Socialism-the BIGGEST plight/failure to this world, EVER.


You have not proved any such OP.

You conflate socialism with communism: two different things.

You are epic fail, R1.

I proved 94 million and counting, thank you for telling the entire forum that JAKESTARKEY CAN'T DO SIMPLE MATH.:lol::lol::lol:

I also said all FAR-LEFT IDEOLOGIES AND THE RELATED, that encompasses everything from socialism, communism, collectivism, etc. NOW'S WHO CHEERY PICKING IMBECILE?

LOL seriously dude, pack it up, you're a bad joke.
bigrebnc is as big a Hitler cherry picker as Righteous 1. They are both moronic. They both believe that he was a socialist. biggie (also known as Little Saul of the The Right) got his butt kicked for the better part of two weeks on that silly issue. His own sources were shown to him demonstrating that he was wrong. He just cried, saying we were picking on him. He is a nutter.


you would agree that a Socialist or a Fascist or a Communist state are all forms of Statisim?

He won't, he's either really, sadly, clueless as to what Hitler did to Germany's economy and civil rights, or is just a spammer out for lolz.

It's all common knowledge that Hitler nationalized pretty much whatever he could get his evil lil hands on, my picking out the best examples of this somehow discredit me?

LOL :lol:

You are talking out your ass. Go study history, man, and stop keep revealing yourself as foolish and stupid as bigrebnc.

you would agree that a Socialist or a Fascist or a Communist state are all forms of Statisim?

I would agree the U.S. owning 20% of the 1st US Bank is a form of statism by your understanding.

Nothing in my question hints to such a thing. Perhaps you are projecting again (bad habit of yours)

Your lack of a answer, however, is all the answer we need.

Rationally extending your logic is not projection at all. Sorry if you did not see the hole in front of your walk.

Now are you suggesting that any kind of government control is statism? Do I understand you correctly.


just because it is fun to get you all , in the words of Papa Obama, "wee-wee-ed up"

What political leader said:

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."


Tell us if that leader nationalized the production and means of industry, neo. I will be waiting.

you would agree that a Socialist or a Fascist or a Communist state are all forms of Statisim?

He won't, he's either really, sadly, clueless as to what Hitler did to Germany's economy and civil rights, or is just a spammer out for lolz.

It's all common knowledge that Hitler nationalized pretty much whatever he could get his evil lil hands on, my picking out the best examples of this somehow discredit me?

LOL :lol:

You are talking out your ass. Go study history, man, and stop keep revealing yourself as foolish and stupid as bigrebnc.

Annnnd the spammer troll doesn't argue my point, just resorts to petty name calling.

Give it up loser, the forum can see how retarded and petty you DO know these are public forums right?

LOL a question I needed to ask, can't put anything past this wacko dunce after he's revealed his flat IQ lol.
Annnnd now the spammer has progressed to quote raping.

Are you DENYING that Hitler had dissidents imprisoned and killed?

LOL you're a joke.

The joke is on you, little mind. I said Hitler imprisoned from Communists to Christians. You are DENYING that I said that?

You are epic fail on this, and getting more epic with each post.

Then adding words like "doofus" to insinuate that what I said was somehow stupid or false, is JUST THAT, as I already said before you that HITLER HAD EVERYONE WHO DISAGREED WITH HIM IMPRISONED AND KILLED, OBVIOUSLY INCLUDING COMMUNISTS AND CHRISTIANS. I'm getting tired of humoring your spamming, feeding the trolls, humiliating you, and so on. You offer nothing of real factuality, relevance, etc.

You have one last shot to redeem yourself before I ignore you.

Thank you for finally agreeing me with. If I upset you that badly, then you can run away just like Big Fitz did on my two departing words: buy bye.
There was a trust fund set up for social security that was to be used for social security, the government spent that money, they now borrow money to pay the people on social security.

I thought this was common knowledge.

That doesn't mean SS failed. The people are still getting SS checks and cost of living increases. It probably isn't common knowledge because it is still deducted out of pay checks. So where is that money going?

It means exactly that, its failed, when you overdraw your bank account do you tell your friends you successfully saved for the future.

You are a complete idiot and exactly the reason we have even stupider politicians.

You're completely wrong on this particular issue, so who's more stupid? The ones who know the facts or the one who doesn't bother to make sure his assertions are accurate BEFORE he posts something factually incorrect?


just because it is fun to get you all , in the words of Papa Obama, "wee-wee-ed up"

What political leader said:

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."


THANK YOU.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

You found it, I couldn't find the actual Manifesto on Google links, just the points.

Hitler did exactly that. It's beyond delusional, ignorant, and pathetic that Starkey troll, and his lot even try to argue this.

You have not proved any such OP.

You conflate socialism with communism: two different things.

You are epic fail, R1.

Jake they may different in terms of their use...Indeed, according to the "Father" of Communism, socialism is a necessary "step" to communism

According to Marx ( who have heard of him right)

Marx said , since socialism, the first stage of communism, would be "in every respect, economically, morally, and intellectually, still stamped with the birthmarks of the old society from whose womb it emerges", each worker would naturally expect to be awarded according to the amount of labor he contributes, despite the fact that each worker's ability and family circumstances would differ, so that the results would still be unequal at this stage

According to Lenin:

Lenin divided communism, the period following the overthrow of capitalism, into two stages: first socialism, and then later, once the last vestiges of the old capitalist ways have withered away, stateless communism or pure communism.

So under appears that Socialism is nothing more than a transitional stage to the Utopia of Communism.

You do know that even the Soviets would have told you that they were in their "socialist state" while evolving into a Communist State's_theory_of_history#cite_note-3Perhaps, you think socialism is something different

You have not proved any such OP.

You conflate socialism with communism: two different things.

You are epic fail, R1.

Jake they may different in terms of their use...Indeed, according to the "Father" of Communism, socialism is a necessary "step" to communism

According to Marx ( who have heard of him right)

Marx said , since socialism, the first stage of communism, would be "in every respect, economically, morally, and intellectually, still stamped with the birthmarks of the old society from whose womb it emerges", each worker would naturally expect to be awarded according to the amount of labor he contributes, despite the fact that each worker's ability and family circumstances would differ, so that the results would still be unequal at this stage

According to Lenin:

Lenin divided communism, the period following the overthrow of capitalism, into two stages: first socialism, and then later, once the last vestiges of the old capitalist ways have withered away, stateless communism or pure communism.

So under appears that Socialism is nothing more than a transitional stage to the Utopia of Communism.

You do know that even the Soviets would have told you that they were in their "socialist state" while evolving into a Communist State's_theory_of_history#cite_note-3Perhaps, you think socialism is something different

So it appears you have stopped reading and thinking. JBeukema will correct you.

Guys, you can't have it both ways.

just because it is fun to get you all , in the words of Papa Obama, "wee-wee-ed up"

What political leader said:

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."


Tell us if that leader nationalized the production and means of industry, neo. I will be waiting.

Well you have to say who the leader is first
that's the way this game is played
bigrebnc is as big a Hitler cherry picker as Righteous 1. They are both moronic. They both believe that he was a socialist. biggie (also known as Little Saul of the The Right) got his butt kicked for the better part of two weeks on that silly issue. His own sources were shown to him demonstrating that he was wrong. He just cried, saying we were picking on him. He is a nutter.

Yeah, I know. I can't believe I just wasted all my allotted time on this silly subject.


just because it is fun to get you all , in the words of Papa Obama, "wee-wee-ed up"

What political leader said:

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."


THANK YOU.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

You found it, I couldn't find the actual Manifesto on Google links, just the points.

Hitler did exactly that. It's beyond delusional, ignorant, and pathetic that Starkey troll, and his lot even try to argue this.

You are being a doofus again. You have already admitted that you lied about my statement concerning who Hitler imprison and killed.

Now try to man up and tell us if Hitler nationalized industry.

just because it is fun to get you all , in the words of Papa Obama, "wee-wee-ed up"

What political leader said:

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."


Tell us if that leader nationalized the production and means of industry, neo. I will be waiting.

Well you have to say who the leader is first
that's the way this game is played

You posted the statement. Identify the speaker. That's only honest.

just because it is fun to get you all , in the words of Papa Obama, "wee-wee-ed up"

What political leader said:

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."


Tell us if that leader nationalized the production and means of industry, neo. I will be waiting.

Well you have to say who the leader is first
that's the way this game is played

LOL he might not even tho, JakeStarkey can't even do simple math for crying out loud, he's a spammer troll.

He needs to take medicine, as does anyone who would so crazily try to alter history to fit their laughable POV.

You have not proved any such OP.

You conflate socialism with communism: two different things.

You are epic fail, R1.

Jake they may different in terms of their use...Indeed, according to the "Father" of Communism, socialism is a necessary "step" to communism

According to Marx ( who have heard of him right)
Marx said , since socialism, the first stage of communism, would be "in every respect, economically, morally, and intellectually, still stamped with the birthmarks of the old society from whose womb it emerges", each worker would naturally expect to be awarded according to the amount of labor he contributes, despite the fact that each worker's ability and family circumstances would differ, so that the results would still be unequal at this stage
According to Lenin:
Lenin divided communism, the period following the overthrow of capitalism, into two stages: first socialism, and then later, once the last vestiges of the old capitalist ways have withered away, stateless communism or pure communism.

So under appears that Socialism is nothing more than a transitional stage to the Utopia of Communism.

You do know that even the Soviets would have told you that they were in their "socialist state" while evolving into a Communist StatePerhaps, you think socialism is something different

So it appears you have stopped reading and thinking. JBeukema will correct you.

Guys, you can't have it both ways.


to be honest, I have not read all the posts in this thread ( who has the time)

Perhaps, you have clearly defined socialism to some new meaning outside the interpretations of Marx and Lenin

Please, so we can all learn from you

state what YOU feel the real is the real meaning of socialism...
Tell us if that leader nationalized the production and means of industry, neo. I will be waiting.

Well you have to say who the leader is first
that's the way this game is played

LOL he might not even tho, JakeStarkey can't even do simple math for crying out loud, he's a spammer troll.

He needs to take medicine, as does anyone who would so crazily try to alter history to fit their laughable POV.

:lol: OK, the guy who kicks your ass in debate here is a "spammer troll". Go look up the definitions for both of those terms. You are such a doofus.

just because it is fun to get you all , in the words of Papa Obama, "wee-wee-ed up"

What political leader said:

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions."


THANK YOU.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

You found it, I couldn't find the actual Manifesto on Google links, just the points.

Hitler did exactly that. It's beyond delusional, ignorant, and pathetic that Starkey troll, and his lot even try to argue this.

You are being a doofus again. You have already admitted that you lied about my statement concerning who Hitler imprison and killed.

Now try to man up and tell us if Hitler nationalized industry.

I said that 1st as I pointed out, hence why I said you were insinuating, calling ME a doofus, as I made that factual assertion 1st.

Done embarrassing yourself yet?
Jake they may different in terms of their use...Indeed, according to the "Father" of Communism, socialism is a necessary "step" to communism

According to Marx ( who have heard of him right)
Marx said , since socialism, the first stage of communism, would be "in every respect, economically, morally, and intellectually, still stamped with the birthmarks of the old society from whose womb it emerges", each worker would naturally expect to be awarded according to the amount of labor he contributes, despite the fact that each worker's ability and family circumstances would differ, so that the results would still be unequal at this stage
According to Lenin:
Lenin divided communism, the period following the overthrow of capitalism, into two stages: first socialism, and then later, once the last vestiges of the old capitalist ways have withered away, stateless communism or pure communism.

So under appears that Socialism is nothing more than a transitional stage to the Utopia of Communism.

You do know that even the Soviets would have told you that they were in their "socialist state" while evolving into a Communist StatePerhaps, you think socialism is something different

So it appears you have stopped reading and thinking. JBeukema will correct you.

Guys, you can't have it both ways.


to be honest, I have not read all the posts in this thread ( who has the time)

Perhaps, you have clearly defined socialism to some new meaning outside the interpretations of Marx and Lenin

Please, so we can all learn from you

state what YOU feel the real is the real meaning of socialism...

I have given the classic definition of "social democracy" and "socialism" in the pages. Go find them and see if you disagree.

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