.5 million in Afghanistan

10,000 deaths resulting from actions of communist parties not in power (assassinations etc)

The executions of tens of thousands of hostages and prisoners, and the murder of hundreds of thousands of rebellious workers and peasants during the Russian Revolution and Civil war from 1918 to 1922

The intentional Russian and Ukrainian famine of 1921, which caused the death of 5 million people.

The extermination and deportation of the Don Cossacks in 1920

Mao's "Great Purge" and the which exterminated 690,000 people

The deportation of 2 million so-called "kulaks" from 1930 to 1932

The 2nd Intentionally-created famine of 1932AND 1933, causing th edeaths of 4 million Ukrainians (Holodomor) and 2 million others.

The deportations of Poles, Ukrainians, Balts, Moldavians and Bessarabians from 1939 to 1941 and from 1944 to 1945

The deportation of the Volga Germans in 1941

The deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1943

The deportation of the Chechens in 1944 and Wars against them in the 90's.

The deportation of the Ingush in 1944.

The Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979

Tianamen Square

The Invasion of Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968.

So far I am at approximately 94 million deaths directly attributed to the ideals and system to whoch you Liberal Democrats ascribe. Are tyou proud of yourself for electing one of them as your President in 2008?

How Many People Did Communism Kill? Lawrence Person&#039;s BattleSwarm Blog

The pathetic irony is that IF you had bothered to actually STUDY that stuff you Googled, then posted, you would know that there IS no comparison with today's "Socialist" governments either in Europe or especially the United States.


just because it is fun to get you all , in the words of Papa Obama, "wee-wee-ed up"

What political leader said:

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."

Your plight is that you have mislabeled your OP, moron. You have provided no statistics that are verifiable. If you are going to that path of stupidity, without a doubt, my religion, Christianity, has killed far more than communism and fascism and imperialism together.

Go study how to create a thesis, moron, and then come back with one that makes sense.

Again illiterate one, mass murders thru decades by an ideology put into practice definitely works as plight. Get back on dude.

Usually, the 6 million killed by Hitler and 65 million killed by Mao is COMMON KNOWLEDGE, but I forgot who I'm talkin to lol.

20 million in the Soviet Union

65 million in the People's Republic of China

1 million in Vietnam

2 million in North Korea

2 million in Cambodia

1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe

150,000 in Latin America

1.7 million in Africa

1.5 million in Afghanistan

10,000 deaths resulting from actions of communist parties not in power (assassinations etc)

The executions of tens of thousands of hostages and prisoners, and the murder of hundreds of thousands of rebellious workers and peasants during the Russian Revolution and Civil war from 1918 to 1922

The intentional Russian and Ukrainian famine of 1921, which caused the death of 5 million people.

The extermination and deportation of the Don Cossacks in 1920

Mao's "Great Purge" and the which exterminated 690,000 people

The deportation of 2 million so-called "kulaks" from 1930 to 1932

The 2nd Intentionally-created famine of 1932AND 1933, causing th edeaths of 4 million Ukrainians (Holodomor) and 2 million others.

The deportations of Poles, Ukrainians, Balts, Moldavians and Bessarabians from 1939 to 1941 and from 1944 to 1945

The deportation of the Volga Germans in 1941

The deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1943

The deportation of the Chechens in 1944 and Wars against them in the 90's.

The deportation of the Ingush in 1944.

The Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979

Tianamen Square

The Invasion of Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968.

So far I am at approximately 94 million deaths directly attributed to the ideals and system to whoch you Liberal Democrats ascribe. Are tyou proud of yourself for electing one of them as your President in 2008?

How Many People Did Communism Kill? Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog

The pathetic irony is that IF you had bothered to actually STUDY that stuff you Googled, then posted, you would know that there IS no comparison with today's "Socialist" governments either in Europe or especially the United States.

....That wasn't why I posted that.


I'm not tryna compare past socialist government, my point was simple. SAID IDEOLOGIES HAVE KILLED MORE PEOPLE THAN ANYTHING ELSE.

Stop tryna redefine my point and REEEEEEAD! I caps and bolded, can ya see it now? Or are we still illiterate?
youre confusing socialist regimes with socialist ideas. we are the US already employ many socialist ideas into our version of democracy.

Social Security
Unemployment Insurance
The School Breakfast Program
Disability Insurance
The VA

If we were to become a true "free-market" society. none of these programs would exist, and we would have to pay for all of these services.

if that be the case, are we prepared to pay for fire fighters to come to our homes if they are burning, the police to come to our businesses if someone is stealing, the jails to house the criminals of society, the primary education of all of our children?

to eliminate all social programs, would mean yes we may get to keep more of our money in our own pocket on our paycheck, but it would also mean that we would be spending 10 times that in the basic services that our tax provide for.

We do pay for all these services, why did you list all the failed programs first? You forgot that the USPS belongs with the failed services.

What's always intriguing is that those programs are only deemed "failed" by those who obviously have never had to use the benefits any one of them provide. And by adding the postal service, you make a mockery of the capitalistic premise of creating a private entity from one that was once entirely a public (government) program. So, who screwed it up?
. <snip because of the lying>

You have only humiliated yourself with your inaccurate recounting of history, your misrepresented definitions, and your outright lies.

Hitler imprisoned and killed those who disagreed with him, doofus: from communists to Christians.

Pull your head out.

Annnnd now the spammer has progressed to quote raping.

Are you DENYING that Hitler had dissidents imprisoned and killed?

LOL you're a joke.

The joke is on you, little mind. I said Hitler imprisoned from Communists to Christians. You are DENYING that I said that?

You are epic fail on this, and getting more epic with each post.

You have not proved any such OP.

You conflate socialism with communism: two different things.

You are epic fail, R1.
You have only humiliated yourself with your inaccurate recounting of history, your misrepresented definitions, and your outright lies.

Hitler imprisoned and killed those who disagreed with him, doofus: from communists to Christians.

Pull your head out.

Annnnd now the spammer has progressed to quote raping.

Are you DENYING that Hitler had dissidents imprisoned and killed?

LOL you're a joke.

The joke is on you, little mind. I said Hitler imprisoned from Communists to Christians. You are DENYING that I said that?

You are epic fail on this, and getting more epic with each post.

Then adding words like "doofus" to insinuate that what I said was somehow stupid or false, is JUST THAT, as I already said before you that HITLER HAD EVERYONE WHO DISAGREED WITH HIM IMPRISONED AND KILLED, OBVIOUSLY INCLUDING COMMUNISTS AND CHRISTIANS. I'm getting tired of humoring your spamming, feeding the trolls, humiliating you, and so on. You offer nothing of real factuality, relevance, etc.

You have one last shot to redeem yourself before I ignore you.
We do pay for all these services, why did you list all the failed programs first? You forgot that the USPS belongs with the failed services.

Social Security failed? How is that moron? They are still printing checks fool!!!!!


There was a trust fund set up for social security that was to be used for social security, the government spent that money, they now borrow money to pay the people on social security.

I thought this was common knowledge.

It is "common" knowledge because of people like you who spread around the misinformation. The Trust Fund is secure for at least another 30 years, and by some calculations for the next 75 years. There was only once that the SS Trust Fund was raided, and that was in 1982.

Trust Fund FAQs

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